Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Jens' Travels
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Enjoy part two!

Chapter 1: I still can’t believe dad sent two of his best friends with me Jen said.
Well, we really wanted to travel again, and Chris knew we couldn’t with his matches, so he sent us with you to travel again Leafeon said.
Where are we going anyway? Glaceon asked.
To Viridian city Jen answered.
Good place to start Charmander said. They continued walking to Viridian when a young male trainer popped out of nowhere.
“Hey you!” He yelled.
“Me?” Jen asked.
“Yes you! Who else would I be talking to? You’re a rookie trainer, aren’t you?” He said.
“Yes, but-”
“No buts! I challenge you to a battle right here, right now!” He said. The trainer took out a pokeball and opened it to reveal a Touros.
“Let me say something. I can’t battle now, because-”
“Stop stalling! Let out your pokemon and battle already!” The boy said.
“I know. I always fight rookie trainers, so I can’t lose. Smart, huh?”
“No, you’re just a bully!” Jen exclaimed.
“Do I have to make you fight, or are you going to battle willingly?” The trainer asked.
I hate scum like him. If he wants to fight so badly, I’d be more than happy to grant his wish Leafeon said.
But that would be cheating. You aren’t my pokemon, and you’re the champions’ pokemon, so you two are too powerful for it to be fair Jen said.
He came out of nowhere and challenged a rookie trainer just so he could get another win. He isn’t exactly fighting fair either Glaceon said.
I don’t want to stoop to his level. Lets just ignore him and leave Jen said. She walked by the trainer without a word and left him behind her.
“Torous, Take down!” The pokemon came charging at Jen, only to be blown back by an Ice beam.
“What kind of coward are you?!?” Jen screamed.
Now can I hurt him? Leafeon asked.
Have your fun Jen said. Leafeon hurled herself at the Torous, and knocked it out with Razor leaf. Glaceon ran at the trainer and knocked the wind out of him with Iron tail. The trainer collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.
“Maybe next time, you’ll listen. I am Jen, daughter of the champion. This is his Leafeon, as well as Glaceon, so next time, play fair, or else this could happen again.” Jen lectured. The trainer murmured something, and got to his knees, only to collapse again.
Should we help him? Jen asked.
Nah, just let this pain be a reminder to him not to pick on rookie trainers Glaceon said. They continued to walk to Viridian city, leaving the trainer gasping for breath on the ground.
Hey, I just remembered I need to look up Charmanders’ moves Jen said. She puled out her pokedex, and held her pokeball up to it to be scanned. The pokedex read off Charmanders’ moves, which Jen thought was impressive.
Cool. He can use Ember, Shadow claw, Fire fang, and Dragon rage. This will be useful in future battles Jen said. It was then she heard a rustling in the bushes nearby.
What was that? Jen asked. Out of the bushes came a wild Pidgey, flying in circles around Jens’ head.
Energetic, huh? Jen commented. Thinking this was going to be her first pokemon caught, she sent out Charmander.
Aim for the Pidgey and use Ember Jen said. Charmander looked up at the bird pokemon and shot out the attack, knocking the Pidgey out of the air.
Nice shot Jen said victoriously. Just as she was about to pull out a pokeball, the Pidgey flew back up and hurled itself quickly at Charmander. In mid air, the Pidgey burst into flames, then the fire turned into electricity. The attack struck Charmander hard, and nearly caused him to pass out.
What the heck was that?!? Jen asked.
That was Brave bird, a very powerful Flying type move, though it has a draw back. The user gets recoil damage Leafeon explained. The Pidgey panted heavily, and fell to the ground in exhaustion. Immediately, Jen threw a pokeball at it, and the pokemon disappeared inside the ball. The ball shook three times, then stopped, meaning Jen caught her first ever pokemon.
“YES!!! I caught a pokemon!” Jen cheered. She walked over to the pokeball and held it up to the pokedex to be scanned.
Dang! It knows Aerial ace, Brave bird, Twister, and Sky attack. Strong Pidgey, huh? Jen said, surprised.
Very Leafeon said.
I can’t believe I caught a pokemon! And such a strong one too Jen said.
“Um, excuse me.” Jen jumped slightly and turned around to see who had spoke. She turned to see a young girl, around her age, looking worried.
“Hi, have you seen a Pidgey come by here? It can use Brave bird, so it will stand out from normal Pidgey.” She said.
“As a matter of fact, I have just caught that Pidgey.” Jen said.
“I hate to say this, but you have to give it back. It hatched from an egg another trainer left, but flew away the second it hatched.” She said.
“………darn. I thought I would keep this one and be friends with it, but I can’t keep something that doesn’t belong to me.” Jen said. She walked over to hand her the pokeball when Leafeon shot a Razor leaf at the girls’ hand.
What was that about?!? Jen chastised.
She’s lying Leafeon said.
What? How can you tell? Jen asked.
She doesn’t have a certain truth ring in her voice Leafeon answered.
“On second thought, I think I’ll keep the pokemon I caught fair and square, instead of trying to get a strong one by lying to other trainers!” Jen said.
“So, you caught onto me. Tell you what, we’ll battle for that Pidgey.” She challenged.
“Why should I battle for a pokemon I already caught?” Jen said angrily.
“Because, I have been after that Pidgey for longer than you can imagine, so I should have it!” She said.
“Fine, whatever! Go Charmander!” Jen said. Charmander came out of the ball looking eager for battle.
“Go Squirtle!” The girl said. Out came the turtle pokemon, looking smug and confident.
Water type, of course. Shadow claw! Jen said. Shadow claw slashed the Squirtle in the face, making it hide inside its’ shell.
“Water gun!” The girl said. A blast of water shot out of the shell, nearly hitting Charmander. An idea came to him, so he picked up Squitles’ shell, and sent a Dragon rage inside the shell.
That had to hurt Jen thought. After the attack, Squirtle stuck its’ head out, revealing it was fainted.
“No! I can’t believe I lost!” She yelled.
“I win, which means I get to keep Pidgey, and you have to leave me alone.” Jen said. Without even waiting for a response, Jen turned around and left.
Its getting late. Better set up camp and get supper Jen said. After setting up the tent, Jen let out Pidgey, and bonded her soul with his.
You were a lot of trouble, you know? Jen said.
Maybe he said back. Jen opened her red backpack and got out cans of pokemon food.
