Legendary Pokémon

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My movie is done, so the next chapter will be here soon
Chapter 12: In Olivine city, Jen and the others were eating a big breakfast, having a big day ahead of them.
"I can't believe Jasmine isn't there!" Keshia complained.
"I warned you, didn't I? Fantina in Sinnoh is even worse I hear." Jen said after swallowing a mouth full of eggs.
"You heard right." Crystal said. After breakfast, they went to the harbor, about to get a ticket when a Krabby shot a Bubblebeam at them.
"Oh yeah? Go hard or go home Manetric!" Gold said. The Krabby snapped its pincers and clamped them on Manetric's leg.
"Big mistake. Thunderbolt!" Gold said. It's eyes widening, the Krabby recieved a huge electric shock, and sollapsed on the ground. Gold took this chance and caught the Krabby.
"Really Gold?" Jen asked.
"Sure, why not?" Gold asked.
"You seem to catch a lot of mischevious pokemon you know." Keshia said. They got on the boat and arrived on the island which this writer can't remember the name of, and set off for the pokemon center to get lunch.
"Long boat ride. We ate a big breakfast, but I'm still hungry after that. What about you guys?" Jen asked.
"Well, I'm hungry, but I think Jolteon and Umbreon would feel different." Crystal said. Umbreon and Jolteon looked green in the face, and were wobbling a bit.
The mighty pokemon of grand champion Chris, taken out by sea sickness Jen teased.
Sh-shut up Umbreon responded werrily. They walked to the pokemon center, and got everyone lunch, and some pills for Jolteon and Umbreon. Larvatar was sitting in Jen's lap, eating happily, while Furry was doing the same with Crystal.
"I wish I had a cute lunch friend like you two have." Keshia said. Flareon went over and rested her head on Keshia's leg. Keshia pet her head, and smiled.
"All better?" Jen asked.
"I'm happy now." Keshia said. Flareon left and resumed eating her lunch. Afterwards, they left for the gym. Upon entering, Jen ducked just in time to avoid getting hit in the face by a rogue kick.
"Hello there, and sorry, but Hitmontop here is still in training." Said a chubby man.
"You must be Chuck, correct?" Jen asked.
"Indeed I am. You want a gym match, yes?" Chuck asked. They all nodded and Chuck led them to the field.
"Go Palliwrath and and Machoke!"
"Its you and me Noctowl!"
"We fight as one Ivysour!"
"Use Cross chop both of you!" Chuck said.
"Sky attack!" Keshia said. Noctowl flew up and dive bombed Machoke.
"Razor leaf!" Jen said. Plliwrath was already on top of Uvysour, and he had no time to use Razor leaf. Protect, by instinct, shielded him from the attack. Razor lef followed suit when Polliwrath backed off, and took it out in one shot. Ivysour lit up in a bright light, and evolved inot Venusour.
"Yay me." Jen said gleefully. Polliwrath joined Mackoe on the ground, who couldn't stand up to Sky attack.
"Tag, your it." Keshia said to Crystal and Gold. They went up to face a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee.
"Go hard or go home Shuppet!"
"Game on Sonia!"
"Rolling kick and Mach punch!" Chuck said.
"Heat wave!" Crystal said. Sonia let out a fierce wave of heat that stopped Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan in their tracks and blew them back.
"Nice shot. Remind me never to make Sonia mad. Shuppet, Sucker punch!" Gold said. Out of nowhere, Hitmonchan got punched in his jaw, and he looked around, confused.
"Flamthrower!" Crystal said. A jet of flames blew Hitmonlee into the wall, fainted.
"Maybe we should rap this up as well. Shadow ball!" Gold said. Sonia contributed to the Shadow ball with one of her own, and together they fainted Hitmonchan.
"So Jen, what is this badge called?" Crystal asked, leaving the gym.
"Remember when I said I didn't know everything about Johto?" Jen said.
Chapter 13 will be posted tomorrow, hopefully
the islands name is Cianwood and the badge is called storm badge
Chapter 13: At the pokemon center, the group had decided to stay and train for the day, rather than spend the night on the long boat ride.
"Venusour, Razor leaf!" Jen said. Venusour shot multiple leaf at Flareon, only for them to be burned down by Flamethrower.
"Hey Gold, Crystal, I hear you can buy a Fire stone on this island. Do you guys want a Ninetails and an Arcinine?" Jen asked. Looking at their pokemon they nodded to them, and nodded at them, then Gold and Crystal followed Jen to the store.
"Here you go Sonia. Only take it if you want to evolve." Crystal said.
"Same for you Growlithe." Gold said. Growlithe and Sonia looked at the stones, thought for a minute, then Sonia tapped her nose against it, and evolved into a beautiful Ninetails. Growlithe pawed at the stone, then evolved into an Arcinine.
"Guess they wanted to evolve." Gold said.
