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Before any chapters are made, I'll provide backround for the characters, incase there are readers who are clueless

Link-Hero of Time
Link is the esteemed hero who saved Hyrule from Ganondorf, has all three triforce(took it from Ganon, got it from Zelda as a gift), and is a twilight werewolf

Shadow-twilight wolf
Shadow is the wolf inside of Link, born when Link entered the twilight realm. Link didn't know that Shadow was alive inside of him until recently, and, after some practice, Link has learned to seperate and recombine himself with Shadow. The wolf remains one of Links closest friends, using a mental bond to comunicate, seeing as they, in a way, share the same mind

Ilia-daughter of Ordons mayor
Ilia is one of Links closest friends, but it's sometimes hard to see if she worries more about Link or Epona(Link's female horse)

Alagaesian characters

Eragon-dragon rider
Eragon is a fromer farm boy who was transformed when Saphira's egg hatched for him(dragon eggs can choose who they hatch for, or hatch by themselves in the wild). Eragon is a half human half elf hybrid, being tranformed by the elven Blood-Oath celebration. With his sword, Brisingr, he and Saphira are the brightest hope for Alageasia

Saphira-saphire dragon
Saphira is a proud dragon, and proud she should be with her strength and finess. She is the dragon to Eragon, but worries about him like a mother

Arya-Ellesmera's princess
Arya is the elven princess, but is in no way fragile. She is one of the fiercest fighters ever seen, with her speed and lack of mercy for her oponents in battle. However, she is no mercinary. She, like all the other elves, practices polite manners, and is loyal to the varden's cause. Eragon has taken to her quite nicely, but Arya has rejected him as kindly as she could, claiming she is far too old for him(Eragon=16, Arya=100. Elves live forever)

Nasuada-Varden leader
Nasuada, with her extremely dark skin and quick wits in battle is the spitting image of her father Ajihad(dead). Nasuada commands the varden with and iron fist, but makes sure she has a vast mojority of loyalty from them

Roran-Eragon's cousin
Roran is the cousin of teh famous dragon rider Eragon, and wields his hammer with great strength. He has moved up high in the Varden ranks, and serves the rebel army with all the power he can give

Murtagh-controlled dragon rider
Murtagh is Eragons half brother, and servant of Galbatorix. Murtagh is binded by the magic of the ancient language, forced to serve him against his will and do everything he can to capture Eragon and Saphira. He and his dragon, Thorn, a crimson red dragon, are at the head of Galbatorix's army, and the Vardens second biggest threat

Galbatorix-Tyrant king of Alagaesia
Galbatorix's tyranny has lasted for 100 years, due to his infinite life as a dragon rider. He stole a newly hatched dragon, Shruikan, killed his real rider, then broke the mind of the hatchling to serve him. Galbatorix is the last of the Forsworn, the group of riders that over-threw the other good riders, and has gained incredible power over the century, making him the Vardens biggest obstacle yet


Eldunari-dragon's heart of hearts
The Eldunari are the dragon's very conscience, a massive pearl-like gem that takes the color of the scales on the dragon, that lies deep within their bodies, but can be exsponged at will. However, it cannot be taken back, and if the Eldunari is broken, the dragon dies. Although, if a dragon's body dies, but their Eldunari is still intact, they will live on as their Eldunari. An Eldunari holds the life essence of the dragon as well, and is the secret to Galbatorix's massive power.

Shade-evil sorcerer
A shade is created when a sorcerer, summoner of spirits, summons a spirit more powerful than him/her, gets possessed by that spirit, then turns evil. Their hair is always bright crimson, their skin is very pale, and can only be killed by a stab through the heart, otherwise the disappear and reform

Ancient Language-an old and nearly lost way of speech
The ancient language forbids a person from lying when speaking it, and is also used to control magic. If a person said someone's name in the ancient language, they are able to control their every action, and is how Galbatorix controls Murtagh, but true names are never easy to find.

Any others will be explained in the story as it progresses, but that should give you an understanding of the basics

This first chapter is going to switch between lands, so try and keep up, it gets easier to understand as we go along

Chapter 1-Off to Alagaesia

It had been one full year since Link defeated Ganondorf, and he has enjoyed that time back at Ordon with his friends. Over at Hyrule castle, there wasn't as much peace to be had for princess Zelda, who had been recieving nearly endless requests from Alagaesia's king to send help, and she was finally about to do it.
"I think it's about time we help our allied land with their war, seeing as how we can now lend our support." Zelda said.
"Shall I summon the soldiers my lady?" The advisor asked.
"Yes, but also summon a messanger. I need a letter to be delivered to an old friend of mine who is more than strong enough to help. Also, send word that we'll be sending help to Galbatorix as soon as we can." Zelda said.
"Yes your highness." He said, then left to carry out the orders.

"Lady Nasuada, we are still getting hammered at the front line, When will Eragon and Saphira be able to assisst us?" Roran asked.
"They are fighting with Murtagh and Thorn, and need the elves's help to do that. I'll tell them they need to hurry, but I don't think that will help. For now, just hold them off as long as you can!" Nasuada said. Roran left her, and she slumped back in her chair. The endless fighting was leaving her drained daily, but she still toughed it out for the sake of the Varden.

"Murtagh, why won't you just change your true name and join us?" Eragon asked, using Brisingr to parry a blow.
"Who knows what I'll have to do to accomplish that, and who knows what kind of man I'll be afterwards?" Murtagh replied, once again slashing with Zar'roc(his sword, named misory in the ancient language).
"You would be a free man, that's what kind you'd be!" Eragon retaliated, blocking the attack and lunging forward to deliver a blow himself, but Saphira jolted at the worst minute, and missed. Saphira and Thron fought tooth and claw, trying desperately to inflict major damage to the other, often letting loose a streak of flames.
Eragon, please hurry up! Nasuada says that they won't last much longer without you and Saphira's help on the front line Arya said. (In Alagaesia, certain people have the ability to touch other's minds and speak mentally with them, search their minds, or even control them).
I'm doing the best I can! Tell Nasuada that- Murtagh stabbed at Eragon's mind, ending the mental conversation at the worst possible time.
"Murtagh, you must stop serving Galbatorix!" Eragon shouted, then proceeded to lunge once more.

After a couple of days after Zelda proclaimed she'd send soldiers to Alagaesia, a meesanger arrived at Ordon village, asking around for Link.
"He's right up that path in the ranch, can't miss it." The mayor said.
"Thank you." The messanger said. He ran up the path and soon found himself in the ranch, and saw Link on Epona, herding the goats around.
"Excuse me, Lord Link?" The messanger asked. Caught by surprise at being addressed like that, Link faulted and fell off Epona. Rubbing his head as he got up, he headed over to the messanger.
"I'm just Link, no Lord about it." Link said.
"On the contrary, you saved Hyrule! People in the castle town are calling you the Hyrulian Prince!" The messanger said.
"Wow, you do one heroic act, and you're a prince." Link said.
"Anyways, that isn't why I came here. I have a message from Pricess Zelda for you." He said, the took out the letter. After giving it to Link, the messanger took off, having finished his mission. Link opened the letter, and was surprised at what Zelda was asking of him.