Okay, this one is for grass types, so Leafeon gets this. Here is Glaceon, Charmander, and finally Pidgey Jen thought. After everyone ate their supper, Jen set out some mats for the pokemon to sleep on.

The next mourning, Jen exited the tent, and saw that Viridian city was just a few miles away.
We can get breakfast at the pokemon center. What do you guys say? Jen asked.
Sounds good Leafeon answered, stretching. Once done packing up, Jen headed to Viridian city. It was around an two hours later when she reached the city. Immediately, she headed for the pokemon center. Once there, she got food for herself and for the pokemon, and sat down to enjoy her breakfast, as well as watch TV.
“Up next, we will see another of the champions’ title matches. Will he win, or will his time finally be up as champion? Stay tuned.” The announcer said.
“Hey, who knows? He might lose this one.” One of the trainers said.
“No way! He is a legend.” Another said.
“He doesn’t have his Leafeon or Glaceon with him.” Another said.
“Wonder why.”
“Change the channel! Your stupid battle will be on later, but the contest is on now!” Said a female trainer. The channel changed to show a stadium, with two coordinators in it. One had an Absol, and the other had a Blastiose.
“Hey, I know that guy. That’s Alex!” Jen said.
“Blastiose, Hydro cannon!” Alex said. Blastiose fired a powerful blast of water out of its’ cannons, shimmering beautifully, headed towards Absol. The attack landed and knocked out Absol, leaving Alex the winner.
“Well, you got to see your stupid contest, now back to the battle.” Said a trainer. The channel changed once more to the battle, only to reveal it was over.
“Once again, Chris wins in record time!” The announcer said.
“You made us miss it!” Said a female trainer. She was about the same height and age as Jen, had short black hair, and six pokeballs around her waist.
“It was worth it Keisha. I got to see the greatest coordinator ever!”
“At the price of missing the greatest champion ever!” Keisha argued.
“You sure are a fan of my dad, huh?” Jen asked.
“Chris is your dad!?!” Keisha asked, stunned.
“Yeah. I want to be as great as him someday, or at least close.” Jen responded.
“You must know a lot about his battle style! Please, can I come with you on your journey?” Keisha asked.
“Wow! I-uh, don’t know what to say. Sure, some company would be great.” Jen said.
Chapter 2: After introductions, Jen and her new friend Keisha finished their breakfast and gathered up their pokemon and left the pokemon center.
“So, where are we headed next?” Kiesha asked.
“Viridian forest. It’s the only way to get to Pewter city, where my very first gym battle will be held.” Jen answered.
“You don’t have any badges? Don’t feel bad, because I don’t have any either.” Keisha said.
“Well, who goes first?” Jen asked.
“There is only one fair way to decide. Rock-paper-scissors.” Kiesha said.
“Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” they both said. Jen got rock, and Kiesha got paper.
“Dang it!” Jen said.
“I win! So I get to go first.” Kiesha said. They exited the town, and traveled to the entrance of Viridian forest.
“Big trees, huh?” Kiesha asked.
“It is a forest after all.” Jen responded. The group entered the forest, automatically hearing a faint buzzing sound.
Careful! There are Beedrill in the trees up ahead Leafeon said. Jen transferred the message to Kiesha.
“Listen! I think I hear something. It sounds like wings flapping.” Kiesha said. Coming into view was a Butterfree, heading straight towards them.
“This one is mine! You’re up Eevee!” Kiesha said. Out of her pokeball came an Eevee, which immediately charged at the Butterfree with a Tackle attack.
“Wait! Don’t attack until I say so!” Kiesha said. The Butterfree saw the attack, and dodged it by flying up. It then sprayed Eevee with Sleep powder, putting the energetic pokemon to sleep.
“My turn! It’s your time to shine Pidgey!” Jen said. Pidgey popped out of the ball, and looked at the Butterfree in the air.
Try Aerial ace Jen said. Pidgey shot at the Butterfree like a bullet, hitting his target perfectly. The Butterfree fell to the ground, a perfect opportunity to catch it was open.
“Kiesha, now is your chance!” Jen said. Kiesha threw a pokeball at it, and after it shook three times, Butterfree was caught.
“Thanks Jen. I owe you one.” Kiesha said.
“Yes, you do.” Jen said. Kiesha laughed, and so did Jen. They realized they should have been quiet when a swarm of Beedrill came out of the trees, buzzing angrily and flying toward them.
Ice beam! Jen thought quickly. Glaceon immediately fired an Ice beam at all the Beedrill, freezing them in mid air.
Thank you so much! Jen said, relieved.
Now you owe me one Glaceon said.
Yes, I do Jen said.
“Do you think we should catch one of them?” Kiesha asked.
“Nah, lets just let them thaw, and use the time to get as far away from them as possible.” Jen said. They hurried past the frozen Beedrill, going deeper into the forest.
“So, what pokemon do you have?” Jen asked.
“Well, you saw Eevee, and you already know about Butterfree, so that’s it.” Kiesha asked.
“I just have Charmander and Pidgey.” Jen said.
“What about these two?” Kiesha asked, indicating Leafeon and Glaceon.
“These are my dads pokemon. They just wanted to travel again, so dad let them come with me.” Jen answered.
“NO WAY! These are the real deal Leafeon and Glaceon of the champions’?!?” Kiesha screamed.
“Yes, but don’t make a big deal.” Jen said.
Too late Leafeon said. Kiesha was running circles around Leafeon and Glaceon, admiring every inch of their bodies.
“KIESHA! CALM DOWN!” Jen yelled. That seemed to snap her out of it, and she walked over to Jen.
“Sorry, I’ve just always wanted to meet the champions’ pokemon, so when I heard you say these two belonged to the champion, I just lost my head.” Kiesha said.
“Let’s just get moving, shall we?” Jen said. Though slightly embarrassed, Kiesha nodded. The group proceeded further into the forest, until a flash of light in the distance caught their attention.
“What was that?” Kiesha asked.
“Lets go find out.” Jen stated. They walked over to the spot to find a bug catcher holding a shard of a broken mirror.
“What are you doing?” Jen asked.
“If you must know, I am using this mirror to attract a shiny Heracross.” He said.
“There’s a Heracross in this forest? How is that possible?” Jen asked.
“Don’t know, don’t care.” He responded.
“Wait, Heracross are attracted to honey, aren’t they? So why are you using a mirror?” Kiesha asked.
