Tell us what you are going to type then type with your eyes closed!!!
Eyes open: Let's see if i can do it with my eyes closed
Eyes closed: Le's see if i can do it with my eyeds cloesed!
eyes open:i have 2 badges in diamond
eyes closed:When you drown you won't even make a sound
Eyes open: The Magikarp that fr3 gave me is t3h sUx0rZ!
Eyes closed: The Magikarp that fr3 gave kicks @$$.
(Sorry, can't even try to hide the truth. And the second sentence
WAS written with closed eyes.
Open: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Closed: The quick brown fox jumos ver the lazy dong.
Hm pretty close.
Open:I like spam as much as others
Closed:I like spam as much as others.
IM NOT joking.
The second sentence was written with closed eyes.
Open: Dragonball Z budokai Tenkaichi series rule!!!
Closed: Dragonball z budokai tenkaichi series rule!!!
Wow, my hand types on its own
I'm serious, with closed eyes
Open: Blu Rays are ftw
Closed: Blu Ray are ftw
Eyes open:Loonatics
Eyes closed:LONATICS
open:i am a psychic pokemon trainer!
closed:i am a psychic pokemokemon traonwt!
Eyes open: fr3quency likes magikarps
Eyes closed: fr2quenvcy likes magikarps
Phew, another one:
Eyes open: I hate rats and mice, for evah
Eyes closed: Igare rats and mice, for evah
Yay, I'm good at touch type.
NOTE: I don't hate fr3, just it was inspiration of the moment.
Open:I like maths
Closed:I like matjs
Open: I like maths too
Closed: I like maths too
Yay! I did it!
(Even the emoticon was did with my eyes closed)
Open: I hate my school
Closed: I hate my school
As I say it, "OLE"
Open: I love Roserade(s)
Closed:I love Rosetade*I!@)(
open:my hovercraft is full of eels
closed:my fibercraft is full of eels