Dear Link,
I cannot thank you enough for what you have already done for Hyrule, and I'm very sorry to call upon you for help again. An allied nation, Alagaesia, is in a civil war, and Galbatorix, the king of that land, needs our help. I've decided to dispatch a group of several hundred soldiers to assisst him, but if you were to go along with them, Galbatorix would win the war in no time at all. I'd understand if you were to say no, but please remember that your power is desperately needed.

Sincerely, Zelda

What do you think Shadow? Link asked.
It's been far too long since these claws of mine have drawn blood. I say we go for it. Besides, we're heroes, and have to help those in need. Shadow said. Link looked over the location Zelda had put on the letter, and saw that they were to depart on the port to the sea a few miles from Kakariko in a few days.
Guess it's settled, I'm going on a new adventure Link said.

"Nasuada, I have terrible news! Galbatorix has enlisted new allies to come to this land and assisst him in battle! We'll be outmatched in seconds if these new warriors arrive!" Arya said.
"Drat! We barely got by that last attack. We won't stand a chance if we have to fight more soldiers!" Nasuada said.
"What should we do?" Eragon asked.
I have an idea. Why not intercept these new soldiers before they can meet up with Galbatorix's army, then destroy them. We still might lose some men, but we'd be back on normal terms Spahira suggested. Eragon repeated her proposal, and faces lit up.
"Saphira thats brilliant! Why didn't I think of that?" Nasuada said joyfully.
"The new soldiers are to arrive near Tierm, then make their way to Uru'Bean(capitol city of the empire)." Arya said.
"That will set us off course, but we have no choice. Prepare to intercept the new threat and move out immediately!" Nasuada ordered.
Authors note: Sorry for not clearing some things up, I'll do that right now. First off, I'm giving Link a few new powers in my story, including the ability to seperate and remerge with Shadow at will and warp just like Midna did. Nasuada was not in a building, she was in a tent in a large field. If it was up to her, she'd be out there fighting with the rest of them, but, in order to win over the Varden's loyalty, she went through the trial of 1000 knives. With a name like that, do I really need to explain what is wrong with her? I think that's all for now, so the next chapter's coming up soon
very nice intro... looking forward for the rest of it! Smile
nice part,really nice
Thank you. I've really had to be careful to try my best to write the same way Christopher Paolini does, and besides me being able to be more descriptive, I think I'm doing okay for now
Don't try to copy the style of Paolini, be yourself! As long as you keep the psychological profile of the characters (ex. how would Eragon or Saphira react to a random event), adapting it to your style should be fine! In general, it's good to be inspired by an author, but never copy them, 'cause it's like you don't respect your own talent and creations...

^just a friendly advise^ Wink ,
still, I stick to my opinion: This shall become a masterpiece! Big Grin
Chapter 2: Confrontation
In Ordon, Link had told the villagers that he was leaving on a mission from princess Zelda, and was now in his house gathering his supplies.
Never thought I'd have to wear this again Link thought, holding his green hero's tunic. He also gathered his bag that held all his items he obtained over his previous travels, his bow and quiver, his hyrulian shield, and finally sighed to himself, remembering where he left the Master Sword.
I knew you shouldn't have put it back at the grove Shadow said from within Link's mind.
I know, but I just didn't feel right keeping it with me Link said. He put on his tunic then exited his house, Ilia standing next to Epona with a stubborn look on her face.
Someone's in trouble Shadow teased.
"Ilia, what are you doing here?" Link asked.
"Why are you leaving? Zelda said you didn't have to go, so why go risk your life for an unknown nation?" Ilia asked.
"It's what heroes do." Link said simply.
"So there's nothing I can say that can change your mind?" Ilia asked.
"Afraid not. Take care of Epona for me while I'm gone please." Link said.
"Oh don't worry, I planned on it." Ilia said. Link nodded, then snapped his fingers and a black portal opened in the sky. Link broke up into small dark squares that shot up into the portal, then it disappeared.

"Lady Nasuada, are you sure about this? This is a terribly great risk, considering Uru'Baen will be right behind us when we intercept these new troups." Jormundor(Varden's second in command) said.
"We have no other choice. Unless you have a new plan, we must go forward with this one, or lose the war, and that is not an option." Nasuada said.
"Is there no other place we can ambush them?" Jormundor asked.
"No. Tierm is placed at a straight shot to Uru'Baen, so the best chance we have at all is to ambush them at the river." Nasuada said.
"We may have no other choice, but I don't like it at all." Jormundor said.
"Neither do I Jormundor, neither do I." Nasuada said.

I had hoped I'd never need to come back here ever again Link thought. He was standing in the Sacred Grove entrance, the master Sword directly infront of him, but he was still reluctant to retrieve it.
If we have the Master Sword, we'll be done all that much quicker Shadow said. Link finally went to get it, gripping the handle with apprehension. As he tried to lift it, he encountered the same resistance as last time, but with some more effort, the Master Sword was once again with it's wielder. Link snapped his fingers once again and teleported himself to Kakariko. He ran past Death Mountain and out into Hyrulian Fields, then bolted for the ocean.
(I know I know, but I have to alter some of Hyrule's landscape to fit in with my story, so sorry, but it's necessary). To his surprise, he saw not only ten ships full of soldiers, he also saw the princess herself holding some items in her hands. Link ran up to her, and was greeted by a grateful hug.
"I truely can't thank you enough for this." Zelda said.
"No, it is I who is still in your debt." Link said, holding up his right hand, lighting up the Triforce of Wisdom.
"Well, even so, I had some of my people do some digging, and found items more valuable than gold. In this bag, are the very same items used by the original Hero of Time one thousand years ago, and, due to you being the current hero, these belong to you." Zelda said, giving Link the bag. Inside the bag, Link found many interesting items, such as a crystal with a symbol of fire, one with wind, and one with water on it. He found golden gauntlets, which he immediately put on, a Hookshot, and many more items as well.
"There are two other things as well. First, the Mirror Shield used by the original Hero of Time." Zelda said, handing Link a highly polished shield with crimson metal outlining it.
"And finally, the last thing you need to truely be the Hero of Time. Keep in mind that this item has been in my own family for generations, but was used by the original Hero of Time. He used it to travel through time to fight the evil that plagued the land at that time, then returned it to my ancestor. Now, I think it is time for me to lend this to you, the Orcania of Time." Zelda said.
(I believe Orcania of Time is a prequel to Twilight Princess, so that's why. If not, then please just deal with it, I'm going somewhere with this)
Link took the Orcania in his hands, and felt a strange mystic power flowing through it.
"Thank you your highness. I promise, I'll protect this with all my strength." Link said.
"I know you will. Now, get going." Zelda said. Link nodded and quickly boarded the boat, and it set sail immediately.

Several days have passed, and the Varden have made better time than originally expected.
"Nasuada, we have arrived outside of Tierm!" Eragon said.
"Excellent. For now, all we can do is to wait and prepare." Nasuada said.

