Legendary Pokémon

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I realize that was a REALLY short chapter, so let me make it up to you with chapter 7 and chapter 2 of Eon Chris

Chapter 7: Walking along the thin river, the group headed towards Goldenrod city.
"Here lookks as good as any place to set up for lunch, huh?" Jen said.
"Sounds good, I'm starving!" Keshia said. They set up the fire, and just as they were getting out the food, Jen saw something blinking white out of the corner of her eye. She turned and saw a dark green egg tumbling down a hill towards then, and also she saw an old man running after it.
"Hey kids, stop that egg!" He shouted. Acting quickly, Jen ran at it and scooped it up.
"Thank you kindly miss." He said.
"How did this one get away?" Jen asked.
"I don't know. This egg has been causing me grief for as long as I've been taking care of it." He said.
"Oh, so you're the day care man, right?" Jen asked.
"Sure am. Oh look! This egg's about to hatch!" He said. Remembering Lapras, Jen paniced a bit, and just before she could give it back, a Larvatar hatched from the egg, and Jen was the first one she saw. Jen just stood there, with an emotionless face, handed the Larvatar to the old man, rested her chin on her hands, and screamed in her head "WHY ME?!?"
"Well, I guess this little girl here is yours, now isn't she?" The day care man said. Larvatar tried to wiggle free, trying to get to Jen. jen went over, took Larvatar into her arms, thanked the man, and went back to the fire, resuming setting up lunch, while the others watched her.
I heard from Leafeon about Lapras, and now Larvatar, maybe you should stop being a trainer and become a day care lady? Jolteon said with a smurk.
"You all just going to stand there, or do I have to set this up myself?" Jen asked calmly. The others went to set up lunch with her, and after they all ate, Jen was rocking a sleeping Larvatar in her arms.
"Have you bonded your souls yet?" Keshia asked.
"Yep. She really seems tired, huh?" Jen asked with a soft smile.
"When she hatched, you didn't seem NEARLY this cool about it." Keshia said.
"No one is mocking me, I've got a Larvatar, and a sweet one at that, you guys don't, so, yeah I'm good." Jen said.
"If you put it that way, now I feel a little jealous." Crystal said.
"What for? You have a furry friend right near you." Jen said.
"Oh yeah, I do." Crystal said, petting Furry.
"So, what are you going to do now?" Gold asked.
"Keep her, train her, hope she gets along with the others, and try to get her an element move." Jen said. Jen put Larvatar in her pokeball for some sleep, then helped the others pack up everything. Once everything was put away, and the pokemon were recalled, they set off again for Goldenrod city.
"Hey, Gold? How about we test out our new pokemon before we go to the gym?" Crystal asked.
"Sure, good idea. Go hard or go home Feuilles!"
"Game on Lucky!"
"Hmm, lets see what you can use." Gold said, checking his pokedex.
Pokemon: Tropius
Gender: Male
Nickname: Feuilles
Moves: Leaf storm, Magical leaf, Aerial ace, Sky attack

Pokemon: Swablu
Gender: Female
Nickname: Lucky
Moves: Wing attack, Aerial ace, Sing, Dragon pulse
"Woh! My Lucky can use Dragon pulse?!? How lucky did I get?" Crystal said.
"Hey, I scored big time as well. This one has Leaf storm, how cool is that?" Gold said.
"Okay, time to battle. Lucky, Wing attack!" Crystal said.
"Fly up and use Sky attack!" Gold said. Lucky charged at Feuilles, missing by mere inches, and Feuilles dive bombed Lucky.
"Sing!" Crystal said quickly. Lucky sang quickly, putting Feuilles to sleep almost immediatly, and he crashed into the ground.
"Wake up Feuilles!" Gold yelled. Feuilles continued to sleep, despite Gold's shouts.
"I can't really call this a win, because Feuilles didn't faint, just won't wake up. So, no one wins, okay?" Crystal said.
"Yeah, but next time, don't use Sing." Gold said, returning Feuilles.
"Lucky, I can tell we are going to be great friends." Crystal said. Lucky chirped and dlew onto her shoulder, rubbing against her cheek.
"Strong and sweet? I really lucked out." Crystal said.

Some may argue there were bad puns in this chapter, and they are right, but atleast it was a long one, right?
(02-10-2010 04:22 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]You have a furry friend right near you." Jen said.
