Legendary Pokémon

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Judge me? Really? When have I posted a bad reason?
I mean we will say our opinion on whether we like the reason or not when you reveal it.
Have some faith in me. I have been doing this for...awhile, and no complaints in my story line yet, and I don't intend to make it stop now
Of course I have faith in you.
Okay then, stop making it sound like you're pressuring me
I'm sorry if it sounded like that. I guess I'll wait patiently for the next chapter.
Chapter 11: Checking the job bulletin board, Charizard distributed the jobs amongst the crew, except for Raichu and Ivysour.
"Lucky for you two, there weren't too many jobs." Charizard said. Raichu and Ivysour headed for Wigglytuff's guild, wondering what they would have in store for them.
"Welcome." Chatot said.
"Hi. So, what do we have to do?" Raichu asked.
"You must travel to Luminous Springs and collect the treasure there." Chatot said.
"Simple enough. What's the catch?" Ivysour asked.
"Well, there have been sightings of The Grandmaster Of All Things Bad there." Wigglytuff said.
"Who's that, another rogue?" Raichu asked.
"Kinda." Wigglytuff said.
"To get to Luminous Spring, we have to get through Mystifying Forest." Ivysour said.
"Then lets go." Raichu said. They left quickly, not knowing that Wigglytuff's guild was taking a short cut to Luminous Spring(For those who are confused, Wigglytuff is the grandmaster, and his crew are the minions). On the first floor, Raichu and Ivysour encountered multiple grass types, and had to be careful not to get hit by the powders.
"Floor one and we nearly get poisoned." Raichu complained.
"Sooner we get this done, the sooner we'll be back at the guild." Ivysour said. They steadily climbed the floors, often having close calls with the grass types in the area. Finally they reached floor 20, and saw the stairs.
"Nearly there, and no grandmaster in sight." Raichu said.
"Now why did you have to say that?" Ivysour asked. They exited Mystifying Forest, and, once they had Luminous Spring in their sights, ran towards it. Just as they were about to get to it, they fell into a pitfall trap.
"You had to mention not seeing the grandmaster, didn't you?" Ivysour asked.
"Easy, it's just a simple pitfall trap. This will lead to an ambush, via a Monster House." Raichu said.
"Mwa-ha-ha." Said a voice.
"And that would be the grandmaster." Raichu said. The hole in which they fell through closed, coating them in darkness.
"You have no idea how sorry you are about to be." Said the voice.
"Really?" Ivysour asked.
"Oh my gosh, you are going to enter a world of hurt." Said another voice.
"I'm done with this." Raichu said. Knowing what he was about to do, Ivysour ducked, and Raichu spread a Thunderbolt through the entire hole, zapping everyone except for Ivysour.
"Do we have to get Officer Magnezone, or will you let us go?" Raichu asked.
"I...I'll admit that one hurt quite a bit." Said the voice.
"But you'll have to do better than that to beat us." Said another voice.
"I am the Grandmaster of all things bad." Grandmaster said.
"And we are his minions." Minion1 said.
"We're going TO hurt you big time." Minion2 said.
"Not a chance." Ivysour said. Raichu ducked, and Ivysour shot his Razor Leaf all around.
"That one hurt as well, but not good enough." Grandmaster said.
"Because we weren't trying." Raichu said.
"Squawk! I mean, what?" Minion1 asked.
"We're stronger than this." Ivysour said.
"I don't believe you." Grandmaster said.
"Solar Shock time?" Ivysour asked.
"Get it ready." Raichu said. Raichu blasted a hole above them to give Ivysour some sunlight. Ivysour charged up a Solarbeam while Raichu powered up a Thunder.
"What are you doing?" Grandmaster asked, a slight note of panic in his voice.
"Now, fire!" Raichu said. He and Ivysour launched their attacks simultaniously, spreading it throughout the area.
"Now then, why don't you come with us and we'll get you all to a nice jail cell where you belong." Raichu said.
"Huh? J-jail?" Minion4 asked.