After many days of sailing, Alagaesia came into view.
"Land! We've finally arrived captain!"
"Perfect. Set a course for the pier and...oh my goodness." The had come within view of Tierm, and had finally seen how destroyed it was.(an encounter with some minions of Galbatorix did it)
"We really do need to help these people. If the port looks like this, I shudder to thik about what the rest of the nation is like." Link said. Within the hour, the ships docked and the soldiers departed.
"According to the map provided by this lands king, we have a straight and simple shot to Uru'Baen from here." Link said. At that, they set off for Uru'Baen, unaware of the trap set for them just outside the city. As soon as they came to the exit of the city, hundreds of arrows flew at them from above.
"LOOK OUT!" Link shouted, crouching under his shield. Several other soldiers did the same, while a few others either ran behind buildings to avoid the arrows.
"Show yourselves cowards!" The captain of the soldiers shouted. A mighty roar was their only answer, as well as a streak of blue-hot flames headed right for them.
"Get behind me all of you!" Link shouted, getting out his Mirror shield. Link took the flames and repelled them back at their source, but heard nothing to confirm it hit. He suddenly felt as if his mind was being invaded, then felt a different pressence try to take control of him.
"GAH! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!" Link yelled, clutching his head.
"What's wrong my lord?" The captain asked.
"SOMEONE IS IN MY HEAD!" Link shouted, still clutching his head. Just as he was about to be taken over by the mysterious invader, the mental probe was attacked tooth and claw by Shadow until a loud shriek of pain was heard nearby and the attack on Link's mind ended.
I owe you one big time Link said.
Then let me out, or I'll come out myself! Shadow said.
What if my mind get's attacked again? Link asked.
Then merge with me and I'll take care of it, but I must get out there to help! Shadow said urgently. Link formed a ball of pitch black energy, then threw it up into the air, where Shadow started to form. In a second, the mighty wolf stood infront of Link.
"Lord Link, we know where the shout came from. Shall I give the order to attack?" The captain asked.
"Yes." Link said. And so, they all charged to the source of the scream, swords and shields at the ready.

"Eragon, what happened?" Arya asked worryingly. Eragon took a moment to let the pain subside before answering, his head feeling like it was split open.
"I don't know. I was just about to take over the head of the army, then the next thing I know, it's like my mind was being attacked by a wolf." Eragon said.
You mean he conjured a barrier in the form of a wolf? Saphira asked. (In order to prevent your mind from being taken over, Alagaesian's can focus on one thing and one thing only, and create a barrier around their mind to shield themselves from unwanted minds)
"No, I had him in my mental attack, but at the last second I was attacked by a wolf in his head!" Eragon said.
"That's impossible. You can't summon a barrier that attacks back! That's never been done before!" Arya said.
"Well, whoever these people are, mental assaults won't work on them." Eragon said.
"Nonetheless, we must defeat them. Everyone, charge!" Nasuada said. And so, the battle had begun.
(02-03-2011 10:46 PM)MANUELF Wrote: [ -> ]still, I stick to my opinion: This shall become a masterpiece! Big Grin

I don't know about masterpiece, but it will definately be a first story for these two to collide. I checked, and I'm the first ever writer to combine tehse two into a story. So, that's something
Chapter 3: Hyrule's eyes opened
The two armies were finally coming into view, and there were two very different reactions from both sides. Link's army was disheartened by the massive size of the Varden, yet continued their assault. The Varden were confident in their size, and were charging faster towards their oponents, until Arya got a better look at Link. When Arya noticed he was an elf, she was momentarily stunned.
"Nasuada, stop the Varden!" Arya quickly exclaimed.
"What? Why should I? We can easily take them out." Nasuada said.
"We don't want to take them out! Their leader is an elf!" Arya said. Nasuada wasted no time in stopping the Varden after that information, though it took a while to get them all to stop.

"Lord Link, why have they stopped?" The captain asked.
"I don't know. Maybe they wish to talk, or it might be a trap. Nonetheless, everyone, halt!" Link shouted. The soldiers stumbled and tripped over themselves at the command, but ended their charge with confused looks.

"Nasuada, why did we stop? And why did they stop?" Eragon asked.
"See that man in the front? He's an elf." Arya explained.
"Come, let us present ourselves to them." Nasuada said.
I'm not sure that's such a good idea Saphira said to all of them.
Why not? Nasuada asked.
After our welcome to them, I don't think they are in much of a mood to be our friends right now Spahira said.
Good point Eragon said.
"Then only a few of us shall go. Eragon, Saphira, and Arya, come with me." Nasuada said.
"Now hold on just a minute!" King Orrin said. (King of Surda, ally to the Varden, and just a little bit mad at Nasuada for not including him in more things)
"Yes Orrin?" Nasuada asked.
"Why should I be left out of this? I'm the King of my own land, and I have every right to go speak to them as well." Orrin said.
"Very well, you may occampany us." Nasuada sighed. They marched out to the field, halfway between their to armies. As a precaution, many Varden archers had their bows strung with arrows half drawn.

"Lord Link, I think it might be a trap after all. Notice how their army has their archers ready to strike at a moments notice. I recommend we try to retreat to the boats and find a different path to Uru'Baen." The captain said.
"Hold on, let me try something...err, what was your name?" Link asked.
"Bane, my lord." Bane said. (Got tired of writing The captain said all the time)
"Well Bane, let me try something else, see if we can't work our way out of this in a peaceful manner." Link said. He took a few steps forward, Shadow at his heels, then pointed to the archers and shook his head at Nasuada.

"I think he wants me to call off the archers." Nasuada said.
If you wish to gain his trust, I think that is a simple request for him to make Saphira said. Eragon repeated her statement, then Nasuada signaled the archers to stand down. The archers lowered their bows and packed up their arrows, though with some reluctancy.

