Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Rescue team meets Exploration team
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I've wanted a story to have these two, and if you want something done right, do it yourself.

Chapter 1: "Wait, I'm being relocated?" Charmeleon asked.
"Yes, to a place called Treasure town. You love your work so much, and this area no longer needs you, this is for the best. You might not like it at first, but that place has no Rescue teams for miles, and you should be happy with all the work there." Whiscash said.
"Okay. I'll leave first thing in the morning, but promise to send for me if this place gets out of hand." Charmeleon said.
"I promise. When you find a good place to set up, head to the guild. There, you'll find the job bulliten board, and also be able to catch criminals and outlaws. Say hello to the guildmaster as well." Whiscash said. The next morning, Charmeleon set off with two apples and an oran berry, and it took him three days to reach Treasure town.
"Nice place." Charmeleon said. He made a home for himself at Sharpedo bluff, and was not able to sleep soundly that night.
"I like the idea of a new area to help, but not so much if I have to leave my own home." Charmeleon said. The next morning, he went to the guild, greeting the townsfolk as they greeted him.

"Attention! We will be having a guest drop by the guild for our job bulliten board, so please don't bother him during his stay, and do not let me catch any of you doing anything to disturb his work." Chatot said.
"Oh my gosh! If Chatot is this worked up, he must be really important." Sunflora said.
"He is very important, one of a kind here. He has been moved by the wisdom of his town elder, Whiscash, and is a one pokemon team." Chatot said.
"A one pokemon team? He MUST be strong." Loudred said.
"I can't wait to meet him." Pikachu said.
"Me niether!" Bulbasour said.
"Team Comet, did you not hear a word I just said?" Chatot asked.
"Yeah, but can't we atleast get a look at the guy?" Pikachu asked.
"By golly, he's right. When is this guy going to be here?" Bidoof asked.
"He should be arriving shortly." Chatot said.
"Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!" Diglett said. Loudred went over to the Sentry hole.
"Who's footprint? Who's footprint?" Loutdred asked.
"The footprint belongs to Charmeleon! The footprint belongs to Charmeleon!" Diglett said.
"That's him let him in!" Chatot said.

"That was really wierd, but okay." Charmeleon said. The gate infront of him opened and he went inside and climbed down the ladders.

"Everyone, this is Charmeleon." Chatot said. The guild members rushed to him, gathering around him asking questions such as "Where are you from?""What is your team name?""What rank are you?"
"Settle down! I believe I specifically said not to bother him!" Chatot said.
"It's fine. Whiscash said there were no Rescue teams for miles, yet here these guys are." Charmeleon said.
"Wait, what?"
"What did he say?"
"Rescue teams? What are those?"
"Wait, if you're not Rescue teams, then what are you?" Charmeleon asked.
"We're exploration teams. We explore mystery dungeons, and take treasure burried in them." Pikachu said.
"Exploration teams? This is what are in this area? Now I know why Whiscash sent me here, the pokemon are more worried about treasure!" Charmeleon said.
"Okay hot shot, what is a Rescue team?" Bulbasour asked.
"A Rescue team is a team of pokemon that goes into mystery dungeons and helps pokemon in need. I've rescued many pokemon in my career, and was sent here to continue my work." Charmeleon said.
"Everyone, please leave him alone." Chatot said. He didn't have to say it again, as the pokemon moved away from him, unsure what to think of him.
"Um, perhaps you should get started now." Chatot said.
"Yeah, I guess I should." Charmeleon said. He climbed the ladder, and as soon as he did, the pokemon were all talking at once.
"I'm not sure what to think. How could anyone not like exploring?"
"Yeah, but his work is very inspiring."
"But don't forget what he said about us."
"Quiet! He has gotten to work, so the rest of you should as well." Chatot said.
"HOORAY!" They said, and went to work.
great!!!!new fanfic!!!!!
Chapter 2: "He has been here for two days, yet hasn't said a word to us since he first saw us." Bulbasour said.
"I know, I'm not sure what to make of him." Pikachu said.
"Let's wait until he goes out to work, then follow him." Bulbasour said.
"Good idea. We'll see if he is the real deal or not." Pikachu said. They went up to the jobs, and pretended to be looking at the board while keeping a eye on Charmeleon. Charmeleon took down a job and left, Team Comet at his heels.
"Where did he go?" Bulbasour asked.
"According to this, he went to Shimmer hill." Pikachu said, looking at the sign. It wasn't until the second floor they got a glimse of him, and followed his movements. On the 17th floor, Charmeleon wasn't going after the stairs, but looking around the floor.
"Finally. I thought he'd never stop!" Bulbasour whispered. Staying close behind him, Pikachu and Bulbasour were tracking his every movements until Charmeleon stopped to encounter an injured Swablu.
"Here we go little guy." Charmeleon said. He grabbed Swablu and used an Escape orb to beam them back to the guild, Team Comet doing the same. At the guild, Pikachu and Bulbasour were still spying on Charmeleon.
"Thank you so much for saving me!" Swablu said.
"It's what I was born to do." Charmeleon said. Swablu started to hand him a reward, but Charmeleon interupted her.
"I don't accept rewards. What I find in dungeons is plenty to keep me going." Charmeleon said. Pikachu and Bulbasour gasped.
"He really is a rescuer, and he doesn't even accpet awards!" Pikachu said.
"We have to tell the others about this!" Bulbasour said. Later that evening, during dinner, Pikachu and Bulbasour told their fellow guild members about Charmeleon.
"Now maybe you will show respect for our guest." Chatot said.
"We should extend an invitation!" Wigglytuff said. Everyone looked at him and he continued.
"We are planning and expidition, adn with his power, we should be able to come back with everyone safe, as well as a lot of treasure."
"But Guildmaster, he'll never accept. He doesn't care about treasure, just rescuing." Bulbasour said.
"SOMETHING isn't right about HIM. Who would pass up TREASURE?" Loudred said.
"Maybe if we argue enough, he'll agree." Chatot said. The next day, Charmleoen arrived to get some jobs for the day, until Chatot approached him.
"Charmeleon, could I see you in the Guildmaster's quarters?" Chatot asked.
"Okay, but this better be quick. The sooner I get out there, the sooner some pokemon will be better off." Charmeleon said. In the Guildmaster's room, Wigglytuff was asleep when they came in.
"Guildmaster? Guildmaster? Guildmaster!" Chatot yelled.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, Charmeleon. We hope you'll take into careful consideeration about the prospect of joining us on our expidition." Wigglytuff said.
"...No." Charmeleon said.
"Let me explain. Our entire guild will be exploring a very dangerous area, and need the aid of a strong ally like you." Wigglytuff said.
"No." Charmeleon said again.
"Perhaps you aren't hearing him. The Guildmaster is extending a formal invitation to accompany us on a treasure filled trip, a once in a life time invitation!" Chatot said.
"No!" Charmeleon yelled.
