Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Has anyone created made-up Pokemon? Seriously!
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I was afraid that my threads were long forgotten. Guess I was wrong.
You were wrong. I kept them alive.
(04-02-2012 04:25 AM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]You were wrong. I kept them alive.

lol yes that one you made , the last one was great Toungue
G88, I am very grateful to you.
Thank you. Maybe the Dark Trainer will use some of these pokemon!
Space Core

Description: A power core that is obsessed with space. It was meant to be a core that suppressed GLaDOS's ability to kill, but instead just made her obsessed with space. They stuck it with a bunch of defective cores, where it stayed until Trollrod the Ever Trolling found him. The Space Core joined his team, and together with Nyan Cat and Trollzor Trollrod has a formidable team. Space Core is capable of using cosmic attacks and annoying the hell out of everyone with his talks of SPAAAAAACE!!!

Ability: Irritating
When this pokemon is out, any pokemon that have been out with Space Core for more than 3 turns go back into their pokeball and switch with another pokemon, as they have become so irritated by Space Core that they can't fight it any more.

Space Lazor
Hyper Voice
Cosmic Power
Space cops

Description: The meme pokemon. Memelodon likes nothing more than generating stupid overused memes like the Space Core meme, the arrow to the knee joke, anything related to mudkipz, and LEROOOOOOY JEEEENKIIIINSSS!!! Some people view this pokemon as a god. Others view it as satan. But most just see it as an irritating pokemon. This pokemon was long forgotten until Trollrod the Ever Trolling learned of its potential, and added it to his team. Memelodon helps any meme related pokemon in battle by restoring health, raising stats, or curing status ailments.

Ability: Meme recharge
Memelodon is capable of helping out any meme related pokemon in battle by restoring health, raising stats, or curing status ailments.

Pootis fling
Space lazer
Memelodon + Swampert (evolved Mudkipz) pure imba in double battles.

Ι really like seeing mixes of Pokémon and other games or things that I like. Once when I was bored at school I imagined how Mewtwo would be if he was a DotA hero. But since there aren't many, if any, DotA fans here there's no point in posting it.
I might try fusing some pokemon together. That would be interesting.
Giratina88 Wrote:Thank you. Maybe the Dark Trainer will use some of these pokemon!
I figured that Doppelditto could become one of them. Hell, I won't object to you adding him to Samus and Pikachu.
Incidentally, you should probably chang the title to Samus, Pikachu and Chilla. I get the feeling that she feels a bit left out. I mean that would partially explain her attitude aside from Samus's stupidity.
@Samus: No offense.
Well, Chilla only appears in super metroid and onward. Samus and Pikachu start in the very beginning.
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