So,what do you think?I believe it's cobalion.This pokemon is freaking great!
Zekrom and Victini ftw!!!
Don't know about zekrom,I have black.But really why victini?I mean,has a couple of good attacks and it really helped me in 3rd gym but nothing else.It's like a better version of jirachi.
It's cute

And it's a quite epic typing. Fire/Psychic.
(22-03-2011 08:29 PM)pekinoua Wrote: [ -> ]Zekrom and Victini ftw!!!
why do i have to agree with you every time???
Well i think that reshiram is great(its the reason i chose to buy black).genesect is really awesome too(bugs are my favorite

Genesect is cool too. I forgot it

I like Reshiram the most but I havent yet checked that legendary bug yet.
But I think the two legendary dragons are by far the most awesome.
I must admit, I believe it's Cobalion.
All the other ones just got boxed.
I probably traded them for slowpoke by "accident" too

Have they even been released? It's just a bug

Genosect is AWESOME its a bug hunter with a gun on its back for petes sake the only thing to make it MORE AWESOME IF IT ATE COOKIES

If the genies were 1 pokemon,it would be awesome. Now,they just yell "THE CREATORS GOT BORED". So their spot is taken by Zekrom (Black Colour + Electricity = Awesome) Genesect (Bug + Cannon = Awesome) Meloetta (Beautiful cry) and the 4 Musketeers.