"I see the problem. You don't agree with our prioritiesm but consider this. You don't know the area we're going to, and thepokemon there could be in trouble. If you go with us, you'll have access to that area, and the pokemon in need as well." Wigglytuff said. Charmeleon froze, pondering this.
"Put that way...fine. But let's get one thing straight right here and now. I'm in this to help pokemon, not for the treasure, got it?" Charmeleon asked.
"Crystal clear. We'll be heading out tomorrow, so be sure to get a good nights sleep." Wigglytuff said.
Chapter 3: "Attention please! We will begin grouping when everyon eis present." Chatot said.
"Wait, the whole guild is here. Who is left?" Diglett asked.
"Why, our ally o this expidition of course." Chatot said smiling.
"Hold on, you don't meam that he-"
"Agreed? As a matter of fact, he did." Chatot said.
"Yippee! Who will get to partner up with him?" Sunflora asked.
"Hold your Horsea(hah, bad pun alert) will you? Ah, here he is now." Chatot said.
"Okay, let's get started. The sooner this thing ends, the sooner I can get back to my rescue work." Charmeleon said.
"Yes, of course. Now then, we will be setting off for Ruin cave, recently uncovered by an earthquake. Vast treasure is said to be in store for any who can claim it, but there are numerous pokemon and traps to get past, as well as being in remote area. Everyone, take out your Wonder maps." Chatot said. Pikachu and Bulbasour went over to Charmeleon and shared theirs, since he didn't have one himself.
"Now, at the top most part of your maps, Ruin cave lies in the area surrounded by rocks and sand. We are quite far from it, and will therefore split up into groups and make a base camp in the small grassy area at the south of the sandy area. Guildmaster and myself will travel as a pair."
"Boring." Wigglytuff murmured.
"Sunflora, Corfish, and Bidoof will act as a team. Loudred will go with Croagunk, Diglett and Dugdrio will go together with Chimecho." Chatot said.
"Yay, that means that we get to be-"
"Going together without anyone else." Chatot said.
"What? But we are the only one left to pair up with him!" Bulbasour said.
"He is a one pokemon Rescue team because he works alone, and it was one of the only ways to convince him to occompany us." Chatot said.
"I prefer to work and travel alone, nothing personal." Charmeleon said.
"Okay everyone, move out after choosing your route." Chatot said. Once everyone huddled together to make sure they didn't take the same route as anyone else, they set off for Ruin cave. A few hours later, Pikachu and Bulbasour were at the Apple woods entrance, taking a break.
"Glad we took this route. We can stock up on food here, and catch our breath in a safe spot." Pikachu said.
"That was the plan. Let's take a look at our map and see how far we still have to go tomorrow." Bulbasour said.
"What? We still have about another two day journey at this rate." Pikachu said.
"Wow, we are going to be the last one's there at this pace. What are we going to do?" Bulbasour asked.
"I don't know. How about we- look! Charmeleon!" Pikachu said. Bulbasour turned just in time to see Charmeleon's tale flame dissappear from view into the woods.
"He must have chosen the same route as us, lucky huh?" Bulbasour said.
"Yeah. But why is he still going at this time of day?" Pikachu asked.
"Well, if he can tough it out, so can we. He'll probably set up for the night in an hour or so anyway." Bulbasour said. They followed Charmeleon into the woods and caught up with him in no time. After following him deep into the woods, they saw him picking Perfect apples from the tree and putting them into his bag, then he set up some wood and lit it up with Flamethrower.
"What do we do now?" Pikachu muttered.
"I don't know, I didn't think we'd get this far." Bulbasour responded.
"You two can come out now, you really need to work on your stealth by the way." Charmeleon said.
"Dang, how did you know we were here?" Pikachu asked.
"I can see from the corner of my eye as well, where you two were the whole time, plus I heard your footsteps on the leaves." Charmeleon said.
"Dang. You are good." Bulbasour said.
"Why are you following me?" Charmeleon asked.
"We weren't at first, but we saw you enter Apple woods and then we were following you." Pikachu said.
"I guess we chose the same route by mistake. Ah well, can't be helped." Charmeleon said.
"So we can go the rest of the way with you?" BUlbasour asked excitedly.
"Only if you promise not to get in my way, and not to slow me down." Charmeleon said.
"We promise!" They said together.
"Good. I have to ask, what do you two see in exploring?" Charmeleon asked.
"We love the thrill of adventure, the thrill of discovering things no one else has, and the prospect of finding treasure is so exciting. What do you see in rescuing?" Pikachu asked.
"I love being able to save pokemon in need, being able to see them reuinite with loved ones, and being reasured that they will sleep safely tonight, and knowing that I'm the one who did it, that is what gets me going." Charmeleon said.
"Wow, that is so great!" Bulbasour said.
"You know, I can't figure you two out. At first, you were giving me the cold shoulder for being a rescuer, now you are acting like I'm a hero." Charmeleon said.
"Well, you are. We saw you rescue that Swablu, then decline the reward, and that was really great of you." Pikachu said.
"I thought I heard someone following me then." Charmeleon said.
"Look, the point is, you really are a hero. You would fitin so much better with us if you weren't so against Exploration teams." Bulbasour said.
"Look, Exploration teams seem tough enough, yet they spend their time looking for treasure instead of helping out pokemon in need, the main reason why I was relocated here." Charmeleon said.
"When you put it that way, you make us sound like greedy pirates that don't care about anything but treasure." Pikachu said.
"Maybe that's how I view Exploration teams to be. Now, time to sleep. Long way ahead of us tomorrow." Charmeleon said. The next morning, Charmeleon woke Pikachu and Bulbasour up, then headed for their destination again. Pikachu and Bulbasour didn't talk much, still thinking about what Charmeleon said about Exploration teams, which was just fine with Charmeleon. They reached the base camp within a day and a half, Charmeleon waking up earlier than Pikachu and Bulbasour would have liked, and were indeed the last to arrive.
"There you two are. I should have guessed when our guest wasn't here that you two were slowing him down." Chatot said. Charmeleon didn't say anything as he put down his stuff and pulled out an apple to eat.
"Okay, gather around, Charmeleon, please wait until I'm done, then you may eat as much as you wish." Chatot said. Grunting, Charmeleon out his apple back and turned to face Chatot.
"Thank you. Now, after our travels, the Guildmaster and myself have gathered intel about Ruin cave, and we have some bad news. It is said to be guarded by the two legendary pokemon Latios and Latias, and only after defeating htem in battle may you obtain the treasure." Chatot said.
"So what? WE can beat them NO PROBLEM." Loudred said.
"Yes problem! Latios and Latias are extremely fast, and are both dragon and psychic types, therefore posing a great problem. We must figure out a way to get past them without incident." Chatot said.
"Wow, really? This is a reason whhy I view Exploration teams as pirates!" Charmeleon wanted to scream, but bit his tongue and managed to hold it back.
