Legendary Pokémon

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Chapter 8: As Charizard set off to give Team Jokers to Officer Magnezone, Teams Accel and Frost Forest, along with the rookie teams they were paired with came rushing back to the guild.
"Back already?" Raichu asked.
"We were told that the guild was being robbed, and came running back." Lucario said.
"Too late. Charizard beat them up in a flash." Shinx said.
"How is it he's still this powerful, yet claims to have stopped training?" Skarmory asked.
"That's Charizard for you. Never seises to amaze." Leafeon said.
"So, now that you know we're all okay, better get back to the jobs." Ivysour said.
"Actually, we had another reason coming back." Xatu said.
"Really? What?" Meganium asked.
"Well, Pelipper tipped us off about our guild getting robbed, but before we dashed back, he gave us two letters to give you. Not just us got them, it's a sort of emergency news letter, and the other we haven't read yet." Glaceon said.
"They brought us back here because we aren't allowed to do any jobs for awhile." Larvitar pouted.
"Why not?" Raichu asked. Lucario didn't respond, and just handed over the first letter.
"It says: Due to a disturbing report, no teams under Platinum Rank may do any missions. A team called Lunatics, comprised of Marowak, Parasect, and Houndoom, have been spotted in the area. These pokemon are the most dangerous yet and the most wanted. They are charged with accounts of several murders, and don't hesitate to kill any who so much as glance at them. If you see these outlaws, do not approach, take shelter, and contact your nearby police as soon as you can." Raichu read off.
"Platinum rank? I'd say Hyper Rank atleast, and maybe not even that!" Magnium exclaimed.
"I have to say, I agree with you. As of now, no team under Hyper Rank will leave here for missions until further notice." Raichu said.
"What? Not even we're Hyper Rank!" Lucario exclaimed.
"Lucario, these pokemon are very deadly. We can't beat them." Ivysour said. Lucario simply muttered his frustration.
"What does the second letter say?" Meganium asked. Raichu looked at the cover, then showed it to Meganium and Ivysour.
"We'd better wait for this one." Ivysour said, a strong hint of bitterness in his voice. A few minutes later, Charizard returned, and was immediately caught up on Team Lunatics.
"They sound like a friendly bunch of pokemon. Can't wait to meet them." Charizard said.
"Well, there is another letter here, and it's addressed to you." Raichu said. Charizard took the letter and scowled slightly when he saw who it was from.
"I know how you feel." Ivysour said, correctly interpreting his scowl.
"Read it!" Vulpix said eagerly.
"It says: From the Rescue Team Federation. Dear Charizard, we are contacting you as a last ditch effort to stop the rogue teams. We realize you are no longer a rescuer, due to your actions years ago that got you fired, but we are willing to let that slide and allow you to once again, temporarily atleast, resume your Master Rank position and help fight the rogues. Temporarily, of course, for you leaving your assigned area was completely out of line and cannot be forgiven. However, until the rogues are beaten, we have generously decided to allow you to come to the federation and recieve your temporary Master Rank badge. Should you choose to accept, we await your arrival in a weeks time." Charizard read.
"They act like they are the most generous pokemon on the planet!" Raichu said.
"The nerve of them asking for your help, but saying it like you are a criminal. They fired you for saving our region, and now are saying they are going to allow you to be a rescuer for a bit? Just until you help clean up a mess they can't handle?" Maganium said, outraged.
"How are you so calm after their attitude?" Ivysour asked. Charizard simply grinned, rolled up the letter, and burned it with his tail by throwing it over his shoulder.
"I'm retired, so I can do what I want, when I want. They just want me as a rescuer so they look like they are doing something to stop the rogues. Only, I'm not a rescuer any more because of them, and that is a mistake they will just have to deal with. I was hoping that would come back to haunt them." Charizard said happily.
"You're a genius sometimes." Meganium said.
"Thanks." Charizard said.