“I happen to be an expert bug catcher, so I think I know what I’m doing here.” He said arrogantly. Jen put on a smug look, and walked over to a tree. She pulled out a knife, cut the tree bark until the sap was revealed, and walked over to a nearby bush to wait. Within seconds, a white Heracross flew down and licked the sap off the tree.
“You were saying?” Jen said.
That has to hurt Leafeon commented.
“I was saying that I’m going to catch that Heracross!” He shouted.
“Hold on! I got the Heracross to appear, so I should be the one who gets first crack at it.” Jen said.
“I told you, I am an expert bug catcher, therefore, I am the only one here qualified to catch that pokemon!” He said.
“This from the guy who tried to make a sap lover appear with a mirror.” Jen stated. Without waiting for a retort, Jen turned to face the Heracross, still licking the tree, and sent out Pidgey.
Quick, Aerial ace! Jen said. Pidgey flew up high in the air, and shot straight down at the Heracross. Aerial ace hit dead center, and left it on its’ back. Taking the chance, Jen threw a pokeball at it, successfully catching it.
“It would appear that I was qualified to catch it as well.” Jen said.
“No way! I will not stand for this! I demand a battle for Heracross.” The bug catcher said.
“No.” Jen said.
“No?!? Why not?”
“Because I caught this pokemon fair and square, and there is no reason to battle for it.” Jen said.
“Yes there is! We shall determine who here is the better trainer. Go, Pinsir!” A Pinsir popped out of its’ ball, snapping its’ powerful horns.
“Why do I always get into these kinds of things? It’s your time to shine, Charmander!” Jen said.
“Hah! You may have the type advantage, but that is all you have. Pinsir, Vicegrip!” Pinsir charged at Charmander, snapping its’ horns quickly, and was bit on its’ side with teeth of fire.
Nice Fire fang. Now, Ember! Jen said. Charmander tossed the Pinsir aside and launched his fire attack at it, following up with a Dragon rage. The attacks were just too much for the Pinsir it seemed, as it fainted after Dragon rage.
“No! How could I lose?” the bug catcher raved.
Nice job Charmander Jen said.
It was easy He replied.
“Way to go Jen! I had complete confidence in you.” Keshia said.
“Lets get moving. I want to get to Pewter city by the end of the day.” Jen said. While the group was walking, Jen checked Heracross’ moves.
Hmm. Brick break, Cross chop, Submission and Mega horn. His moves will be helpful against Rock types Jen thought. It was nearly dusk when the group exited Viridian forest, and Pewter city came into view.
“There it is. Lets go to the pokemon center, then we can head to the gym tomorrow.” Jen said. Half an hour later they found the pokemon center and went to bed.

The next morning, Jen and Keshia got their pokemon healed and were just enjoying breakfast with them and watching TV when they were approached by another trainer.
“Excuse me, but do either of you two have a Butterfree?” He asked.
“I do, why?” Keshia asked.
“I’m looking for one. Will you trade for my Pikachu?” he asked.
“A Pikachu? I’d love to!” she said. The two of them went off to go trade, which left Jen alone with her pokemon. Jen realized she hadn’t bonded her soul with Heracross, so she took this opportunity to do so.
How is it that a Johto pokemon was found in Kanto? Jen asked.
I flew here for the sap Heracross said.
Why am I not surprised? Glaceon commented.
“Jen! I got a Pikachu! Look!” Keshia said. She let out Pikachu, though it didn’t look too enthusiastic about the trade.
“He doesn’t seem too happy.” Jen said.
“How can you tell if it is a boy or a girl?” Keshia asked.
“You can tell by the tail. Females have tails that are dented. Males have straight tails.” Jen explained. Keshia picked up her new Pikachu, and was immediately shocked with a Thunderbolt.
Leafeon, can you talk to him? Ask him what his problem is Jen said. Leafeon nodded and walked over to Pikachu. He snapped out of his bad attitude as soon as Leafeon approached him, a slight blush on his face. Leafeon began asking him questions, though he didn’t seem to hear her. Annoyed, Leafeon shot one leaf at him, getting his full attention, and began asking her questions again, getting answers this time.
So, what did he say? Jen asked.
He says that he could tell by just looking at her that he wasn’t going to like Keshia very much. I told him to give her a chance, and then he said that he would only do it for me. I don’t know why Leafeon said.
Thanks for talking to him Jen said.
“Keshia, Pikachu will give you a chance, but ease up, okay?” Jen said.
“Okay. I wonder what he can use. Wow! He can use Thunderbolt, Iron tail, Agility and Charge beam. He will be a great asset to my team.” Keshia said.
Chapter 3: “Well, it’s now or never, and I choose now.” Keshia said.
“You can do it Keshia, I know it.” Jen said. Keshia and Jen stood at the entrance of the Pewter city gym, both nervous of their first gym battle. They both walked in and saw a man sitting on a boulder, meditating.
“Are you Brock?” Keshia asked.
“Yes, I am. Are you my newest challengers?” the man named Brock asked.
“I am Keshia, and I challenge you!” she said with a shaky voice.
“Okay then, let us begin the match. Onix, go!” he said. The humungous Onix came out roaring, staring at Keshia, patiently waiting her next move.
“You’re up, Eevee!” Keshia said. Eevee popped out of the ball and, upon seeing Onix, charged at it with an Iron tail.
“Will you calm down enough to listen?” Keshia shouted. Iron tail landed perfectly, though Onix retaliated with a smack of its’ tail, sending Eevee flying into the wall.
“Eevee, are you alright?” Keshia asked. Eevee got back on its’ feet, though with a pained look on its face.
“This time, listen to me! Use Dig!” Eevee dug underground and quickly smacked Onix. Without missing a beat, Eevee used Iron tail, finishing off Onix.
“Way to go Eevee!” Keshia said, running to pick up Eevee.
“You did great, so rest in your pokeball.” Keshia said.
“Onix, return.” Brock said.
“You promised to give me a chance, so I won’t let you down. You’re up, Pikachu.” Keshia said. Pikachu came out of the ball, taking in his surroundings. His eyes stopped moving when he saw Leafeon, and he waved at her.
“Golem, go!” Brock said. When Golem popped out of its’ ball, it landed with a thud powerful enough to temporarily shake the ground.
“Don’t get scared. Use your Agility!” Keshia said. Pikachu ran at such speed that neither Golem nor Brock, nor anyone could follow.
