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Part 1
Ash Ketchum and his friends, Dawn and Brock, faced Cyrus, the leader of the Evil Team Galactic. They had put on a rough fight but were losing terribly.
"Ha!" Cyrus laughed. "You cannot defeat me!"
Suddenly, from out of nowhere a Shadow Ball struck his Gyarados head on. From the opposite side an Aura Sphere also struck the serpent.
"Where did that come from?" Dawn wondered aloud.
Ash looked in the direction of the Shadow Ball and saw a remarkably familiar face. In the opposite direction he saw an unusual Lucario.
"Any ordinary Lucario would have blue fur instead of white" he thought.
Dawn was looking at the other Pokemon. "What is that?" she asked.
"That's an old friend." Brock answered. "That's Mewtwo!"
Dawn pulled out her Pokedex.
"Mewtwo: The Genetic Pokemon." It said. "It was created from the DNA of Mew by a scientist on New Island."
"One more time, Lucario!" Mewtwo yelled.
"Right" Lucario replied.
"Out of my way!" Cyrus screamed.
The impact sent the Team Galactic leader flying.
Mewtwo and Lucario landed next to Ash and his friends.
"Well done, my friends!" a british voice said from nearby.
Ash turned to see a black-clad Pokemon trainer walking toward them.
Dawn shivered.
Pikachu and Piplup tensed.
The trainer smiled and said, "Who did you expect? Lt. Surge?"
"Who are you?" Ash asked.
"My name isn't important. Just call me the Dark or Shadow Trainer. I'm from Vermillion City."
"So, you're from Kanto." Brock said.
"By the way," Dawn interrupted. "Did you capture those two?" She pointed to Mewtwo and Lucario.
"Yeah." The Dark Trainer replied.
"But, that's impossible!" Ash yelled. "Isn't it?"
The trainer's expression darkened. "Obviously, not!" he growled.
Mewtwo stepped forward. "It's a simple story." he said. "He defeated me with Lucario here."
"Right," The Trainer said. "When I first started as a trainer I began with Charmander. But, the first Pokemon I ever met was my Haunter when it was still a Gastly."
"How old were you?" Dawn asked.
"I was 5 years old."
"You must have been scared." Brock said.
"No. I spent my childhood studying about Pokemon. Every single darn Pokemon known to man!"
"Wow!" Ash said. "You must have been reading all day!"
"Yeah. Since then, I've dedicated my life to protecting the Pokemon."
"Pikaaaa" Pikachu said.
"You think so, eh?"
Ash, Brock, and Dawn stared at the trainer.
"I've learned to understand the Pokemon language."
"This guy is very strange." Dawn whispered to Ash.
Ash nodded in agreement.
"So," the Trainer said. "Which of you will battle me?"
"I will!" Ash said almost instantly.
"Fine. Begin!"

To be continued...
I apologize if my story is too long.
Seems pretty good for a first part,looking forward to reading the 2nd one.
Thank You. I like to keep people like yourself entertained.
Part 2
Ash Ketchum is facing the mysterious Dark Trainer who possesses the Legendary Mewtwo and an unusual Lucario. The Dark Trainer has challenged Ash to a Pokemon Battle.

The Dark Trainer faced Ash.
"We shall have a one-on-one match!" he said.
"That's fine." Ash said. "I choose Pikachu!"
"Then I shall send Meowth!"
"So, he has a Meowth like Team Rocket." Dawn said.
"Only this one has a greater amount of experience!" The Trainer said.
"Alright," Ash said. "Thunderbolt!"
Pikachu sent a powerful blast of lightning at Meowth.
"Dodge, then counterattack with Fury Swipes." The Dark Trainer said.
Meowth unleashed a series of scratches on Pikachu. All hit. Pikachu clloapsed.
"It's down, but is it out?" Mewtwo asked.
Pikachu strained but got back up. The Trainer looked impressed.
"It's quite strong. I like that."
"Pikachu," Ash called. "Use Bolt Tackle."
But, the command came too late. Meowth collapsed in a heap.
"Meowth, are you alright?" The Trainer asked with concern.
"He'll be fine." Mewtwo answered.
"Return, Meowth. You fight with a lot of talent."
Meanwhile, a trio of villains watched the battle. They were Jessie, James, and a talking Meowth; Team Rocket.
"I never get tired of Pikachu!" Jessie said.
"Me neither." James added.
"I'm looking at the guy with the other Meowth." Meowth said.
"Maybe, we shouldn't get involved this time." James said.
"Why?" Jessie and Meowth asked at the same time.
James pointed at Mewtwo.
"Oh. You're probably right." Jessie said.

To be continued...
Please, give an opinion.Big Grin
It's good,although you could lengthen your descriptions so that it does not look like just a block of text and dialogue.
Its very good indeed with lots of good parts inside the story Wink

keep thinking i would really like to see the next parts
To GeorgeSlayer,
I apologize for my lack of detail. But, don't worry I'll describe to you (and other viewers) what the Dark Trainer looks like:
As you know, he's a british, expert level trainer who wears a black, long-sleeve shirt; a pair of black jeans; and a cape similar to that of Canalave Gym leader, Byron.
Oh, and here's a fun fact: The Dark Trainer and a She-Team Galactic member used to be boyfriend and girlfriend. I will reveal who it is on Part 3 of my fanfiction. You can take a guess if you like.
To Dark_Lugia,
I'm always happy to keep fans happy. Expect another Fanfic, soon.Wink
nice work mystery.55 and i don think there to long mine maybe heres a link legendarypokemon.net/forums/thread-1565.html its called pokemon dungeon any way hurry up and post part three
Part 3
Ash Ketchum has defeated the Dark Trainer in a Pokemon Match. Impressed, the Dark Trainer decides to join Ash, temporarily. As they venture into a dark forest, Mewtwo senses another presence...

