rrrrreeeeeeeeeesssssssshhhhiiiiiiram ia the best
Meloetta seems very cool though it is not available

If the question goes for Strength then i'll go with Zekrom/Reshiram.

I really like Reshiram though maybe it's because i don't have him..xD
By far, Zekrom. Also, maybe Keldeo. I didn't like the others.
I never thought i'd ever say this since i don't really like grass and fighting types at all , but for some reason i really like Virizion. And Victini. i also like kyurem as well (although it's an ice type) but i'll have to say virizion is my favorite of the 3.
im kinda torn between reshi, zekei and victini!! they are all pretty awesome
Terrakion hands down. Cobaleon is cool, too.
Its awesomeness also explains why it became Uber on Smogon... competitively saying
Genesect is also pretty cool, but yet unreleased :/
So... Now, I believe that Genesect, Zekrom and Black Kyurem are the best. If I had to choose one of them, I think that I would prefer Zekrom. Unfortunately, Kyurem is very ugly, and althought some of Black Kyurem's characteristics are great(like its assymetry or these "tubes"), it's somewhat ugly. At least not as bad as the chicken legendary Pokemon, White Kyurem
I'd love to see more of the Kyurem forms, the alternative forms of the Raijin Trio and of course Genesect. I hope that Genesect has some background story.
Technically, Victini isn't REALLY a legendary Pokemon. It's just rare, like Zoura or Snorlax.
Victini (In response to pokeguy7777) First I will annoy you with my V-Wheeeeeeeel and pose
then I will use V-Create on you!
Actually, according to
http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/legendary.shtml Victini IS a legendary Pokemon!!! It's also the best in Unova!
You say legendary pokemon. If so then Unova's best Legendary is, without a doubt........
Meloetta is the best legendary pokemon from Unova. Relic Song is pretty cool move!