"Um, I have an idea." Bidoof said.
"Oh really? Let's here it." Chatot said.
"Um, what if we all attacked at once, then kept up the attacks until they faint?" Bidoof said.
"That might work actually. Any objections?" Chatot asked. Charmeleon was biting so hard that he accidently set off Fire fang, trying not to say anything about the obvious flaw.
"Okay everyone, charge!" Chatot said, leading them in. Charmeleon took the rear, as did Pikachu and Bulbasour. Within a few minutes, they heard a swoosh, and the wind force nearly knocked them all over, except for Charmeleon who was already bracing himself.
"You who dare enter our home"
"Shall must face it's guardians"
"To take our treasure"
"As your own"
"Who is THERE?" Loudred asked.
"And Latias!" A pink dragon and a blue dragon appeared, and were charging up what looked like a Dragon pulse.
"Everyone, attack!" Wigglytuff said. Everyone who could launched their long range attacks, and they merged together and struck Latios and Latias with a big explosion. When the smoke cleared, Latios and Latias weren't where they were suppossed to be.
"By golly, did we destroy them?" Biddof panicked.
"Did you believe you could beat us that easily?" The guild turned around and saw Latios and Latias behind them, still charging their attacks.
"This would fall under the category of pokemon in trouble, I guess." Charmeleon said. Latios and Latias fired their attacks, and while the guild braced themselves, Charmeleon stuck out his hands and caught them both.
"Impossible!" Latios said.
"Excuse me, did you two drop these?" Charmeleon asked, throwing them both back. Latios and Latias were hit and fell to the floor. When they got back up, they weren't getting an attack charged.
"You who have bested us"
"Take our treasure, for"
"You have earned it" With that, they dissapeared, and the guild cheered and lifted Charmeleon up, though putting him back down quickly due to his tail.
"Squack! That was brilliant!" Chatot said.
"By golly, who knew you were so strong?!" Bidoof said.
"HOW come you were hiding that kind of power from us, huh?" Loudred asked.
"Please, just get the treasure so we can go home." Charmeleon said. And with that, they got the treasure, which was a lot of items for specific pokemon, as well as many golden coins and one box on top of the pile of coins. The guild finally wore Charmeleon down, and he recieved the box, but didn't open it.
Chapter 4: "Aren't you going to open it?" Pikachu asked. The guild was back at Treasure town, and reminising about the expidition, and they were all curious about the box.
"You gave me the box, and I'll open it when I want to." Charmeleon said.
"You mean to tell me you aren't even the slightest bit curious to see what you were given?" Bulbasour asked.
"Well, I can't say that. I mean, if Latios and Latias were guarding it, it must be something really good, but I'll see what it is when I do." Charmeleon said. He then left the guild, leaving everyone to ponder the contents of the box.
"Okay everyone, enough dilly dallying. The expidition is over, and with great sucess, but time for bed." Chatot said.
"You can't fool anyone Chatot. YOU are curious about that box too." Loudred said.
"So what if I am?" Chatot asked.
"Nothing, GOOD night." Loudred said. The next day, Charmeleon came to the guild for his daily jobs, and the guild pounced on him to open the box.
"Okay! Just so you'll get off my back, I'll open the box. Luckily I brought it with me." Charmeleon said. He opened the box so at first, only he could see what it held, then closed it, his face completly dissapointed.
"Well!?!" The guild asked.
"You won't believe this, but appearantly, this group called Team Charm beat us there and the box holds an autograph of them." Charmeleon said, showing everyone.
"Well, not what we were expecting, but can I have it?" Diglett asked.
"Wait, why YOU?" Loudred asked. Soon the guild was argueing about the autograph, until Charmeleon got their attention.
"Allow me to remedy the situation." Charmeleon said. He then held the paper to his face at arms length, then burned it.
"WHY did you do that?" Loudred asked.
"Why not? Now, excuse me, but I have work to do." Charmeleon said. Leaving the guild members stunned, he headed off for his daily duties.
"He-HE just burned an autograph of Team Charm!" Loudred said.
"Oh well, easy come easy go. Come on, time to get to work as well." Chatot said.
"Come on, show more spirit than that, we maybe getting a visit from them." Chatot said.
"REALLY?!? HOORAY!" The guild said, then went of to their duities.
"Guildmaster, could you kindly contact Team Charm? I have a request that I'm sure they would accept." Chatot said. A few days later, Charmeleon came to the guild submerged floor 1, but found it strangly empty.
"Hello?" Charmeleon said. He heard something from below, and climbed down to investigate. When he did climb down, he saw the guild members huddled around three pokemon, but he couldn't identify them.
"What is going on?" Charmeleon asked.
"TEAM Charm is here, boy are we lucky!" Loudred said.
"Ah, here he is now. Spread out, spread out, make way. Team Charm, this is the rescuer, Charmeleon." Chatot said.
"Lovely to meet your aquantence." Gardevour said.
"Likewise." Charmeleon said simply.
"Chatot tells us that you are quite adament about your work, but have so much potential to be a great and famous explorer." Lopunny said.
"I trust he also mentioned I'm not after fame or fortune, just helping pokemon?" Charmeleon said, glaring at Chatot.
"Not interested in fame or fortune? Not even a little bit? Impossible, I refuse to believe you." Medicham said.
"Are you dare calling me a greedy liar?" Charmeleon said agressively.
"Perhaps, perhaps not. The point is, you are lucky enough to experience the thrill of exploring by going on a mission with us." Lopunny said.
"I'd rather not." Charmeleon said, and he turned to walk away.
"Squak! How could you brush off a once in a life time invite from the beautiful and talented Team Charm?!?" Chatot asked. Charmeleon stopped, turned around, looked at the entire guild and stopped at Team Charm.
"You all see a team of brilliant and beautiful ladies who you would do just about anything to get their attention. I see just another Exploration team wasting it's time on treasure hunting." Charmeleon said, then left for his work.
"Wating our time are we? What on earth is his deal?" Lopunny asked.
"He isn't exactly on board with the idea of Exploration teams. He feels they waste time searching for treasure while we could be helping pokemon that need it. In fact, he told us that since this area doesn't have any Rescue teams, he was relocated here to fill the spot." Pikachu said.
"Huh, so I guess he isn't such a bad guy after all. He just needs to expeirence the thrill of exploring, then we would all get along just fine." Medicham said.
"Well, that was why I requested your audience. I had hoped you would be able to get his attention, but he doesn't seem interested in anything but rescuing." Chatot said.
"Then why not take him on an exploaration trip, but tell him there is a pokemon in distress?" Wigglytuff said.
"No, that wouldn't work. I'd be running through the dundgeon too fast to be enjoying exploring." Charmeleon said.
"Darn, that goes that idea. Wait, what about we ask him to assisst us on our missions?" Bulbasour asked.
