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Okay,but the first good pokemon in sp.defence is Alakazam.
That´s not true, Alakazam hasn´t the best SDef... it´s Defence is really awesome! It can even survive Weavile´s Night Slash and KO it with a Psychic!

zomg my Caterpie survived Charizard's Blast Burn.(100lv, max s.atk >:O)
Wow!You know something?My beautifly survived a lava plume from Heatran!Isn't it amazing?!
zomg lies. I caught Mewthree's clone. Mewfour. D:
It's behind Sootopolis' Gym. xDDDDD
Omfg my snorlax learned fly!!
Magikarp KILLED Arceus with Splash
Pokeman is cool and I found a shiny Venustoise.(over 9000 lv.)
Omg,my Typhlosion learned Hydro cannon!

Mine learnt selfdestruct @ lv.over9000.
My Metagross learned Mega kick.

My regice learned lava plume in pokémon saphire
That's crearly a lie. You used a haxing device.

My ditto learn earthquake and evolved into Missigno.
I have a Shaymin that is the result of breeding a legit Arceus with a shiny Empoleon.
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