Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: An introduction (And what's your story?)
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I got into Pokemon back in Elementary school when it just came out. I used to wake up every Saturday morning to watch Pokemon with my two sisters. I think my sister was the first one to get us all into it, but she was also the first one to lose interest. Now she's the kind of prick who pokes fun at anyone for liking it.

One of the main reasons I like it now is for the nostalgia. But it's not as popular as it used to be. I miss the days when I could go out and trade cards with all my buddies. Eventually Yu-Gi-Oh came along and stole the show, but that whole thing wasn't as much fun. It was just too simple. You bring a card out and whoevers is highest wins. And all the monsters are just holograms coming from cards.. I had a lot of the cards before I went back to Pokemon, because even after collecting over 700 Yu-Gi-Oh cards I realized it wasn't nearly as fun as Pokemon was. I traded away my Yu-Gi-Oh (God that's a pest to type) for Pokemon cards, but later lost interest and sold them because there was no one to do anything with except my sister.

Now I'm back into it and I bought a bunch of cards on eBay. They're all in my closet, I don't really plan on selling them. I'm trying to keep up with the anime by downloading the seasons, but they're very very hard to find, at least with seeds. I'd buy the DVDs but I don't have enough money. I'd watch it on TV but we don't have any good cartoon channels anymore. So I'm still on Season #1 and just hoping I can catch up with the current season, but I highly doubt that'll ever happen.

Anyway, I found this website on a Google image search of "legendary pokemon" to see which ones are legendary these days. It was just curiosity, really, but I ended up at this website. I'm a web programmer/designer, so it was nice to stumble upon such a nicely-designed website with so much content. I hope this place gets more active, and I hope to enjoy my stay. You guys got any stories to tell?
So, I'm the first one (after mynimal, of course) to write here...
OK, here's my story:
Once upon a time...Toungue I'm kidding! OK:
Seven years ago, I was drawing a baloon in my notebook (I always liked to draw) when a boy noticed and asked me:
- Is it the Meowth baloon?
I didn't understand what he meant. Some time after, I listened all the boys talking about pokémon. I hadn't many friends there, so I decided to watch this for having something to talk about with the others.
Unfortunately, pokémon was passing on TV at the same time I was in school. So, I asked my mom to record for me.
When I watched it, I liked a lot. Later, I saw some boys playing pokémon in school. So I asked my dad to buy a gameboy and a cartridge for me, too. I was given them in christmas, but, one year later, somebody robbed them in school, and I've never seen them again...Sad I was very sad.
After two years, I think, my dad bought another gameboy (this time, a color one) and a yellow version.
But I'm really unlucky - after a little time, it was released Gold/Silver! So I couldn't play with my friends again. (They wasn't interested in trading, only in battling with their Ho-ohs, Lugias, Mewtwos and other legendaries)
When I finally got a crystal version, 2 or 3 years ago, almost nobody was playing pokémon, and a little later, ruby and sapphire was released! I really like pokémon, but after finishing the game, it isn't nice anymore, if you can't play with others.
Last year, my little brother was given a gba SP and I, a LG version. Since there, I'm playing and preparing to do something I always wanted to do: to play with a lot of people. I will go to a tournament in two weeks, and this will be a dream coming true. I wonder what would happen if I beat everybody, even the local E4...Big Grin
Since I was 10, I wanted to be a gym leader, or a member of E4. Who knows I'll be one of them soon?
I really hope I can have fun there, 'cause soon D&P will be released and I won't be able to play pokémon again...
Yeah, I think Pokemon is the funnest when you have people to enjoy it with. No-one really likes Pokemon anymore unfortunately. I kind of lost contact with most of my friends, most went to another high school. Some live a couple houses away from me but we still never talk. :/ So how old are you now?
Why don't you see my profile?Wink I'm kidding. I'm 16.
Why don't you do your profile, too? So I could know this too.
Which country are you from?
Hrm, I thought I already filled mine out. Must have been on another forum. I'll fill mine out then. Toungue