"Oh yeah, I do." Crystal said, petting Furry.

Furry rules!!!!!!
Chapter 8: "Hey Jen, is that Goldenrod city?" Keshia asked. The group is found at the outskirts of Goldenrod city, admiring the tall buildings.
"Yep, and don't run around everywhere you guys. This is a big city, and we can get lost from each other quite easily." Jen said.
"Need I remind you who is the older trainer here?" Crystal said.
"We don't need a lecture, we know how easy it is to get lost in a place like this." Gold said. They went in the city, and within half an hour, they were seperated in the crowd.
"'We don't need a lecture, we know how easy it is to get lost in a place like this'." Jen mocked. She wandered the city, eventually finding the pokemon center.
"Hello Keshia." Jen said frustrated. Keshia jumped a bit, and looked up from her food.
"Hey Jen, where'd yah go?" Keshia asked.
"Where'd I go? You ditched me!" Jen said angrily.
Don't cause a scene Jen Jolteon said. Jen took a deep breath, and calmed down.
"Have you seen Crystal or Gold?" Jen asked.
"Nope, but I would bet anything that they would have gone here or to the gym. Since they didn't come here, lets go." Keshia said.
"What's the rush? lets get some food first." Jen said. They left the center a little while later with full stomachs, headed to the gym. When they got there, they saw Gold and Crystal come out of it, both holding something shiny in their hands.
"Let me guess." Jen said.
"Yep. While you two ditched us, we got our third gym badge." Crystal said.
"We ditched you? I tried to warn you how easy it was to get lost, but you said you two didn't need a lecture. 30 minutes later, I'm by myself!" Jen chastised.
"Look, just go get your badge. That should calm you right down." Gold said.
"Yeah, you're right. Sorry, but I did warn you I wasn't always easy to get along with." Jen said. She and Keshia entered the gym, while Gold and Crystal went to get something to eat.
"Whitney, we challenge you to a battle." Jen said.
"Whitney?" Keshia questioned.
"Yes, Whitney. She is the gym leader and specializes in normal types." Jen said.
"And I will show you just how good I am." Whitney said.
"Go Miltank and Clefable!"
"Its you and me Chinchou!"
"We fight as one Pidgeot!"
"Miltank Rollout and Clefable you use Metronome!" Whitney said. Miltank charged Chinchou, while Clefable shook it's fingers back and forth.
"Chinchou, Thunder wave!" Keshia said. Chinchou paralyzed Miltank, stopping it's roll on a dime.
"Now, use Thunderbolt!" Keshia said. Chinchou struck Miltank with a tremendous amount of electricity, fainting it.
"Now, we just have to worry about Metronome." Jen said. Clefable finished Metronome and, BOOM!
"...Um, did it just use Explosion?" Jen asked unbelievingly.
"I do believe it did, so...we win?" Keshia asked.
"Yes. I shouldn't have used Metronome right out of the gate, that was my bad." Whitney said. They walked out of the gym, holding their Plain badges with pride, and met up with Crystal and Gold at the pokemon center.
"How did your matches go?" Gold asked.
"We won, ofcourse. Tell us though, how did you win your matches?" Jen asked.
"Well, at least I found you Gold, but I wish we could find Jen and Keshia." Crystal said.
"Well, maybe they'll meet us up at the gym." Gold said.
"Oh yeah, good thinking." Crystal said. They entered the gym and faced Whitney almsot immediatly.
"Well Whitney, we challenge you." Gold said.
"Bring it on. Go Nidorina and Torous!"
"Go hard or go home Feuilles!"
"Game on Furry!"
"So I finally get to see Furry somewhere other than your shoulder during meals?" Gold said.
"Maybe this will suffice. Furry, use Headbutt!" Crystal said. In the blink of an eye, Furry had smached into Torous, obviously giving it a mager headache.
"Okay, message recieved. Do not mock the Furret, got it. Use Leaf storm!" Gold said. A green tornado with leaves whirled to life, striking Torous, finishing it off.
"Why gang up on my poor Torous? Use Poison sting!" Whitney said. Nodorina fired off rounds of missles, only to be blown away with another Leaf storm.
"Use Fury swipes!" Crystal said. A flurry of movement, too fast for the naked eye to see, Furry slashed away at Nidorina, fainting it.
"Don't worry Nidorina, I'd faint too if that was me." Whitney said, returning her.
