Legendary Pokémon

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Thanks everybody.
Aluado Wrote:lol Nice chapter! xD
I wonder how you´ll make Whitney cry when she is defeated. Or if Jasmine will be emo xD
Spoiler. ---> Different gym leaders.
XD nice one
OH MY GOD, NM2 posts a new part here, c'est impossible ca! (Carried over by the assistant guy, lol)
Chapter 3: Speed and Darkness

--- Gkoutis was heading northwest to Violet, passing through Route 30. After fighting against a whole bunch of angry Caterpie and Metapod, with his Totodile beating them all, he reached the end of the road. The entrance to Violet was right ahead but... ---

- Ah, that kid again...
- You!
- You!
- You!
- Are we done?
- No we aren't done, mister Dave! You still owe me an autograph!
- Kid, you are really annoying. And I like it. I'll tell you what. See the cave over there? Yes, the one you passed in front of some moments ago for coming here. I was in it earlier, rockin' my Jackson KV1. However its really dark in there and I lost my pick. Go in there, find it, bring it here, I sign it, you keep it, ok?
- Sure!
- Perfect, I'll be waiting in Violet's Pokémon Center.

--- And Dave left through the gate of Violet. And so did Gkoutis, but he left towards the Dark Cave. Gkoutis entered the cave but after taking 5 steps, he run back out. That cave was the meaning of the word darkness. Gkoutis had an idea though... ---

- Who cares about Mustaine's autograph if it's that hard to get one... Let's go to Violet and just ignore him...
- I knew that you would quit kid.
- What the...? Aren't you s'posed to be in Violet waiting for me?
- Forget it kid. There's only one way to get my signature on paper. Battle. Now.
- OK! There we go, our first official battle Totodile!
- Dile!

Gkoutis VS Dave Mustaine
Gkoutis sent out Totodile! (Lv.11 Totodile)
Dave Mustaine sent out Psychotron! (Lv.25 Gyarados)
Gkoutis: Totodile, use Rage!
Dave Mustaine: Psychotron, Tornado of Souls!
- Totodile used Rage (3% damage)
- Psychotron used Twister (94% damage)
- Totodile's Rage is building!
Gkoutis: Dammit, how can we beat such a strong Pokémon...
Dave Mustaine: You've got no chance kid!
Gkoutis: Totodile, Scratch!
Dave Mustaine: Psychotron, Burnt Ice!
- Totodile used Scratch (6% damage)
- Psychotron used Ice Fang (6% damage)
- Totodile fainted!
Gkoutis: Oh, no! I won't get that autograph now...
Dave Mustaine: I told ya kid, you've got no chance.

--- Despite the fact that he lost, Gkoutis was not depressed. He knew that Mustaine was a strong trainer after all and that he couldn't beat him at the time being. So, instead of chasing Megadeth's vocalist and guitarist, he left him go away while he reached Violet at last. Of course, the Pokémon Center was the first place to visit. After he healed his Totodile, he heard a quite familiar voice... ---

- Ah! Bonsoir Gkoutis!
- (Oh, no, that assistant guy again...) Tell me the prof ain't around, please.
- Oui, he has stayed in New Bark, sleeping... eeerr... studying about Pokémon evolution methods.
- So, why are you here then 'stead of helping him?
- He told me to test you. He wants you to prove yourself by beating Violet town's Gym Leader.
- Firstly, I'm surprised he even remembers who I am. And secondly, I was planning to beat him anyway.
- Splendid then!
- Why does he want to test me?
- If you beat the Gym Leader, I'm gonna give you something really nice.
- What?
- Surprise!
- Buttshecks!
- Excusez moi?
- Ah, nothing, I just got carried away... Anyway, how long will you be here?
- Till you beat the Leader.
- Although I am tempted to leave without battling him, or her, I'll pay a visit to the Gym. Do you have any info on the leader?
- Bien sur! He uses loud Pokémon.
- Loud as in?
- As in Pokémon that make noise.
- Great. Like I know of any Pokémon that shout...
- Good luck then Gkoutis!
- Ok, thanks assistant dude.
- And by the way, the Gym isn't the only place you can visit while in Violet.

