Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Rapture Time! A Giratina88 Inc Message
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Maybe. Unless we get help from a certain she-bounty hunter.
Samus: The aztecs are right because their calendars are ROUND!!!
Pikachu: God damn it.

G88, I have a message for Samus. May I give it to her?
Sure thing m55...
Yeah! Roundies suck! Cubies FTW!!!!!

Dibs on the Companion Cube.
well, dark samus shall be obsessed with cubes, just letting you know
I thought so. But she can't have the Companion Cube!
Tahahaha! At least Pikachu is smart.
Pikachu and Snivy are the only ones with any intelligence.
(28-05-2011 10:17 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Everyone knows the world will REALLY end when the space pirates destroy our planet!

Or when we p!$$ off the Grox.
Or when the black mesa incident occurs.
Or maybe when vampires and werewolves unite to overthrow humans.
Or maybe when we piss off north korea
Well, in any case, Rapture will eventually come. Whether it's sooner or later, we'll never know!
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