“Iron tail!” Keshia said. Pikachu stopped right behind Golem, and delivered a smack to its’ back, causing it to fall face forward. Golem flailed its’ arms in a vain attempt to get up, making Pikachu look at it with disbelief.
It couldn’t be that easy, could it? Glaceon wondered.
“Golem return!” Brock said. Golem returned into its’ pokeball, leaving only an embarrassed Brock to face.
“I can’t believe you found out Golems’ weakness so quickly. You deserve this Boulder badge.” Brock said. He handed a badge to Keshia, who was still shocked that she won. When she came out of it, she took the badge and jumped for joy.
“I won! I won! I won!” Keshia repeated.
“Brock, I also want to challenge you. When will you be able to battle?” Jen asked.
“Come by tomorrow after 2, and I should be able to battle you.” Brock said.
“I can’t wait.” Jen said. She and Keshia walked out of the gym, Keshia still celebrating her win.
“Guess we head to the pokemon center and wait ‘till tomorrow, huh?” Jen asked.
“Guess so.” Keshia said.

The next day, Jen was looking at the clock, waiting impatiently for it to be two o’clock.
Staring at it won’t help Charmander said.
I know, I just can’t think about anything else Jen said. When the clock finally said two, Jen rushed out of the center and ran to the gym.
“Brock, I am Jen, and I challenge you!” Jen exclaimed upon entering the door.
“I accept your challenge. Sudowoodo, go!” Brock said.
“Is that a tree?” Jen asked.
“No, it’s my Sudowoodo. Now choose your pokemon.” Brock said.
“It’s your time to shine, Heracross!” Jen said. When Heracross came out, he mistook the Sudowoodo for an actual tree, and unleashed a series of Brick breaks on it in an attempt to get the sap.
I’m confused. Should I tell him the truth or let him continue? Jen wondered.
I say let him continue. He’ll figure it out when Sudowoodo faints and is returned in its’ ball Leafeon said. After many attacks, Sudowoodo fainted, and was indeed recalled.
What just happened? Heracross wondered.
That tree was a Sudowoodo Jen answered.
“I can’t seem to win lately. Ludicolo, help me out here!” Brock said. When it came out, it immediately started dancing and singing.
That’s a plant! Heracross thought. He immediately flew at it, only to be struck backwards by Water gun, followed by Fire punch, and Bullet seed. Heracross was fainted after that barrage of attacks.
Tough plant Heracross managed to say before he was recalled.
“It’s your time to shine, Pidgey!” Jen said.
I can take out this dancing fool easily he thought. An Aerial ace was launched, nailing the dancing pokemon in its’ chest. Ludicolo was down for ten seconds, and showed no sign of getting up soon.
I told you I could win Pidgey said. Just then, Pidgey started glowing with a brilliant bright light. After a few seconds, the light faded to reveal a Pidgeotto.
Well, this is a bonus he said, taking in his powerful new body.
“No luck for me. Here, you’ve earned this badge.” Brock said.
“I won! Plus Pidge evolved into Pidgeotto!” Jen cheered. They all exited the gym, Pidgeotto flying high, trying out his evolved form.
“This has been a good day.” Jen said. They decided to spend the rest of the day in the pokemon center, then head out tomorrow.

The next morning, while the group was having breakfast, several screams were suddenly heard outside. After nearly choking in surprise, Jen and the others ran outside to see what the problem was. When they got outside, they saw a large group of Mankey and Primape attacking both buildings and people.
“This won’t do at all. Its’ your time to shine Pidgeotto” Jen said. Pidgeotto flew at them, taking out several with one Brave bird, and with a Thunderbolt assist from Pikachu, the Mankey and Primape were quickly taken care of. Soon, many of the group had fled to the forest, leaving only one Mankey left.
“This should be over quick. Charmander, Dragon rage!” Jen shouted. Charmander launched the devastating attack, only to have it bounced back at him with Karate chop. Charmander quickly got out of the way, nearly avoiding his own attack.
“My turn! Pikachu, use your Thuderbolt!” Keshia said. Thunderbolt struck the Mankey hard, fainting it.
“Go, pokeball!” Keshia shouted. Her pokeball hit the Mankey on its’ forehead, then captured it.
“I got a new friend! Yay for me.” She said.
“Well, after that, I think we should get going, huh?” Jen asked.
“Sure, lets go.” Keshia said. The group traveled out of Pewter city, their sights set on the next gym in Cerulean city.
“What do you know about Cerulean city?” Keshia asked.
“I know that water types are used, but that’s it, I have no idea who the gym leader is, or anything.” Jen said.
“Well then, Pikachu is going to be really useful in my next challenge. I can’t wait to beat up those puny water pokemon.” Keshia said.
“Hold on, it’s my turn next. You got to go first last time, now I get to.” Jen said.
“Okay, okay. You get to beat those pokemon up first.” Keshia said sadly.
“I wonder who I will use though. I guess I’ll just have to use Pidgeotto and Heracross again. Poor Charmander, but I can’t use a fire type against a water type and expect him to win, can I?” Jen said.
What you need is to catch a grass or electric type Leafeon said.
I know, but where am I going to find one of those? It’s not like an electric type is going to just pop out from behind that bush Jen said. From behind the bushes, a red Shinx appeared, and ran at Jen.
Razor leaf! Jen thought quickly. Razor leaf pelted the shiny pokemon hard, causing it to faint. Jen took the chance to throw her pokeball at it, and successfully caught it.
Now think that a million dollars won’t appear out from behind the bushes Leafeon said.
Ha ha, very funny. That was just a major fluke, that’s all Jen said.
Biggest fluke I ever saw Glaceon said.
“It’s your time to shine, Shinx!” Jen said. Shinx popped out of the ball,and Jen bonded her soul with hers’.
How on Earth is it possible that a Sinnoh pokemon is caught by me in Kanto? Jen asked.
I came here of my own free will. I wanted to explore new places, so I snuck on a boat headed here, and here I am she explained.
Well, if you stick with me, you will absolutely be able to see new places. So, what do you say? Jen asked.
If you put it that way, then I’d love to travel with you Shinx said.
“Well, well. Seems my family is really growing, huh?” Jen said.
Chapter 4: “I heard that you can get a paras in Mt. moon. It would be great to have one, huh?” Keshia said. They were in the pokemon center just outside of Mt. moon, the only way to Cerulean city, and were just resting their feet, preparing to take a hike.
