Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Arcania Region Adventure!
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First i need people to volunteer to be:
x8 gym leaders
x4 elite four
x1 rival
x2 companion
tell me name gender personality and which type you prefer
i'll tell you when there are extra jobs
Can you explain what you want to do ?:S
Today was the day Andrew would get his first pokemon, but his dad was not home yet. 5 seconds 12 people with different uniforms came in. 8 people had belts that were different colors for example the toughest looking one's belt was purple. The other four people were really tough(bet you know who my dad is!).
-Andrew I'm sorry to tell you this. One of the 8 people said. But your father was killed by a tyranitar.
-No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't believe it yelled Andrew.
-well, we found a box that says save for Andrew. said another one of the 8 people.
When he opened the box, he found a Pokeball and when he clicked it out came a...
ill put you in my story
im leaving you guys in suspense right
i want to be the rival
name tai type fire
and as a rival i am .......think......whatever you want.i just want to be in the pkm leuge
you can only be the rival
ok and i want plz a starter[if you put starters]which wont be chimchar and torchik[i hate them]
a turtwig?!
Turt! yelled turtwig
I'll train you later on o.k. buddy. I said
During breakfast my mother was crying in her bedroom so I thought i should go train Torty (turtwig's new nickname). When I left my house I heard a familiar voice yell: Hey Andrew!
I realized it was Tai my worst enemy.
What do you want? I asked.
A battle, and I am too anxious to wait for a real trainer. Trying to make me think I wasn't a real trainer.
Go, Torty! I yelled
Hah easier than I thought. Go, Embo. He yelled
Oh no! I yelled when I saw his Tepig.
Embo use Tackle! Yelled Tai.
Torty Withdraw! I yelled right before Embo hit him.
Now use tackle whiile he is close to you. I commanded to Torty.
When Torty tackled his Tepig it went skidding to Tai.
Can you keep on battling? he asked Tepig
Tepig stood up and knocked Torty so hard he went flying back to Andrew
Torty! He yelled.
Is he ok? Tai asked me.
Why are being nice to me? I asked
Because I care about pokemon. He wittingly replied.
I went home and went to sleep.
I got a Turtwig!
I wanna play, I wanna play! I'll be a... Gym leader companion? Like Brock or Misty or Cilan? Can I? Except my name will be Grey.
Oh, and can I be Ice type? I want a Seel for a starter! Male, please. Oh, and not older than 17!
I wanna defeat Tai's Tepig in a battle, too!
I will join as a companion, I am a male who prefers Normal and psychic type pokemon, has an abnormally strong bond with his dunsparce. The rest of my team is up to you, as long as I have dunsparce I am good.
people this thread is dead!!!!tradeforfun21 hasn't posted in two years!!!!
Oh... Wow... I did not see that coming...
Can I adopt it then?
Okay, I'll just adopt the story.
Can anyone tell me where Arcania is, or where I can find out?
it's probably something tradeforfun madee up so i don't think you can find informatio anywhere
Well, I know some of you are itching for a sequel, so here you go.

As Andrew ran to the Pokecenter, he was thinking of where he would go to train his newfound companion. Every grassy field or forest around Arcania City was inhabited by strong and sometimes evolved Pokemon. He would have to start his adventure in Sandstone Town or some other tiny town, where the Pokemon were weaker.
When he finally found the Pokecenter, he found a small crowd clustered to one side. He ran forward to see what in the world everyone was watching.
Andrew: Hey, what's going on here?
Bystander: Some trainer named Tai challenged the visiting Gym leader here. He's getting beat up pretty bad. Here, I'll let you see.
The bystander moved aside to give Andrew a better view. Tai was standing on one side of the street, pacing around and mumbling to himself. A teenager in a jacket and jeans was on the other side, with his arms crossed, waiting for Tai to make a move.
Tai: Alright, Embo, try Ember again!
Gym leader: Seel, Headbutt!
Embo shot flaming embers at Seel, but the Seel dodged them and rammed its horn into Embo's ribs. Embo flew towards its trainer and landed by its feet.
Tai: Blast it! I lost! Dang it! C'mon, Embo, let's train some more!
Gym leader: You did good, kid. You gave my Seel a run for its money. Keep practicing and you'll make it to the Pokemon league someday, I guarantee. You should take that Pokemon to a Pokecenter, though, it looks like Seel hurt it bad.
Tai skulked off with his Embo in its Poke ball and left into the Pokecenter. As the bystanders slowly dissipated, the Gym leader walked over to Andrew.
Gym leader: Hi, my name is Grey. Do you want a battle too?

Rate me if you enjoyed! Reply and tell me what I am doing right and wrong!
Tai lost yay!!!!(he is my brother Toungue )
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