--- And Gkoutis left the Pokémon Center. He headed straight towards the Gym. But then, he realised that with just one Pokémon, he would be beaten easily by the Leader. The same way he lost to Dave. So, he first went down, to Route 32. ---

1. Psychotron, Tornado of Souls and Burnt Ice are all Megadeth songs.
2. The battle style will be like this. Looks like battle logs from Net Battle, reminds me of the old days...
3. No pics for now, as I'm bored to make them. I may add some somewhen, but I don't think so.
4. Gkoutis' Totodile wasn't faster than Dave's Psychotron. But if it attacked second, the battle would be even smaller.
5. Dark Cave sucks.
6. What will the assistant give to Gkoutis? What is he gonna do in Route 32? Where did Mustaine go? All of the questions will be answered eventually so DO NOT MISS THE NEXT PARTS OF "The GS Quest".
It's awesome as well as the old ones.Keep up the good job and,for God's sake,make Gkoutis more strong!Toungue
Really nice, keep going!Toungue
But wasn´t Mustaine supposed to have a Chikorita/Bayleef/Meganium? Hehe, I can imagine Gkoutis face if Meganium OHKOed Totodile with a single Razor Leaf attack xD
If I keep going like this, this fic will end in about 73 years. Oh well...
Chapter 4: Ride the Lightning

--- Gkoutis looked at the map on his PokéGear. Route 32 was a long road, ending in a cave. He had no intention of entering the cave before beating Violet's gym leader so he kept looking for a strong Pokémon that would help him accomplish his goal. The common Caterpie, Pidgey and Sentret didn't seem powerful enough to him. Until the moment that a certain Pokémon attacked! ---

- A wild Mareep (Lv.7) attacked!
Gkoutis: Dammit, one more of these weaklings?! Go, Totodile!
Gkoutis sent out Totodile! (Lv.12 Totodile)
Totodile: Tooot. (I'm bored.)
Gkoutis used the SpikeBall!
Totodile: Dile! (Ok, ok, I'm going!)
Gkoutis: Scratch it!
- Totodile used Scratch! (67% damage)
- Mareep used Thundershock! *Critical hit!* (93% damage)
- Totodile is paralyzed! It may be unable to attack!
Gkoutis: What? Just a little spark was that powerful? There's only one way to avoid another hit...
Gkoutis used a PokéBall!
Mareep was caught!
Gkoutis: Hell yeah!

- Fantastic! The first Pokémon I catch here in Johto is an innocent-looking troublemaker, what better could I ask for!
- Dile? (Can we rest a bit now?)
- I dunno what you said pal, but I'm in a good mood now so I'll treat you both to a nice rest in Violet's Pokémon Center.
- Totodile? (Isn't it free anyway?)
- What do you know? You're just a Pokémon!

--- Gkoutis was heading back to Violet until he met a certain man. Just before the south gates of Violet, there was a crowd cheering around this guy. Gkoutis managed to hear some words like "leader", "bird" and "return" but he wouldn't understand what was going on unless he went closer. So, he did what everybody would in his place... ---

Gkoutis: Hey, what are you all doing here?
Random man: Can't you see? He's back!
Gkoutis: Eh, who's back?
Random man: You stupid, child? The bird master is back in town!
Gkoutis: You ain't helping much old man... Who's that man you call "the bird master"?
???: And who are you little child? You must be either new to Johto or a total failure in general for not knowing who I am. Or both.
Gkoutis: Excuse me but, back in my place, we didn't have any blue-haired, empty-headed fools pretending to be famous... So take your time and introduce yourself at least.
Falkner: Falkner is the name. I am Violet's ex gym leader and I just came back from my training in Sinnoh. And what do I face? A stupid trainer calling me a fool. But as I said, you are a trainer. I can see it. How about we test who's the fool?
Gkoutis: Ex gym leader, eh? That will be a nice warm-up before the real deal!
Falkner: One Pokémon each. And I am the real deal!

Gkoutis VS Falkner
Gkoutis sent out Mareep! (Lv.7 Mareep)
Falkner sent out Staravia! (Lv.11 Staravia)
- Staravia's Intimidate lowered Mareep's attack.
Gkoutis used Potion on Mareep!
Falkner: What the hell are you doing? I didn't even hit you! Staravia, Growl!
- Staravia used Growl!
- Mareep's attack fell!
Gkoutis: I just caught that Pokémon and it was weakened, dude. Now, face its true power! Mareep, Thundershock!
Falkner: Staravia, Tackle!
- Staravia used Tackle! (51% damage)
- Mareep's Static paralyzed Staravia.
- Mareep used Thundershock! (39% damage)
Gkoutis: One more shock Mareep!
Falkner: Tackle it again Staravia!
- Mareep used Thundershock! (40% damage)
- Staravia is fully paralyzed!
Falkner: NO!
Gkoutis: End it Mareep!
- Mareep used Thundershock! (21% damage)
- Staravia fainted!