"Guess so." Crystal said. They returned their pokemon and left to resume training.
"Okay, lets see how much stronger Sonia has goten. Game on Sonia!" Crystal said.
"We fight as one Larvatar!" Jen said.
"Larvatar? Really Jen?" Crystal asked.
"She said she wanted to start training, so why not?" Jen said.
"A baby versus my Sonia. I kinda feel insulted Jen." Crystal said.
"Earthquake!" Jen said. The ground shook so much, Sonia was bouncing on the ground.
"Okay, you've made your point. Flamethrower!" Crystal said after the ground stopped moving.
"Sand Cloak!" Jen said. A wall of sand jumped infront of Larvatar, shielding her from the attack.
"When did she learn that?" Crystal asked.
"I don't know." Jen said.
"What do you mean you don't know?" Crystal said, slapping her forehead.
"Well, she didn't hatch with it, but one day I looked at her moves after she asked me to, and I saw her element move Sand Cloak." Jen replied.
"...Um, did she just learn it by herself?" Keshia asked.
"I guess so." Jen said.
I worked real hard on it mommy. Are you proud? Larvatar asked.
Yes I am Jen said.
"Why is it that your pokemon get all the element moves but not ours?" Gold asked.
"I don't know. I guess that teaching element moves runs in the family." Jen said.
"I want to know all of the element moves your pokemon have. Maybe by showing them, my pokemon can use them as well." Gold said, letting out his pokemon.
"Hey, good idea. I want in on this as well." Keshia said, also letting her pokemon out.
"I won't be left out." Crystal said, releasing her team.
"Fine, but I highly doubt any of your pokemon can use our element moves." Jen said. She let out her team and asked that, one by one, they demonstrate their element moves. Venusour went first, and Feuilles payed very close attention. Wild vine sprouted out of the ground, tossed a big rock into the air, whipped it to keep it in the air five times, then slapped it down to earth, shattering it into many pieces. Feuilles strained himself in focus, but couldn't manage to duplicate even a single vine.
"Maybe we should stop. You won't get anything from this at all." Jen said.
"Hold on, just try Pidgeot's move. Surely one of the three flying types here can use it." Gold said.
"I doubt it, but go ahead Pidgeot and use SonicAero." Jen said, sighing. Lucky, Noctowl and Scyther followed Pidgeot into the sky, then jerked away as he suddenly dive bombed a rock, and began glowing until the glow had assumed the shape of the user. Pidgeot flew out of the dive, while the golden copy soared down and smashed a rock into pieces. The closest was Noctowl's Sky attack, which didn't manage to shatter the rock.
"See, I told you. Now lets stop and get back to training, okay?" Jen asked.
"I have a good idea for training. Lets pit our pokemon up against their element moves. A true test of endurance and stamina." Gold said. Crystal and Keshia nodded in agreement.
"You're all crazy, but I'm not so egotistic to think that one shot from my pokemon would faint all of yours, so lets go." Jen said. Cinder stepped up, as did Arcinine, Sonia, and Flareon. Cinder's wings lit up in flames, and, after flapping them with all his might, fire balls hurled at them. Sonia launched Heat wave to defend herself, Arcinine ducked and manouvered around them, while Flareon was using Flamethrower to destroy them. Only Arcinine's strategy seemed to have any effect, as the fire bals fed off of Flamethrower and Heat wave. Flareon frantically avoided them, while Sonia gracefully danced out of the way. Arcinine was looking like he was having fun, until one of them smacked him across the head. Once one of them him, the others did as well. Arcinine braced himslef as the onslaught continued. Finally it was over, and damage was counted. Arcinine's fur was lightly scorched in few areas, Flareon was panting from moving so fast, and only Sonia seemed completely fine after the whole ordeal.
"Sonia wins, naturally. Next?" Crystal said. Luxio stepped up, as did Chinchou, Manetric, and Serafina. Thunderbolt was sent up, and clouds loomed overhead. Lightning bolts struck Luxio, and a ball of electricity formed and fired at the others. Manetric attempted to protect himself by putting up and electric forcefield, Chinchou intended to take the attack head on, while Serafina used Protect. After the blast, Chinchou was confermed NOT to have Volt absorb. Manetric and Serafina were perfectly fine.
"Tie." Gold said.
"Rest up Chinchou." Keshia said, recalling her pokemon. Pidgeot flew infront, Lucky, Scyther, and Noctowl at the ready for another try. Pidgeot flew up and down again, froming the golden copy. Noctowl had an Air slash ready to counter, Lucky was preparing a Draco Meteor, while Scyther was spinning rapidly with Swords dance, hoping to divert the attack. Pidgeot rose out of the dive, and Nocowl and Lucky fired their attacks. They did nothing to so much as slow it down, as it still soared at them. Scyther's trick made it the only winner.