"Nah, I'm busy with my own work, then I'd think you were incapable of doing your own work, let alone the work I do." Charmeleon said.
"Wow, you are a hard pokemon to trick." Pikachu said.
"Yep." Charmeleon said.
"Well, how about-Ah!" Pikachu said.
"Oh, so you finally realized I was here, huh?" Charmeleonsaid, his tone not pleasant.
"Charmeleon, just hold on." Bulbasour said.
"Seems to me that my message didn't get through. Let me tell it again. I. Will. Not. Become. An. Explorer!" Charmeleon said, putting emphasis on each word.
"Seems to me that you just don't want to try new things." Gardevour said.
"Okay, I just got through telling them my message, must I say it again? Leave me alone to my work!" Charmeleon said, and left for reall this time on his mission.
"That settles it, we must find a way to get him to explore." Chatot said.
"Count us in. If we got him to become an explorer, he could join our team, and we would be able to show him the be adventures of his life." Lopunny said.
How am I doing so far?
It's good. It's really good! Are you going to add any Gen V pokemon later in the story?
Once the Isshu region is televised in my area, then I will, but not before, sorry
Chapter 5: That night...
"Hey Pikachu?" Bulbasour asked.
"Yeah?" Pikachu said.
"I'm not sure we should be trying to change Charmeleon." Bulbasour said.
"Same here. If he does become an explorer, what will happen to the pokemon in this area? Looking back, Treasure town has never been this happy or safe. When you look back, there were actually a lot of missing pokemon, and now a lot of them are back." Pikachu said.
"Yeah, my point exactly. I wonder if he can rescue Electivire?" Bulbasour said.
"Don't get ahead of yourself. Electivire has been missing for months since he went to the Northern Desert." Pikachu said.
"Just wondering. I also wonder what it would be like to be Charmeleon, just for a day." Bulbasour said.
"Who knows? Anyway, we better get some sleep for tomorrow." Pikachu said. Hours later, just as the sun was begining to rise, the guild's emergency siren went off and everyone ran out of their rooms.
"Diglett, what is the matter?" Chatot asked.
"Debuty Magnemite wants us to meet in the town square, and bring a lot of medicine, but didn't say why." Diglett said. After gathering a lot of medicine, the guild rushed to the town square. Making their way through the crowd, they saw Charmeleon kneeling beside Electivire, who was beaten badly, and they were both covered in sand.
"Squack! What happened?" Chatot asked.
"Hey hey, looks like Charmeleon actually found Electivire!" Corphish said.
"But...how?!?" Chatot asked. After coughing out some sand, Charmeleon asked for some water, which Pikachu and Bulbasour quickly retrieved.
"ZZT! Good thing you found him, otherwise he wouldn't have lasted another day ZZT!" Magnemite said. Charmeleon gulped down the water and nodded.
"Now, could you please explain how you managed to find, on your first try, a pokemon who had eluded the best tracking team we could get?" Chatot asked.
"Water. Lots and lots of water." Charmeleon said simply.
"How could water help find him in a desert?" Pikachu asked.
"Well, ground absorbs electricity, but the ground at the desert was loose, and didn't absorb it quick enough. For months, the electricity Electivire was emitting from his body was zooming through the loose soil, but was very faint. As you know, water conducts electricity, and by pouring it on the ground, then feeling it, I could tell where he had been. The electricity zooms through the ground, to the water, and shocks who touches it. The stroner the shock, the closer I was to finding him. I have to say, he was really deep in there, which is why it took me all night. When I finally found him, he was pretty banged up, and half covered in sand, so I used the Escape orb and got him here as soon as I could." Charmeleon explained.
"Such tracking skills!" Lopunny said.
"ZZT! Sorry if our siren woke you up ZZT!" Magnemite said.
"Think nothing of it. It is a pleasure to see that thanks to Charmeleon, our town is once again reunited with Electivire." Lopunny said.
"Well, if we get him medicine, and if he takes it easy, he should be just fine in, perhaps a few weeks. Now if you'll excuse me, it has been a long night, and I'm very tired." Charmeleon said, then left for some well deserved sleep.
"I think we should all be getting back to bed. Back to the guild." Chatot said. Once back, no one could get to sleep, and they all met up in Pikachu and Bulbasour's room to talk.
"I can't believe he found Electivire!" Pikachu said.
"Oh my gosh, me neither!" Sunflora said.
"By golly, he sure is amazing, using water to find an electric type in a desert." Bidoof said.
"Yeah, but maybe we should follow his lead and try to get some sleep." Bulbasour said. They left for their rooms, but they knew that the entire guild was awake, even Chatot.
"Such tracking skills, better than any we've got. If he became an explorer, he could find any treasure he wanted!" Chatot said.
"But does he want to?" Wigglytuff asked.
"He hasn't even given our trade a chance. I'm sure that once he does, he'll love it." Chatot said. An hour later, the guild met up for the morning, and set off for their daily work.
"Lets go get some jobs from the board, shall we?" Pikachu said. They went to the board and looked over their side. Since Charmeleon came, the board was divided into two sections: one side for explorer work, and one side for rescue work. Luckily for Charmeleon, the rescue side was empty for now.
"Hmm, how about this job?" Bulbasour asked.
"Stand clear! Stand clear!" Dugtrio said.
"Dang, thought we'd beat him to it." Pikachu said. They stood back and the board flipped around. When it flipped back, they were about to resume their search for a job when something caught their attention.
"Uh-oh. Someone put up a rescue job." Pikachu said.
"Well, maybe it isn't a crisis and can wait until he gets up." Bulbasour said. They took a look at it, and immediatly knew it was important, because it was labled a *1 mission.
"Well, there goes that hope. Let's see, it says: Please help now! Desperatly nees assisstance in escaping the group of hostile pokemon in Shimmer Hill, can't wait very long!" Pikachu read.
"We better get Charmeleon now!" Bulbasour said.
"No time! We have to do it, otherwise this pokemon could get in some serious trouble!" Pikachu said.
"But we aren't rescuers, we're explorers!" Bulbasour said.
"Oh well! Now, are you coming or not?" Pikachu asked. Bulbasour sighed and followed him to Shimmer Hill.
"It says on the 13th floor, we'll find the client, a Caterpie." Pikachu said.
"Geez, a *1 mission. We aren't even ready for something like this, we're only Silver rank!" BUlbasour said.
"So what? Come on, I see the stairs." Pikachu said. On the 11th floor, they encountered trouble with a group of Bagon, and barely managed to fend them off.
'Wow, close one!" Pikachu said.
"See my point now?" Bulbasour asked.
"But we're so close! There's the stairs, we're almost there." Pikachu said. On the 12th floor, they passed with no trouble, and came to the stair leading up to the 13th floor.
"Okay, here we go." Pikachu said. When they got up, they saw a large group of Bagon surrounding a Caterpie, getting ready for an attack.
"How are we going to get past all of them?" Bulbasour asked.