- Heh, how did you like it leader guy?
- You had a type advantage, cheater!
- And you lost, loser. I hope the current gym leader will put up a better fight that you did.
- Electricity won't help you much against him, you're gonna lose for sure.
- Yes, yes, just as you were going to beat me for sure... Go back to Sinnoh and train some more if you want to claim your gym again, dude. Being beaten by a "rookie" like me that easily...
- Just asking, but what's your name, child?
- Gkoutis.
- You're Gkoutis?!? The one who dom...
- Yes, I'm Gkoutis and there's no need to shout, Falkner dude. Yes, I'm the one who did what you were about to say and, what I see in my first days here in Johto is that I'll do the same thing here.
- No way, child. When the International Federation of Pokémon decided to change the Johto gym leaders one year ago, we all tried to beat the new ones. Not even one of us came close to victory. We were all destroyed and told to come back to claim our positions only when we thought we were ready. I thought so, but I am not ready as it seems. Thanks for helping me see this, Gkoutis.
- Yeah, whatever. Any info on the new leader?
- Just beware of everything. He seems like an empty-headed guy at first but he'll use everything in order to win.
- Like you in the first part, unlike you in the second. Ok, thanks dude.
- We will meet again Gkoutis, and then I'll certainly beat you!
- I doubt it.
- That we will meet again?
- That you will beat me.

--- And like that, Gkoutis left. He heard Falkner saying that he would visit Hoenn as soon as possible. But all he cared for now was the gym battle. So, he healed his Pokémon in the Pokémon Center and stayed there for the night. A nice sleep was what he needed to regain his energy for challenging the leader. That was what he was thinking while standing out of the gym's door, ready to open it. ---

There are no notes.
However, there is now a way to advertise this fanfic wherever you want for it is extremely awesome! Well, it isn't thaaaaat awesome but who cares. Add this to your sig in a forum, you can also post it but you'll get banned. Toungue
[url=#showthread.php?tid=697&pid=36914#pid36914]"The GS Quest"[/url][/align]
It will result in this:
[Image: Gkoutis-2.png]
"The GS Quest"
Mareep owned xD
And I can solve your math problem! x = sqrt(sqrt(3) - 5) (sqrt = square root, since my keyboard hasn´t the square root symbol Toungue)
xDD the banner rocks
It was hard for me to ignore the general fanfic madness that has been going on lately, so yeah. What I have to say is that this is not madness. THIS IS SPARTA!

Chapter 5: Sound Badge

--- The gym was dark. The only light that could find its way in came from the open door Gkoutis was standing next to. However, it wasn't long before lights came on and a loud music started... A man was standing in the middle of the room.
[Image: MrKennedy.png]
And then, a mic came down out of nowhere.
[Image: MrKennedymic.png]
The man lost no time, and introduced himself. ---

- In case you have forgotten, I would just like to remind you that I come from Violet town, Johto, I'm the gym leader of this town, I am MISTEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDYYYYY!
- Umm, in case...
- Okay, okay, I got the first time, and I'm here to challenge you in a gym battle. Simply, without shouting.
- Foolish kid, do you think you've got what it takes to beat MISTEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDYYYYY?!?
- Yeah...
- I said no shouting God dammit, now I understand why the assistant dude said you use loud Pokémon...
- So, I see you are informed, huh?
- Not really, I guess I'll see how things will turn out in battle.
- Then let's not lose our time, one on one battle, the prize being the Sound Badge, what do you think?
- Bring it on, Kenny!

Gkoutis VS Mister Kennedy
Gkoutis sent out Totodile! (Lv.13 Totodile)
Falkner sent out Loudred! (Lv.13 Loudred)
Gkoutis: So the assistant dude was right... Totodile, off you go! Use Rage!
Mr. Kennedy: Loudred, Uproar!
- Totodile used Rage! (12% damage)
- Loudred used Uproar! (15% damage)
- Totodile's Rage is building.
Gkoutis: Perfect. Now Totodile, go for it again!
Mr. Kennedy: Keep it up, Loudred, they'll be deaf in a while!
- Totodile used Rage! (20% damage)
- Loudred used Uproar! (16% damage)
- Totodile's Rage is building.
Gkoutis: I guess it's over already... I thought you guys in Johto were more powerful... Totodile, Bite 'im!
Mr. Kennedy: What the hell are you sayin'?! Go on Loudred!
- Totodile used Bite! (60% damage)
- Loudred flinched!
Mr. Kennedy: What the?! Why's that so powerful?!
Gkoutis: Have you ever battled before? Your weak Uproars have been making my Totodile's attack over nine thousaaand!
Mr. Kennedy: Duh, forget it... Come back Loudred.