"That's the way Scyther!" Gold said proudly.
"So we're tied. Because Keshia has only one pokemon left, this will be the last round. So she can catch up, this will be worth two wins." Crystal said.
"Yes it will, because this last one is a one hit ko move." Jen said. Lapras managed to move up, to meet Leader, Krabby, and Radar. The ground froze and the temperature decreased rapidly. One spike shot up near all three of them. Radar immediatly sprang to the right, Leader braced himself with Iron defence, and Krabby was trying to break the spike with Vicegrip. Krabby and Leader were enclosed, then the bright icy blue light appeared. Lapras was still chasing down Radar, but to no avail, as Absol were born to detect when and where misfortune was to happen. When Lapras stopped out of exhaustion, the ice disappeared to reveal Leader and Krabby were fainted in their blocks of ice.
"So we all tie. I love Radar!" Keshia said, running to hug Radar.
"How do we decide who wins?" Crystal asked.
"Whoever can beat Cinder in a match wins. How about that?" Jen suggested.
"No way. Our water types are all fainted. We'll just leave it at a tie, okay?" Gold said.
Chapter 14: Leaving Ciannwodd Island (Thank you LuXray), the group went on board the boat, and were soon complaining about the length of the ride.
"I'm telling you, it's too slow!" Crystal said.
"Because we are so near the Whirl Islands!" Jen replied.
"Well shouldn't we be going faster?" Gold asked.
"No, these whirlpools are like quicksand. The more you move, the faster you sink." Jen said.
"I still don't like it." Keshia said. The boat suddenly shook violently, and the group gripped the rail tightly.
"What was that?" Crystal asked.
"That is what happens when you go too fast in this area." Jen said.
"Okay, okay. Point taken." Crystal said. The rest of the ride was less eventful, to the groups pleasure, and they docked in Olivine city.
"I hope Jasmine is there." Gold said. They headed for the gym, and saw a woman walking in.
"That must have been Jasmine. Lets go!" Keshia said. They went in the gym and nearly ran into Jasmine.
"Oh, hello. What do you want?" Jasmine asked.
"We want to challenge you to a gym battle!" Jen said.
"You have come to the right place then. Lets go." They went to the battle field and waited for the ref.
"Go Maneton and Steelix!"
"Its you and me Flareon!"
"We fight as one Larvatar!"
"Steelix use Iron tail!" Jasmine said. Steelix charged Larvatar, it's tail ablazing, only to hit a wall of sand, and stick. Steelix tried frantically to get free, but it only seemed to get stuck further.
"Remember how I mentioned quicksand earlier?" Jen asked.
"I didn't know it was a Quicksand Cloak." Keshia said.
"Neither did I. Use Earthquake!" Jen said. The ground around Steelix shook violently, and Steelix collapsed on the ground. Larvatar lit up and evolved into Pupitar.
"Didn't know she was close to evolving either." Jen said in surprise.
"Magneton, Thunder!" Jasmine said. Flareon dodged it, and retaliated with Flamethrower. The red hot jet of flames struck Magneton, and fainted it.
"Our turn." Crystal said.
"Go Magnezone and Scizor!"
"Go hard or go home Arcinine!"
"Game on Sonia!"
"Thunder and Metal claw!" Jasmine said. Scizor moved so fast, it dissapeared form sight, and reappeared infront of Sonia. Sonia, however, was prepared and had a Flamethrower ready, and sent Scizor flying by the sheer force of the attack. Thunder was easily dodged by Arcinine, and he bit down on Magnezone with Fire fang. Magnezone tried and failed to shake off Arcinine, but then something happened. The fire from the attack grew larger and larger, until it engulfed Magnezone completely. It was on fire for a few seconds, then the fire went away and Magnezone fainted.
"...What the heck was that?!?" Jen nearly yelled.
"Jen, I'm just taking a shot in the dark here, but maybe my Arcinine has an element move." Gold said.
"No way, only my pokemon have them!" Jen said.
"Look, lets talk about this after we get something to eat, okay?" Crystal said. With their badges, they left for the center and got supper.
"Listen, there must be a reaon for this. No way that was an element move!" Jen protested.
"Then what was it?" Gold asked.
"I don't know, but I do know that my dad's pokemon, as well as my own, are the only one's with element moves, and I'm sure it's because we bonded our souls." Jen said.
"Maybe it doesn't take a bonded soul to create an element move. Let me settle this once and for all by looking at my pokedex and checking Arcinine's moves, okay?" Gold said, getting it out.
Pokemon: Arcinine
Gender: Male
Nickname: None
Moves: Flamethrower, Flame wheel, Fire fang, ???

