Legendary Pokémon

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"Just around 40 minutes..." Aya explains, "Get to know better each other. And conceive any possible strategy in case we get in trouble... You can also consult your pokedex for that, but working as a team really pays off in the end." she admits looking out of the window.

"Golduck and Scyther have won many battles by combining their powers." she smiles.
"Obviously a combined attack works better but I believe our Pokemon aren't strong enough yet for effective combined attacks..."
"You're right Blue. But that's the point of training. We have to train them to be strong and combine their powers, if we want to beat anyone..."
"Yes, but at this point we cannot perform any effective combined attack.We should train our Pokemon first to make them evolve and learn new attacks.It would be useful though if we trained our Pokemon together in order to make them learn how to cooperate."
"Yeah... That would be the best thing to do. And we will learn how to cooperate with each other, too..."
"Evolution isn't the only key to success..." Aya winks at Blue.

"I remember long ago, when Golduck hadn't evolved... It was one of the most icompetent Pokemon I had obtained from my mentor and I always wondered why. Training with it simply seemed impossibe. After long months of rigorous trianing and endless trust and compassion for Psyduck I was able to catch anothe one, Scyther." she pauses.

"Scyther sure gave me a boost, as this kind of Pokemon are particularly strong. Yet, Psyduck and Scyther trained together. Psyduck knew how to protect Scyther from his ultimate destruction, fire and Scyther provided an effective buffer." she smiles at the thought of these memories.

"... And evoltuion came when I least expected it, when I ceased caring for it to come or not. i guess that was my reward for trusting my Pokemon as they are not as in what I force them to be..." she finishes.
"So, we have to train our Pokemon with patience and care in order for them to be strong and evolve."
"So It would seem..."
''So, it is Cinnabar. Nice place for training if you ask me.  And...'', I say nodding to Aya, ''I guess you're right about training.''
"You sound like you've been there before, Alcaron. Is your home there or something?"
''Well, I think it's none of your business. We cooparate just for now, after all. But let's say I've been there before.''
"Okay, okay! I didn't say anything bad after all! You could have been more gentle, though."
The plane's turbines roared as the vehicle started moving and increasing speed gradually. Soon, it was soaring the clear blue skies of Kanto, over the crystal clear waters.

"This shouldn't take too long." Aya explained "We will soon reach Cinnabar. An d please people, behave!" she advised staring at Alcaron.
As the journey continued, I was looking out of the window, lost in my thoughts...
"I think we should be there by now...Let's get prepared."
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