“I think I can get by with my new Shinx.” Jen said.
“Okay, your Shinx can use Spark, Protect, Iron tail and Thunder fang, but that alone will not get you by the gym leader.” Keshia said.
“True, but I heard a rumor while you were asleep. A couple of trainers were talking about a Bulbasour in the cave as well, and that is what I am going after.” Jen said.
“Wow! A Bulbasour? I have to catch it!” Keshia said.
“No way. My mom has a Venusour, and if I want to be as strong as my parents, I have a gut feeling Bulbasour will be just my pokemon.” Jen said.
“Fine, then I guess I’ll go after Paras.” Keshia said.
“Then lets head out.” Jen said. They packed up their stuff, recalled their pokemon, and left the pokemon center, heading for Mt. moon.
“It is really dark in here.” Keshia said.
“Glad I always keep a flashlight and batteries handy.” Jen said.
“What would I do without you Jen?” Keshia asked.
“Wonder in the dark caves for a very long time, possibly never getting out to see sunlight again.” Jen answered.
“Yeah, pretty much.” Keshia said. Jen got out her flashlight and turned it on. As soon as the beam of light shot out from it, a swarm of Zubat flew at them, causing Jen and Keshia to scream and duck. When the Zubat finally left, they cautiously traveled further into the cave, on the look out for any Paras, or Bulbasour. A flash of movement catches their eyes, and immediately Jen shines her flashlight on it. The thing that moved was revealed to be a very filthy Bulbasour, looking very tired and scared.
“There it is! Catch it Jen!” Keshia said.
“Wait, look at it. The poor thing doesn’t seem able to stand on its’ own feet, let alone battle.” Jen said. When Jen tried to approach it, Bulbasour used Vine whip as a warning not to come closer.
Leafeon, if you wouldn’t mind Jen said. Leafeon nodded and walked over to Bulbasour. It didn’t attack, but was cautious and posed to strike. Leafeon talked to it and tried to calm it down, when finally Bulbasour nodded and relaxed. Jen threw her pokeball at it, catching it easily.
Thank you Leafeon Jen said.
No problem. The poor thing was lost and had no where at all to go Leafeon explained.
“Okay, now that you got your Bulbasour, it is time to look for my new Paras!” Keshia said. They traveled deeper into the cave, looking everywhere they heard movement, though to no avail. Finally, when the exit to Cerulean city was in sight, Keshia look very irritated.
“We have been walking around this place for who knows how long, searching every inch of this place, and still no Paras to be seen. That is not fair.” Keshai said angrily. When they were about to exit the cave, a Bullet seed was launched from nowhere at them. Luckily it missed, and Jen shown her flashlight on a Paras, getting ready to fire again.
“You’re up, Mankey!” Keshia said. Mankey appeared just in time to get hit by Paras’ Bullet seed, which was a grave mistake. Mankey used its’ Low kick, followed up with Karate chop, along with Seismic toss, finishing the now fainted Paras off with Mega punch.
“Mankey, don’t kill it! Go, pokeball!” Keshia said quickly. The Paras was so exhausted by that onslaught of attacks that it didn’t have the energy to break out of the ball.
“Now we can go to Cerulean city.” Keshia said after returning her Mankey.
“Sure, just one thing. Remind me to NEVER get on Mankeys’ bad side.” Jen said. The group left the cave, receiving a blast of refreshing air, and a sight of Cerulean city. It was a few hours before they reached Cerulean city, and by then it was too late at night to challenge the gym.
“We’ll go to the pokemon center tonight, then head to the gym tomorrow.” Jen said.

The next morning, Jen gave Bulbasour to Nurse Joy to take care of, and received some bad news.
“This Bulbasour isn’t in good health. It will need to stay here at the center for at least three days.” She said.
“Too bad, I had really had my heart set on using him in my gym battle.” Jen said.
“Tough break Jen. Maybe I can fight today and you can battle when Bulbasour is healthy again.” Keshia said.
“No. I will still battle today, just with Pidgeotto and Shinx, instead of Bulbasour.” Jen said. They left for the gym soon after and were amazed by it.
“Is it a gym or a tourist attraction?” Keshia asked.
“I’d say it is an aquarium by the looks of it.” Jen said.
“Where in this crazy place is the gym leader?” Keshia asked.
“Looking for me?” a woman asked from behind. They all turned around to face a tall woman in her upper twenties facing them.
“My name is Misty. Am I right that you two want to challenge me?” she asked.
“I do. My name is Jen, and I wish to challenge you for the Cerulean city badge.” Jen said.
“And I will challenge you too.” Keshia said.
“Well, since you both want to fight me, how about you two team up in a double battle?” Misty asked.
“We’ve never been in a double battle before, but sure, you’re on!” Jen said. They followed Misty to the gym arena, which was a giant pool with a few platforms floating on the top.
“My pokemon will be Gyarados and Starmie.” Misty said. After she said their names, they came up from the surface of the pool, Starmie landing on the platform.
“Keshia, lets give this our all. It’s your time to shine, Shinx!” Jen said.
“You’re the star now, Pikachu!” Keshia said.
“You’re the star now?” Jen asked.
“Well, you say It’s your time to shine, so I was working on a new phrase to say, and that’s what I came up with. Like it?” Keshia asked.
“Actually, yes.” Jen said.
“Are you two done talking, because I am starting this battle, ready or not. Gyarados, Flamethrower! Starmie, Psychic!” Misty shouted.
“Shinx, Protect!” Jen said instinctively. Shinx jumped infront of Pikachu and Protect shielded them both.
“Thunderbolt!” Keshia said.
“Starmie, counter with your Thunder!” Misty said. The two electric attacks collided in mid air, fading at the same time.
“Gyarados, Dragon breath!” Misty said.
“Shinx, Protect!” Jen said. Shinxs’ Protect shielded them both from the attack again, though Shinx was starting to look tired after that.
“Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on the water!” Keshia said. After a look of confusion, Pikachu zapped the water, in turn electrifying Gyarados and Starmie.
“Brilliant idea! Shinx, Thunder fang on Starmie!” Jen said. Shinx lunged forward and chomped down hard on Starmie, fainting it.
“Thunderbolt Gyarados!” Keshia said. Pikachu zapped the water pokemon hard and caused it to collapse in the water.
“I guess I lose. Here, you two are great trainers and deserve the Cascade badge.” Misty said.
Quote:“Thunderbolt Gyarados!”