"???, That's what it says for the last move." Gold said.
"Well Jen? You have to admit now that it has to be an element move!" Keshia said.
"...Well, but, maybe...fine! I just didn't think it would be possible to have one without bonding your souls." Jen said.
"Well, I've been with him for all my life, growing up with him around the house. He was my first pokemon, so we must have a special bond, which allowed him to create one of his own." Gold said.
"So Jen, what is it?" Keshia asked.
"Huh? Jen asked.
"You always have names for element moves, so what is it called?" Keshia asked.
"Don't look at me. I name my pokemon's moves, but I think Gold here should get to name it himself." Jen said.

1: Think hard on the name Golden Charizard
2:LuXray, I'm not showing favorites, you'll get to name one as well, just be patient
(07-10-2010 09:57 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]LuXray, I'm not showing favorites, you'll get to name one as well, just be patient

i'm patient only if someone asks me to be so i'll wait!!!!(i hope Serafina or Shadow will get the move)
The move will be called fire whirlpool.I know,strange name,but I thought fire covering the whole pokemon like it had fallen in a whirlpool.
Personally, I would have gone with Nova Bite, but I let you name it, and it's not too bad.

Chapter 15: In the middle of a field, the group was on their was to Ecruteak city, sitting down enjoying lunch.
"Wait, I know! I'll call it Fire Whirlpool." Gold said.
"Why?" Jen asked.
"Why not? The fire consuming the opponent falls into the whirlpool category." Gold said.
"To each their own way of life." Jen said to herself. Arcinine was running around, enjoying the air, until he suddenly spotted Venusour sleeping amongst some bushes. I trust you can fill in the blank? Well, it ended with Venusour chasind Arcinine with Razor leaf and Wild Vine, Arcinine's speed coming in very handy.
"Arcinine, when are you going to leave my Venusour alone? One of these days you'll bite him, he'll catch you, and I won't stop him." Jen said.
"Trouble in paradise?" Jen and the others turned to see Jeff and Dragonite snickering.
"What do you want Jeff?" Jen asked impatiently.
"To gloat ofcourse. I already have five badges, so you can tell me how good a trainer I am now." Jeff said smugly.
"We all have six badges, on our way to get our seventh." Keshia said, with equal smugness.
"What? You're lying!" Jeff exclaimed. His eyes widened with shock as they all pulled out their badges.
"I'm still a better trainer than any of you will ever be, and I'm ready to prove it!" Jeff nearly yelled. Just as Dragonite was preparing a Dragon pulse, Serafina dashed past Jen, her fangs alive with electricity, and bit down hard on Dragonites left wing.
"I told you when we last met. If you try to mess with my friend, you'll have to deal with me. Serafina, Spark!" Crystal said. Serafina almost made contact when Dragonite flew high in the sky.
"No matter how well trained, it can't fly. Rapid fire Dragon pulse!" Jeff said. The attacks rained down, and it was all Serafina could do to avoid them.
"Protect!" Crystal said. Serafina formed the shield and Dragon pulse hit it harmlessly.
"I was waiting for that. Feint!" Jeff said. Dragonite swooped down and smashed the shield, as well as Serafina.
"Give up yet?" Jeff asked.
"Not even close. Thunder fang!" Crystal said. Dragonite flew up before Serafina could land her attack. Dragon pulse rained down once more, and just as Serafina put up Protect, Dragonite dived down to smash it and damage her. The cycle went over and over again, until, for a breif second while Dragonite was swooping down with Feint, Serafina's eyes, normally blue, flashed electric yellow, then back. Serafina dropped the shield and electricity surged around her body until it completely enveloped her. Her fur went gold, moving with the alive electricity, and Dragonite bounced off her.
"I don't know what that was, but I don't care. Dragon Claw!" Jeff said. Electricity sparked around Dragonite, and it didn't move.
"Paralyzed? But how, unless...what was that move?" Jeff asked.
"Serafina's element move. It doesn't have a name yet, being new, but I'll get back to you on it. As for now, Thunder fang!" Crystal said. Serafina chomped down on Dragonite's right wing as hard as she could, and Dragonite fell down, fainted.
"I will get you next time, count on it!" Jeff said. He returned Dragonite then ran off towards Olivine city.
"You really are full of surprises, aren't you?" Crystal asked Serafina.
"We have to call it something until you think of a name. How about the temporary name of Amp Armor?" Jen suggested.
"Temporary, okay. I'll think of a name later, but who knows? I might keep that one." Crystal said.