"I thought that would work. Now then, there are five of them, so Bane, come with me if you will." Link said. Bane nodded and walked with Link to the center of the field, soon coming face to face with Nasuada and the others.
"Atra esterni ono thelduin." Arya said, putting two fingers to her lips before hand. (May good fortune rule over you. It is the first in a three part elven greeting that shows respect to others). Link looked at her very confused, as did Bane.
"Atra esterni ono thelduin." Arya repeated. Link and Bane still had clueless looks, and Arya was starting to get annoyed.
"Do you not know the simplest elven greeting?" Arya asked not unkindly.
"Um, we just say hi." Link said.
"What part of Du Weldenvarden are you from?" Arya asked.
"We don't know where that is. We came from Hyrule, across the sea." Link said.
"Hyrule? But, you're an elf. I thought that all elves lived in Du Weldenvarden." Eragon said.
"Look, that is not why we are here. My name is Nasuada, leader of the Varden." Nasuada said.
"I am King Orrin, king of Surda." Orrin said.
"I am Arya, princess of Ellesmera." Arya said.
"I am Eragon, shadeslayer and dragon rider. And this is Saphira." Eragon said. Saphira gave off a friendly growl as a greeting.
"My name is Bane, captain of the Hylian soldiers." Bane said.
"I am Link, Hero of Time. And this is Shadow." Link said. Shadow did the same as Saphira.
"Well, now that the introductions are taken care of, why, may I ask, have you come to Alagaesia?" Arya asked.
"We were sent by our princess, Zelda, to aid Hyrule's ally in a civil war. Tell me, where do we get to Uru'Baen?" Link asked.
I wish you didn't tell them that Shadow said. before Link could ask why, Eragon drew Brisingr (his sword, but also fire in the ancient language) and posed in a fighting stance. By instinct, Link drew the Master Sword and his hyrulian shield.
"Eragon, hold on a minute!" Nasuada said. Eragon lowered Brisingr, but did not sheath it.
"Do you mean to tell me that you were sent to help Galbatorix?' Nasauda asked.
"Yes we were. Do you mean to tell me that you are the leader of the army that's causing him so much grief?" Link asked.
"Yes I am." Nasuada said.
"Then I guess you would be our enemies, right?" Link asked.
"It would appear so." Nasuada said. Saphira and Shadow growled menacingly at each other, neither one backing down from the other's intimidation.
"You should just head back to your nation. You have no hope of winning this fight, much less escape with your lives should we fight. You are severely out numbered, and we could crush you within an hour. I'm giving you a chance to escape with your lives, I suggest you take it. I don't want to have to fight if I don't have to." Nasuada said.
"How noble of you. Unfotunately, we were not sent here only to be sent back. Although, I shall not make the choice for these soldiers, so it is up to them." Link said. Bane ran back to tell them the news, then ran back.
"It was unanimous. We have not come here to give into the enemy in our first few minutes here." Bane said.
"Are you sure of this?" Nasuada asked.
"Now hold on a minute. I have an idea. I don't want to risk the lives of my soldiers, so I have a proposition to make. I will, single handedly, take on your two best fighters. If I win, you let us pass without harm. If I should lose, we'll turn right around to Hyrule." Link said.
"Hmm. You do not know the power of my two best fighters, so are you sure you want to go through with this?" Nasuada asked.
"Yes I am. Bane, inform the soldiers of this and tell them not to worry." Link said.
"Yes Lord Link." Bane said, then ran back to the soldiers.
"Lord Link?" Orrin asked.
"Think nothing of the powerless title, for we have much more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Bring out your best fighters." Link said.
"They are already here." Nasuada said, geusturing to Eragon and Arya.
"I had a feeling it would be them." Link said.
"Nasuada, Orrin, maybe you should get back. This might get rough." Eragon said. Nasuada and Orrin went back tot he Varden, and the three started to walk in a circle, waiting for the right moment to strike. Shadow and Saphira had taken to encircling the other, apparently also about to battle. Shadow gave off a faint growl, and Eragon and Arya sprang upon Link, swords above their heads. Link leapt out of the way just in time, following with a slash at Arya. It clipped a few hairs off her head, but she was unharmed by the attack. Shadow had managed to get on Saphira's back and was savagely attacking her neck. Saphira roared in pain then extended her wings in an attempt to fly. However, Shadow kicked hard at her wings, leaving long, bloody gashes all across them. He kept kicking them until Saphira was forced to fold them, at which Shadow immediately went back to attacking her neck. The pain she felt was rebounding to Eragon across their mental link, causing him to scream from the agonizing pain Saphira was feeling. Link took the opening to deliver a long gash down his right arm, causing him to drop his sword. Arya swung mercilessly at Link's heart, bouncing off Link's shield at the last second. Saphira tried to snake her head to face Shadow, but he was to close for her to face. Shadow's attacks continued until Saphira leapt suddenly to the side. Shadow yelped in surprise as he was thrown off of her, then scrambled to dodge a massive jet of blue flames.
Eragon, you have to use magic on this one! He is far tougher than he looks. Simply using those swords of yours won't work, even with Arya at your side Saphira said.
"Geuloth du sverda!" Eragon said. (Dull the sword). The magic began taxing his strength immediately(magic takes the same amount of energy as it would take to do the task by hand), yet nothing was happening to Link's blade. It remained sharp as it repeatedly clashed with Arya's sword, until Eragon released the magic. Fatigue over took him, but he tried to shake it off.
"Letta!" Eragon said(stop). Link continued to move quickly, still easily keeping pace with Arya. Eragon released the magic again, confused as well as exhausted from using magic.
Why didn't it work? Saphira asked, trying to burn Shadow again.
I don't know! Eragon snapped. Arya was sent skidding backwards after a powerful blow from Link. At this point, all three were panting heavely at the amount of energy they had already used.
"Why are you helping Galbatorix?" Eragon shouted.
"Because he is an ally of my land." Link said.
"If you knew what he was doing here, you wouldn't call him an ally." Arya said. After hearing that, Shadow stopped his attack and ran to Link's side, though still poised for an attack.
"What do you mean?" Link asked.
"Galbatorix is evil! He has killed off hundreds of dragons until there are only three left alive to this day, and two of them are only because two eggs hatched!" Eragon said.
"He stole someone's dragon, killed that rider, became a tyrant, and you are here to help him?" Arya asked accusingly.
"How can I believe you?" Link asked.
"You see Tierm behind you? Galbatorix did that for no reason. We are Alagaesia's only hope for an end to his rein. We have to stop him at all costs. Which is why we aren't going to back down from him or you!" Eragon said. Link thought for a minute, then called over a soldier. He whispered something into his ear, then the soldier ran to the others. Words were exchanged, and a few soldiers returned to a boat.
"I've sent them to deliver this information to princess Zelda. She will decide what we do next. Until then, we will not fight you, nor move from this area, agreed?" Link asked.
"Agreed." Arya and Eragon said. While they went to treat their wounds, as well as Saphira's. a soldier came back to Link.
"Lord Link, we have encountered a stow-away." He said. Two others brought the stow-away with them, grasping her with their arms, while another brought Link's horse with him.
"Ilia, what are you doing here?" Link asked, nearly yelling.

