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You aren't annoying me. It's people like you that make me realize someone is actually reading this and coming back for more

When I said don't call Link the next rider just yet, I had something really big planned, but it wouldn't have worked. I had planned on Galbatorix controlling Lyra and the elves temporarily, but I had nothing left to go with after that

Chapter 8: Complications, or jealousy?
You are the new rider of this land! I don’t recall that being on the to do list, but this may help us speed things up a bit Shadow said.
Who’s voice did I just hear? Lyra asked.
That, my dear Lyra, was Shadow Link said. While Link was still thinking about the event that had just happened, Arya was starting to grow impatient.
“Link, we must get going immediately! Queen Islanzadi needs to know of this as soon as possible.” Arya said.
I can fly us down there in next to no time at all Lyra said, to both Link and Arya.
“Then we must make haste. Link, get on Lyra.” Arya said. Link had a brief flash of reluctance on his face, but it went away far too quickly for anyone to catch it.
“No need. I can warp us there in no time at all.” Link said. He pictured the royal elven palace in his mind, then, at the snap of his fingers, a portal opened in the sky, and transported all three of them to the palace before Arya had time to blink. They landed right in front of Islanzadi, and the elf queen jumped in her seat, her calm composure disrupted by the sudden entrance.
“Oh! Arya, you were able to be victorious after all! This is wonderful news indeed!” Islanzadi said joyously.
“Actually, it was-“
“This will surely end the tyrant’s reign for certain! With you and Eragon working together, we are assured victory!” Islanzadi continued.
“Well, I didn’t-“
“I must tell Nasuada of this immediately! Quickly, get me something I can use to-“
Would you stop talking and listen to Arya! Lyra snapped. Islanzadi froze for a second, then returned back to her calm demeanor, her face blank, but her eyes waiting impatiently.
“I…didn’t win against Lyra.” Arya confessed.
“Lyra? Oh, her. Well then, someone must have, or she wouldn’t have a name. And who, might I ask, is this young man?” Islanzadi asked, referring to Link.
He, your highness, is the true victor in our fight, and is my rider Lyra said. This news didn’t, as Arya thought it would, make her happy. Instead, Islanzadi looked confused.
“But…that can’t be right. He, while he is an elf, was not part of our treaty years ago.” Islanzadi said. (I think I already mentioned it, if not tell me and I will explain it if needed). Now it was Arya’s turn to be confused.
“I thought that elves in general were able to be riders, like humans are. Why can’t Link be the new rider?” Arya asked.
“I might have just met him, but I can already tell he is not from Alagaesia, where our pact was forged. Tell me, where are you from?” Islanzadi asked.
“I come from Hyrule.” Link said simply, neither hostile, but not friendly either.
“I see. I’ve heard of Hyrule, but do not know much. However, from what I was able to gather, you are a race of mainly humans, with only the occasional elf, correct?” Islanzadi asked. Link nodded, his face not betraying any emotion.
“Am I also correct in saying that Hylians also believe they were created by three goddesses?”Islanzadi asked.
“It is there I must say you are not. Hyrule was forged by Din, Nayru and Farore, but not the Hylians themselves.” Link said.
“I see. The point I am trying to make here, is that your kind cannot become riders, for your kind were not part of our pact.” Islanzadi said. Before another word was said, Lyra growled deeply. A marvelous growl it was, steady at one volume, covered in pure defiance and daring. It lasted for but one minute, but it got the point across perfectly. Lyra was not happy with the queen’s words.
I don’t remember asking you for permission. I set the circumstances for who I’d choose as my rider, and they were met by Link. I gave every of your kind a fair try, but none of them, not even this one named Arya, was able to present even the slightest challenge to me. I defeated everyone of them in a matter of seconds. I was then defeated in a matter of seconds by Link, and it was then I knew I’d made the right choice. By choosing those conditions, I was able to see who was strong of heart and courage, and who was not. Link met my test and beat it, and so I have chosen him as my rider, whether you like it or not. Now, I mean you no disrespect, but I’ll thank you kindly to please stop trying to interfere in my decision Lyra said. Islanzadi looked like she’d just been slapped, while Link felt touched, but was careful to hide it, so as not to aggravate Islanzadi any further.