"Yep. We can pin you down for at least kidnapping." Ivysour said.
"Uh-uh-uh, flee!" Grandmaster exclaimed.
"We can't move." Minion1 said.
"So, Wigglytuff, did we pass?" Raichu asked.
"Huh? Ho-how did you know?" Wigglytuff asked.
"Please, too easy." Ivysour said.
"Really? Then do explain how you managed to deduce our little prank?" Chatot asked.
"Oh my gosh, I'm not sure." Raichu said, a grin on his face.
"I knew we shouldn't have brought you along!" Chatot said.
"Squawk! Not really sure how else we could have known." Ivysour said, a grin on his face as well.
"You were saying?" Sunflora asked.
"Now then, how about we go back?" Raichu asked.
"Yeah, why not. We forgot to put the treasure there anyways." Wigglytuff said.

Patience, I'm not going to say why Charizard's powered up right away
Oh god I hate Wigglytuff. In the games he takes all the money AND he has to do the Grandmaster-of-all-things-bad prank! I'm glad he was defeated.
Wiglytuff is good. He beats up team skull in the games.
hehehehehehe, and now he gets beaten up easily
Chapter 12:"Hey guys, we're back." Raichu said.
"How did it go?" Meganium asked.
"We passed." Ivysour said.
"Never had a doubt." Charizard said.
"Are the others back yet?" Raichu asked.
"No, not yet." Meganium said.
"But it's dusk." Raichu said, slightly worried.
"They had a lot of jobs today, so it's no wonder why they'd be out this late." Charizard said. The minutes turned into hours as they waited for the crew to return, though no one came. The sun had long since set, but no one had returned.
"Now can I be worried?" Raichu asked.
"Now is a good time to be worried." Meganium said.
"I don't get it, how could they be taking this long?" Charizard pondered.
"Rogues." Ivysour said simply.
"Not good. Okay, they went to four different locations: Northern Dessert, Foggy Forest, Apple Woods, and Mt. Horn." Charizard said.
"I've got Mt. Horn." Meganium said.
"Apple Woods is mine." Raichu said.
"I can take Foggy Forest." Ivysour said.
"That leaves me with Northern Dessert." Charizard said. They set off immediately, rushing to their designated areas to help the crew. In Foggy Forest, Ivysour continuously stumbled on the path hidden by the fog.
"Wish I could use Defog." Ivysour said. He traveled up to floor six and stopped when he heard footsteps. Turning around sharply, he saw a beaten and battered Lucario walking toward him slowly, each step apparently causing him great pain.
"Lucario!" Ivysour exclaimed, running toward him. Lucario fell face froward on top of Ivysour.
"Lucario...what happened to you?" Ivysour murmured. He set up a small camp fire after carefully setting Lucario down. He then proceeded to get out Oran Berries, then crushed them with Vine Whip. A few minutes later, Lucario regained consciousness and immediately tried to speak, though to no avail.
"Easy Lucario, it's me, Ivysour." Ivysour said. Lucario calmed down as soon as he saw Ivysour, but still tried to speak.
"Here, eat this." Ivysour said, handing him the crushed Oran Berries. Lucario ate them quickly, then finally had the strength to get up.
"That's better. Now then, Ivysour! You have to help me get the others!" Lucario yelled.
"Slow down! Now, calmely, tell me what happened." Ivysour said.
"Okay. It happened like this."


"Stay together. It's easy to get lost in this fog." Lucario said.
"Fine, but please don't step on me." Budew said.
"Lucario, we are being followed." Xatu said.
"Followed? By who?" Lucario asked.
"I cannot say, but we must be cautious none the less." Xatu said.
"I'll see if I can spot them with a bird's eye view." Skarmory said. He flew up and looked around, but couldn't see anything. He flew up a bit higher and was then lost from sight by Lucario and the others.
"Skarmory, come down!" Lucario shouted. No answer came, nor did Skarmory.
"Skarmory!" Lucario yelled loudly. Still no responce.
