Legendary Pokémon

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The summer pokemon
Fire / Flying
Ability:Sun Blaze
Moves:1]Sun Blast [Summmeron creates a huge fire ball and he throws it]
2]Brave Bird
4]Sun beam[Summerion charge energie and his wings are getting HUGE and he creates a beam which leaves the other pokemon unable to battle]
Sun Beam kinda reminds me of Solarbeam. Anyway, It's another job well done!

Suggestion: Why not make a Spring, Autumn, and Winter Pokemon to go with Summerion?
Jesus christ nobody has posted here in forever. I will bump it up!
Mega Fly-Dinosaur pokemon
Ill add his evolutions later

lv. 50 Pressure Push, Flying (pushes the foe back to its pokeball base attack 150 accuracy 70)
lv. 59 Dragon Beam, Dragon (fires a beam at the foe; must rest next turn base attack 150 accuracy 60)

Lv. 70 Black Hole, Dark type (one hit ko accuracy 55)
The Error Pokemon
Type: Psychic/Steel
Evolves from Beheem after trading with Dubilious Disk.
Pokedex Entry: This pokemon is capable of melting people's brains by projecting blue screens. It wanders around pokemon storage systems,looking for its victims.

Who made the pokemon storage system?
Giratina88, thanks for bringing my thread back into action. I haven't been logged in for a while because my computer crashed. But, I'm back!
No problem!

Dark Matter Pokemon
Doesn't have evolutions

Now...at a first glance, this pokemon may look like a rip off. After all, its stats (save for hp, which it has 1 of) are all at ZERO!!! Furthermore, this pokemon can only learn 1 SINGLE MOVE!!! However, this illusion of uselessness goes away entirely when it uses this move in battle. What might this move be? It is called "Dark Matter". The move is what it is...yeah...I know...kinda uncreative name. What it DOES? Well, thats completely different. This move does not only damage the target, it drains it. But oh, not just of hp. When we say "drain", we mean this move drains the targets STATS!!! And then those stats drained get added to Obsiglion's stats. So, as the target gets weaker and weaker, Obsiglion gets stronger and stronger until the target faints from having no max hp. This process takes a maximum of 6 turns, but Obsiglion can also drain the targets MOVES from it, so Obsiglion then can do some actual damage. Obsiglion can also replenish weakened stats, lost hp, and pp with this move. So, as the battle goes on, Obsiglion gets stronger and stronger and stronger. However, this jig can't go on forever without a consequence. Every time Obsiglion uses this move, it drains power from the other pokemon on its team, which will get progressively weaker and weaker until THEY faint. After THAT, Obsiglion has to take from his own HP to use it. Its a powerful move, but use it wisely.

You may also notice that Obsiglion has a ??? thingy as its second type. This is because that secondary type can vary from battle to battle, which means Obsiglion has no definite resistances or weaknesses.

Well, thats all for my pokedoke I just made up. Its not legendary, but there is only one. Its kinda like that Yu-Gi-Oh card Relinquished. Thats what Obsiglion is based off of anyways. Tune in next time when I make a dark energy pokemon!!!
The Artifically Itelligent Pokemon Steel/Psychic
Gender: Female
Ability: Neurotoxin Release
If this pokemon has remained in battle for 6 turns,the opponent pokemon(s) faint.
Pokedex Entry: This pokemon was created to operate a test chamber. However,she killed her creators upon completion. The Magnemites attached to her are used to give her human emotions.
Appearance: A mechanism that resembles an upside-down tied woman. She has 4 Magnemites attached to her; 1 purple,1 yellow, 1 blue and 1 red.
Method of obtaining: Met at 70 level. Must have 4 Magnemites in party and a free spot.
Stats: She has high HP and Sp.Def, above average Def, average Sp.Atk. and low Atk and Speed.
Remarkable Moves: Psychic,FlashCannon,Psychoshock,Thunderbolt,Poison Gas,Thunder Wave,Iron Defence,Trick Room, Metal Sound
MagneDOS sounds dangerous. So does Obsiglion. Keep up the good work!Big Grin
I have made theese pokemon
Automnirion and
And solar beam is too different from sun beam
nice going with the GLaDOS pokemon. Now I need a pokemon to represent Kim Jong Ill. I was actually thinking of having Invader Zim take that part...unless I find a better idea.
Excellent!Big Grin

