Legendary Pokémon

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That remainds me some custom heroes I used to create for DotA. Anyway, here's one interesting I remember, changed a bit to fit the Pokémon theme.

Software Pokémon

Electric type
Ability: Hax0r (more coming later)

Special characteristics: This Pokémon uses unusual tactics and indirect ways to hurt the enemy team. It can learn 4 unique moves, at 1, 25, 50 and 75 levels. It is said to interact with the system trainers use to battle and cause a lot of trouble.
Appearance: Just a levitating, immaterial screeen, showing complex algortihms and programming stuff or binary digits when operating at full power.

Blue Screen of Death / status / ??? type / 85% accuracy
Once this move succeeds, everybody else involved in the battle will get a blue screen and a beeping sound. They can still use moves and switch out but they won't be able to see what's going on. If Pokémon under the affect of this move aren't given an order in 5 seconds, one will be chosen and executed randomly. Also in every turn the pre-selected order will change to a random one. In double and triple battles, the owner trainer will also have this effect when he's not choosing moves for Bleep. Also, every Pokémon in the battle will lose 1/8 of its health per turn. Lasts 2-3 turns.

Glitch Ball / status / electric type / 100% accuracy
The user waits for one opponent at the enemy team to switch out. Once he does so, the new Pokéball coming out gets glitched and sealed, causing the Pokémon inside it to lose 25% of its HP. Then, it returns to the opponent trainer who is forced to bring out the previous Pokémon, again. It only works once per time used and will fail if you have used it before but the enemy hasn't switched out yet.

Ok, that was intersting, I could write much more but it's late here and I have exams tomorrow. The rest tomorrow...
Wait a second. Did you just put GlaDOS (MagneDOS,same difference) in the same sentence with death lasers and telekinesis? That is soooo wrong.
Ok, here's the rest:

Ability: Hax0r, Pokémon with this ability are not affected by the moves Blue Screen of Death, Glitch Ball and all status moves gain +1 priority.

Move 3rd
System Recovery/ status / electric type/ 100% accuracy
The Pokémon starts to recover all its software back to its normal status. It cures all status alignments along with confusion, but doesn't free the user from moves like mean look or wrap, in the beginning of the turn. When the turns ends, the Pokémon will heal 50% of its HP.

Move 4th
Battle Analysis/ status/ ??? type / 100% accuracy
The user uses it's processing power to calculate every possible variable that may affect the result of the battle and then he can choose the best way for it and its allies to move. After the move is used and as long as the user remains in battle, Pokémon at your side will enjoy double critical hit ratio, double chance for attacks to inflict secondary effects and +15% accuracy.

Other notable moves Bleep may learn: Thundebolt, Discharge, Substitute, Light Screen, Reflect, Calm Mind, Psychic, Meatal Sound,

Stats: average HP, very low attack, slightly below average def, good spattck, average spdef slightly above average speed
(10-06-2011 01:51 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Wait a second. Did you just put GlaDOS (MagneDOS,same difference) in the same sentence with death lasers and telekinesis? That is soooo wrong.

First of all, it seemed more exciting than just plain old neurotoxin, and she uses it in Portal Prelude.
All right! I can't contain myself anymore! Now, I shall reveal one of MY made-up Pokemon!

The Doppelganger Pokemon
Element: Dark/Ghost
Attack(s): Dark Transform (Doppelditto transforms into a dark form of its enemy.)
Pokedex entry: It's origin is unknown. Some regard it as an evil form of Ditto. This idea was scrapped as an unidentified Pokemon trainer befriended Doppelditto but didn't capture it.
Interesting. And what will be the attributes and/or abilities of Dopelditto's new form? Since it's Dark Transform it could have better offensive capabilities I guess or something else regarding status that would make it superior to the original.
Dragon/Ice Dragice is a dragon 4 metres tall whose legs and wings are covered in ice Moves
1]Aurora Beam
3]Brave Bird
4]Drago Meteor
(28-08-2011 01:23 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]^
Interesting. And what will be the attributes and/or abilities of Dopelditto's new form? Since it's Dark Transform it could e better offensive capabilities I guess or something else regarding status that would make it superior to the original.