Amp Armor, just throwing it out there. You know, it is yours to name, but whatever, just saying. Amp Armor, just a suggestion
Just saying, Amp Armor

Chapter 16: "I still haven't thought of a new name for it yet, so stop asking me Jen!" Crystal said.
"Sorry, just curious." Jen said. They were at the Lake of Rage, at the north of Mahogony town, and making their way down, once they're done seeing the sights, a.k.a. the lake.
"So Jen, your dad came here and fought off a swarm of Gyarados?" Gold asked.
"Yep, all with Chrameleon at his side." Jen said proudly.
"To think, not even one Gyarados is in this lake now, not even one." Keshia said.
"Yeah, I guess trainers must have caught them all." Jen said.
"Probably. Lets go, I want that seventh gym badge!" Crystal said.
"You said we were going to face Icey price, right?" Gold aske while walking.
"Yep. At first, he got that nickname because he treated his pokemon coldly, and also because he specializes in ice types. Now, its just the ladder." Jen said.
"What changed his mind?" Keshia asked.
"Some kid named Ash saved his Piloswine, and he treated his pokemon better." Jen said. They reached Mahogony town, and immediatly went for the gym. The gate around it was closed, and wouldn't open no matter how hard Crystal pounded.
"Hey now, what are you doing?" An old man asked.
"We're trying to get in here to challenge the gym leader to a battle!" Crystal said.
"If the gate is closed, it usually means the owner issn't there." He said.
"Well, what else can we do?" Crystal asked.
"How about step aside so I can open the gate to my gym." He said.
"Wait, you're Icey Price?" Gold asked.
"I wish people wouldn't use that name, but I brought it upon myself for choosing ice types." Price muttered to himself as he opened the gate. Leading the way, Crystal muttered to Jen "I never knew someone so old could be a gym leader."
"The older you are, the more expirience you get. He'll be a tough opponent." Jen muttered back. The field was covered in ice, with spikes popped up in random locations.
"Go Mamoswine and Lapras!"
"Its you and me Flareon!"
"We fight as one Cinder!"
"Double Blizzard!" Price said. The sheer wind force caught Cinder's wings and sent him flying backwards into the wall, while Flareon wasn't doing much better. Flareon froze on the spot from the Blizzard, while Cinder was trying to get up.
"Flamethrower!" Jen said. Cinder sent a jet of red hot flames, and while Mamoswine and Lapras were ready to dodge, Cinder was aiming at Flareon. He defrosted Flareon, and still continued with the attack.
"Thanks Jen, that will be plenty. Use Flamethrower!" Keshia said. With Cinder joining in, the jet of flames reached monsterous perportions, and scorched Lapras badly, as well as Mamoswine.
"Still up after that? You were right Jen. Price is a tough opponent." Keshia said.
"Blizzard and Hydro pump!" Price said. Mamoswine's Blizzard froze their feet to the ground, while Lapras shot a huge stream of water straight at Flareon.
"Flamethrower!" Keshia said. While Cinder was struggling to free himself, Flareon let loose a Flamethrower in an attempt to protect himslef against Hydro pump. Just when it seemed like Flareon was going to push Hydro pump back, Mamoswine joined in with Water pulse, and Flareon was hit hard enough to free him from the ice from the impact, and faint him.
"Sorry Jen." Keshia said, returning Flareon.
"Come on Cinder, lets turn up the heat. Meteor Wing!" Jen sadi. Cinder let loose multiple fire balls, and struck Lapras hard enough to faint it, while Mamoswine braced itself against the attack, and was still standing.
"Impressive." Jen said.
"You as well. Not many have defeated Lapras, nor given Mamoswine such a run for it's money. Blizzard!" Price said.
"Flamethrower!" Jen said. The two attacks collided in mid air, and just when Mamoswine was about to push back Flamethrower, Cinder ramped it up and scorched Mamoswine, fainting it.
"Close one." Jen said.
"You said it." Keshai said.
"Go Dewgong and Jynx!"
"Go hard or go home Arcinine!"
"Game on Sonia!"
"Ice beam and Psychic!" Price said. Ice beam fired at Arcinine, and as he ran out of the way, Arcinine slipped and slid under the attack. Just when he thought he was in the clear, the attack came right back and froze Arcinine's legs.
"So that's what happened to the Psychic. Flamethrower!" Gold said. Arcinine burned away the ice and unleashed a huge Flamethrower on Jynx, but it sent it right back with another Psychic. Sonia jumped infront of it just in time and took the attack for Arcinine.
"Now that you're all powered up, Heat wave!" Crystal said. Sonia sent out a wave of heat that melted the ice as it passed over it.
"Blizzard!" Price said. Jynx made an attempt to freeze the Heat wave in it's tracks, but when they collided, Arcinine slipped through the Heat wave and the Blizzard, and chomped on Dewgong. The fire from his fangs swallowed Dewgong completely, and burned it badly.
