Legendary Pokémon

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So have you ever written something Pokemon or non-Pokemon oriented?

I personally like writing as well as making up stories and so... I'm quite used to it since I storytell in D&D campaigns.

I am currently writing a Pokemon fic; it's a trainer fic which is not all that childish to say the truth, containing violent scenes as well.
I might start posting parts of the story here sometime...

What have you done?
Well, I like creating stories about my fantastic adventures...
Yes, I've written (and published in my little site) some fics, but all of them in Spanish... perhaps I translate one to English so you can read it (nothing that good xD).

My style is... curious. I hate writing long fics cuz I know I'll never finish them, so I prefer writing single-chapter fics with lots of suspense and a dramatic end. I also avoid being too obvious about what I'm talking about, just letting the reader imagine by himself what he things I'm writing about.

Oh, and I started writing a series of stories about the spirit of Marea (yeah, the NB server which died months ago due to stupidity xD)... those were way too metaphoric (didn't even say Pkmn xD)
Yes, I have a quite long history of my Fan-Fiction career, so it is quite long and complicated. If you wish to know about it, I will post it if you want to know about it.
Do it when you feel like it! I will be here to read! Smile
Yeah, that's right! I will be here too!
I used to write a pokemon fic, but I never got to finish it... :S
It would be interesting if we combined our stories...For example if we put our characters to meet on a Tournament.
Well mine's not finished either... I have to sit my @$$ down and do it! Toungue

And yes Blue.. the Fic and the RPG are combined so no worries Wink
I know about that, but I am talking about the other guys' stories as well!
Okay, since you asked for it, here's my Fan-Fiction life.

In seventh grade, I was watching the anime, and began to despise it like mad. So thus, I talked to a friend online, and brought me to The Pokémon Tower, a place where I knew I can write Fan-fiction and get criticized on it.

So I began writing Markus' Adventure, my first fic, for the Tower. Retrogressing a bit, my teachers told me I overdescribed a lot, putting me off-kilter in my stories. As time went on, I published something with no plot, and no structure, as I was afraid of what would happen when I inserted description...

My reviews were decent, but not good. An author there introduced me to Serebii.net, and said to learn from the pros. I didn't listen to him in the "Learn from the pros", but I did join SPPf on July 1, 2004. I began writing my works there, but I was seriously rejected. It wasn't good.

So I began anew. I wrote a new story, Life of a Trainer, come mid-September 2004, a powerful novel of great terror and Pokémon journey fics. Four-star reviews, excellent plot, great comedic and dramatic moments. I felt proud of myself, but when I began reading other fics of friends of mine, I felt left in the dust.

I collected my things, deleted my stories, and began anew...again. I read novels more lately, those of Sci-Fi and Fantasy, and learned more about drama. I posted Tarnished Scars: A Story Best Left Unsaid... on January 6th, 2005. Moving and dramatic, I got great reviews, but because of some stupid scene I did with an arm, a boy, and a Scyther (Don't ask...), my faithful reviewers gave me harsh reviews.

I then again collected my things and re-did my novel. I soon wrote Bloody Turmoil: The Draconian Trilogy in July of 2005, and got PHENOMENAL reviews. I was really regarded as one of the greats, and had great admirers of my fics.

Now, I'm into text-RPGs, but at the moment, I am working on my latest Fan-Fiction: The Chronicles of Ash Ketchum, a story on how the anime should be.

Well, that's my career.
Sounds great... Are you going to post some of your stories for us to read?
I have written a lot of FanFics but i haven't finsh them.Now i'm working on "The Legend of a DragonMaster". I wrote it in Greek.
Ι have started to write a story! One of the main charachters is me, Ash! I'm going to put into my story many of the members! The first 2 are prof. Birch and Charizard2005! The story would be in Greek!
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