"I guess if they want you back, they'll have to do better than :We''l give you your job back for now, but when the hard stuff is done, you're fired again." Lucario said.
"So, how to deal with team kill a lot?" Charizard asked.
Chapter 9: Over the next week, Team Lunatics have been spotted at Waterfall Cave, and apparently decided to stay there for awhile, killing any who come near. After a week and a half passed, another letter came in the mail, addressed to Charizard.
"Not them again." Ivysour groaned.
"Might as well read it." Raichu said.
"It says: From the Rescue Team Federation. Dear Charizard, perhaps you didn't quite understand, but we were willing to temporarily offer you your job back. We have decided to wait two days longer for your arrival, and expect you to have a good explanation of why you were tardy." Charizard read.
"Let them wait." Raichu said.
"We have better things to do anyway. I've employed some help on our mission at hand, and they have agreed whole-heartedly to assisst us. They will be arriving in four days time, so until then, we'll wait." Charizard said. Three days later, another letter addressed to Charizard arrived.
"They can't take a hint at all, can they?" Budew asked.
"Nope. It says: From the Rescue Team Federation. Dear Charizard, we're tired of waiting and will be arriving to your Rescue guild tomorrow. We expect you to be there." Charizard read.
"Well then, we'll finally get to see the jerks in charge." Meganium said. The following day, early in the morning, a group of pokemon marched up to the guild and banged on the door until Charizard came to open it. He faced four pokemon comprised of a Rhydon, Scizor, Staraptor, and Manetric.
"Can I help you?" Charizard asked.
"Yes, you can. We are the Rescue Team Federation, and have come to you to extract a reason for your tardyness!" Rhydon yelled.
"We were waiting to temporarily re-assign you as a rescuer, but we got tired of waiting." Manetric said.
"Don't care." Charizard replied.
"Imputent little- do you know how generous we are being here?" Scizor asked angrily.
"Not in the slightest bit generous. You want me to do your dirty work, then fire me again once this is all over. So, in the end, pokemon will think you actually took measures to stop the rogues, and I'll still be retired. Tell me, where do you see the generousity in that?" Charizard asked.
"No, you don't understand, it's not like that at all." Staraptor said.
"Really? Tell me, how is it different?" Charizard asked. The pokemon were speachless, unable to think of a way to convince him otherwise.
"That's what I thought." Charizard said. He was about to close the door when Rhydon stopped him.
"Wait just a minute. You rejoin as a rescuer or so help me, I'll-"
"You'll what? Fire me?" Charizard asked, a grin now showing on his face. Rhydon lashed out in anger, striking Charizard with a Wood Hammer to the head. Off guard, Charizard was sent sideways and crashed into the wall. Rhydon, panting a bit, had a superior grin on his face. Charizard quickly recovered from the sneak attack and marched up to Rhydon until they were face to face.
"I don't really appreciate sneak attacks." Charizard said in a low, angered growl. The smug look on Rhydon's face dissapeared in a flash when he was sent flying after getting hit with a Flamethrower. Rhydon landed over twenty feet away, but didn't get up. They rest of the pokemon looked at Charizard, fear on their faces.
"Now then, any other matters of business?" Charizard asked. They shook their heads, unable to speak.
"Good. Now then, kindly leave, I have guests arriving soon." Charizard said.Scizor and Manetric carried Rhydon and fled as fast as they could with Staraptor. Grinning to himself, Charizard went back inside and waited until the others woke up. A couple hours later, Everyone was awake and ready to go.
"Now then, I told you I had hired some help, and I do believe they are here." Charizard said. The guild looked eagerly at the door, and when it opened, Wigglytuff's guild came inside.
"No way!" Raichu said happily.
"Everyone's here!" Ivysour said with equal happiness.
"I thought you'd like this." Charizard said.
wigglytuff guild and rescue teams together again!!!!!
Woohoo! Team Lunatics all the way!
(25-11-2010 09:41 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Woohoo! Team Lunatics all the way!