- So, that was it? And to think that Falkner guy can't beat you...
- Hey kid, don't make fun of me! Falkner is a weakling, I am MISTEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDYYYYY!
- Yeah, Kennedy, I got it. Now, anything you should give me?
- Here you go, the Sound Badge, the first badge in the Johto region, is yours.

[Image: SoundBadge.png]

- You may also take this TM, consider it a token for beating me, the great MISTEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDYYYYY!
- Do I even have to ask if this is the TM for Taunt?
- KENNEDY! Also, how did you know it?!?
- Just a guess, anyway, I'm outta here.
- Oh, I forgot to ask you. Who the heck are you?
- Gkoutis, and yes, I'm the Gkoutis you know.
- So what are you doing here?
- Unfortunately, Kanto badges don't count in your stupid region so I have to go through your whole Johto thing and beat you all guys...
- And...
- I said I'm outta here.
- Ok, then, bye. But never forget. I'm MISTEEEEEEEEEEER KENNEDYYYYY!
- Oh, God...

--- Gkoutis wanted to go to Goldenrod as soon as possible, for escaping this nightmare called Johto. But his Totodile had been weakened from the gym battle so he decided to pay one more visit to the Pokémon center in this town. Which reminded him... ---

Gkoutis: Oh man, the assistant dude will be here...
Assistant: Bonsoir, Gkoutis! Did you get the badge?
G: Yeah, it wasn't that - OH GOD WHY?
Elm: Who are you talking to Jacques?
G: You're Jacques? I thought your name was assistant... And what in the world is he doing here?
A: Ah, le professeur came over to give you your prize for beating Violet's gym leader.
G: Does he even know what a gym leader is? Hey, prof, who's the gym leader here?
E: But Mister Kennedy of course!
G: Now that was an unexpected twist! Anyway, what do you have for me? I'm in a hurry...
E: Who are you?
G: Back to the real world are we... Assistant dude, say.
A: Here, take this card. If you want to go to Goldenrod, you'll sure pass through Azalea town first. There's a guy named Kurt there, give this card to him. In return, he'll give you some of his balls.
G: What?!
A: His special kind of PokéBalls that is.
G: Ok, but why can't I go to Goldenrod from here?
A: There's ce Sudowoodo blocking the road.
G: Totodile can beat it.
A: But you have to go to Azalea.
G: I'm sure you've got a reason that I'm not gonna like, but ok, after all there's a gym there.
E: Ah, now I remember! You're my son, Manuel!
A: Professor, you don't have a son... Gkoutis, ignore him, s' il vous plaît.
G: I'm doing this from the moment I stepped into your lab... Anyway, adios amigos!
A: Adieu Gkoutis! Bon voyage!
G: (Damn, the French sound sooo gay...)

--- Gkoutis healed his Pokémon, and then left. He headed south, towards route 32 once again. He wasn't planning to battle a single Pokémon till he reached the cave in the end of the route. He was wondering why he had to go to Azalea through that cave instead of simply facing a Sudowoodo, probably he would find the answer once he reached the town. ---

1. If you want to know more about Mister Kennedy, search YouTube for him.
2. If you don't like this story, feel free to post it. If you have any problems with it (like how could a Totodile beat a Loudred), please feel free not to post it.
3. Pics made a return, probably there won't be any for a long time now.
4. A lot of thanks to Mister Kennedy and WWE for not reading this and suing me (or however it's written) for using Kennedy as a character here.
5. Elm sucks.
6. Next chapter, probably, in a year or two.
7. @ Aluado: Your solution is not a real number, the problem says "xεR" which means x must be a real number. That's why you can't beat Gkoutis. Toungue
Keep going NM2, it's very good

In a one thing we agree!I like your story NM2
Yay, you posted again! \o/ Please, keep going, it´s really fun! Hey, there´s also a sound badge in my fanfic! You´ll have to pay me for copyrights Toungue
I forgot the "x e R" part lol But I still can say that there´s no real value to "x", so I solved your equation and I am able to beat you xD
To end the math problem discussion (hopefully...)

The solution is: No Solution / Null Set / Any other term than means there is no way to solve a math problem.

Aluado Wrote:...But I still can say that there´s no real value to "x"...


Oh yes, NM2; your fanfic is brilliant.
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