"How high did he go?" Larvitar asked.
"I don't like this at all. Xatu, can you spot him with Foresight?" Lucario asked. Xatu's eyes glew a bright red as he turned his head in an attempt to see Skarmory.
"I'm afraid I can't see him." Xatu said.
"That's not good." Lucario said.
"Maybe we should go back to the guild and come back with Charizard or Meganium." Budew said.
"I can't just leave Skarmory here!" Lucario said.
"Do we have a choice?" Larvitar asked.
"Lucario, I am just as much a friend of Skarmory as you are, but I must admit that going back for now is a sound plan." Xatu said.
"...Fine." Lucario said reluctantly.
"I will lead ther way with my Foresight." Xatu said. His eyes once more lit up as he led the way.
"You two still here?" Lucario asked, turning around. He didn't see them, no matter how hard he tried to find them.
"Xatu we lost them...Xatu? Xatu?" Lucario yelled. He turned around frantically, straining his eyes in an attempt to see through the fog.
"Skarmory, Larvitar, Budew, and now Xatu?" Lucario asked.
"Yep, and now you're next." A voice said.

"I didn't manage to get a good look at the pokemon who ambushed me, but the next thing I knew, I was fighting three pokemon. They thought they had me beat, but I managed to escape, somehow." Lucario said.
"So, rogues did ambush you." Ivysour said.
"Yes, and now I need help to save my teammates." Lucario said.
"Well, you know I'm willing to help." Ivysour said.
"Great, thank you. Okay, here's the plan"
Chapter 13: "Where do you think they are?" Ivysour asked.
"Don't know. Let's go to the deepest part of the dungeon and work from there." Lucario said. Deeper and deeper they went, struggling to see the path through the fog.
"Finally, here we are." Lucario said upon reaching the deepest part of the dungeon. They saw their captured friends tied up and knocked out. To the left, they saw a Machamp, Primape and Haryama asleep on the ground.
"Team Smash. Why did it have to be them?" Ivysour grunted.
"You know them?" Lucario asked.
"Team of fighting types. All brawn, no brains, still very dangerous." Ivysour said.
"I hope by that you don't mean that all fighting types are stupid." Lucario siad.
"I'm very aware that you're smart, they aren't." Ivysour said.
"Okay, just making it clear. So, how do we save them?" Lucario asked.
"Well, we caught a break since they are asleep. I say we just sneak over and quietly get them out of here." Ivysour said. Lucario and Ivysour snuck quietly to the others, careful not to make a sound. They eventually reached the tied up crew, and slowly and quietly untied them. Budew suddenly regained consciousness, and yelled out in shock when she saw Team Smash, causing them to wake up.
"Dang it!" Ivysour shouted.
"Wake up you guys!" Lucario said, shaking the others.
"Hey, who are you?" Primape asked.
"We're...we were sent by the boss to come here." Ivysour said.
"The boss? Y-you mean-"
"Shhh! Don't say the name. We're not worthy." Lucario said.
"Fine. What are you going to do with them?" Machamp asked.
"We wer sent to come here and check your progress, and to take back any captives you may have caught." Ivysour said.
"Wh-what are you going to do with us?" Budew asked.
"Oh, I'd be cruel just to tell you what the boss has in mind." Ivysour said evilly.
"Sounds good to us." Haryama said.
"Take them. Good riddens, they were so annoying, we had to knock them out." Primape said. Lucario and Ivysour dragged the crew out, pleased at how easy it was to get them out.
"Hey, wait a minute." Primape said. They froze in their place, thinking the same thing: So close!
"Aren't you the same Lucario we beat up earlier?" Haryama asked.
"No." Lucario said.
"Hmm...good enough for me." Machamp said. Lucario and Ivysour quickened their pace, eager to get out before they're ruse was discovered. When they managed to get out of Foggy Forest, they set to work on untieing their friends.
"Close one." Lucario said.