I know, bad place to stop, but I am nearly out of time here, and my hands hurt, so sorry, but that's all for today
I just want to say this. Though I am having the soldiers call him Lord Link, he is not the real prince of Hyrule.
Also, the Varden, with their allies the elves (of Ellesmera), the dwarves(of under their kiong Orik, Eragon foster brother(long story short, Eragon is an honorary dwarf). Murtagh killed the previous king, Hrothgar, and Orik was elected by the clan chiefs. A democratic monarchy. Not lying), and the Kull(Or Urgals or Rams, they tower at 8 feet tall, are ogre like beasts that can speak english, have powerful horns on their heads that resemble a goat's, and always are in the mood for war), the Varden are made up of escapees, refugees, (BLTs, Kenny Gs, and kids who failed the SATs. Joke people, just a joke) soldiers and workers. That's all for now, next chapter to come today hopefully
Chapter 4: A royal decision
"Ilia, what are you doing here?" Link nearly yelled.
"I wasn't going to let you go off on your own again Link. Besides, I brought Epona with me incase you needed her." Ilia said.
"How did you get on the boat? Even if you did ride Epona, it would have taken you a day atleast to get to the port." Link asked.
"It would have, had you not warped us with you." Ilia said.
"What do you mean? I didn't...oh, you snuck around until I warped to the port then got on the boat, all the time I didn't know you were even there." Link said, slapping his forehead.
"What shall we do with her Lord Link?" Bane asked.
"Send her back on the boat." Link said.
"I'm not going back! I came here to help you Link." Ilia said.
"How could you help me?" Link asked.
"I know plenty of healing remedies by using herbs." Ilia said.
"We could use a healer with us." Bane said. Link shot an angry glance at him, making Bane step back a bit. After some thought, Link sighed and relented, saying "Fine, stay if you must. But remember, you must stay out of danger at all times, got it?" Link asked. Ilia nodded, happy to be with Link again.
"Soldiers, set up the tents, we'll be here a while until word from Zedla is recieved. And see if you can find a spare tent for Ilia." Link commanded. The soldiers hussled to obey the orders, and tents were set up within the hour. Ilia went to hers, putting down her things, while Link went into his. King Orrin appraoched Link's tent, but was stopped by some soldiers who had appointed themselves to guard Link.
"Stand aside please. I wish to see your leader." Orrin said.
"Prince Link has already stated his terms of a ciese-fire, what buisiness do you have left with him?" A soldier asked.
"What's going on?" Link asked from within the tent.
"I, king Orrin, wish to speak with you immediately, but your guards refuse to grant me entry." Orrin said.
"I didn't appoint any guards. I didn't think I had to though. Let him in." Link said. Orrin entered the tent, an annoyed look portraid on his face.
"Why have you come? I have said that we will not harm you nor move from this area." Link said.
"I know, but I thought it best to get on good terms with you incase your princess ses fit to support our cause." Orrin said. Link grinned a little at that.
"Smart move." Link said.
"Now, Nasuada, Eragon, Arya and Orik are waiting to gain entry into your tent as well, so if you'd just give the word to your soldiers, they can join us." Orrin said. Link hesitated, unsure of how much he should trust them.
"Fine, but no tricks." Link said.
"You have my word." Orrin said. Link nodded, then said for the soldiers to let the others in. They entered one at a time, until only Saphira was left outside. She snaked her head inside the tent, resting it behind Eragon. The injuries on her neck had healed fully, leaving not even a scar behind.
"You sure have loyal soldiers your highness." Eragon said.
"Please, I am not a prince, nor have I ever claimed to be. I simply saved Hyrule from a great evil, maybe did a few good deeds along the way, and they suddenly started calling me that." Link said.
He seems modest. A good trait to have in a leader. It shows he doesn't get egotistic easily. Tell him that for now, I don't hold a grudge against his wolf, but will not pass on the oppurtunity to pay him back in full Saphira said.
That seems like a threat Saphira. I don't think it wise to threaten him Eragon said.
There is a difference between a threat and a promise, but fine, don't tell him Saphira said.
"Well, if you aren't their prince, what are you to them?" Nasuada asked.
"They see me as a hero. I see myself as someone who has been casted in a role I did not auditioned for." Link said.
"I can relate to that." Eragon said. Saphira growled.
"I must say, I'm surprised that there are elves in a land so far accross the sea. Are their dwarves as well?" Orik asked.
"No, sorry. There are Gorons and Zoras, but no dwarves." Link said.
"Gorons? Zoras? What are those?" Arya asked.
"Gorons are creatures made of stone, harder than that even. All they eat is rocks, and are the strongest in all of Hyrule in terms of brute force. They treat each other like family, call each other brother, and are very much taken to hot areas, which is why they live on Death Mountain, a volcano." Link said.
"Creatures actually made of stone?!?" Orik nearly shouted, his face lit up in excitement.
"Yes. Now, the Zoras are a different story completely. They are an aqautic species, though they are able to survive on land as much as in water. They resemble elves in shape, but have entirely blue skin, and are a very classy race." Link said.
"Hyrule certainly has many wonders." Nasuada said. Saphira asked Eragon something, her eyes portraying excitement and hope.
"Saphira and I were wondering something, and hope you could answer it." Eragon said.
"So long as it isn't too nosy, I guess I can." Link said.
"Are there any dragons in Hyrule?" Eragon asked. Arya's face remained emotionless, though her eyes hid a faint bit of hope in them.
"Well, actually, yes there are." Link said. Saphira's head shot up so suddenly it shocked everyone in the tent.
"Are you serious?" Arya asked, her calm demeanor now replaced by excitement.
"Being from that land, I sure hope I'm serious. I once visited a land in the clouds, and saw a few dragons living with the natives there. I might have even heard of a few on Death Mountain that live peacefully with the Gorons." Link said. Saphira, unable to contain her joy, let out a joyous roar, scaring nearly all of the soldiers.
"I think you'd better leave now. The soldiers won't stand much more of those roars." Link said. They exited the tent, most happy with the news of more dragons alive in distant lands.

Two weeks went by in silence. Link and the soldiers prefered to wait until they recieved word from princess Zelda before any more speaking with the Varden, so there were no more conversations since then. At noon, there were three ships headed their way, and reached them within an hour.
"About time. This will determine whether we are allies or enemies with the Varden." Link said. The soldiers went with him the the ships, and gasped as they saw the princess herslef get off the boat. She looked around the ruined city with sadness on her face.
"Princess Zelda, what are you doing here? I thought they were only going to get your decision, not you yourself!" Link said.
"I had to come. I must have a talk with Galbatorix before I can make a decision. Also, there are a few more matters I have to talk to you about. Frist, your messanger came when a friend of yours was visiting the palace." Zelda said. On the ship to the right, the Goron Patriarch got off the boat, followed by more Gorons, up to twenty at the very least.
"And also, we were followed here and questioned as to why I was leaving my land, and we picked up more allies." Zelda said. On the ship to the left, King Ralis(current Zora king) stepped off the boat, followed by thirty zoras.
"Link, while they get set up with the soldiers, I want you to accompany me to Uru'Baen to see Galbatorix." Zelda said.
"Yes princess Zelda." Link said. As they went past the Varden, Eragon and Nasuada ran up to them.
"Where are you going? And who is this?" Nasuada asked.
"This is princess Zelda, and we are going to see Galbatorix." Link said.
"Are you mad?!? Galbatorix will throw you in jail the second you enter Uru'Baen!" Eragon shouted.
"No, he'd throw you in jail, he'll greet us with open arms. We are his allies, remember?" Link said.
"And I must discuss with him what he has been really doing in this country of his. I have anticipated deception, which is why I am bringing Link with me." Zelda said.
"Well, atleast watch out for Murtagh and Thorn." Eragon said.
"Who?" Link asked.
"The dragon and rider Galbatorix has under his control, despite them not wanting to serve him. Galbatorix has enslaved them, and is using them to try and capture me and Saphira." Eragon said.
"Well, I can't take your word for it, but I will make my decision when I have seen this for myself. Link, let's go. The sooner the better." Zelda said. Link nodded and called Epona with a strand of grass. Epona ran to him, and, once Zelda was on securely, hopped on her and rode off.
Okay, so I threw in a curve ball there, but I have somewhere to go with this, so just be patient
Chapter 5: A meeting with Galbatorix
During the many days Link and Zelda were gone, the Varden were in awe of the Gorons and Zoras that had just arrived. Orik and the rest of the dwarves were simply obsessed with talking to the Gorons, fascinated by actual creatures made out of rock, and gloated to the elves that they were right.(Elves and dwarves have different views on religion, dwarves believing they were made by gods, elves believing in nothing). The elves, however, were too busy talking to the Zoras, fascinated by their culture and how they lived. The Goron Patriarch was more than happy to talk to the dwarves, as was King Ralis to the elves, but the both refused to discuss anything too personal or anything private. After two weeks, Eragon and Saphira were starting to grow restless, as were many others of the Varden.
How much longer must we wait? I am quickly growing bored of this. We aren't even allies with them, so why must we wait for them? Saphira asked.
Because, this is a chance for some new allies and help to the Varden. Eragon said.
And it could easily go the other way. Plus, they promised to stay here, not us, so we are free to leave at any time Saphira said. Before Eragon could answer, he heard the pounding of hooves heading in their direction. A scout ran to Nasuada's tent and, after a moment, exited with her behind him.
"They have returned from Galbatorix!" Nasuada announced. Many of the Varden were already within earshot of her, and teh news spread like wildfire until the entire Varden knew and were eagerly waiting. After a few minutes, fear spread throughout the Varden as they saw the red dragon Thorn and Murtagh flying behind Link and Zelda.
I guess it seems we have new enemies Saphira said.
But why would Murtagh come alone? It doesn't make any sense Eragon said.
All the more reason to be on guard Saphira said. Eragon got on Saphira and, with a single flap from her powerful wings, she was up in the air, speeding toward Murtagh and Thorn.
Wait! Stop Eragon! We've been freed of Galbatorix's control! Murtagh said mentally. Eragon, after a quick chastising for forgetting to protect his mind, realized what he had said. Both caution and joy fludded through him, but he had to keep himself prepared for any betrayal, in case this was a rouse to catch him off guard.
If you really have been freed, then land so we may speak face to face Eragon said. Murtagh withdrew form their mental contact and got Thorn to land, Saphira soon after. Link and Zelda were right between the two dragons, though Epona didn't show fear.
"How is it possible you've been freed? Did you finally do something to change your true name? What was it?" Eragon asked, pilling on questions, never giving Murtagh a chance to answer.
"I'll explain things soon enough. For now, lets go to the others so I don't have to repeat myself." Link said.
"Are you allies or not?" Eragon asked. Niether Link nor Zelda responded as Epona walked passed them. Curiousity overwhelming him, he followed with Saphira, Murtagh and Thron behind him. Once they were all within the Varden, Link and Zelda dismounted Epona, and were soon surrounded by those who wanted answers.
"Excuse me, make way, move please!" Nasuada's voice could be heard as she made her way through the crowd with obvious difficulty. After finally reaching them, Nasuada escorted them to her tent where Orik, Arya, Eragon and Murtagh entered. Saphira snaked her head through the opening, making space for Thorn to do the same.
"So, what happened to you two, and why is Murtagh here?" Nasuada asked, slightly alarmed at seeing him.
"Should I tell it?" Link asked.
"If you'd please." Zelda said.
"Well, it wasn't an easy trip, but apparently, we managed to find the truth about what has been happening in this nation. Nasuada, you have new allies. Here's what happened."