I think you wanted to say pikachu...
Anyway,your chapters are very nice!
let me clear that up. Keshia said to use thunderbolt ON Gyarados
sorry i have been away for so long, but i just couldn't get access to a computer. chapter 5 is coming soon
i've been waiting for part 5 and finally it will come...
Chapter 5: "You know, we should do this more often." Keshia said.
"Do what?" Jen asked.
"Team up in gym battles. We made a perfect team against Misty, and who knows what else we can accomplish." Keshia said.
"Sounds good to me, so long as you don't go mad with power." Jen joked. They entered the pokemon center and plopped themselves down on a chair.
"I wonder how Bulbasour is doing?" Jen said.
"See for yourself." Jen turned and saw Nurse Joy with her Bulbasour in her arms, looking happy, healthy, and most of all, clean. Bulbasour jumped out of her arms and into Jens'.
"Glad to see you're okay." Jen said. After bonding her soul to Bulbasours', Jen returned him and left the center with Keshia.
"You aren't thinking of leaving this town immediately, are you?" Keshia asked.
"Yes, why?" Jen asked.
"Have you looked at our supplies? They are almost all gone. We need to go shopping before we leave." Keshia said.
"Oh, right. Well, okay, but only the things we need." Jen said.
Keep an eye on her Jen. She has a certain look on her face that suggests she has other things in mind Leafeon said.
Believe me, I know Jen replied.
"Jen, you coming?" Keshia yelled.

"You are so mean." Keshia pouted.
"I said just the neccesities, not a mountain of playing cards." Jen replied.
"Well, I get bored sometimes, so I wanted something to do." Keshia said.
"Well, look around and try to find pokemon when you're bored. There, problem solved." Jen said, clearly annoyed.
"You have a one track mind, you know that? Do you ever relax? Ever take a break from pokemon?" Keshia asked.
"I haven't been a trainer for long, so I want to be focused." Jen replied.
"Whatever, just know this: It isn't illegal to take a break." Keshia said.
"Wait, did you hear that?" Jen asked. Listening hard, they both heard rustling near a river.
"Shall we check it out?" Jen asked.
"Yeah, sure, why not." Keshia said. They came to the river to see a Seel and a Natu battling each other, with no one else in sight.
"I think we should stop them, before they kill each other." Jen said.
"I call the Natu!" Keshia said. She threw a pokeball at the Natu, capturing it out of surprise. Jen caught the Seel and let her out immediately to bond her soul.
Now, why were you and that Natu fighting? Jen asked.
It stole my food that I was collecting, then ate it and laughed at me! Seel said.
Well, don't worry. Keshia will raise that Natu to behave better....hopefully. But as for you, do you want to come along with me? Jen asked.
Keep that Natu under control, and I'll gladly come with you. Seel said.
"Hey Keshia, that Natu of yours will have to be trained to behave itself." Jen said. She returned Seel and left with Keshia towards Vermillion city.
"Hey Jen, do you know what gym leader is at Vermillion?" Keshia asked.
"No clue. I was hoping you knew." Jen confessed.
You two might be clueless, but not us. I remember it well. Lt. Surge, gym leader of Vermillion city uses electric types. Glaceon said. Jen repeated what Glaceon said to Keshia.
"Should be a shocking experience, huh Jen?" Keshia said.
"Not funny Keshia, not funny." Jen replied.
Sorry it isn't as long as I would like, however I can't be sure on getting much computer access in the future, so I decided better a short chapter than no chapter at all.
As a token of my opology for making my readers wait so long, please except this:

Chapter 6: "How on Earth did we ever get so lucky?" Keshia asked.
"Pray tell, what do you mean?" Jen asked.
"We've practically just started our journey, and you have a full team of six, and I have five pokemon." Keshia replied.
"When you put it that way, I guess we have been lucky, haven't we?" Jen said.
Uh-oh. You never aknowledge luck, or you'll jinx yourself Leafeon said.
"I find that only believing in good luck is a much better way to live." Jen said.
"What did she say?" Keshia asked.
"Leafeon is worried we'll be cursed with bad luck." Jen said.
"Well, just in case, we shouldn't rely on luck in the future. Just in case." Keshia said.
"Not you too. I only believe I can can get good luck, or no luck. I don't believe in bad luck." Jen said.
"Well, I do. Exhibit A: It is about to rain, and there isn't a pokemon center in sight." Keshia said.
"No center, no problem. My dad used to tell me about all the times he was in a predicament like this. He used to find a big tree, cut off long branches, and form a small hut." Jen said.
"Wow, that is smart." Keshia said. They set to work finding a tree with good enough branch length, and , once finding it, Leafeon cut off multiple branches at once, which wasn't very smart.
"Leafeon, are you okay?" Jen asked. Leafeon was under the tree when the branches fell, so I trust you can fill in the blank? The branches moved, and rolled off her, revealing Leafeon had used Protect just in time.
"Sometimes I forget how good you guys are." Jen said.
You would do well not to underestimate us. We were trained by the best, after all. Glaceon said. After gathering up the branches, the four of them worked quickly to build the hut. They finished just in time, as it had already started to sprinkle. Once in the hut, Jen asked "Hey Keshia, why did you want to become a trainer?"
"You might expect me to say it was because of your dad, but infact it was because I had always loved pokemon. Its as simple as that. What about you?"
"I was around these guys my whole life, and after spending years with them, how could I not want to become a trainer?" Jen replied.
I wonder how my brothers are doing. Leafeon said.
Come to think of it, I am missing the others a lot myself. We'll have to call home at the next pokemon center, huh? Jen said. A few hours past, and the rain finally stopped. They hit the road again and just before dusk, found a nearby town, surrounded by the ocean.
"We can't be at Vermillion already, can we?" Keshia said.
"Let me check the book... yes, we are. Weird, but I'm not complaining for making good time, are you?" Jen said.
"Good point." Keshia said. The very first stop was to the center, where Jen and Keshia released all their pokemon for supper. Before they ate, Jen, Leafeon, and Glaceon headed straight for the visual phone.
"Mom! It's great to see you again." Jen said.
"Jen! You wouldn't believe how much I missed you. How are you doing?" Alena said.
"Great. And don't worry, I've been taking care of Leafeon and Glaceon as well."
"Your father told me those two ran off with you. I sure wish I had a chance to say good bye first."
"They say sorry about that." Jen said, relaying a message for Leafeon and Glaceon.