“I beg your pardon Skulblaka(dragon in the ancient language), I meant no harm in my words.” Islanzadi said. Lyra nodded, letting her know she was forgiven.
“However, we still face the issue I was mentioning. Because Link’s kind was not involved in our treaty, he cannot receive the gedwey ignasia(shining palm, also the mark of a dragon rider), and that is a crucial part of being a dragon rider.” Islanzadi said.
“How do I obtain this mark?” Link asked.
“It is usually done by touching a dragon hatchling, but other than Saphira’s magical branding on but one occasion, it is impossible to get one any other way than to have the dragon give you one.” Islanzadi said. Link looked at Lyra questioningly.
“How is she supposed to give me that mark?” Link asked.
Like this Lyra bent her head down to touch Link’s right hand, and, at the point of contact, it felt as if a red hot wire was being dragged along Link’s hand. Lyra, however, didn’t get off easy either. The triforce reacted to the sudden invasion of foreign magic, and a tiny fragment escaped into Lyra. Lyra roared in pain as the triforce mark was engraved on her forehead. When both marks were finished, they were panting heavily. On Link’s hand, a misshaped oval was engraved, still burning slightly. On Lyra’s forehead, the three triangles were displayed, but only the triforce of Wisdom lit up dimly. Seeing this, Link looked at his triforce and lit it up. All three responded, but the triforce of Wisdom on his hand was slightly less bright compared to the others.
“What…what just happened?” Islanzadi asked, voicing the thoughts of Arya and the other elves in the room.
“I think some of my magic entered Lyra when hers entered me.” Link said.
And the mark? Lyra asked.
Comes with the magic Link said, showing Lyra his triforce mark. Still though, if any were to choose you, I would have bet it would have been Wisdom
“We’d better head back to the Varden soon. Nasuada needs to know about this, and Link and Lyra should get trained by Eragon as soon as possible.” Arya said.
“Trained? What do I need to learn from him?” Link asked.
“Magic, that’s what. Also, Lyra should see what Saphira can teach her.” Arya said.
“You’ll need about a little over a weeks worth of provisions.” Islanzadi said.
“Again, no need. Good-bye your highness.” Link said, bowing sltightly. He snapped his fingers once more, and the three of them were gone just like that.
Perhaps that elf doesn’t need training if he is able to do something of that magnitude Islanzadi thought to herself.
Chapter 9: Dragon Rider 101
Link, Arya, and Lyra landed directly in front of Tierm, but found it to be deserted.
Why have we arrived here? I thought we were going to the Varden Lyra said.
"Isn't this where the Varden were?" Link asked.
"I was afraid of this." Arya sighed. Link shot a questioning look at her, but she didn't say anything else. Instead, she dug a hole in the ground and filled it with water by magic.
"Draumr Kopa." (Dream Stare, used for scrying). An image of the Varden appeared after the water had turned pitch black.
"They aren't too far from here. I'd say that they are less than one league away, probably haven't even reached the exit of the mountains yet. We can catch them easily by the end of the day if we hurry." Arya said.
If we must rush, could someone fix my wing? Lyra asked. Link winced a little, remembering that he had clawed Lyra's wing, and hadn't healed her yet.
"Allow me. This doesn't seem like a serious wound, so it will be easy to fix. Waise heill." (Be healed, a healing spell with limited ability to heal) Arya said. The wounds on Lyra's wing closed up quickly, and she was soon fully healed. She stretched her wing out, testing it until she was satisfied.
"Now then, if we fly, we should be able to be there in a few hours." Arya said. Another flash of reluctance appeared on Link's face, but lingered just a bit longer this time. Luckily, niether Lyra nor Arya had seen it. Link transformed into Shadow, and ran.