"You still know Sleep Powder, right?" Pikachu asked.
"Oh, why didn't I think of that?" Bulbasour said. They crept as close as they dared, then Bulbasour let loose his Sleep Powder, covering all of the Bagon, and putting them to sleep, though he hit Caterpie as well.
"Well, he probably needed some sleep after that ordeal." Pikachu said. They warped out using their badges, and carried Caterpie back to the guild and woke him up.
"Huh? Where am I? You aren't Charmeleon, who are you?" Caterpie asked.
"It's okay, you're in the guild, we rescued you." Pikachu said.
"Really? Thanks a bunch!" Caterpie said.
"Hey Pikachu, I'm starting to feel something, what about you?" Bulbasour said.
"Yeah, I feel it too. This must be the feeling Charmeleon gets after he saves a pokemon. And you know what else? It feels pretty good." Pikachu said.
"Yeah, it does. Being Charmeleon is pretty cool." Bulbasour said.
"Well, there is one more thing we have to do to really feel like Charmeleon." Pikachu said.
"Oh, the hard part." Bulbasour said. Caterpie was just about to ask what their reward should be, when they said they didn't want a reward. Caterpie made sure they were certain, then left for his home.
"There, now that feels really good." Pikachu said.
"Yeah it does. Well, off to dinner then bed. Tomorrow, it's back to exploring again for us." Bulbasour said.
part one seems good still working on johto jen though
Chapter 6: As Charmeleon was approaching the guild, Pelliper swooped by him and flew down the guild.
"Wonder what that's about." Chamreleon said, and went to the bottom of the guild. Everyone was gathered, and the mail was distributed.
"Team Comet, two packages for you." Chatot said.
"Wonder why there's two." Pikachu said. He and Bulbasour opened the first one labled: Exploration Team Federation: Rank and Badge
"Wow, look at this! We're gold rank now!" Bulbasour said. They admired their badges for awhile, then turned to their other package, then jerked with shock.
"What's the matter?" Chatot asked.
"Um, Chatot? How many points does it take to go from Normal rank to Bronze rank?" Pikachu asked.
"About 150, why do you ask?" Chatot asked.
"No reason in particular. I think we''l open this one in private." Pikachu said.
"Well, alright, but hurry, you two have jobs for the day." Chatot said. Pikachu and Bulbasour rushed to their room, and looked nervously at the box.
"A *1 mission is worth 150 points, why didn't we think of that?" Bulbasour asked. Pikachu opened the box and found two bronze colored badges labled:Rescue Team Comet, as well as a letter.
"It says: Dear Team Comet, we are both surprised and pleased that an Exploration team would take the time to do a rescue mission, and we hope we can count on you again in the future. Signed, Rescue Team Federation." Pikachu read.
"Well, what now?" Bulbasour asked.
"I don't know. Should we talk to Chatot about this, or Charmeleon, or write back saying it was all a misunderstanding and send the badges back? I just don't know." Pikachu said.
"I think we have a choice to make." Bulbasour said.
"No. We'll just hide the badges and continue our exploring work like this never happened." Pikachu said.
"But what if someone finds them?" Bulbasour asked.
"Not if we hide it well enough." Pikachu said.
"Where can we hide it though?" Bulbasour asked. Pikachu looked around their tiny, bare room, and sighed.
"Well, I guess we'll have to tell Chatot." Pikachu said. They left and asked Chatot to talk in private.
"Okay, now that you've dragged me here, what is so important it can't wait?" Chatot asked. Pikachu and Bulbasour looked at each other, then showed their new badges to Chatot.
"Rescue team? But, that cannot possibly be correct! When did you two do any rescue wrok?" Chatot asked.
"Yesterday, we went to Shimmer Hill on a *1 mission to save a Caterpie from a group of Bagon. We managed to do it using Sleep Powder, then got out of the dungeon." Pikachu said.
"Well, I have some serious thinking to do. For now, just get some EXPLORING work done." Chatot said fiercely. They ran off to the board and quickly selected a job from their side, and left immediately.
"Wonder what's got them so rialed up." Charmeleon said, then turned his attention back to the jobs.
"Charmeleon, could I see you for a quick second?" Chatot said in a forced calm tone.
"One missisippi." Charmeleon said, then grabbed the job off and turned to leave, but Chatot was determined to talk to him, for he flew on top of his head.
"Now then, I have something to tell you that you might want to hear. Team Comet, Pikachu and Bulbasour, have done something recently that has got me thinking about this whole thing about you being here." Chatot said.
"And what might that be? By the way, even if you are on my head, I'm still going." Charmeleon said.
"Team Comet has accomplished a *1 rescue mission, and become certified Bronze rank Rescue team members." Chatot blurted out. Charmeleon froze in his tracks, knocking Chatot off his head.
"Are you sure?" Charmeleon asked.
"Positive. They showed me their badges, and they looked lagit." Chatot said.
"How could you tell? I'm the only one here that has truley seen a real badge from the Rescue team federation, so when they return, I'll determine if it's real or not. Now, I have work to do." Charmeleon said, then left. That afternoon, Charmeleon returned to the guild to see Chatot pacing impatiently infront of Team Comet.
"Show me." Charmeleon said. pIkachu and Bulbasour stuck out their badges, and Charmeleon looked hard at them.
"Well I'll be. You two really are a certified Rescue team." Charmeleon said happily.
"Yeah, and we didn't even accept a reward." Pikachu said, a small hint of pride in his voice.
"No kidding? Wow, I really misjudged you two." Charmeleon said, grinning widely.
"Why are you so happy?!?" Chatot yelled.
"Because, even if these tow decide to go back to exploring, they have known the feeling of saving a pokemon." Charmeleon said.
"And it felt really good too." Bulbasour said.
"Well, for the time being, you two still have broken the guild rule of doing jobs for other pokemon. You two are, regretfully, suspended for three weeks." Chatot said.
"What?!? You are punishing them for saving a pokemon?" Charmeleon raged.
"Those jobs were meant for you, not them, and the rules are quite clear on that matter. I'm sorry, but for the next three weeks, they cannot operate as an Exploaration team." Chatot said.
"Chatot, please don't!" Pikachu pleaded.
"Sorry, but hand them over." Chatot said grimly. He took their gold colored badges, and ordered them to leave.
"Well, now what?" Bulbasour asked.
"Now, we get to work." Pikachu said. Confused, he pointed at Charmeleon, then he got the idea.
"Charmeleon, how would you like to form a new team with us, as you the team leader?" Pikachu asked.
"Depends on the team." Charmeleon said.
"Well, we can't be an Exploration team, can we? So, what other choice is there?" Bulbasour asked.
"Hmm. To tell you the truth, I'm not much of a team player." Charmeleon said.
"Oh, well then, could you give us lessons on being a Rescue team?" Pikachu asked.
"That I can do." Charmeleon said.
