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and pikachu can transform into a ss7 and use big bang kamehameha x8943734
But,when it does,it evolves to a green suicune which will be:
levels,and can use fly...
but then a magicarp uses thunder and kills it
and magikarp evolved to gyarados that it was 1000km long
And killed every charizard in the world
And then, some aliens invaded earth and a huge Mewthree appeared and started attacking them. After he pwnt them, he killed every pokemon in the world and then went back to sleep.
A lv 70 Mewtwo OHKO my full-HP lv 100 Blissey with a single Confusion attack.
But then Blissey throwed up a Pichu which was red...
I think you lied.... xD
My Mewtwo is 100lv and its speed is -3
No,you lied.My mewtwo is 1oolv and its speed is 199900.-3?
My lv 100 Ninjask is even slower than all your Mewtwos

You know something?
I hate my ninjask!
It's slower even than a Shuckle!
Don´t blame your Ninjask... Shuckle is the fastest pokemon ever.

Yes and the second good pokemon in speed is Venusaur,don't you agree?
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