I'm 15, just turned on June 3rd. I live in the US (Indiana, specifically).
Won't anybody else write his/her story here??
i first got into pokemon when it came out. i really can't remember what year and how old i was.i think i was around 5 or 6. Anyways when i saw the commercial for the show, i decided to watch it. it was thw best thing i ever saw( at the time) i didn't like how pikachu wouldn't listen to ash but i kept on watching.
I believe i was 7 when i got my first game, Yellow, and a gameboy color. i play it day and night. it was the thing missing from my life the whole time.then, when i went to stay with my aunt in Florida, i made a lot of friends at my aunts church. One liked my game and knew i was going to leave soon, and that was the last day of the week that we would go to church. I was gullible back then( weren't we all) so i let him borrow it for a while in exchange for mario brothers. Then, without my yellow, i was driven back home. last i would see of it.
When Crystal came out, i got it. It was better that yellow: graphics, pokemon, story line, you name it. The only problem was that all my friends had GS, so they could clone their pokemon. I was mad that the people at nintendo fixed it, but i got over it and it lead me to have never use any cheating device or in game glitch. Besides, i beat the game before them.
Then came RS. Oh that RS was great. Unfortunately, i was still stuck with crystal while all my friends had RS. Then on my birth day, my mom took me out to buy RS. I bought Sapphire, due to the fact that Blue was my favorite color and red was my least. So i got my friends to help me out and they let me catch up before they started playing. But when i caught up, i had 2x as many pokemon they did, so they got mad and tried to rush through, losing to the pokemon league many times. I beat the pokemon league first and then when we all finished, we went to see who could get all the in game legis (yes, legis) first. We all had sapphire, except a girl named Hannah. The whole group was i, hannah, micheal M, micheal D, micheal r, sean, and patrick. anyways, we all got rayquaza first. then things got fiesty. we split into groups.Hannah & i, The micheals, sean & patrick. Hannah & i progressed the fastest but when we got to regice we yelled over how to get in. of course i got in first and captured it first. i also got latias before they did.
then i got leaf green. we had all left the after school care we stayed at in elementary and went to middle school. Me and micheal m were the only ones who stayed in the area, but the next year hannah came. we never communicated though.
I had made a new friend, though and we went through the same thing, except we never fought over it. we eventually got into a fight at the end of the school year. Sad we were like brothers.this was in the sixth grade. In the seventh grade they were real hard on those who liked pokemon, so i kept it a secret, even from my best friends. I nearly got caught. on and early release day i brought my ds to school. my friend was watching me play when he saw the green game in the game boy socket. he said" whats that game". i said i cant remember.he said" take it out" i said it never works if i do take it out". then came the question:" is that a pokemon game?" Uh-oh.i said " Uh-no." I was known for the one who was mean and could stab you with a fork in a second. i also had a significant face that ment " be afraid. be very afraid." i did that face. he aint say nothing.
Thats like the last thing on my journey with pokemon.
You don't need to be shy about liking pokémon - everybody in my school found out this year that I like. They bothered me a little, but 'cause I ignored, they stopped. And look - it's my last year in school.
(Sorry if it was confusing, some english words I still don't know)
i know but its just that in my school, like i said, pokemon was taken very seriously. you could get beat up for that, expecially with all the black and mexican gangs in my school. Race is handled different in my state. if you went to my school for a day and talked about pokemon, you would definitely go home beat up
Hum... Sorry, I never thought about it, 'cause I doesn't exist in my country. Only 'cause you like something that the others don't isn't a reason for beating somebody! It's so bad...
trust me. i have seen it happen. if you have the courage to beat up a teacher or stab someone in the back of the head, you have the courage to beat up a pokemon lover.
this is the deal: you go to school with your favorite pokemon game. you start playing after you finish you test and someone says' what ya playin?' you say ' pokemon. its really fun. want a try?' they say 'no thanks'. the next day, you ask someone what the hw was.................waiting..................still waiting.........no answer. the person from day one told somone who told someone who told someone and so on. now you have to be shadowed out by all the non pokemon players. all alone and quite, crying when you get home b/c you have no friends. all alone all the way through grade school. you have to redeem yourself: get the most populer porson in school to come over and watch you through away all of you pokemon games. you give up the love of your life, just for some friends. its hard giving it up,but you could be lonely until you get friends who like you for you. who look for the best qualities in a friend: loyalty, respect, and honesty. noone who likes you b/c you dont like pokemon anymore. trust me. i know.it happened when i stabbed my best friend, the same who asked if it was a pokemon game, with a fork. i thought i was the worst friend ever. but that made us like brothers. even though we had disagreements, and even cursed each other out in foreign laguages, we were always friends. when i told him i play pokemon(" i did after i got some encouragement from a website) he vowed never to tell anyone as long as we went to the same school and rode the same bus. you really have no idea how it is to be a pokemon trainer in my state. i live in the ATL.
I didn't know that, too. It's odd, to me - it never happened to me. Some people here may be mean if they know I like pokémon, but things like these... I've never seen before.
But it may be 'cause I've earned everybody's respect - I'm one of the most intelligent people in my class, so I help everyone. I'm not mean to anybody and I'm always away from problems...

Sorry for my ignorance, but what means "ATL"? (I live in São Paulo, Brazil)
im also one of the most intelligent in my class. atl means Atlanta, Georgia.
hmm.... i wonder what happened to mynimal.
Yes... He desappeared... Did he try to look into Dusclops' mouth? Wink
(If you don't understand this joke, remember that Dusclops' mouth is a black hole...)
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