"Guess we win." Gold said.
"Here, take them." Whitney said, giving the badges to them.

"And how did you guys win your match?" Gold asked. Jen and Keshia both told them, all while snacking on food while the others ate.
(03-10-2010 04:57 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Furry had smached into Torous, obviously giving it a mager headache.
Furry rules again!!!
You enjoy your Furry, don't you?

Chapter 9: After finishing their story, Larvatar jumped up to the seat next to Jen.
"Why hello there." Jen cooed, picking up Larvatar, holding her in her arms.
"Jen, aren't you babying Larvatar just a bit?" Keshia asked.
"I wonder why, considering how old she is." Jen said.
"Okay, okay, point taken. When are you going to train her though?" Keshia asked.
"I trained Lapras early because she wanted to train. I'll train Larvatar when she is old enough or decides she is." Jen said.
"Well I think that is just plain rubish." Jen turned behind her to see a trainer of 14, spicky blue hair, black fur coat, brown pants and boots, and black bike gloves, and a british accent.
"Pardon me, but I just couldn't help over hearing your pathetic statement." He said.
"Well I don't recall asking for your approval." Jen said.
"Someone had to say it. You're babying something that could grow up to become a powerful Tyranitar, yet you cuddle it in your arms like a doll. Can you really call yourself a trainer?" He said.
"I don't recall asking for your opinion, so back off." Jen said agressively. Jolteon and Umbreon took battle stances, ready to jump in incase things got ugly.
"Hey, listen. It would be in your best interest to leave my friend alone." Keshia said, getting up.
"And what if I don't want to?" He asked.
"Then you'll answer to Sinnoh's champ." Crystal said, also getting up.
"Ooh Sinnoh's champ, I'm soo scared." He mocked.
"You'd better be!" Crystal said, getting really annoyed really quickly.
"Well my Dragonite here says different." He said, letting it out. Dragonite popped out by his side.
"Now then, who is afraid of who?" He said, laughing.
"Hey kiddo, do you have a problem here?" Hearing that voice made the punk stop cold. Everyone turned to the door to see grand champion Chris enter with Charizard and the others, except for Gyarados by his side.
"Hey daddy. We were just talking to this guy, um what was your name again?" Jen asked sweetly.
"M-my name is Jeff, sir." Jeff said.
"Jeff huh? Nice Dragonite you got here. No match for Charizard here, but nice all the same. Would you like to prove me wrong in a battle?" Chris asked.
"N-no sir, I wouldn't." Jeff stuttered.
"Oh really? Because, from the way you were just lecturing my daughter about how to raise her pokemon, and then let out your Dragonite to threaten her, I do believe you must think yourself a mighty fine trainer, now prove it, or otherwise leave my daughter alone." Chris said, putting heavy emphasis on those last four words.
"Y-y-you heard that?" Jeff asked, really scared now.
"Indeed I did, and I'm not happy when someone threatens my little girl."' Chris said, no longer calm.
"I-I-I proise I'll leave right now sir!" Jeff said. He returned Dragonite, appologized to Jen and the others, and ran with his tail between his legs out the door.
"Thanks dad, but what are you doing here?" Jen asked.
"I wanted to compete in the Pokeathon. I heard it's near Goldenrod city, and since I've never competed, I figured why not?" Chris said.
"The Pokeathon? Its here in Johto too?" Crystal said.
"And you are..." Chris said.
"Oh right, we haven't introduced ourselves. I'm Gold, from Lillycove." Gold said.
"I didn't think I'd need an intro, since I'm the Sinnoh champ." Crystal said.
"You won the Sinnoh league?" Chris asked.
"Yep, and I have the trophy to prove it, just not with me." Crystal said.
"Thats weird, I always battle the winners of each league." Chris said.
"What?!?" Crystal exclaimed.
"Yeah, my dad fights the champs of each league when they win. Didn't you get the letter?" Jen asked.
"What letter?" Crystal asked. Thinking of something, she ran to the phone and called home. A few minutes later, she came back with her head hung low.
"I left home just as it came, so I missed my chance, huh?" Crystal asked.
"Nope, we can battle right now. You did win the Sinnoh league, right?" Chris said.
"Yep, and I won't be an easy opponent!" Crystal said. They went behind the center, onto the battle field provided.