After nearly a week since departing the Varden, Link and Zelda approached Uru' Baen to be faced by guards. They escorted them to the palace and straight to Galbatorix, who told the guards to leave.
"Zelda, how long has it been since we've last seen each other?" Glabatorix asked, hugging her.
"Too long apparently. We've just been the Varden, and I've come here to talk to you." Zelda said. Galbatorix grew serious at that very instant, but still kept an aura of peacefullness around him.
"Come, I was just about to have some tea. Why don't you join me and we'll discuss things then." Galbatorix said.
"I'd love to, but it truely is late, and we've been traveling for quite a while." Zelda said, yawning a bit.
"Of course. You there, show my guests to their rooms for the night." Galbatorix said to a servant. They were led to two rooms directly beside each other, then left alone.
"Link, I'm going to retire for the night. However, I want you to explore this palace a little bit, see what you can find out." Zelda said. Link nodded then disappeared down a hallway while Zelda went into her very well decorated room, obviously it was cleaned recently. Link had been walking around for about an hour, and just as he was about to head back to his room, he spotted a man in crimson armor polishing a blood red sword, leaning against the belly of a red dragon. Both of them looked miserable yet powerful at the same time. Shadow, from within Link's mind, saw then with his wolf sense, and had Link do the same. Link gasped as he saw chains within them, glowing white with a red outline.
These two are both prisoners of their bodies. Forced to do what they don't wish to, controlled by someone else Shadow said.
If that's true, could what Eragon said be true? Link asked.
I'm not sure, but I do know that they need help. Can the Master Sword free them as it did for you when you were trapped by the Shadow Crystal? Shadow asked.
Maybe, maybe not. It depends on the magic used. If it's truely melevalent, then yes, I should be able to free them Link said.
For now though, lets go back and sleep. We can inform Zelda of this tomorrow Shadow said.
Agreed Link said, then heaed back to his room, making sure to be quiet as he moved. The next morning, Link was awoken by a servant of Galbatorix, then was escorted to him and Zelda after a bath. Link also saw then man he had seen last night, still miserable but hid it as best he could.
"Tell me Zelda, who is this man here?" Galbatorix asked, indicating Link.
"He is Hyrules hero, Link. Also, the people have taken it upon themselves to name him Prince of Hyrule as well." Zelda said.
"Is that so? Tell me, how are you with that sword you carry?" Galbatorix asked.
"I'd say I'm a good swordsman, why do you ask?" Link asked.
"How about a match with Murtagh here?" Galbatorix asked. Murtagh glowered at him for such a brief second, Link wondered if he really saw it.
This is perfect! Just one swipe form your sword, and he'll be free, and this man wants us to do it! Shadow said joyously.
He wouldn't if he knew what this sword can do, but yes, this is perfect Link said, grinning. He drew his blade, as did Murtagh. They squared off, each waiting for the other to make the first move, until Link charged forward. Murtagh tried to deflect the blow, but at the last second, Link changed the sword's course so it was coming at him from the side instead of the top. The instant the Master Sword collided with Murtagh, Shadow put up the wolf sense. Link saw the chains break inside him and Thorn.
"Dead." Link said, holding the sword at Murtagh's heart. Murtagh was still in shock, wondering what had happened.
"Pity. I had truely hoped he would win. You've got quite the fighter there Zelda. Come, why don't we have that tea?" Galbatorix asked. As he passed Murtagh, he shot an angry glare at him, then proceeded to the next room. Before Link followed, he went up to Murtagh.
"I don't know what caused your confinement, but rest assured that you're now free." Link said, then left. However, Murtagh grabbed him by the arm, holding him there.
"Yes?" Link asked.
"How...did you know that I was imprisoned within my own body?" Murtagh asked.
"A special ability I have. Just know that you are now able to do what you want to. I'd recommend leaving." Link said. He pulled his arm out of Murtaghs grip, then ran to catch up to Zelda, Murtagh following. For the next hour, they enjoyed tea, but Zelda and Link were forced to hide their repulsion at what Galbatorix was telling them. He told them of how he had come to this posisition in the war, and all he done. Link hid his anger with difficulty, all the while marveling how Zelda hid her emotions so easily. Once they had finished talking, Zelda excused herself and insisted that she and Link take their leave of Uru' Baen immediately.
"Please do come again. It was lovely to see you again Zelda." Galbatorix said. Zelda nodded, then hurried out of the palace, Link close behind her. Once they were safetly out of earshot and well out of the city, Zelda let her emotions out, startling both Link and Epona.
"I cannot believe him! He has lied, stolen, killed, betrayed and all the while makes it seem human! Link, it seems the Varden were right. We must help them defeat that monster!" Zelda screamed. Link nodded, and, just as he was about to say something, he saw Murtagh and Thorn flying behind them. Link felt his mind being invaded again, but allowed it this time, holding Shadow back.
Tell me, are you headed to the Varden? Murtagh asked.
Yes we are. Care to join us? Link asked.
Please. I have much to make up for to those in the Varden Murtagh said. That settled, he withdrew his mind from Links, and followed him and Zelda back to the Varden.