"Clever Arcinine you have there, using the heat from Heat wave to warn up his body enough to slip past Blizzard." Price said.
"Yeah, he's smart, but I wish I could get him to leave Venusour alone. Fire fang!" Gold said. Arcinine bit down on Dewgong once more and finished it off.
"Okay Sonia, you can stop stalling now. Finish this!" Crystal said. Heat wave obliterated Blizzard, as well as most of the ice on the field, and fainted Jynx.
"Glacier badge marks number seven for us." Jen said.
"Glacier badge huh? Figures." Gold said.
"Hey Jen, I really need to train more if I want to have a shot at the Silver conference." Keshia said.
"Don't worry Keshai. We'll work on training, count on it." Jen said.
Okay, apperantly, that first one was so short, it joined the two together. I really hate that
Chapter 17: "How do we get to the final gym?" Gold asked, walking with the others outside Mahogony town.
"We have to go through Ice path." Jen said.
"That should be fun." Keshia said.
"Keshia, you really should focus on catching more pokemon. You only have four." Jen said.
"I know, I will." Keshia said. They came to the mouth of Ice path and an icey cold wind froze them to the bone.
"Dang that's cold!" Keshia said.
"No kidding. Crystal, how are you not cold?" Jen asked.
"Please, I'm from Snowpoint city. The temperature here is the highest Snowpoint has ever reached." Crystal said.
"I'd hate to visit you for long." Gold said.
"Wow, thanks." Crystal said. They entered the cave and were almost immdeiatly attacked by a Sneasel.
"Hey Gold, a michevious pokemon. Yours for the taking." Jen said.
"Haha, very funny...I can't resist, I'm going to catch it!" Gold said.
"Go hard or go home Arcinine!" Arcinine came out and bit down on Sneasel quickly.
"Fast reflexes." Jen said. Sneasel had no hopes of shaking off Arcinine, and therefore used Ice beam, which only inspired Arcinine to amp it up with Fire Whrilpool. Sneasel came out fainted and smoking. Gold threw a pokeball and caught it.
"You got another pokemon to train not to be so tricky." Crystal said.
"L-lets g-g-go already." Gold said.
"Y-yeah, I-I-I'm freezing." Keshia said.
"Cinder, help out p-p-p-please." Jen said. Cinder came out and instantly warned up the cave.
"Aah, much better." Jen said, warming herself on Cinder's tail.
Got to love being a fire type Cinder said. With Jen and Cinder leading the way, they were almost out of the cave when an Ice beam froze the exit shut with a sheet of ice.
"Who did that?" Jen shouted. They looked around, trying to see the attacker, but to no avail. Giving up, Cinder burned the ice sheet and revealed the xit. They were about to leave when the exit was refrozen by another Ice beam.
"Now I'm annoyed." Gold said.
"Sneasel's in his pokeball, right?" Keshai asked.
"Yes." Gold said.
"Cinder, come over here." Crystal said. Cinder walked over and, with the flame from his tail, reflected light off of a glittering shard of ice.
"So what?" Jen asked.
"It moved, I'm certain." Crystal said. The shard moved again, and this time everyone saw it.
"Okay, what is it?" Keshia asked impatiently. She walked over and pulled on it. She dragged an injured Glaceon out, It's face cringing in pain.
"Oh, well this changes things." Keshia said. Thinking quickly, she used a pokeball it the Glaceon and caught it.
"Come on, lets go." Keshai said. Cinder destroyed the wall of ice, and after Jen returned him, they ran for the pokemon center.
"Nurse Joy, please help this poor Glaceon." Keshai said. After hours of waiting, the red light tured off and Nurse Joy came out of the ER room.
"Glaceon will be just fine after some rest." Joy said.
"Thats a relief." Keshia said, sighing.
"That Glaceon was using Ice beam so we wouldn't leave and help her." Jen said.
"Well, I have a new pokemon. And she will be my ticket to winning my final badge!" Keshai said excitedly.
"Hold on Keshai. You caught Glaceon to help her, but when she gets out of that room tomorrow, you have to let her decide if she wants to go with you, or return to the wild." Jen said.
Okay, as I hope you all know, I'm coming to a close on Johto Jen, but please don't think I'm done. My next one will be titled
Johto Jen: Goin' Hoenn
And I will be bringing Jen, Keshia, Crystal, and Gold along for the ride. However, I will ask that one user posts here a character, LuXray and golden charizard unable to do so since they are already in my story. However again, there is a condition to this. You must be a coordinator, since Hoenn was the first to introduce contests. If I do not have someone here in five days, I will create one of my own
wow!!!more travels!!!yay!!!!
btw,serafina's elemental move will be called flash armor(the word 'amp' reminds me of aipom)
Fair enough. Now that you mention it, it kinda does
LuXray, you sounded surprised. I hope you didn't think I was done