"Or, we could run and be there later." Arya said. It took them hours of running, but at last, they saw the Varden making their way across the field with Saphira and Thorn clearly visible at the front. They put on an extra burst of speed, and soon caught up with the Varden as they were beginning to make camp for the night. Link transformed back to normal, and was then grabbed by his wrist by Arya and dragged to Nasuada's tent. Lyra followed, parlty because her rider was going and partly because she was curious. Once they entered the tent, Nasuada was in the middle of speaking with King Orrin and King Ralis. The Patriarch was, Link guessed, with the dwarves. Nasuada stopped mid-sentence as Arya barged into her tent, and was nearly jumped, nearly, when she saw Lyra snake her head in through the tent entrance.
"Arya, you managed to defeat the dragon? This is wonderful news!" Nasuada cheered.
"However did you do it?" Orrin asked.
"Why did you bring Link here?" Ralis asked. Arya let Link tell the story, and when he was finished, Nasuada wasn't sure what to say, but Ralis patted Link on the back and congratulated him. Orrin was just as stumped as Nasuada, but did his best to hide it, and simply waited for the next person to speak. Finally, Nasuada broke the silence.
"King Ralis, would you please go fetch Eragon and Saphira?"
"Sure. I'm tired anyway, so I'll be retiring to my tent afterwards." Ralis said, then left. It was another ten, silent minutes before Eragon struggled past Lyra to get into the tent. Lyra moved to the side when she felt someone else try to get in, and was pleasantly surprised to see Saphira, another dragon.
I haven't seen any other dragons in my life! I was starting tot hink that I'd become the last one. It's a pleasure to meet you, my name is Lyra Lyra said.
Hello, and do not worry, there aren't many of us, but you are not the last dragon. My name is Saphira, a pleasure to meet you Saphira said. Though her words were calm, Eragon sensed through their mental bond that Saphira was nearly overcome with joy at meeting another of her kind. That joy made Eragon grin, mostly because he had rarely seen her so happy before.
"I was told that there was a new rider, and am I right in saying that it's Arya?" Eragon asked. Arya shook her head, and Link held up his hand, revealing to Eragon his mark. To prove it further, Link showed Eragon his triforce mark, then pointed to Lyra's forhead, where the same mark dimly glowed in a golden light. Eragon was just as speechless as Nasuada and Orrin.
Stop gawking Eragon. As long as Link is on our side, does it truely matter if he is the new rider? Even if it was Arya, we'd still have to train her, even if it would be just a little bit of training. Saphira said.
You're right Saphira, but I'm just surprised. I would have been willing to bet that Arya would have been able to win against Lyra Eragon said.
Then it is a good thing you aren't a gambling type of person. Link is the new rider, not Arya, and we can do nothing about it except train them to be a proper rider and dragon Saphira said. Eragon nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder, then face Link.
"Since you have become the new rider, it falls upon Saphira and I to train you and Lyra." Eragon said.
"And I will assist as well." Arya said. Link felt quite a bit of irritation, half from Shadow and half from him.
"Do we get no say in this?" Link asked.
"We didn't." Eragon said. Shadow, however, still felt defiant, but Link kept him at bay for the moment, and decided to see how things would play out.
"Fine, we'll train with you." Link said.
"Good. We should start tomorrow morning." Eragon said, then left. He stopped when he realized Saphira wasn't following him, and turned back to see her still with Lyra, no doubt talking to each other.
I hope she can keep herself focused when training her Eragon thought to himself.
I heard that Saphira said.

The next morning, Link and Lyra were up and about, as was Eragon, Saphira and Arya.
"I will train you, Link, in magic and the ancient language. Saphira will take Lyra and train her in combat skills and aereal maneuvers." Eragon said. Lyra nodded, and took off with Saphira.
"Now, most riders usually have to wait quite a long time before they are taught how to use magic, but in your case, we cannot wait. I want you to pick up a stone and levitate it by saying Stenr Risa(stone, rise)." Eragon said. Link picked up a small stone and uttered the words, but nothing happened. Frowning, Link tried again, but didn't get any results. He lit up his triforce dimly enough so that the light wouldn't be seen by Eragon or Arya, and said the words again. This time, the stone shot up five feet, and stayed there until Link released the magic of his triforce.
"You got that down much sooner than I expected." Eragon said, impressed.
"Perhaps too soon." Arya said.
"What do you mean?" Eragon asked.
