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(14-06-2011 11:07 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]That is true. While conceptually it makes sense, on a mathematical basis it doesn't work. If anything divided by zero makes infinity, then what is infinity multiplied by zero? Well, since anything multiplied by zero is zero, its the same thing with infinity. Let me graph it.

1/0 = infinity
infinity x 0 = 0

See? While it is conceptually possible, on a mathematical basis it contradicts itself. There is another problem I will graph.

1/0 = infinity
2/0 = infinity
1 = 2

Thus division by zero can't make infinity because it contradicts itself in many ways. It also can't make zero, because you can't multiply zero by zero to get your number again. So either path will end up messing up all sense of logic to the point of 2 + 2 equaling 10.

Actually 2 + 2 = 10 in base 4.
@Giratina: Infinity doesn't equal infinity on your last example.
And that's another thing. Is infinity a set thing, or is it some kind of theory that we can't comprehend?
Just some thing to say about this Infinity stuff... it´s much like something like the complex numbers. You know, like the square root of -1.

@Giratina88, I said once and I´ll say it again. Infinity x 0 is not equal to 0. Infinity x 0 is equal to anything, so we can´t know its results.
Also, about this division by zero stuff, I thought something else.

Consider these:

0*2=0 <=> 0/0=2

0*3=0 <=> 0/0=3

Which means that it is possible only if you divide zero by itself and it results anything. But it mustn't be correct since in algebra a/a=1. Maybe there's an exception? Maybe I am missing something.
The most complex math I've taken is Trigonometry.

(29-06-2011 03:12 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]Also, about this division by zero stuff, I thought something else.

Consider these:

0*2=0 <=> 0/0=2

0*3=0 <=> 0/0=3

Which means that it is possible only if you divide zero by itself and it results anything. But it mustn't be correct since in algebra a/a=1. Maybe there's an exception? Maybe I am missing something.

I can't believe I did post that about 2 years ago. And now that I have studied more about limits I see that I though some of it correctly. 0/0 is indeed not defined exactly because it gives every possible result, olnly in limits of course. I really like mathematical logic, the way of thinking and all this stuff but what I hate is that we are being graded on our abilities to solve exercises and pointless problems. Anyway, I still love maths.

(29-04-2013 04:42 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]The most complex math I've taken is Trigonometry.


I never liked trigonometry much, mostly because I never studied it carefuly. And now, I need trigonometry in physics and I have some minor problems.

And Alaudo, I now see what you were trying to explain. I know that you probably won't see this but you were correct and I was being a bit arrogant. But at least I tried to explain what I didn't know using my limited knowledge and simple logic. It wasn't that bad, was it?
When you divide by zero, worlds explode, galaxies glitch out and My Little Ponies fall from the sky.

Think of it this way:
Infinity is not a number, as any number can be increased in magnitude. Infinity is the largest possible number, like the amount of space in the Universe in cubic nanometers. Since infinity is a condition of being infinite, it cannot be a number, at least in the way we deem comprehensible.
When you have ten Pokemon, you have to put four in your PC, so you can legally have ten Pokemon. Now, let's say a virus sweeps the PC system, and all boxes are shut down. There are zero boxes to put your Pokemon in. However, you still have ten Pokemon, four of which are in a Box. But there are no boxes! This is four divided by zero. Do you see what kind of warping and glitching would be needed to successfully divide by zero? This is why most mathematicians either throw in the towel and give up, or lose their minds trying to figure this out.
(30-04-2013 01:12 AM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]When you divide by zero, worlds explode, galaxies glitch out and My Little Ponies fall from the sky.

Think of it this way:
Infinity is not a number, as any number can be increased in magnitude. Infinity is the largest possible number, like the amount of space in the Universe in cubic millimeters. Since infinity is a condition of being infinite, it cannot be a number, at least in the way we deem comprehensible.
When you have ten Pokemon, you have to put four in your PC, so you can legally have ten Pokemon. Now, let's say a virus sweeps the PC system, and all boxes are shut down. There are zero boxes to put your Pokemon in. However, you still have ten Pokemon, four of which are in a Box. But there are no boxes! This is four divided by zero. Do you see what kind of warping and glitching would be needed to successfully divide by zero? This is why most mathematicians either throw in the towel and give up, or lose their minds trying to figure this out.

We have thought it in many ways but it's just pointless. It's not like you can't divide by zero, there just isn't a point in it. And there isn't any amazing mystery behind, it is just something that you can't do. There is much more interesting and exciting stuff in maths, this is just what everybody knows as impossible.

I admit that I was also very excited about it a couple of years ago but turns out it's quite simple.
Yeah, I know...
But I just wanted to say something about division by zero. Big Grin
[Image: divide3.jpg]
This is not mine, I found it off the internet.
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