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Full Version: Samus and Pikachu: Independence day special
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Pikachu: Hello folks. As you know, today is a very important american holiday. Can you guess which one?
Samus: The National Metroid Convention happens TODAY?
Pikachu: Uh...no...
Chilla: Super Saiyan day?
Pikachu: Wrong again, but it is very important.
Oshawott: Shoot Your Neighbor in the Head day?
Pikachu: Definitely not!
Snivy: Pew...
Random Space Pirate: Canadian Indepen-AAAAAAAAAAAAAGGH!!!
Oshawott: He didn't get the memo from last time it seems...
Vulpix: Is it...independence day?
Ridley: Independence day for who now?
Snivy: I believe for america. Now, for those of you living in greece, here is what independence day means to us american people, and what happened to make our country independent. It goes like this. A long time ago, america used to be part of England, and despite the fact that our country was bug infested and the fact that the people who america actually BELONGED too just wouldn't had it over to us (the NERVE of those Native Americans), we were actually quite happy over here. That happiness ended when we found out that our tea was overpriced. We then acted like it was all sudden, and we blamed it on some king from England known as King George the 3rd, because we didn't want to blame ourselves for our own poor hindsight. So we whined like a bunch of bitches, and then in response, England decided it wasn't worth it and attacked our country. Thus starting the Revolutionary war, and leading the americans was George Washington, King George's space pirate clone. After several years and many internet trolls, we got our independence.
Samus: ...seriously?
Samus: But you just-
Vulpix: Can we for once just have set personalities? Anyways, why don't we talk more about what Independence Day means to us TODAY. Do you have the fireworks ready Oshy-Kins?
Oshawott: Please...stop calling me that...
Vulpix: You know you like it!
Oshawott: Note to self...Vulpix is getting a Death Note. Oh right, I has the fireworks ready! Oh RIDLEY, bring them out for me, won't you?
Ridley: I'm on it.
After a short time off screen, Ridley comes back with a GIANT load of rocket fireworks.
Oshawott: Awesome! Now THIS is what I'm TALKING about!
Pikachu: Whoa whoa whoa! That's NOT what I meant by buying fireworks! When I said "fireworks" I meant stuff like roman candles or sparklers...or stuff that's actually LEGAL in the US.
Oshawott: But I bought these legally!
Chilla: Oh really? Where DID you by them then?
Oshawott: Same place I by my automatic weapons...
Snivy: Oshawott...life lesson number 5: What you BUY in South Carolina needs to STAY in South Carolina.
Oshawott: They never said I couldn't!
A few minutes later
Ridley: And now we get ready for the age old act of LAUNCHING the fireworks!
Pikachu: But to make sure nobody gets blown up, here are some safety tips.

1. Fireworks are NOT weapons, so don't aim them at other people
Oshawott: Alright Zim Jong il, time to die!
Zim: Wait! Don't launch that firework! It will kill us all!
Oshawott: ...now you tell me.

2. Don't launch fireworks indoors
Oshawott: Hey Vulpix! I'm about to launch these fireworks! Wanna see it?
Vulpix: Oshy-Kins...I'd hate to tell you now, but we are indoors, so that thing is probably gonna kill us all.
Oshawott: Uh...woops! No matter, lets just get out.
Vulpix: Um...did I mention that this room I led you in can only be opened from the outside?
Oshawott: Oh you son of a-

3. Don't use missiles instead of fireworks; missiles DON'T make pretty explosions.
Oshawott: Well, I still have this one last firework left here.
Pikachu: Um Oshawott-
Oshawott: And WOW this one is HUGE looking! I bet this one will make a HUGE boom boom!
Pikachu: Oshawott thats not-
Oshawott: If only we had more like-
Oshawott: What!
Pikachu: Thats not a firework...
Oshawott: Oh...then what is it.
Pikachu: An ICBM.
Oshawott: Crappers and milk...

4. Last but not least, don't make Oshawott angry, for he will shoot you.
GLaDOS: That has got to be the dumbest thing I-
Oshawott blasts GLaDOS with a bazooka before she can finish
GLaDOS: Whoa whoa whooooaaaa...bbzzzzrtblarg...sarcasm sphere self test complete porvavor mordondes muchosgraciassinoritajksj;ldkjsa;fasdfjakdjssf

Pikachu: And those are your 4 Independence day rules to obey!
Vulpix: Fortunately, we got through the episode with minimal property damage, right GLaDOS?
GLaDOS: I don't think your doing much damage...2 + 2 is...10.
Ridley: Yeah...minimal...
GLaDOS: In base 4...I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiiyiyine...
Chilla: Okay then...and on that destructive note, we conclude our program!
Samus: Bye!
Ridley: And have fun launching those rockets into-
Nappa: Hey Vegeta, did you hear something?
Vegeta: Yep. I think we're in the land of space memes.
Nappa: Hey Vegeta, can we go to Spaceys?
Vegeta: Nappa, we just ate at SpaceDonalds half an hour ago.
Nappa: BUT VEGETA!!!
Vegeta: FINE!!! We'll go to god damn Spaceys!
Nappa: Yay!

The end.
"A long time ago, america used to be part of England, and despite the fact that our country was bug infested and the fact that the people who america actually BELONGED too just wouldn't had it over to us (the NERVE of those Native Americans)"

I hope the text in bold hides some irony.
Its an intentional irony. Snivy is normally smart, but hates to admit when he doesn't know all the details, so he will make some up.
LOL... OVER 9000 LOL's!!! *GASP*
Nappa: Look Vegeta, another space meme
XD I have NO IDEA why I think this is funny. (I chose Snivy as a starter, YAY GRASS!)
Neither do I...neither do I...
You know, most fireworks have ROUND explosions. Don't you think our roundy-crazed idiot friend would go insane over that?

I forgot about that...
Samus. Why are you so damn crazy about friggin' "roundies"? What's so great about them?
(08-07-2011 01:07 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Samus. Why are you so damn crazy about friggin' "roundies"? What's so great about them?
(08-07-2011 01:07 AM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]Samus. Why are you so damn crazy about friggin' "roundies"? What's so great about them?

Samus: Perhaps we will make a thread about it...
Very well. I can only hope it makes sense. Odds of that happening is 5% possible. Oh, by the way, Samus, I have some special equipment that may be of some use to you.
Samus: If its got edges, then I don't want it.
It somewhat resemles your own suit. Picture it, only imagine it as black with hollow shoulder armor. Inside is red Phazon which energises the suit's powers. The visor is also red.
I call it the Nightmare Suit. It's super-powered and is specially designed for war. It's attack and defense power is signifigantly higher than your Varia Suit. The armor is light, allowing for more agility and it is capable of flight. There is only one downside that you may not like.
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