Chapter 7: "Alright, wait here while I get some jobs for the day." Charmeleon said. He went inside and grabbed all three jobs up on the board.
"Okay, I'll take the *6 mission in the Zero Island East, while you two take these two S ranked jobs for Mt. Horn." Charmeleon said.
"*6 mission?!?" Bulbasour exclaimed.
"Yeah. No big deal for a Master rank." Charmeleon said.
"Master rank?!?" Pikachu exclaimed.
"I've been at this a long time, and I got a lot of points, so yeah I'm Master rank." Charmeleon said. With that, they set off for their jobs, Pikachu and Bulbasour feeling different knowing they're willingly going on a rescue mission instead of their normal exploration work.

"Lopunny, I think we need a strategy, and quickly." Gardevour said.
"Yeah. Not only is Charmeleon still doing his rescue work, he has influenced two explorers into his line of work." Medicham said.
"Well, Chatot, any ideas?" Lopunny asked.
"Not a one. I 'm clueless." Chatot said. They sighed heavely, and Team Charm left, trying to think of any idea, though each one was worse than the last.
"Guildmaster, how can we possibly recruit him now?" Chatot asked.
"Umm, I don't know." Wigglytuff said.
"No one seems to." Chatot said.
"Chatot, before you think of ant more ideas, look at what he's done. He has saved many pokemon, even found Electivire, which no one could do. Are you sure you want to take him away from that?" Wigglytuff asked.
"Point taken, but perhaps we could have him as an explorer and a rescuer." Chatot said.
"He sure is focused on one thing." Wigglytuff said.
"That he is. Determination, strength, excellent tracking, perfect qualities for an explorer." Chatot said.
"Also for a rescuer." Wigglytuff said.
"I hear what you are trying to tell me, but if he would compromise for being even a part time explorer, he would be extremely famous." Chatot said.
"Chatot, maybe the problem isn't that he won't try our way, but we won't try his way." Wigglytuff said.
"But Guildmaster, we're running a guild for explorers, not rescuers." Chatot said.
"True, but look at Team Comet. They did one mission, and they said they felt a special feeling, and loved it. I know some great rescuers, and could invite them to the guild to offer a program to teach the guild about being a rescuer. Maybe then Charmeleon would give our way a chance." Wigglytuff said.
"Great idea Guildmaster. I'll tell Team Charm, and-oh, when will your guests be arriving?" Chatot asked.
"I have to ask them first." Wigglytuff said. The next day, Charmeleon came for his jobs when Pelipper flew past him and to the Guildmaster.
"Not my business." Charmeleon said.
'Hold on, hold on!" Chatot said. Charmeleon stopped, and waited for Chatot, though Charmeleon's face showed he wasn't very happy with him.
"Still upset about our rules I see, but listen to this. The Guildmaster, in his widom, has invited some rescuers, famous for their work by the way, to teach the guild what it's like to be a rescuer, and they will arrive in four days time. Team Comet and yourself are invited as well." Chatot said.
"Well well. This would be good for them, and I might even know these guys. I'll tell them, but who are they anyway?" Charmeleon asked.
"The Guildmaster wishes it to remain a surprise." Chatot said.
"You don't even know, do you?" Charmeleon said.
"...No." Chatot grunted. Charmeleon left, and told Pikachu adn Bulbasour the news.
"Awesome! This could help us learn about rescuing a lot." Pikachu said.
"Yeah, but before you attend, I have a question for you two. When you are able to be an Exploration team again, what will you do?" Charmeleon asked. They began to answer, but stopped short.
"I thought so. If you are serious about rescuing, I expect to see you at the meeting. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you're doing." Charmeleon said. He handed them some jobs, and left, leaving them standing there, both thinking about Charmeleon's question. Four days later, Charmeleon went to the guild, not seeing Pikachu or Bulbasour anywhere.
"Humph. I thought they were different." Charmeleon said, and went in. When he arrived, he saw Pikachu and Bulbasour already there, sitting and talking to the guild members.
"Spoke too soon." Charmeleon said, pleasantly surprised.
"So, what's it LIKE being a Rescue team?" Loudred asked.
"Well, it feels really good, and in a way, we explore more than we ever did. We're paying much more attention to the dungeon's we go in, to find supplies because we don't accept rewards, and we find a lot of rare and cool stuff. We found a Joy Ribbon embedded inside a wall, and found a Gold Ribbon next to it. We even found a few gold coins at Shimmer Hill buried deep in the grass. Bulbasour found them actually, insisting there was something beneath his feet." Pikachu said.
"And I was right mister 'You're too sensitive'." Bulbasour said.
"I said sorry." Pikachu said. They all laughed until Chatot came out, and had them be silent.
"Now then, it is with great pleasure that I intriduce the famour Rescue team, Team A.C.T.!" Chatot said. Alakazam, Charizard, and Tyranitar entered, and took their place infront of the guild.
"Ah, Team A.C.T.. Nice to see you again." Charmeleon said.
"Charmeleon, always a pleasure." Charizard said.
"Wait, you really do know them?" Chatot asked.
"Ofcourse. They did start their team before I did, but I rose through the ranks very quickly, and grabbed their attention. I was invited to travel with them for awhile, and we saved many pokemon together." Charmeleon said.
"Now, to business. We are the Hyper rank reacue team, A.C.T.. Are there any questions you might have?" Alakazam asked.
"YEAH, why do you have to refuse getting a reward after missions?" Loudred asked.
"Hmm? Oh, still being his noble self I see. You don't have to refuse a reward, but being greedy is a terrible thing for rescuers. If you're in it just for the reward, you might as well turn in your badge, becasue there is no place for greedy pirates among the ranks of a Rescue team." Alakazam said.
"Greedy pirates?" Sunflora asked.
"Yeah, no reason for anyone who claims to be a rescuer to only do missions that give high rewards." Tyranitar said. The guild members looked at each other, each remembering what Pikachu had told them about Charmeleon's opinion of Exploration teams.
"Any further questions?" Charizard asked.
"By golly, how do you get to the pokemon you're trying to save in time?" Bidoof asked.
"Good question. I must say that there are dark times when we are too late to save the pokemon we've been assigned. Even Charmeleon has been too late, though only once, and as a Normal rank. Since that day, the performance he's shown has been remarkable." Alakazam said.
"A day that I prefer to forget, but thanks for reminding me." Charmeleon said.
"Sorry, didn't mean anything. What else? Ah yes, you, Pikachu." Tyranitar said.
"Do you have any advice for a couple of Bronze ranked rookies?" Pikachu asked.
"We've only recently started, and even though Charmeleon is teaching us, we could use every bit of advice we can get." Bulbasour said.
"Squack! But you aren't permanetly banned, just suspended. You are able to come back after that you know." Chatot said.
"Yeah, but doing this rescue work has shown us something. While we don't hate explorers like Charmeleon, looking back, we can't exactly bring ourselves to come back to it either." Pikachu said.