Well, in the sense that Doppelditto is a Dark/Ghost Pokemon where Ditto is just a Normal type, it actually is somewhat superior.
(28-08-2011 10:15 PM)mystery.55 Wrote: [ -> ]
(28-08-2011 01:23 AM)Divided by Zer0 Wrote: [ -> ]^
Interesting. And what will be the attributes and/or abilities of Dopelditto's new form? Since it's Dark Transform it could e better offensive capabilities I guess or something else regarding status that would make it superior to the original.

Well, in the sense that Doppelditto is a Dark/Ghost Pokemon where Ditto is just a Normal type, it actually is somewhat superior.

My mistake, what I wanted to say is if Doppelditto will have an advantage over the Pokémon it is copying. E.g. Ditto can hold quick powder I think, giving it a speed bonus. Will Doppelditto have an ability or a special item that will make it powerful except Dark Transform.
Parasite Pokemon
1 inch (length)

Type 1: Poison
Type 2: ---

Description: This tiny parasite lives near other Pokemons' nests. It nourishes on its victim's blood without the victim taking immediate notice. It leaves behind a trace and the victim is likely to suffer poisoning.

Ability: Symbiotic
If the Pokemon sustains physical damage, the Pokemon steals 1/16 of the opponent's max HP every turn.

Movepool (Sample):
- Leech Life
- Toxic
- Minimize
- Attach (Power: ---, Accuracy: 70, Type: Poison, Category: Neutral. Sticks on the target and steals 1/16th of max HP)
- Nest (Power: ---, Accuracy: ---, Type: Normal, Category: Neutral. The user stands firmly on the ground, raising its Defense and Special Defense. The user cannot switch.)

Tier: UU (low base stats, non-versatile movepool)
Nyan Cat

Description: A cat with a poptart body that farts rainbows. Don't be fooled by its cute appearance though, because this particular cat is very good at saying 'nyan' at a frequency that damages foes. It can also attack by using telekinesis, rainbow lasers, and by ramming at high speed. This internet meme is a force to be reckoned with.

Ability: Irritating
When this pokemon is out, any pokemon that have been out with Nyan Cat for more than 3 turns go back into their pokeball and switch with another pokemon, as they have become so irritated by Nyan Cat that they can't fight it any more.


Nyan blast
Rainbow beam
Double Team
(29-08-2011 11:37 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Nyan Cat

Description: A cat with a poptart body that farts rainbows. Don't be fooled by its cute appearance though, because this particular cat is very good at saying 'nyan' at a frequency that damages foes. It can also attack by using telekinesis, rainbow lasers, and by ramming at high speed. This internet meme is a force to be reckoned with.

Ability: Irritating
When this pokemon is out, any pokemon that have been out with Nyan Cat for more than 3 turns go back into their pokeball and switch with another pokemon, as they have become so irritated by Nyan Cat that they can't fight it any more.


Nyan blast
Rainbow beam
Double Team

That is the best one ive seen so far..........Cool
Internet meme? Mama mia!
Tac Nayn

Description: When the Nyan Cat became too powerful for humanity to handle,scientists in underground labs developed a counter measure to fight Nyan Cat. However,the experiment was unsuccessful. Then,these scientists were fired and they were replaced by better scientists. They created Tac Nayn,a strong enough being to fight Nyan Cat. With the ability to reverse sounds and fire combustible lemons (also known as lemon-ades),Tac Nyan is heading towards space (space? SPAAAAAAAAAAA*message interrupted by incinerator*) for the decisive battle.

Ability: Sdrawkcab
Redirects sound based moves back to the user.

Nayn Blast (Dark/100 Power/100 Accuracy/PP 10/Physical If used after Nyan Blast,this moves power doubles)
Skull Shield (Dark/- Power/- Accuracy/PP 10/Other Protects the user from an attack by Nyan Cat and raises attack and speed by 1 stage)
Lemon-Ade (Grass/120 Power/90 Accuracy/PP 5/Physical 20% to burn opponent's house down)
Giga Impact

Description: Trollzor is the ever trolling pokemon. He wears a troll face and spends his time making others mad. When they fight back, he counters with stupid overused memes. In battle, his "umadbro" ability will make a pokemon so pissed off that their stats will go crazy, randomly being raised and lowered at the end of each turn. It has the powers of nyan cat, arrows to the knee, mudkipz, and power levels over 9000.

Ability: Umadbro?
All pokemon fighting against Trollzor will have a random stat raised and one random stat lowered at the end of each turn.

Nyan Blast
Arrow in the Knee
I hearz u likez mudkipz
OVER 9000!!!
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