"Eragon, you much know that he didn't use the magic he was supposed to. I didn't sense any magic, and neither did you." Arya said. Link shot a frustrated glance at Arya.
"How did you make the stone levitate then?" Eragon asked.
"I used my magic." Link said. Still not satisfied, Link showed them his triforce mark, and they understood immediately.
"You can't rely on that type of magic forever. You must learn how to use our brand of magic to be a true rider." Arya said.
"I don't see why. My magic is just as good as yours if not better." Link said.
"I doubt that." Eragon said. Link took that as a challenge. He snapped his fingers, and reappeared behind them in a matter of seconds.
"Can your magic do that?" Link asked.
"Yes. Arya, would you do the honors?" Eragon asked. Arya mumbled a few words in the ancient language, and warped herself behind Link just as quick.
"Okay then. Can your magic levitate people?" Link asked. Eragon muttered a few words, and was hovering in mid air for a few seconds, then released the magic.
"I don't have to use magic for that." Link said. He pulled out a pair of boots from the bag Zelda had given him, and put them on. He jumped up, but didn't come down. He was hovering in the air, kept up by the boots' magic. He took them off when he was done making his point.
"How is it possible to have an item use magic?" Eragon asked.
"Come now Eragon, should this be that surprising to you? Remember how Murtagh used an item to heal Thorn in one of your fights?" Arya said.
"Right. Anyway, can your magic forge a blade as magnificent as this?" Eragon asked, wielding Brasingr.
"Yes, and it can top it." Link said, weilding the Master Sword.
"An elf-forged blade never dulls, doen't stain or brake no matter how old it may be." Arya said.
"This sword is over a millenea old, and still shines as if it was made yesterday. I have fought so many opponents with this sword, and it has no dents or damage of any kind." Link said.
"So, our blades are equal." Eragon said.
"Not quite. This sword is one of a kind, but it chooses it's wielder, not the other way around." Link said.
"What do you mean?" Arya asked. Link sunk the sword about an inch and a half deep into the ground, and guestured for Eragon and Arya to try to remove it. Both of them tried, but were baffled by how resistant it was, especially being barely in the ground in the first place.
"You see? It chooses, it does not get chosen." Link said, pulling the sword up with ease.
"Okay, but that would make my blade superior, for any may wield it in times of trouble." Eragon said.
"No. This blade has two names. It is refered to as the Master Sword, for it is the best blade ever. It is also called the Blade of Evils Bane, for this sword has enough power to banish evil with a simple touch. This sword, forged by the sages of old, is justice itself." Link said.
"Sages of old? Who are they?" Arya asked.
"Perhaps it is I who should be teaching you two." Link said.
Chapter 10: Hero's vertigo
Saphira and Lyra came back a few hours later to find Link, Arya and Eragon teaching each other about the other's homeland.
I thought you would be teaching him, not the other way around Saphira said.
This is probably the best way to start out his lessons. While he's telling me about Hyrule, I'm telling him about Alagaesian history, so I am teaching him Eragon said.
If you say so Saphira said. Arya looked up an noticed Saphira and Lyra were back, said her goodbyes, and left to get some food. While Eragon watched her go, Link went over to Lyra and scratched her neck.
How'd you do? Link asked.
Saphira said she was impressed by my natural flying ability, but I still have much to learn Lyra responded.
Is that a compliment or not? Link asked.
I don't know, but decided to take it as a compliment Lyra said.
Keep up that perspective, and you'll only hear what you wish to Link said.
Why thank you, my scales are beautiful aren't they? Lyra said. Link grinned and scratched harder.
You should learn how to ride her tomorrow Link Saphira said.
How? I know Eragon rides you with a saddle, but I only have one for Epona, and I doubt it will fit Lyra Link said. Saphira heard something else in his words, but put it aside to deal with later.
Eragon learned how to makeone, and I'm sure he'd be willing to assist you with that Saphira said. With that said, she left to hunt, Eragon left to eat, and Lyra decided to follow Saphira, leaving Link alone with Shadow in his head.
I don't think she can take a hint, subtle as it was Shadow said.