"And why is that?" Alakazam asked.
"Well, it's like Charmeleon said when we met him at Apple woods during our expidition. We love saving pokemon, and the knowledge that that pokemon will be safe, and that fact that we were the one's who saved it, just gives us a feeling like no other." Bulbasour said.
"Very well put. Congradulations Charmeleon. You have some fine young rescuers on your hands. As for advice, I don't think we could tell you anything you don't already know, or that Charmeleon won't eventually teach you." Alakazam said. After a few more questions, team A.C.T. left the guild, and Charmeleon, along with Pikachu and Bulbasour, went off for their daily routine.
"I can't believe they aren't COMING back to exploring." Loudred said.
"Oh my gosh, they seem to feel very strong about it though, and I doubt we can say anything to change their minds." Sunflora said.
"By golly, I'll sure miss them." Bidoof said.
"Well...off to the days duties." Chatot said.
"HOORAY!" They said.
"Guildmaster, how could we have let two of our own become rescuers and desert the guild?!?" Chatot said.
"They chose that lifestyle, and we can't tell them what to choose in their life, no matter how much we'll miss them." Wigglytuff said.

"You two were very wise on choosing to become rescuers." Charmeleon said.
"Well, when we have felt the excitement and gratitude, we couldn't turn our backs to it." Pikachu said.
"Alright, so then lets go." Charmeleon said.
my eyes hurt so imma take a break from readin ur fan fics...and anything long T_T
Chapter 8: An entire month went by since then, Charmeleon going into the guild to get jobs, then leaving on his own, Pikachu and Bulbasour doing the same. One day…
“Excuse me, Charmeleon? Are you home?” Charmeleon woke up slowly, sat up and blinked several times, then went outside.
“Yes, can I help you?” Charmeleon said.
“Not me, Chansey! It’s been three days since she has gone off to Oran Forest, and still no sign of her!” Marill said.
“I’m on it.” Charmeleon said, then rushed off. He passed by Pikachu and Bulbasour’s house just as they were coming out.
“What’s wrong?” Pikachu asked.
“Chansey is lost in the Oran Forest, I’m going to get her out.” Charmeleon said.
“What should we do?” Bulbasour asked.
“What do you think? Go get some jobs while I’m gone.” Charmeleon said, then rushed off.
“It’ll be good to see everyone again, huh?” Pikachu said.
“Yeah. Alright, time’s wasting.” Bulbasour said. They went to the guild’s entrance, and stood over the hole.
“Pokemon detected! Pokemon detected!”
“Who’s footprint? Who’s footprint?”
“The footprint belongs to…Pikachu and Bulbasour are here!” The gate opened, and they went inside.
“Glad to see you haven’t forgotten about us AFTER all this time.” Loudred said.
“So, finally come to your senses and decided to rejoin the guild, eh?” Chatot asked.
“Uh, no. We’ve just come to get some more rescue jobs.” Pikachu said.
“Oh, well you know where they are.” Chatot sighed.
“Hold on, YOU have to tell us about some of your adventures.” Loudred said.
“We’re always in a bit of a rush when it comes to these kinds of missions, but how about we come by for dinner and catch up then?” Bulbasour asked.
“SURE.” Loudred said. Pikachu and Bulbasour then proceeded to get their jobs, and left for the Quicksand Desert.
“Hmm, slow day today. We just have to save a Larvitar from being lost here, then we’re done for the day.” Pikachu said in the desert.
“Remember what Charmeleon said? ‘Never assume a job is as easy as it seems’.” Bulbasour said.
“Yeah, forgot.” Pikachu said. Wandering around, they soon came to the Larvitar, but it was tied up, and in the middle of a wide room.
“Normally, we’d run right to her. But thanks o Charmeleon, we now know that we’d be running straight into a Monster House ambush.” Bulbasour said.
“So, what do you think?” Pikachu asked.
“I think the best bet would be to fill that area with Sleep Powder. That way, no one would be hurt, and the pokemon would be sound asleep long enough for us to grab Larvitar and escape safely.” Bulbasour said.
“Brilliant, make it so.” Pikachu said. Bulbasour went to the edge of the room, going as close as he dared, and unleashed a vast amount of Sleep Powder, covering the entire room with it, and five Sandrew fell from the ceiling, sound asleep.
“I’m so brilliant, right Pikachu?...Pikachu?” Bulbasour asked. He turned back, but no one was there.
“Humph, leave me with the rest, huh? Fine, my idea, my job. I’m taking the credit with Charmeleon though.” Bulbasour shouted. He proceeded to get Larvitar, but noticed something odd. Though he filled the room with Sleep Powder, the Larvitar wasn’t moving an inch, not even closed her eyes. Looking closer, Bulbasour noticed a faint stitch pattern.
“A doll? But wait…uh-oh.” Bulbasour said. He turned around and saw a group of five Sandslash with a Drapion, carrying a tied up Pikachu.
“No!” Bulbasour said, then let loose a frenzy of Razor Leaf, slicing the ropes binding Pikachu, and he ran beside Bulbasour.
“Huh, I thought you weren’t this smart, but it’s all the same in the end.” Drapion said.
“Yeah, the boss is going to rough you up good, then tie you up even better.” A Sandslash said. Drapion drew closer, and Pikachu was frantically searching through their bag, then pulled out what he was looking for.
“Time to go! Escape orb, please work!” Pikachu said. Nothing happed, and Pikachu was both scared and confused.
“If you’re wondering why it won’t work, this is a special area where orbs lose their power.” Drapion said.
“What do you want?” Bulbasour asked, slowly using Vine Whip to reach into the bag unnoticed.
“We want to use you as bait to draw Charmeleon here, then beat him up.” Drapion said.
“Why would you want to do that?” Pikachu asked, also reaching into the bag unnoticed.
“Why else but to prove who’s the best?” Drapion said.
“Okay, just two problems with that. One, Charmeleon is way out of your league, even with your friends over there. Two, we’re escaping!” Pikachu said, both of them pulling out a seed and eating it. They disappeared from the room, leaving Drapion and the others to stare dumbstruck.
“Love them Warp seeds.” Pikachu said, then used an Escape orb, as did Bulbasour somewhere else in the dungeon.
“Close call. If we didn’t have Warp seeds, then we’d be toast.” Pikachu said.
“You’re telling me. Let’s go see if Charmeleon’s back, then report this to officer Magnezone.” Bulbasour said. Charmeleon had not returned yet, so they went to officer Magnezone. Once done, they went back home for awhile, then headed to the guild to eat with the others.
“YOU did remember, good.” Loudred said.
“Just in time too. Dinner’s ready!” Chimecho said. The entire guild ran to the dinner hall, and ate and chatted.
“We were about to get caught, but luckily we remembered our Warp seeds, and they saved us.” Pikachu said.
“A rescuer got rescued by a seed?” Chatot commented.