"This isn't good." Mewtwo said.
Dawn looked at the legendary Pokemon. Ash and the others knew more about Mewtwo than she did, and she knew it.
The only legendary Pokemon she met were all dwellers of Sinnoh. Mewtwo came from Kanto.
"What's the matter?" the Dark Trainer asked.
"Team Galactic." Brock guessed.
Mewtwo nodded.
"No sweat." The Dark Trainer said. He pulled out a strange bottle filled with a purple liquid.
"What is that?" Ash asked.
"Inhale, but don't drink." The Trainer warned.
Ash smelled then made a face. "It smells like vineger!" he yelped.
"What you smell is a venom called Deadly Night Shade," The Trainer explained. "A mix of all Pokemon poisons, including the sludge of a Muk."
"Dangerous?" Dawn asked.
"Extremely, when it makes contact with blood. Otherwise, it's harmless."
"He plans to throw the bottle at Team Galactic." Mewtwo finished.
"However, I designed this bottle to simply paralyze them. Not kill."
Without another word, the Dark Trainer tossed the bottle toward the bushes. After the glass shattered there was a series of loud screams of surprise and anger.
The Dark Trainer held back a smile as the group moved toward the screams. Suddenly, the Trainer stopped in his tracks.
Standing before them was the Team Galactic member that Ash, Dawn, and Brock recognized as Mars, the woman who tried to destroy Iron Island.
Mars looked at the group in turn, but when her eyes met the Dark Trainer's they went wide with fear.
"Shameful, Mars." the Dark Trainer said. "Caught in the blast of my bottle of Paralyzing Night Shade."
"Finish me, now!" Mars said. "Fulfill your chance of revenge."
"When we broke up," The Trainer said. "Your Sneasel gave me the scars on my body. An unforgivable move, Mars!"
"WHAT!!!!" Ash, Dawn, and Brock shreiked.
"Five years ago," Mars said. "He and I were very good friends. Long before I was in Team Galactic. We always loved to pretend we were Pokemon Trainers on a journy together."
"When the time came for us to get our first Pokemon," the Dark Trainer said. "We had to separate.
"When I was thirteen, we reunited and fell in love. But when I found out she joined Team Galactic, I broke up with her. In response she had her Sneasel shread me to death. I surely would have died if the Cerulean sisters hadn't found me.
"They tended to my wounds and kept me alive. In return for their services, I gave them my Seel as their mascot for the Cerulean Gym.
"And now, I shall have my revenge by destroying Team Galactic from the inside out!"
The Dark Trainer pulled out a dagger and prepared to stab Mars.
"No!" Mewtwo yelled and restrained the Trainer. "This isn't right!"
"Butt out, Mewtwo! This is my vendetta!"
Ash joined in the struggle to keep the trainer away from Mars.

Can Ash and Mewtwo stop the Dark Trainer?
To be continued...
o_0.....wow seems a little dark but still vey good i like it. Bout tim pokemon became less.....babyish very very nice.
Part 4
Ash, The Dark Trainer, and their friends have captured a few members of Team Galactic. Sadly, one of those members is Mars, whom the Dark Trainer mortally loaths. Currently, Ash and the legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo are trying to keep the Dark Trainer from killing Mars out of vengence.

"Dark Trainer, you've got to stop!" Ash screamed.
"Revenge will not dispose of your scars!" Mewtwo added.
"Pika pika!" Pikachu yelled.
"I should have done this to you years ago!" The Dark Trainer screamed at Mars.
"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!!" Lucario's cry was so loud that all the commotion stopped abruptly.
"Master!" he continued. "Why on Earth would you try to murdersomeone!?"
"She tried to kill me," the Dark Trainer snapped. "Now, I must return the favor!"
"I've never seen anyone totally snap like that." Dawn whispered to Brock.
"Nor I." Brock replied.
"I did what I did because you refused to join Team Galactic and stay with me." Mars said.
"I've dedicated my life to honor and justice!" The Dark Trainer said. "I could never live with someone who thinks Pokemon are just weapons!"
"We are creatures who think and feel." Mewtwo added. "We are not just mere tools used for battle!"
"Pi pikachu!" Pikachu agreed.
"Besides," Lucario said. "Cyrus is just using you to create a world for himself. What's in it for you?"
Mars didn't answer.
"That's what I thought." Lucario said. "So, what's it going to be? Find a better way to live, or remain here with no future?"
"Think about it." Mewtwo finished.

What will Mars do?
Find out in Part 5...
nice i like all the detail in your fan fics. But if he is devoted to justice and al that why did he try killing mars? Well its still a good fan fic and alot more interesting than mine i believe.end of post.
Mars almost killed him! Wouldn't you want revenge if you were nearly mutilated? I would.
uhhhhhh i dunno never been nearly mutilated Suicide
I've had nightmares. So, I would know.
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