"Game on Lucky!" Crystal said. Gallade stepped up to face this one.
"Sing Lucky!" Lucky began singing, but was interupted with a Leaf blade.
"Stay strong and use Dragon pulse!" Crystal said. Lucky flew up high and shot a Dragon pulse, only to have Gallade bounce it back with Leaf blade.
"Lucky no!" Crystal said, worried. Dragon pulse collided with Lucky, causing a cloud of smoke.
"Please be okay!" Crystal prayed. In the smoke, a bright white light appeared, then dissapeared with the smoke.
"Lucky, evolved?" Crystal said in awe. Altaria dive bombed Gallade with Aerial ace. Gallade jumped out of the way just in time, and retaliated with Aura sphere. Lucky dodged it just in time and her body lit up with an orange light. An orange ball the size of a large rock appeared infront of Lucky and shot into the air, splitting into multiple orbs, hurtling towards Gallade.
"Draco meteor too? Lucky really is lucky!" Crystal said. Her celebration was short lived as Gallade bounced each and every one back at Lucky with Leaf blade. After the barage of meteors, Lucky fainted.
"Good match Crystal. That Altaria of yours is really strong. You must be really close for her to use Draco meteor right out of the gate." Chris said.
"Thanks, but once we train some more, things won't end this way, mark my words." Crystal said.
"I look forward to it." Chris said. With that, he turned and left.
(03-10-2010 07:24 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]You enjoy your Furry, don't you?

yay!!!!!!As i said before,Furry rules
Did you get "Goldenrod" from Star Wars? 'Cause Han Solo calls C-3PO Goldenrod.
golden rod city is in pokemon crystal version it is in no wat satrywarrrz related. Still readin part two in the fic though
sorry, been awhile since I last looked at the name of the place, cut me some slack though
Chapter 10: The group had just woken up in the field, and were setting up breakfast.
"Hey Jen, as far as I know, you are the only one of us that knows the gym leaders and what they are good at. Can you give the rest of us a run down?" Gold asked.
"Sure. We're going to Ecruteak city(did I spell it right?) to face Mortey, who is good with ghost types. Next, the closest is Olivine, with Jasmine, the steel gym leader, but she isn't always there. Chuck, the fighting type master, is on an island. We'll come back to Ecruteak, then head east to face the man known to all as Icey Price, guess what he's good with. Then, the final one, who is said to be the strongest of them all in Johto. My dad has his own nickname for her. He calls her Clair madame Dragonair, because she uses far too many Dragonair. Needless to say, she specializes in the hard to train dragon type." Jen said.
"Wow, you really do know all about Johto." Crystal said.
"Well, I wouldn't go that far. I don't know why there are Hoenn pokemon here." Jen said.
"Don't look a gift horse in the mouth." Keshia said. Once everything was set up, the group sat down to eat, and the pokemon paired up to eat with each other as usual. In the middle of breakfast, Scyther recieved an unwelcome blast of electricity from behind. Looking behind him, he saw Luxio eating with Growlithe. Thinking it was her, he retaliated with Wing attack. Confused and slightly angry, Luxio shouted at Scyther, who shouted back, and it was only a matter of time until it turned into a battle. Some pokemon tried to break it up, while some others simply decided to let them get it out of their system. Ivysour felt a quick yet painful bite on his bulb. He was too slow to see who had done it, but he saw Growlithe behind him watching the fight. They too fought not to long after. Lapras was doing her best when she got zapped from her side. She saw Chinchou, and soon fought. It was chaotic, until it suddenly got dark. Not many paid it any attention, but they stopped when a dark spike hit them on the head. They looked up just in time to see the full moon disappear.
"Thank you Umbreon. Now then, Luxio lets start with you. What happened with you and Scyther?" Jen asked.
I was eating with Growlithe, and next thing I know he hit me, then shouted at me for zapping him when I asked why he did that Luxio said.
I was bitten from behind, and when I turned around, I saw Growlithe, so you can't blame me for attacking back Ivysour said.
I got zapped on my side, and I saw Chinchou right next to me Lapras said.
"Okay, I think I got it. Either you all need to get along better, or there is someone or something framing you guys." Jen said.
"Well, maybe Chinchou and Luxio, but I'm going to have to go with Ivysour about Growlithe." Keshia said.
"hey, my Growlithe was eating with Luxio, not eating Ivysour!" Gold said defensively.