“Yeah, I guess so. Strange thing is though, they wanted to use us as bait to fight Charmeleon.” Bulbasour said.
“No one can beat Charmeleon, by golly doesn’t everyone know that?” Bidoof asked.
“Apparently they think highly of themselves.” Chatot said.
“Oh my gosh, I forgot. How is Charmeleon doing with the Chansey rescue?” Sunflora asked.
“Not sure, he hasn’t been back yet. Though, it did take him awhile to find Electivire, so he should be back by tomorrow.” Pikachu said. Once dinner was done, Pikachu and Bulbasour said goodbye, then left. They were just outside of the guild when they saw Charmeleon carrying Chansey, who was covered in thorns, into town.
“Right on time.” Bulbasour said.
“He always comes through, no matter how hard the task. We’d better tell him about Drapion.” Pikachu said.
nice part but when are you going to post the next in jhoto jen goin hoenn???
Chapter 9: “No problem. I’ve dealt with numerous challenges in the past, all meaningless.” Charmeleon said.
“So, you’re not worried at all?” Pikachu asked.
“Nope. You two had better get to bed.” Charmeleon said. Pikachu and Bulbasour left then, and went to sleep quickly. The next morning, Charmeleon woke up to visitors.
“Excuse us for coming here, but we have something to show you.” A Graveller said. Charmeleon followed them, and was led to the beach.
“Over here.” Graveller said, pointing. Charmeleon saw a large dug out spot in the side of the cliff, and went inside. Inside was bare, however it was very large, with a set of stairs going down. The only thing on the wall was a board that said: Rescue jobs.
“What is all this?” Charmeleon asked.
“Well, you’ve done so much for this town, we’ve decided to do something for you. We’ve thought about it, and decided to make you your very own base.” Graveller said.
“This is very kind of all of you, I’ll take good care of it.” Charmeleon said. He then continued to explore a bit, and then went to get Pikachu and Bulbasour.
“Wow, this is our new base?” Pikachu asked in amazement.
“Technically, mine, but rescue jobs will be brought here from now on, so we’ll be here instead of the guild.” Charmeleon said.
“I think this is a guild.” Bulbasour said.
“Great idea! This could be a guild for pokemon who want to become rescuers!” Pikachu said.
“Me? A guildmaster?” Charmeleon asked.
“Yeah, some competition for the explorers guild.” Bulbasour said.
“Hmm, well I guess, but we’re going to have to move our possessions here.” Charmeleon said. It took them a few minutes to get their things, but once they did, they were set to live in the new guild.
“Yeah, this is a great spot. Close to the road, nice ocean view, yeah this is a great spot.” Pikachu said.
"Okay, this is going to take some thinking. For now, we'll set aside some money we find in dungeons, to be used to get this place up and running, and see how that goes." Charmeleon said.
"Sure, we can even sell some stuff we find. We still have those gold coins and the gold scarf, so we'll go sell them right now." Pikachu said.
"Hold on, we should save somethings to sell for later, as a safety net. Sell the scarf, keep the coins safe." Charmeleon said. Bulbasour went and sold the scarf for a good 5000 poke, and stored that in the bank.
"Now, this will be the last day we get jobs from the explorers guild. After today, rescue jobs will be delivered here." Charmeleon said once Bulbasour got back.
"We'll go tell the others the great news." Pikachu said. He and Bulbasour went to the guild, and after getting the jobs posted, told the news to everyone.
"Squack! A new guild?!?" Chatot exclaimed.
"Yeah, by the beach." Bulbasour said.
"A-And Charmeleon is the Guildmaster?" Chatot asked.
"Yeah." Pikachu said.
"And, just to be clear, you've joined his guild?" Chatot asked.
"Yep." Pikachu said.
"SO, you won't be around here much, huh?" Loudred said.
"Sorry, afraid not." Bulbasour said.
"Well, good luck." Chimecho said.
"Yeah, come visit when you can." Pikachu said. With that, they left, off to do their jobs.
"MAN, I can't believe they left the guild for good." Loudred said.
"Oh my gosh, they seem really happy though." Sunflora said.
"Yup-yup, they sure do." Bidoof said.
"Wonder how that GUILD will do." Loudred said.
"Me too. Perhaps we should hold a sort of field trip to there, take in the surroundings of our competitor." Chatot said.
After a few days, the rescue guild was up and running, decorated much better. Instead of a sandy floor, it was lined with grass. Some rooms had beds in them, ready for any recruites, and the board was already covered in jobs.
"This is much better." Charmeleon said. Pikachu adn Bulbasour came out of their rooms, and were ready for the days assignments.
"Okay, what do we have here? Ah, a *1 mission for you two, and a *7 mission for me, and that should do it for the day." Charmeleon said.
"Okay, and we'll be on the look out for any food items or money." Pikachu said.
"Good. Now, lets go." Charmeleon said, and they set off. A few minutes after they left, the Wigglytuff guild crew entered the rescue guild, and explored around.
"Hmm, not bad at all." Chatot said.
"WOW, nice room space." Loudred said.
"By golly, they have a well stocked food supply as well." Bidoof said.
"Oh my gosh get away from there. I know you will snack on their food." Sunflora said.
"Hey hey, pretty good place." Corphish commented.
"Indeed, a very good place, and guild." Chatot said.
"Mabey I should JOIN, better room space." Loudred joked.
"We'd be away from your loud mout then." Chatot said.
"Ouch, just a JOKE." Loudred said.
"Please, don't joke about leaving the guild for this place." Chatot said.
"Well, we should probably go NOW." Loudred said.
"Yes, we should." Chatot agreed. Chatot lingered a little bit longer, then left, a twinge of jealousy in him. That afternoon, Charmeleon and the others returned, ready for food and sleep.
"Good job today you two. Now, what have you found in the dungeon?" Charmeleon asked.
"Not much was in Mt. Horn, but we managed to fing a TM for Hidden Power." Pikachu said.
"What do you plan on doing with it?" Charmeleon asked.
"Well, we don't know." Pikachu said.
"Okay, go put it in storage, then come nack for dinner." Charmeleon said. As soon as they left, a pokemon appeared at the entrance, and was soon spotted by Charmeleon.
"Yes, can I help you?" Charmeleon asked.
"Um, is this the Rescue Guild?" The pokemon asked.
"Yes it is, now please come in so I can see you." Charmeleon said. The pokemon came closer and was revealed to be an Absol.
"My name is Absol, and I'd like to join as a rescuer." Absol said.
"Are you sure? Being a rescuer is not easy task, I speak from expirience. I need to know that you're willing to take the training." Charmeleon said.
"I am, and I'm ready." Absol said.
"Okay. When they get back, I'll introduce you to your fellow members." Charmeleon said.
(19-10-2010 09:23 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]nice part but when are you going to post the next in jhoto jen goin hoenn???

Give it time, I have writers block for that
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