"It's okay. I suppose ou want to talk to your father, correct?"
"Yes please." Jen said.
"Well, you called at a very bad time. He just went off with Charizard for some quality flying time, and they usually don't come back from that for at least an hour." Alena said.
"Well, what about the other pokemon? Leafeon is missing her brothers like crazy." Jen said.
Don't say that! They'll tease me about it Leafeon said. Too late though, as Alena had relayed Jens' message to Umbreon and Jolteon. those two ran toward the phone faster than you could say hi.
"Mom, I think we should leave these guys to their talk, okay? I call in the mourning before I set off for my third gym badge, okay?" Jen said. After a good bye from Alena, Jen left Leafeon there to talk with Umbreon and Jolteon, and headed off for some food.

I thought a reunion episode was in order, don't you guys think?
I hope this chapter inspires more views than the last one did.

Chapter 7: It was early in the mourning, and Jen was already wide awake.
"You are insane to be up at this hour, you know that right?" Keshia said.
"You're up as well, so wouldn't that make you just as crazy?" Jen retorted.
"Point taken. In my defense, however, you woke me up by closing the door a little too hard." Keshia said.
"Sorry, I just really miss my dad, and he gets up really early to train." Jen said.
"Oh, well, if your dad gets up early, maybe I should as well." Keshia said.
"You are such a fan girl, you know that, right?" Jen asked, chuckling.
"Perhaps." Keshia said, also laughing. With Leafeon and Glaceon on her heels, Jen headed straight to the phone.
"Mom, you usually don't get up at this hour." Jen said, surprised to find her mom on the line.
"Well, your father made a special request that I get up early today, knowing you would probably try to call at this hour. When I woke up this mourning, he was gone, as well as the other pokemon, only a note to be found." Alena said.
"Did it say where he went?" Jen asked.
"Yes, it did."
"Well? Where is he?" Jen asked.
"Why not turn around and find out?" Said a voice from behind. Jen started and spun around immediatly, to face a man of 33, wearing a blue denomn jacket, blue pants, black shirt, and a blue hat that had a single red and gold feather in the fold.
"Dad!" Jen shrieked, running to hug her father.
"Hey kiddo. How yah been?" Chris asked, once regaining his breath after being tackled.
"How did you get here so fast?" Jen asked.
"Charizard hasn't exactly gotten slower over the years." Chris responded. Before Jen could say anything else, a loud shriek, followed by an "Oh my god, its really you!" cut her off. Chris turned to find Keshia, looking ready to burst from excitement.
"Calm down Keshia." Jen said.
"Friend of yours?" Chris asked.
"Met her early on my journey, told her who I was, and stuck to me like glue, hoping to learn about you through me." Jen said.
Do we have to wait for her to be introduced before you realize we are here? Leafeon asked, impatience clearly stated.
"Sorry, I just thought you two would want to see the others first. They are all right outside at the docks." Chris said.
"Really? It has been too long since I last saw everyone. I can't wait to see them again." Jen said. Looking over, Keshia cast a begging look that sent a message clear as a bell.
"Hey, dad? Can my friend come along to?" Jen asked.
"As long as she doesn't shriek again, I see no problem." Chris replied. Keshia and Jen made a bee line for the docks, while Chris strolled along at his own pace, enjoying a chat with Leafeon and Glaceon. When Chris arrived, Jen was on Gyarados' head, laughing, and Keshia was running circles around Gallade.
Who's the crazy girl? Gallade asked.
Friend of Jens'. Chris replied simply.
"Dad, thanks for coming out to see me." Jen said.
"No problem. Everyone else was missing you like crazy as well, not to mention Leafeon and Glaceon, so I had to come out here when I found out where you were." Chris said.
"Dad, have you seen Charizard?" Jen asked.
"He went to fly above the water for a bit. He'll be back soon." Chris said. No sooner than he said it, Charizard came swooping down on them, grabbed Jen off of Gyarados, and put her on him.
"Show off! I swear, he never gets tired of doing stuff like that." Chris said.
Did you hear that Charizard? Daddy thinks you're a show off. Jen said.
He knows he is right, so there is really no point in argueing...though is it wrong to show off at times? Charizard asked.
Only if you do it constantly. Jen teased, laughing.
"Excuse me, Champion Chris? C-could I have your autograph? Keshia asked.
"Sorry, but I don't do autographs." Chris said.
"What about your pokemon?" Keshia asked.
"I've asked them before, and they are like me, sorry." Chris said.
"Well, could you tell me when your next match is?" Keshia asked, determined to get something out of this.
"As a matter of fact, we have a match coming up in 2 days." Chris said. It was nearly noon when Charizard finally came back with Jen, who was in a fit of giggles.
"Just like old times, eh Jen?" Chris said.
"Yeah, it was great flying with Charizard again. Thanks." Jen said.
"Now, I do belieeve it is time for lunch, eh?" Chris said. Once lunch was finished, Jen and Keshia headed straight for the gym, along with Chris and the others, who wanted to watch.
"Gym battles always make me nervous, especially now, since my dad is watching. This is my chance to show him what I'm made of. Lt. Surge, we challenge you to a battle!" Jen proclaimed inside the gym. Lt. surge stepped out, and answered "I hope you are ready for a most electrifying expirience, little girl."
"If it is okay with you, I want this to be a double battle, with my partner Keshia."
"Very well, it makes no difference to me. My choice shall be Raichu and Electabuzz!" said Surge. As he said their names, they popped out of their balls, and onto the field.
"It's your time to shine, Bulbasour!"
"You're the star now, Mankey!" Bulbasour and Mankey came onto the field, looking calm, coll, and collected.
"Bulbasour, Razor leaf!" Jen said. Razor leaf missed by inches as Raichu and Electabuzz dodged it by using dig.
"Mankey, Karate chop the ground!" Keshia said. The force of Karate chop had been sent through the ground, hit Raichu and Electabuzz, and forced them up into the air.
"Now quick! Vine whip!" Jen said. Wasting no time, Bulbasour wrapped them tight, and slammed them into the ground, fast. (ouch)
"Mankey, Brick break!" Keshia said. Not giving them any time to recover, Mankey lept towards them, Brick break at the ready, and pulverized them both in one shot.
"It can't be over already! I guess there is no doubt, you two have both earned this badge." Lt. Surge said.