I know you guys might have some problems with that chapter, so I'm willing to listen to any. This isn't my kind of writing style, so I know I'm going to to mess up at times
I don't oppose comments, just so you guys know

Chapter 6: A new survivor?
There couldn't have been a bigger celebration when Nasuada announced that the Varden had new, powerful allies. It was as if they had already won the war and were celebrating. There was a huge feast, though there were a few complaints about lack of mead. When those who were complaining saw Saphira drinking it, they didn't feel like argueing any more. After the feast, many were full and weary, so the party died down reletively quickly. Link escorted princess Zelda back to a boat and saw her off, though not before she gave Link one last present. She had given him a music sheet that showed the songs the original Hero of Time used to play with the Orcania.
We are fortunate to have these new allies on our side, so long as they don't get in the way Saphira said.
Be nice Saphira, they didn't have to stay and help us you know Eragon said.
I'm aware Saphira said, Eragon entered his tent and, after taking off his armor, got into bed and slept soundly, while Saphira curled up next to the tent.

Hmm. This one is called the Song of Storms. I wonder how powerful the storm would be? Link pondered.
Why not play it and find out? Shadow asked.
And risk making a tornado? Link asked.
I doubt the original Hero of Time made tornados Shadow said.
Point taken. Alright, I'll try it Link said. He took the orcania out of the pack and held it up to his lips. He looked over the music sheet one more time, then attempted to play it. Just before he started, however, deep within his mind, he heard a music box being played in the same melody as the Song of Storms. After a second of hesitation, Link decided not to worry about it and played, his timing matching the music box in his mind. After the first verse was played, multiple storm clouds gathered instantly, and rain poured down hard just as quickly. Any people still outside rushed to their tents to avoid the downpour. Link was surprised at the power of the orcania, but also rushed to his tent as well.
Wow, that is a useful melody to know Link said.
Yes it is. I wonder what else this orcania can do? Shadow pondered.
That is something to find out about later. For now, we rest Link said. The next morning, the storm had died down, and all that was left were puddles all around the area. Saphira shook herself, trying to get dry. The droplets of water that came off her seemed to shimmer off her blue scales, a truely beautiful sight.

I can't possibly imagine ever liking storms! I'm completely soaked to the bone Saphira complained.
I can't possibly imagine what could have caused such a powerful storm to appear so suddenly Eragon said.
I don't know or care, so long as it never happens again. I'm going to fly for a while and try to get dried off, then perhaps hunt Saphira said.
Don't be too long, we might be leaving soon, not needing to be here any more Eragon said. Saphira took off, splashing Eragon with the water that flew off her wings.
Sorry Saphira said. Eragon watched her go, then went back into his tent to retrieve a towel and dry off. As he was toweling off, an elf came rushing to him, dashing into his tent with speed only and elf could possibly manage.
"Shadeslayer, Lady Nasuada has summoned you, and you'd better hurry, for Queen Islanzadi(I already told you about her, right? Just in case, she is the elven queen of Ellesmera, and mother to Arya) has contacted her." The elf said.
"Calm down, I'm on my way now. What is the big rush anyway?" Eragon asked. He threw down the towel and ran alongside the elf to Nasuada, trying to get him to answer him, but wasn't able to get anything more than "It is very important, and you'll find out soon enough" They came to the tent and ran inside, finding Arya already there.
"Atra esterni ono thelduin." Eragon said, facing the image of Islanzadi in the mirror. (Through srying, a mean of spying with magic, one can communicate to others from long distances, but need a shiy surface to do so with, such as a mirror of body of water)
"No time for pleasantries I'm afraid. I need Arya back here immediately." Islanzadi said. Arya was shocked by the sudden news, but she kept it hidden under her calm demeanor.
"Why though? We need Arya here in the Varden to help us." Nasuada said.
"I need her here. This is a matter of great importance that could help alter the balance of power in favor of the Varden." Islanzadi said.
"We already have more power. We have aquired new allies from a land called Hyrule, a former ally to Galbatorix." Nasuada said.
"This is more important though! We have found, within the forests of our own area, a dragon!" Islanzadi said.
"What!?! But how? I thought Galbatorix destroyed all the other dragons?" Eragon said, forgetting his manners infront of the queen.
"As did I. However, it seems as if we were fortunately wrong. A white dragon with golden streaks was spotted in our forests and brought to Ellesmera, and has even agreed to help us in the war! However, it has set a condition. If an elf, who goes one on one with it wins, only then will it choose that elf as it's rider. So far, none of the elves who have gone to fight her have won, and I need Arya here to try." Islanzadi said.
"That is a steep condition. A dragon's power is incredibly high. Nothing short of another dragon could hope to win against one." Eragon said.
"Still, I must try. This could really help the Varden, and realy unseat Galbatorix. I'll leave immediately." Arya said.
"Hold on Arya, you'll need some company along such a trip, otherwise run the risk of being captured by the Empire again." Nasuada said. (She was caught before and tortured for nearly 15 years. One word comes to my mind: OUCH!!!)
"I'll go with her." Eragon said.
"No Eragon, we need you here. Besides, you already have Saphira, and Murtagh already has Thorn. Wait a minute, maybe Link would be willing to go." Nasuada said.
"Shall I go fetch him?" Eragon asked.
"Please." Nasuada said.

The Minuet of Forest, Bolero of Fire, Serenade of Water, there are lots of songs here, each very pleasant to hear Link said.
Though none are dangerous likt the Song of Storms Shadow said.
They don't all have to be powerful Link said. Link mulled over what song to play next until he saw Eragon running to him.
"Yes?" Link asked.
"Nasuada wishes to speak with you." Eragon said. Link nodded and followed him back to Nasuada, running quickly. Once there, link was puzzled as to why he was seeing a woman in the mirror, but didn't worry about it.
"Why have you summoned me?" Link asked.
"Link, we are in need of your help. Arya has been recalled back to Ellesmera in a very important matter, and we need you to guard her along the way." Nasuada said.
"And escort mission? Well, alright. Besides, this will be a good way to see more of Alagaesia." Link said.
"Then let us be off immediately." Arya said. After an hour of packing, they set off at a quick run. Link had transformed into Shadow in order to keep a fast pace, and was soon outstriping Arya, forcing him to slow down a bit to keep pace with her.
"We should reach Ellesmera with the weeks end. Until then, we should run when available." Arya said. link, in Shadow's form, nodded.
INCREDIBLE!!! I hope you'll eventually include Dark Link! I'd like to see Eragon's reaction to the sight of Link facing his own shadow-self!
Keep up the good work!
Perhaps, perhaps not. You never know what I'm going to do next