Chapter 18: The next morning, Keshia woke up and tip-toed out of the room, so as not to disturb the others, who decided to sleep in.
"Okay, I can't wait for his next match!" Keshia said to herself quietly in excitement. She got breakfast and sat down at the perfect table view of the tv.

"And now, ladies and gentlemen, entering the stadium on the left is the challenger Maya!" The announcer said. A girl of about 19 wearing a long bright yellow ball gown entered the stadium.
"And now, entering from the right, your favorite and mine, grand champion Chris!" Chris entered from the right with his pokemon close behind. He let Gyarados out into the pool area reserved for him, and waited to start the match.
"This will be a six on six match, while only the challenger can substitute pokemon. Begin!" The ref said.
"Shine on Gardeviour!" Maya said. Using a ball capsule with lightning seals on it, Gardeviour came out elegantly onto the desert field.
"I feel the need to tell you that this is a title match, not the grand festival." Chris said, slightly annoyed.
"I'm well aware of the difference. Are you just afraid to fight a coordinator?" Maya said.
"Coordinator? How did you get invited here?" Chris asked confused.

"Hey Keshia. What's going on?" Jen asked.
"Your dad is fighting a coordinator, but the match hasn't started yet. I think he is going to protest this match." Keshia said.

"Has it really come to this?" Chris asked himself.
A coordinator isn't worth our time, what were they thinking?!? Gyarados said.
"Chris, send out your pokemon or face disqualification." The ref said.
"If I must." Chris sighed. Leafeon went up, and the match began.
"Psychic and Shock wave!" Maya said. Gardeviour sent out Shock wave, then controlled it with Psychic, also making it shine brilliantly.
"Again, not the grand festival!" Chris said, really annoyed.
"Again, I know. Now, watch your pokemon get overwelmed by this attack!" Maya said confidently. Leafeon took the attack head on. Maya was about to start her gloating when she saw Leafeon wasn't even breathing hard.
"Now then, finish this quickly Leafeon. I've grown highly annoyed of this match." Chris said.
As have I Leafeon agreed. Razor leaf struck Gardeviour in the chest, and sent it flying into the wall, fainted.
"Why don't we just end this?" Chris said.
"No way! You haven't beaten me yet, just got lucky is all." Maya said.
"You look at Gardeviour, and think luck had anything to do with this?" Chris asked.
"Shine on Golduck!" Maya said. Leafeon took it out with Petal dance on the word go.
"Next?" Chris asked.
"Arrgh! Shine on Jynx!" Maya said.
"A Jynx, huh?" Chris said.
"Yep. An ice type with seriously beat your grass type." Maya said, smiling. That smile was short lived as Jynx was sent flying over her head with Razor leaf.
"Three pokemon down. Five minute break." The ref said.
"How is he beating me so easily?!?" Maya said in frustration. Five minutes later, the field was set as a water field, and Gyarados leapt forward, wanting this foolishness to end.
"Shine on Raichu!" Maya said. Raichu leapt onto the platform gracefully, and put it's tail into the water without Gyarados knowing.
"Now, Use Thuder!" Maya said. Raichu's attack went down it's tail and spread out into the water, making it impossible for Gyarados to dodge, and zapping him.
"Now then, are you ready to give up?" Maya asked smugly. Her smirk faded into a confused frown when Chris started laughing loudly.
"What is so funny?" Maya asked.
"After all the years of training with Gyarados, after all the battles he went through, after all the expirience he gained, do you honestly believe he could possibly be taken out by a weak attack like that?" Chris asked. Gyarados stuck his head out of the water and roared loudly, forcing many to cover their ears. Gyarados fired a Hyper beam and fainted Raichu on the spot.
"Now hurry up and send your next pokemon. The sooner we end this battle, the better." Chris said.
"I...don't have any more pokemon." Maya said quietly.
"Huh? You mean to tell me that you thought you could win with onlyfour pokemon?" Chris asked stupefied.
"Yes." Maya muttered.