Chapter 8: Still in the euphoria of winning her third gym badge in front of her dad, Jen was sitting in the pokemon center enjoying luch with her dad and his team, when a news report interrupted the program on tv.
"I'm reporter Ron from the new league that has just been announced certified by the pokemon league. I stand here with the set champion of the Isshu region (if I'm wrong please correct me), and have been granted an interview. Please tell our viewers about yourself and what challengers you think you will see."
"My name is Kie, and I would lie to take this oppertunity to talk to someone in particular. Champion Chris, I think it is time you step down, and let the new generation take his rightful place as grand champion." Kie said. At those words, everyone in the center froze in their spot, immediatly turning all their attention to the tv.
"To call out the champion is no small feat. Can you back up what your words say?" Ron asked.
"Please, it would be too easy to take down an old man like him." Kie said.
"You do realize that he is only 33 years old, right?"
"33 is too old to be a champion. If I recall, he is married and even has a kid, so what is he still doing in the stadium? If you ask me, his time is long gone." Kie said. Everyone in the center was looking from the champ to the tv and back, shocked by how calm he appeared.
"His pokemon were somewhat powerful when they younger, but they too are far past their prime. I know that he isn't one to just step down easily, stubborness must be growing with his age, and I invite him to my reagion for a title match, one I am sure he will lose." Kie said.
"To trash talk the champion on live tv is something not even the biggest fool would ever consider. Are you sure you can defeat him?" Ron asked.
"With my eyes closed. In two days, the match will be held in my stadium, at the heart of the Isshu reagion. Champion Chris, I'm calling you out." And with that, Kie strolled away, leaving the reporter speachless. When he finally found his voice, he said "There you have it folks. In two days, a match like we've never seen will take place at the heart of the Isshu reagion. Will Kie dethrown the grand champion, or will this end up as just another notch on the champions belt? Tune in, for this match will be televised around the world at 3 p.m. sharp. Don't miss the match of the century!" And with that, the tv returned to its orriginal program, but noone was watching it. All eyes were on the champ, who was still calm, as though the whole thing didn't happen.
"Kiddo, I've got to get moving, and I'd appreciate it if you would allow me to take Leafeon with me for awhile." Chris said.
"Sure dad. Kick his but for me, okay?" Jen said.
"I will, thanks. I'll meet you in celedon city in a week to get her back, okay?" Chris said.
Bye Leafeon, go beat him up for me, okay? Jen asked.
It will be my pleasure to take that guy down a notch...or twelve Leafeon said.

By the time Jen, Keshia, and Glaceon had gotten back to Cerulean city, it had been two days and was 2:55.
"We'd better hurry to the center! I don't want to miss this match for the world!" Keshia said.

Chris entered the stadium after being introduced, his pokemon close behind, to be greeted by many cheers from those who had travelled form other regions to see this match, and boos from those who were from this one.
"And now, entering from the right, our very own champion Kie!" bomed the announcer. Kie made a big show of entering the stadium, wearing a champs belt and robe, then flinging it into the audiance, where some avoided it and others fought over it.
What a generous, non egotistic man, wouldn't you say? Gallade said. The rules were read out by the ref, and the battle was underway.
"I choose you, Pidgeot!" Kie said. Charizard made to move forward, but Gallde tapped him on the shoulder, a determined expression on his face, and Charizard went to sit down.
"He must be slipping in his old age. He sends a fighting type against a flying type, how dumb can you be? Aerial ace!" Kie commanded. Pidgeot swooped down at break neck speed, and just as it was about to make contact, Gallade vanished, reappearing on Pidgeot's back, Leaf blade at the ready. Gallade slashed only once, which was more than enough to send Pidgeot back to earth, fainted.
"Pidgeot is unable to battle. Gallade wins."
Naturally Gallade says, with no small hint of pride.
Relaying a message from Charizard, Chris says "A flying type beaten by a grass move, used only once. How weak can you be?" That got people in the crowd angry and laughing histerically.
"Rapidash, your up!" At this, before Charizard can move, Jolteon runs forward, sparks surging from him. Rapidash launches a jet of fire from its mouth, only to meet a Thunderbolt, and to be beaten by the Thunderbolt. The attack sent from Jolteon destroyed the Flamethrower with ease, and zapped Rapidash, fainting it quickly.
"...You've gotten lucky so far old man, but this time I will win!" Kie said. He sends out an Alakazam, to be met by Umbreon, and his Shadow ball made quick work of Alakazam, which led to yels of triumph and anger from the audiance. After the break, the field was changed to a water one, to which a Golduck was sent in responce to Gyarados jumping into the water.
"My Gyarados says bite me...or better yet, I'll bite you!" Chris says for Gyarados. Golduck, upon hearing this, looks at Gyarados' fangs, and runs to Kie, and gets back in its pokeball. The whole crowd is speachless, and not even the Isshu region crowd says anything when Gyarados gets the win. Kie says nothing as he sends out a girrafe like electric pokemon, which Leafeon comes to meet, and takes out easily with Razor leaf.
At last, my turn Charizard said. He goes out to be faced with a Garchomp, which Kie says "You think you have this match in the bag, don't you? Well, you're wrong! Garchomp here is the most powerful pokemon in the world, and I'm going to prove it! Hyper beam max power!" Kie shouts. The attack is charged and fired at Charizard, who lets it hit him. As the smoke from the attack fades, Charizard is revealed to be in the exact same position as when he was before the attack. Kie is stunned, unable to move or think, and can only watch as Garchomp is taken down by a mere slap of Charizard's mighty tail.
"Champion Chris is the winner!" The ref said.
"You know, for all your bragging, I expected more." Chris says as he turns and leaves the stadium.

"Your dad is the strongest trainer alive, and throughout all history. You must be so proud!" Keshia said.
"I am, and I can't believe how weak that guy was. The challengers dad usually faces give him at least enough trouble he has to try, but dad let the team move by themselves, and beat him with a single hit. How lame can you be...or better yet, how low can you feel after bragging on live tv, then lose not only infront of your own region, but the entire world?" Jen said. They continued talking about it all the way to rock tunnel, which they planned on stopping at the pokemon center before hand, then make their way to Celedon city.
i'm glad that you continue jen's travels (thanks to eveyone that voted).i really missed chris so i loved this part
ok so i have read chapter one now and i am hooked! Yay +1 fan
Awsome. It only takes 1 chapter to hook people. How is this not more popularHuh
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