Chapter 7: The new dragon
For the next few days, Link and Arya ran constantly, a seemingly unspoken agreement made that they'd keep running. Arya's stamina surprised Link, not knowing she could keep up with him for so long. On the fourth night, they both had to stop and rest. They were surrounded by trees, and somewhere in the distance, they could hear a river. Finding a log, Arya sat down, releasing a small sigh as she did so. Link, having crossed the entire distance in Shadow's form, curled up opposite from her. Arya picked up a few fallen sticks next to her and arranged them into a pile.
"Brisingr." Arya mumbled. (fire) A fire roared to life, lighting up the area around them.
"Turn back to your elven form. I need to discuss something with you." Arya said. Link nodded and did so, his body lighting up in a white light for a second, then stood on his own two feet.
"I need to teach you about courtesy in Ellesmera. I will not have you disgrace yourself and me by not showing the proper respect." Arya said.
"I don't see why I have to enter Ellesmera in the first place. I was sent along to guard you to here, I heard nothing else I had to do." Link said.
"So you'd simply turn around and abandon me here?" Arya asked.
"I didn't say that. Besides, if things go the way they should, even if I wasn't here, you'd be having a dragon accompany you back to the Varden." Link said.
"Better safe than sorry. Plus, I might not be able to defeat her, and would then have to travel back to the Varden alone." Arya said.
"I'd accompany you back, just not go into Ellesmera." Link said.
"What would you do? The forests are far too vast for me to find you in, and you'd surely be lost within seconds without an escort. It would just be so much easier if you would let me teach you about our customs." Arya said.
"Fine then." Link relented. Arya then spent the next half hour telling Link about introductions and rank, and even the greeting in the ancient language. Link quickly grew frustrated by the number of requirements needed, and his mood wasn't brightened by Arya showing him the required hand gesture to show respect.
Is this all really necessary? Even my head hurts Shadow said.
Believe me, I know what you're feeling, and I don't like it anymore than you do Link said. When Arya told Link that he needed to know even more traditions and customs, his patience finally ran out.
"No, enough of this! When we enter Ellesmera, I will be with you, but in Shadow's form. This way, I don't have to learn anymore of these rediculous customs!" Link snapped.
"By doing so, you risk insulting the queen. Is that what you wish to do?" Arya asked coldly. Link stopped himself from saying anything else, took a few deep breaths, and pulled out the Orcania of Time. He thought about a melody to play, then just decided to play the one he thought sounded the most relaxing. He thought about it, and played the Minuet of Forest, the sound echoing throughout the forest they were in. The song worked wonders for him as he felt the frustration leave his body almost instantly. Arya's mood went from frustrated to soothed as well. After the song was finished, Link put away the orcania, then sat to face Arya once more, both of them feeling better.
"I do not wish to insult your queen, but I will if I'm forced to learn these traditions and customs. My mind is made up, and I'll be going as Shadow." Link said calmly.
"Looking back at it, that probably is best." Arya said, her clam demeanor back once more. Link piked some apples from a nearby tree, and after they both ate, they found the most comfortable patch of grass they could and slept. The next morning, Arya found that Link was awake and had already transformed. They set off at a run, and arrived at Ellesmera the day after. After Arya had the elf guard let them in (in order to protect themselves, the elves set up a guard so that nothing can enter unless he/she says so), they walked in. Arya lead the way while Link held back a bit, taking in the surroundings. He saw the trees, but saw that the elves had made the trees their homes, all perfectly and elegantly carved tree houses. It was as if the forest itself had grown them. Arya directed him to the palace, and up to the queen herself.
"Arya, I'm happy you were able to make it here so soon and unharmed." Islanzadi said.
"I didn't come alone." Arya said, pointing to Link next to her.
She had to call us out, didn't she? Shadow asked. Link had similar thoughts.
"You were accompanied by a wolf?" Islanzadi asked, confused.
"He is no ordianry wolf. He is a werewolf, able to transform at will. He is from a land named Hyrule, and is the leader of the new allies to the Varden Nasuada had talked about." Arya said.
"If he can tranform at will, why doesn't he turn back to normal now?" Islanzadi asked.
And there we are, the question bound to be asked Shadow said.
"He does not wish to offend you nor any of the other elves, so he keeps to himself in this form." Arya explained. Islanzadi, still unsatisfied, started to reach out with her mind.
I don't want her to inspect our mind. What should we do? Shadow asked.
Don't hurt her, but be firm enough to display the message clearly enough Link said. Shadow, in Link's mind, launched at Islanzadi's mental probe, stopping just short of it. Confusion emenated from her, and she tried to get passed it to Link's mind, but Shadow got in her way again.
"I'm not able to speak with him, but I don't sense any sheild around his mind." Islanzadi said.
"I don't think he wants you to enter his mind." Arya said.
"Very well, we have more important matters at the moment. I trust you know where the Sstone of Broken Eggs is?" Islanzadi asked. (A bad, terribly painful place where much dragon blood was shed in an elven ambush)
"Yes. Is that where...what is her name?" Arya asked.
"She has none, but has said she will allow whoeven beats her to name her. On that area is where she awaits her next challenge." Islanzadi said. Arya nodded and bowed, then left with Link at her heels. It took them half a day to reach the mountain, but the prize at the top was more than worth it. Arya mumbled a few words in the ancient language, and levitated herself with magic over the places where she could not climb over herself. Link, on the other hand, had no problem climbing in Shadow's form. He jumped and climbed, often having to stop and wait for Arya. Once they had reached the top, they were stunned to see the beauty of the white and golden streaked dragon, standing there waiting for them. Link, knowing this might be a long fight, found a flat surfaced boulder and curled up on it, while Arya went up to the dragon and bowed. She bowed back, and the fight began. Arya tried to use magic, but the dragon was too fast for her, and was forced to retreat from the jet of fire that erupted from her mouth. The flame followed her to the edge of the cliff, then stopped ubruptly as Arya was teatering on the edge. The dragon sprang forward, claws lifted up, and one came down quick as a flash, stopping just before her forehead. The dragon reached out to touch Arya's mind, and relayed a message that caused Arya to look stunned.
Dead She had said.
"I...I lost already? How is that possible?" Arya asked.
Do not worry. You lasted longer than the others She said.
"That is little comfort. To be bested so quickly, it doesn't feel right. This will not be good news for the Varden. It seems that I've just gone away for so long only to be faced with defeat." Arya said.
What about that one? I've hunted enough wolves to know that he is no wolf She said, looking at Link.
You want to face Link? Arya asked, daring to say it mentally this time.
It would give you another chance, right? She asked. She then walked over to the boulder and lowered one of her eyes to Link, both of them not blinking. After a moment, Link grew bored, and shifted so that the dragon was now staring at his back. She snorted angrily from being ignored, and released a small fire on the rock, heating it up quickly. Link yelped and leapt off quickly, blowing on his paws. He glared at the dragon, and charged, hitting her side. The blow sent her back farther than she thought it would, then tried to lift up her wings to fly. Link saw this, and lashed out with his claws, leaving large bloody striped on her left wing. She howled in pain, then released a jet of fire in retaliation, but was too slow. Link had transformed back to normal, and jumped onto her back. While the dragon tried her best to shake him off, Link held on with one hand, and drew the Master sword with another. He lowered it so that it was just touching her neck, and she stopped moving instantly.
"Dead." Link said, then got off, sheathing his sword as his did so.
"You...you won? You won!" Arya said, half disbelieving, half happy. The dragon reached out with her mind to touch Link's. and he let her.
You have defeated me. You are truely a powerful warrior, and I'm glad to be your dragon. Tell me, have you thought of a name? She asked.
When Islanzadi said you'd let your victor choose, a name did come to mind. How do you like being called Lyra? It means light in Hyrule Link said. (I don't care if it doesn't, I'm just saying that)
I like it, i like it a lot. I think we'll get along just fine Lyra said.
We might, but you and Shadow might not Link said.
Who's Shadow? Lyra asked.
You have much to learn about me Link said.

I have a Paolini plot twist coming, so don't go calling Link the next rider just yet
Once again, you've got me totally stoked!
Another Zelda character I'd love to see is the Fierce Deity from Majora's Mask. The guy's a total Bad-a**!
Forgive me if I'm annoying you.
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