"Well, growlithe doesn't have a good history with Ivysour, now does he?" Keshia said.
"Enough!" Jen yelled. They stopped just in time to hear a rustling in some bushes nearby.
"I'm guessing that must be the one who framed you guys." Jen said. She slowly walked over to the bushes, and revealed a Manetric.
"Woh! Didn't see that coming." Jen said in shock. Manetric ran past her and tried to flee, but was stopped abd surrounded by Wild vine.
"So, what do we do with him?" Jen asked.
"I say we should teach him a lesson." Keshia said.
"Perhaps I should battle it and catch it." Gold said.
"So long as you keep it out of trouble, I'm okay with it." Jen said. Crystal and Keshia agreed as well. Ivysour lowered the vines, and Growlithe ran out to face Manetric.
"Fire fang!" Gold said. Growlithe rushed towards Manetric, and chomped down hard on him. Manetric sparked with electricity and zapped Growlithe until he let him go.
"Smart pokemon. Now I have to catch you. Shuppet, come here!" Gold said. Growlithe went to Gold's side, and Shuppet took over the battle.
"Shuppet, Shadow ball!" Gold said. Shuppet unleashed a rapid fire Shadow ball, while Manetric attempted to destroy all of them with Thunderbolt. He almost did it, until one got by and hit him. After that, a barage of Shadow balls hit him, over and over until Manetric collapsed. Gold threw a pokeball, and caught Manetric.
"Yes! I have a new pokemon, and he is strong." Gold said happily. The pokemon apologized, and the rest of breakfast went smoothly. They were on the road again soon after and reached Ecruteak around noon.
"Okay, we have to see the Burned tower while we're here." Jen said.
"I want to check out the Kimono girls. I hear they are strong battlers." Gold said.
"I also hear they have an Eeveelution between them all. Kanto and Johto evelutions, and I want to see how Flareon stands up to them." Keshia said.
"I'm sure Shadow could win, so I'll go with you three." Crystal said. They left for the dance(can I really call it a studio? I'll say its an area, because I'm not sure what to really call it) area, leaving Jen standing there with only Jolteon and Umbreon.
Might as well go with them, huh? Jen asked.
No, let them have their fun. I say you should go fight Mortey now Umbreon said.
No, then things would get complicated. I'll just go see the Burned tower Jen said. She went to the northern part of Ecruteak, while her friends were already battling the Kimono girls.
"Game on Shadow!"
"Go Umbreon!"
"Its you and me Flareon!"
"Go Flareon!"
"Go hard or go home Manetric!"
"Go Jolteon!"
"Shadow, use Iron tail!" Crystal said.
"Umbreon, counter with Dark pulse!" Shadow beat Umbreon by a split second, and sent it flying with an Iron tail to the side.
"Now, end this with Shadow ball!" Crystal said. Shadow shot a huge Shadow ball, and fainted Umbreon quickly.
"I knew it, Shadow rules." Crystal said.
"Flareon, Dig!" Keshia said. Flareon dug underground, making the other Flareon look around worryingly. Flareon sprang up from the ground and hit the other Flareon hard, perhaps too hard, for Keshia had won the match already.
"Manetric, Iron tail!" Gold said.
"Jolteon, Pin missle!" Jolteon's spikes launched several missles, though Manetric manouvered through them with ease, and struck Jolteon hard.
"Finsh it with Crunch!" Gold said. Manetric bit down hard on an area spike free, and tossed Jolteon aside, fainted.
"We all won!" Gold celebrated.
"Yeah, we...wait, where's Jen?" Keshia asked, looking around.
"She said she wanted to see the Burned tower, while we came here, so lets go, shall we?" Crystal said. They found Jen on the first floor of the burned tower, staring up at something.
"Whatcha looking at?" Keshia asked. Jen simply pointed to where she was staring at. Following her gaze, Keshia and the others saw an Absol perched on the rafter, staring at Jen.
"How ironic that it is good luck to see a pokemon that warns you of bad luck." Jen said.
"Uh-oh. If an Absol is here, let get out of here!" Gold said. They ran out of the building, Absol following them, just to avoid the second floor cave in on them.
"Thanks for the warning Absol." Jen said. Absol nodded and started to turn away when Keshia stopped him.
"Absol wait. I want to have a chance at catching you. Will you battle me?" Keshia asked. Absol took a moment to think, then finally nodded.