oh,God!!!those are psycho-killers!!!how can you like them???
(25-11-2010 10:00 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 09:41 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Woohoo! Team Lunatics all the way!

oh,God!!!those are psycho-killers!!!how can you like them???

I created them. Heh heh heh heh heh.........
(25-11-2010 10:05 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 10:00 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 09:41 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Woohoo! Team Lunatics all the way!

oh,God!!!those are psycho-killers!!!how can you like them???

I created them. Heh heh heh heh heh.........

yeah,right....Dodgy maybe i should tell them to kill you...
(25-11-2010 10:06 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 10:05 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 10:00 PM)LuXray Wrote: [ -> ]
(25-11-2010 09:41 PM)Terraplant Wrote: [ -> ]Woohoo! Team Lunatics all the way!

oh,God!!!those are psycho-killers!!!how can you like them???

I created them. Heh heh heh heh heh.........

yeah,right....:dodgy: maybe i should tell them to kill you...

No,I'm serious. Go a few pages back and see who suggested them.

Chapter 10: "Wait, you said it would take them four days to get here, but their guild is just up the road." Raichu said.
"They were on an expedition when I contacted them." Charizard said.
"And we rushed back here as soon as we heard you needed our help." Chatot said.
"ROGUES have been causing us a lot of trouble as well." Loudred said.
"Glad to here it. I say the first thing we do is take care of Team Lunatics." Charizard said.
"By golly, how do we beat those guys?" Bidoof asked.
"They are a nasty bunch, that's for sure." Chimecho said.
"It seems ALL they want to do is KILL pokemon." Loudred said.
"Yep. That's why we need to get them locked up first." Ivysour said.
"But how? A trap?" Chatot asked.
"No, and yes. I'll go confront them myself, but you guys will be close by with Officer Magnezone." Charizard said.
"Squawk! Are you mad? They'll kill you!" Chatot exclaimed.
"We'll just have to see, now won't we?" Charizard said. They set off soon afterwards with Officer Magnezone, and arrived at Waterfall cave within the hour.
"Go hide, quickly. I'll tell you when to come out." Charizard said. They hid behind some nearby rocks, eager anticipation clear on their faces.
"Hey! Team Lunatics!" Charizard shouted. It wasn't long before they came out. Marowak, Parasect, and Houdoom made the team, but what astonished Charizard was that they were coated in blood.
"Fresh meat." Houdoom growled.
"Seems young. Almost sad that we have to kill you...almost." Parasect said.
"I'm going to enjoy this." Marowak said. He pulled out his bone, sharpened to a point where it could probably penetrate anything.
"Okay boys, let's go." Marowak said. They charged, intending to kill their target. In a flash, they were rubbing their sore heads after colliding with a sturdy boulder.
"Too slow. I can't imagine how you could have possibly killed anyone with that sluggish speed." Charizard mocked.
"Why you!" Marowak exclaimed. Parasect rushed forward, only to be blasted back by a mighty Flamethrower.
"Ouch." Charizard said.
"You can't do that!" Houndoom said.
"I think I just did." Charizard said. Houdoom ran at him, his one horn posed at a perfect striking angle, when he was sent back by Dragon Rage.
"Two down." Charizard said in a slightly bored tone.
"How is it you're this powerful?" Marowak asked.
"No clue. I'm surpirsed myself at how easy this is going." Charizard said. A Flamethrower finished Marowak off in an instant, and it was then that Magnezone came out to arrest them.
"Incredible!" Raichu said.
"I thought you were rusty." Ivysour said.
"I said I don't know why I'm this strong." Charizard said.
"Maybe we don't have to help you at all if you beat them that quickly and easily." Chatot said.
"Maybe it was just a fluke. I did catch them off guard after all." Charizard said.
"We'll see. For the mean time, Raichu, Ivysour, we'd like to see you at our guild tomorrow morning." Chatot said.
"Why?" Riachu asked.
"Well, I want to know if you would have passed the guild's graduation exam all those years ago." Chatot said.
"Why now?" Ivysour said.
"Why not? The most dangerous team has just been taken into custody, so why not?" Wigglytuff asked.
"Will that be okay with you Charizard?" Chatot asked.
"Depends on the jobs. With that emergency letter not letting many recue teams out, there is bound to be a lot of jobs in the morning. It really all depends. If there aren't too many, then I'll send them to you." Charizard said.
Nice chapter,but I think you are overpowering Charizard. He is taking everything down with 1 attack! "Psycho killers that igonre pain" don't sound like weaklings. I hope there is a reason for Charizard's immense power.
Have I ever let readers down? Yes I have a reason, but I'm not saying it, because I don't want to spoil the story
(26-11-2010 09:50 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]Have I ever let readers down? Yes I have a reason, but I'm not saying it, because I don't want to spoil the story

To be honest,I was expecting that. I'm looking forward to see the reason. It'd better be a good one!
Well. I think it's a good reason.
you dont know what other people like or dont like
(26-11-2010 10:43 PM)none Wrote: [ -> ]you dont know what other people like or dont like

Be patient. We'll judge him when we'll see the reason.
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