"Next time Budew, that is if we are ever unfortunately to have a next time, don't give away our cover by yelling, okay?" Ivysour said.
"Sorry." Budew said.
"Skarmory, Xatu! Wake up!" Lucario said. After some shaking, they gradually woke up.
"Good, now we just need to wake up Larvitar, and we're good." Ivysour said. He woke up as well after some persuasion.
"Glad you're all safe." Ivysour said.
"Thanks to you and that quick thinking of yours." Lucario said.
"You'd be cruel to say what the boss had in mind?" Budew asked.
"I played along." Lucario said.
"And nicely too. I just said what I thought would get us out of there. I didn't think it'd work to be honest." Ivysour siad.
"Well, come on. Let's get back to the guild and relax." Skarmory said.
"Just to let you know, you weren't the only ones to get ambushed. All the others were captured as well. Me, Raichu, Meganium and Charizard were the only ones left and therefore we had to split up to find and save you guys." Ivysour said.
"What?!? Are you serious?" Lucario shouted.
"Unfortunately, yes." Ivysour said.
"We have to help them!" Xatu said.
"Not now. For now, we have to head back and get you guys some rest." Ivysour said
"You really want us to just relax while our friends are being help captive?" Skarmory asked.
"You have to have faith in the others. Besides, in this state, you guys wouldn't last toong." Ivysour said.
"Fine, we'll go back. For now. If they aren't back by tomorrow, we're going to find them." Lucario said.
Chapter 14: In Apple Woods, Raichu avoids the Kakuna and Metapod, who are unable to move.
"Poison Sting-using pokemon. I'm glad I have Pecha Berries. I knew I should have had Ivysour come here instead." Raichu muttered to himself. He continued on the way to floor six, when he nearly avoided getting hit by a stray Razor Leaf.
"Wow! Who did that?" Raichu yelled. Leafeon, battered beyond belief, slowly and carefully stumbled out. Her injuries were so severe, Raichu was amazed she was still on her feet, let alone move.
"Leafeon!" Raichu exclaimed as he ran to her.
"Raichu...thank...goodness...I fin...ally found...you." Leafeon managed to say before collapsing.
"Leafeon, what happened here?" Raichu asked. Leafeon didn't answer, but she suddenly lit up in a bright green light. Her injuries started to slowly disappear as well.
"Synthesis." Raichu muttered. When all her injuries were healed, Leafeon got up and shook off any fatigue.
"Ah, so much better." Leafeon said.
"What happened to you? Where's Glaceon?" Raichu asked.
"She...she got captured, and I need help tou get back!" Leafeon exclaimed.
"Okay, relax. I'll help you, you know that. Now then, tell me what happened." Raichu said.
"It happened like this"

*Flashback(yes, I am going to be doing this for the next two times)*

"Why were we stuck with the lowest ranked mission?" Glaceon complained.
"Don't complain. We could be stuck with arresting a tough Rogue Team like Absol and Mightyena." Leafeon said.
"That's what I want to do though! I want some action, not a boring B-rank mission." Glaceon said.
"Don't jinx us." Leafeon said.
"Too late girls." Leafeon and Glaceon whipped around to face a couple of Pidgeottos.
"Please, we're not afraid of you. Glaceon, if you would." Leafeon said. Glaceon covered the area in a thick sheet of ice, freezing the bird types as well.
"That was our ambush? Really?" Glaceon asked in a dissapointed tone.
"Too easy. Come on, let's go save that pokemon." Leafeon said. Before they could resume, though, three pokemon jumped out at them and immediately started attacking them. Leafeon and Glaceon were hit repeatedly, being caught off guard. A Dark Pulse sent Leafeon flying into a far away room in the dungeon, while the pokemon dragged Glaceon, now unconscious, away.

"All I remember is that they used a lot of dark type moves." Leafeon said.
"Dark moves? Might be Team Dark Blood, but can't be sure." Raichu said.
"Dark Blood? Who are they?" Leafeon asked.
"Umbreon, Houndoom, and Weavill." Raichu said.