"Its you and me Noctowl!" Keshia said. Absol shot a Razor wind quickly, taking Noctowl by surprise and temporarily knocking him off balance.
"Fight back with Air slash!" Keshia said. Noctowl didn't have the chance, for he was shot with Dark pulse, knocking him out of the air.
"Noctowl return! Its you and me Chinchou!" Keshia said. Chinchou was quick, paralyzing Absol with Thunder wave before he could attack. Keshia threw a pokeball, and caught Absol
"I've always wanted an Absol, and now I'm really happy." Keshia celebrated.
"Now then, lets go to the pokemon center, get some lunch, then face off against Mortey, okay?" Jen said.
Chapter 11: "This is a two on two match between the challengers Jen and Keshia versus gym leader Mortey. Begin!" The ref said.
"Go Haunter and Gengar!"
"Its you and me Radar!"
"We fight as one Luxio!"
"Wait, radar?" Jen asked.
"Yeah, good huh? An Absol detects bad luck like a radar, so I nicknamed it Radar." Keshia said.
"Double Shadow ball!" Mortey said. Haunter and Gengar stood side by side and combined Shadow balls to create one of a monsterous size.
"Dark pulse!" Keshia said.
"Thunderbolt!" Jen said. The giant Shadow ball was destroyed quickly by the combined power of Thunderbolt and Dark pulse, and Radar followed up with a Shadow Claw to Haunter.
"Ouch, that has to hurt." Crystal said.
"Radar, Bite!" Keshia said. Radar sunk his teeth into Haunter, fainting it.
"Wow, you caught a very powerful pokemon." Jen said in awe. Not wanting to be deprived of praise, Luxio lashed out with Thunderbolt, zapping Gengar with tremendous power, and fainted it.
"Seems Luxio would very much like some praise as well." Keshia said.
"She knows I love her." Jen said. Luxio hummed in happy responce. Crystal and Gold stepped up, and Mortey sent out a Gastly and another Haunter.
"Go hard or go home Manetric!"
"Game on Lucky!"
"Confuse ray!" Mortey said. Manetric lashed out with Thunderbolt in random, confused by the attack. Lucky avoided it by flying up, then dive bombed Gastly with Aerial ace, while shooting a Dragon pulse at Haunter. Haunter was surprised and didn't have time to avoid it, and was hit. Manetric stopped, snapping out of the confusion, and wasn't a happy camper.
"Manetric, Thunder!" Gold said. A huge blast of electricity struck Haunter, and it collapsed on the ground, fainted, along with Gastly, who fainted by Aerial ace.
"What is this badge called again?" Crystal asked after leaving the gym.
"The Relic badge if I'm not mistaken." Jen said.
"So, what now?" Keshia asked.
"Well, we could head to Olivine, and if Jasmine isn't there, we could go fight Chuck, but we have so much time." Jen said.
"I want to catch a certain pokemon I found out to be near here before we do anything. See you later at the center." Crystal said, then she ran off.
"Wonder what she wants to catch." Jen said.
"Probably something cute, yet seriously strong, and probably become beautiful when it evolves." Keshia said.
"You want to place a bet on that?" Gold asked.
"Yep. Say, 20?" Keshia said.
"Sounds great." Gold said. Around supper at the center, Crystal came running and found Jen adn the others with the pokemon out eating.
"Say hello to my new friend." Crystal said, holding a pokeball. She opened it to reveal a Vulpix.
"Dang it! I lose." Gold said, giving Keshia her money, albeit reluctantly.
"You made a bet?" Crystal asked.
"I had no part in it." Jen said.
"Oh well, I don't care. All I want to do left is to sleep on a good nickname for her." Crystal said.

The sooner I get that nickname, the sooner Chapter 12 will begin
i was talking to m.55 when i said that he got confused with the golden rod city thing i think
my vulpix's nickname is Sonia(yay,vulpix)
btw,the badge is called Fog Badge
Then wat was I thinking of? Oh well, I was thinking last night, and I have good news and bad news.
Bad news: Chapter 12 will be put on hold for awhile
Good news: I will be writing a movie for my story. The show has 12, so I figured I'd make at least one. I don't know how long it will take, but you will get it all at once as one long post, no chapters. The title: Pokemon:Rise of Team Arcania
wow,great!!!!a movie would be super!!!
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