Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: pokemon horror story
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Pages: 1 2
If you are under ten dont read this. This will be a very scary story. I will co-write with Terraplant. Here goes nothing.

Chapter one,
The big boss a Gangar sent 2 pokemon out to kill every pokemon out to the world. They are Gallade and Houndoom, They happily accepted the task. When they got out of the building they were talking about which pokemon to kill first. They dicided on a easy task a caterpie. They went to a forest and found a perfect first target
"Perfect pokemon to kill first," Gallade said. They played rock,paper,scissors and Gallade won. Galade pulled out his sword and chopped the caterpie in half with blood coming out every opening there was.
"Good kill, I get the next one," Houndoom said. the next pokemon they kill is up to Terraplant.
FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR too short. I knew this would happen, I just knew it! Terraplant, it's up to you to make a decent length chapter
oh my.....poor caterpie.....i'll kill gallade heheheh
How if you do ill talk to Terraplant about killing furry. Smile
Furry is strong but there are other 5 pokemon to help her:luxray,umbreon,empoleon,flygon and espeon.who can deal with them???
Lets see an organization or 5 pokemon. I think the organization will win.
what's the organisation??????
First of all organiZation no s and second of all the organization of the assains or however you spell it.
i don't know what that is but my pokemon rule!!!
people who kill other people for a living
You mean pokemon who kill pokemon for a living
yes i do mean that
It's spelled assassins stupid
oh thanks for telling my that
Pages: 1 2
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