"That would explain all the dark moves." Leafeon said.
"Anyways, come on. We won't get Glaceon back by just standing here." Raichu said. They continued together through Apple Woods, easily manouvering through the weak bug types. Upon reaching the area that holds Perfect apples, they quickly ducked behind a bush, for they had seen Team Dark Blood. They were talking amongst themselves, though they weren't loud enough for Raichu to eavesdrop.
"We have to go and save her!" Leafeon whispered. Glaceon was tied up and knocked out right beside Houndoom.
"Hold on. We have to think of a plan first." Raichu whispered back.
"I already have one. Go in and beat them up!" Leafeon ranted quietly.
"And what if we aren't strong enough? These guys are very powerful, not to mention they always rely on sneaky, underhanded tactics to win. Not to mention, we're outnumbered three to two. We'd be crushed without a plan!" Raichu urged.
"...Fine. We could probably pretend to be a rougue team like them and try to trick them into giving us Glaceon." Leafeon whispered.
"No way. Who would be dumb enough to get tricked by the same pokemon they just beat up?" Raichu asked. (No offence Terraplant, but I had to have at least one rogue team dumb as rocks).
"Just a thought. Look, I say we just go in there and fight." Leafeon said.
"I told you, we need a good plan first." Raichu said.
"Excuse me, but are you two done argueing?" Raichu and Leafeon jumped. They were hit by a Shadow ball before they could react, but recovered quickly.
"Look, it's the same Leafeon we just beat up. Come back for your little friend have you?" Houndoom asked.
"Yes, but while we're at it, we might as well kick your butts!" Leafeon shouted.
"Let me see you try." Houndoom taunted. Leafeon lashed out with a frenzy of Razor Leafs and Magical Leafs, all making direct contact.
"Not bad, but let me try." Houndoom said. He shot a Flamethrower, only to be deflected by Thunderbolt.
"Not gonna happen." Raichu said feircely.
"Houndoom, stand down!" Umbreon commanded. Houndoom reluctantly backed away, his gaze never leaving them.
"So, you want your friend back, right? Well then, how about we fight for her?" Umbreon asked. Leafeon replied with a Razor Leaf straight to the head.
"And pokemon call us sneaky." Umbreon said. Leafeon wasn't done, as she lashed out with Magical Leaf.
"Okay, my turn to play." Umbreon said confidently. He never did though, because Leafeon didn't let up on her attacks. Razor Leaf, Magical Leaf, and even Energy Ball were let loose in Leafeon's flurry of attacks. When she finally stopped, she was panting heavely, but pleased that she had knocked out Umbreon.
"Well then, she won, so now we get Glaceon back." Raichu said.
"Not even." Weavile said.
"But we had a deal!" Raichu exclaimed.
"We're rogues. What did you expect?" Houndoom asked. Leafeon shot a Razor Leaf at them, but it sailed harmlessly past them.
"A little low on steam are we?" Weavile taunted. Just as she was about to move in and attack, her feet suddenly froze, pinning her to that spot.
"What the-" Weavile was then completely frozen as Glaceon's Ice Beam hit her dead center on her back.
"Glaceon! You're okay!" Raichu cheered.
"I've been better to be honest." Glaceon said.
"I thought we tied you up!" Houndoom exclaimed.
"You did, but Leafeon freed me when I woke up. She saw me wake up and struggle with the ropes, so she decided to cut them." Glaceon said.
"But how? When did she...so, that was what the Razor Leaf was for!" Houndoom said.
"I don't easily miss my targets." Leafeon gloated through the pantiing. Houndoom was about to attack when he too was frozen solid by Glaceon.
"And to think, we came to save you but you ended up saving us." Raichu said.
"Glad you came." Glaceon said.
"Come on, we need a rest. I'm sure the mission we were sent on was just a fake, so we can go home and rest." Leafeon said.
Nice chapter. Why should I be offended? I never said I dislike dumb rogues.
Team Dark Blood rules hehehehe.......
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