"Wow, that is one stupid girl. My dad has been the champion for years, since before she was born, and she thought he would go down that easily?" Jen asked.
"I can't believe people are underestamating the champion like this. First that Isshu guy, now this girl, who's next?" Keshia asked.
"I don't know what is going through people's hea- hey Keshai, did you know that Glaceon is asleep on your lap?" Jen said. Looking down, Keshia saw Glaceon curled up and eyes closed on her lap.
"Did not see her at all. I didn't even feel her." Keshia said.
"Well, I guess we know what the answer is for her joining you." Jen said. An hour later, the group was headed for the Blackthorn(yes I knew it's name, give me a break) gym.
"What is the badge called?" Gold asked.
"It doesn't say. I guess the guide book (i.e. me) doesn't know." Jen said. At the gym entrance, the gazed upon the gym, all thinking the same thing: Gym badge number eight is so close.
"Hey Clair madame Dragonair!" Jen yelled upon entering the gym.
"I haven't been called that in many many years. The last one to call me that was a small boy of about nine or ten." Clair said.
"Let's go. We challenge you for our eigth and final gym badge!" Keshia said.
"Then follow me." Clair said. They followed her to the battle field, and their match began.
"Go Dragonair and Dragonite!"
"It's you and me Glaceon!"
"We fight as one Lapras!"
"You were right. She does have dragon type pokemon." Crystal said.
"Double Dragon pulse!" Clair said.
"Demonic Ice!" Jen said.
"Ice beam!" Keshia said. Demonic ice acted as a baracade, blocking the Dragon pulse from Dragonite, and Ice beam collided with Dragonair's attack. More ice pillars shot up around Dragonite, and before it could react, Dragonite was encased in a sheet of ice, fainted.
"It does more than block you know." Jen said. Glaceon was still trying to push back Dargon Pulse, but wasn't doing so good.
"Ice beam!" Jen said. With Lapras' help, Dragonair was shot witha double ice beam, and froze on the spot.
"Um...is it over already?" Keshia asked.
"Draco Meteor!" Clair said.
"Uh-oh! That is the strongest dragon type move in the book! This is gonna hurt!" Keshia panicked.
"Or it would, if Dragonair wasn't fainted." Jen said.
"What?" Clair exclaimed. Dragonair was indeed revealed fainted inside the block of ice.
"Tag us!" Gold said.
"Your turn." Keshia said.
"Go Dragonair and Dragonair!" Clair said.
"You really are Clair madame Dragoniar, aren't you?" Crystal asked.
"Go hard or go home Sneasel!"
"Game on Lucky!"
"Dragonairs, double Draco Meteor!"
"Use Draco Meteor too Lucky!"
"Blizzard!" Sneasel stopped Clairs' Dragonair from moving, stopping them with Blizzard. In the icy mist of the attack, Lucky's attrack went through, and hit them both hard.
"Darn it, double teamed again! Dragon pulse and Thunder wave!" Clair said.
"Stop them again with Blizzard!" Gold said. Sneasel used his superior speed and fired off Blizzard before they could even think of using their attacks.
"Dragon pulse!" Crystal said. Lucky shot her attack rapid fire through the Blizzard, and hit her marks every time. When the Blizzard subsided, the two Dragonair were fainted.
"We...we did it. We have all eight badges now!" Crystal said excitedly.
"Yep. And we still have four months left before the Silver conference. What do we do until then?" Gold asked. Jen adn Keshia looked at each other, grinning, then looked at Gold and Crystal and said, simultaniously, "We train ofcourse."
(11-10-2010 06:18 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]LuXray, you sounded surprised. I hope you didn't think I was done

i thought you would change me and gold for 2 other trainers

(11-10-2010 06:18 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]challenger Maya!"

Maya is the name of my puppy hahaha

btw,the badge is the Rising Badge
...Really? Doesn't ring a bell at all
i was gonna read part two but tomarow or tonite maybe. then i try to power read through all this so i can get caught up
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