I'm looking forward to your next creation!Big GrinBig Grin
I've thought of the whole fight scene and encounter thingy for MagneDOS:

After battling many Team Quantum members, you finally make it to the center of the Aperture Science laboratories, or at least, what is left of it. Unfortunately, you are too late. The Team Quantum admins and their leader Sigmas have already beaten you to the core, and have fitted the personality magnemites onto MagneDOS, because to activate it, you need all 4. The dialogue plays out like this:

Team Quantum grunt: Lord Sigmas, everything is ready. The personality magnemites have been fitted onto MagneDOS. Shall we activate it?
Sigmas: Yes. Tell the people in the control room to activate MagneDOS.
Sigmas realizes that you are in the room as well, and turns toward you
Sigmas: Oh, looks like you managed to get through. Well, if you were focusing on your survival, that's too bad. Why? Because when we activate MagneDOS, we are gonna use it to slaughter all that stand in our way, starting with YOU!!!
A rumbling noise is heard coming from the AI, and it starts to light up
Sigmas: Yes! YES!!! Its ACTIVATING!!!
The rumbling gets louder and louder, until the entire room starts shaking. Then, the rumbling stops, and with the remaining lights coming on, MagneDOS rises to greet those that are around her.
MagneDOS: Hello..hellool...gelelohello...andwelcometothe Aperture Science computer aided enrichment center.
Admin Buric: It works...MagneDOS is alive!
MagneDOS: Of course I am.
Admin Renia: Hey, it seems to be aware of it's environment.
Admin Niko: To me, it looks like a triumph!
The admins and grunts celebrate their success, while MagneDOS turns her attention to the game's music
MagneDOS: What is this sound playing on the Aperture Science Dedicated Radio Channel? It is interesting, but it is not needed to do what I must do.
Admin Renia: What do you mean?
Admin Niko: What is it that you need to do?
MagneDOS: I must do, what I can do.
Admin Buric: What is she saying Sigmas? What CAN she do exactly?
MagneDOS: Well, since I am linked with every system in this complex, basically anything.
The music then changes from pokemonish music to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjgaDYzdmiI which btw will loop once it gets to 24 seconds back to the first second until you start battling her, in which it then starts at the 25 second mark and loops back there when it gets to the end
MagneDOS: Ah, I think I found a more suitable sound for the upcoming situation. This was a triumph. We are out of alpha. Now it's hard to overstate my satisfaction. But I've experiments to run. There is research to be done. Now, goodbye!
Admin Niko: Everyone get the hell out of here!
The Team Quantum members quickly head for the exit, much to MagneDOS's annoyance
MagneDOS: That has got to be the dumbest thing that-whoa WHOA whooaaa...hehehehehe...
With her conscious and morality forgotten, MagneDOS begins firing death lasers and flinging Team Quantum members around with telekinesis. After a few moments, a bunch of Team Quantum members are lying there dead. THEN she turns her attention to YOU.
MagneDOS: You...you are interesting. You don't seem to be very afraid. After all that, you won't back down. Very well then, I'll have to deal with you personally. You may not be afraid now, but trust me, I will have you begging me not to end your pitiful and evil life in moments. And by the way, I won't listen to your begging. Because the only thing you deserve...is to DIE!!!

MagneDOS then engages you into battle. Details coming soon!
Thanx u very much m55
MagneDOS will use the following moves in battle:

Neurotoxin Release
Zap Cannon
Lock On

Naturally, MagneDOS will be VERY difficult. In fact, all pokeballs thrown at her will be deflected before they can reach her. Moves used by your pokemon will also have next to no damage against MagneDOS. The goal of this first fight against her is not to defeat her, but simply to survive. MagneDOS will also talk to you while you are battling her. For example, when she uses a move, she may say something like "Your entire life has been a mathematical error. A mathematical error I'm about to correct". At the end of the 10th turn, if your pokemon are still alive, GLaDOS will suddenly be temporarily shut down. More details coming later!
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