I don't know what you're talking about Link said.
Come on Link, we share the same mind remember? I know you don't want to fly, so just come clean about why not Shadow said.
We have the same mind, remember? You already know the answer. I don't want to fly because I'm used to being on the ground. I fight on the ground. I'm not afraid of hieghts, but I don't wish to fly amongst the clouds either Link said.
It's okay, neither do I. I run on the ground. I cannot imagine me flying, but then again, I'm not the dragon rider, am I? Shadow said.
Don't remind me. I don't see how I can possibly talk my way out of it Link said.
Don't talk, just refuse. You are the head of the army here, and can withdraw your army at any time you wish. It may go against Zelda's wishes, but I think your reluctance to cooperate will have a large effect on them Shadow said.
Shadow, you know I'm not the head of the army. You knwo I'm not the prince of Hyrule. And, you know I really can't disobey princess Zelda Link said.
True. Still, you can refuse to continue this training. You aren't obligated to do anything for them Shadow said.
Somehow, I think the Varden expect me to do this Link said.
They shouldn't. You came here of your own free will to aid them. They can't ask for much more than that Shadow said.
To be fair, we came here to destroy them, then decided to stay and help Link said.
Making a point here. What I'm trying to say is, you owe nothing to them, and you don't have to do anything they want you to. To stop this training doesn't go against princess Zelda, and you don't have to fly Shadow said.
You know what? You're right. I'll tell Eragon tomorrow that I'm not doing this and see how that goes. If you're right, they can't say anything in their defense Link said. Tomorrow came, and Link told Eragon he refused to ride Lyra. Link was right, as neither Eragon, Saphira, nor even Arya had anything to say, but they sure weren't happy about it.
"Why won't you?" Was all Eragon could manage.
"I have no wish to fly, that's all." Link said.
"You have to in order to become a true rider!" Arya said.
"I never said I wished to be a rider, did I?" Link asked. It took Arya a moment to think about what to say next, and when she did eventually find her voice, Link could tell she was very annoyed and quite possibly frustrated.
"Look, if you are to truely help us win the war, you must learn how to fly Lyra." Arya said in very, very forced calm voice.
"You have two riders already, why do you need a third? Lyra is perfectly able to assist you from the air with Saphira and Thorn, and I'm much better on my feet than a dragon's wings." Link said. Arya let out a grunt of frustration and went away to calm herself.
"Link, you must do this, for the good of the Varden. You're being unreasonable about this. Tell me, why don't you want to fly?" Eragon asked.
"I'm a fighter on the ground, not the air. I told you about the time I went to the city in the sky, correct? I had to...'fly' to get there, and hated every second of it." Link said. (He got shot out a big cannon).
"How did you fly there?" Eragon asked.
"A big cannon." Link said. (Ha, told you so! You guys need to listen to me more often).
"Well, in case you haven't noticed, a dragon is different from a cannon." Eragon said.
"Time in the air is still time in the air." Link said.
"You don't understand it Link. I wasn't too crazy about flying either, but when Saphira...er, 'convinced' me, I loved it a lot." Eragon said. (She trapped him under her claws and refused to let him up until he promised to fly with her the very next day).
"And by convince, you mean..."
"Yep, she trapped me under her claw." Eragon said. (Told you, AGAIN!).
"Well, it's a good thing I'm able to avoid Lyra if she were to try anything like that." Link said. Out of nowhere, Lyra swooped dwon and landed behind Link, and pinned him to the ground on his stomach.
You were saying? Lyra asked.
You have the worst timing, you know that? Link asked.
"Well, it seems you'll be flying her today after all." Eragon said.
"No, I don't think I will." Link said. He pushed against the ground with all the strength he could muster, and freed himself from Lyra's grasp. Lyra, after a quick moment to take in the fact that Link was that strong, tried to trap him again, but Link avoided her, dodging to the side. Annoyed at this point, Lyra let loose a small jet of fire, which Link jumped high into the air to avoid. Seeing her chance, Lyra dashed under Link, and just as he landed, took off into the air as quickly as she could.
I can't believe I fell for that Link said.
Me neither, but you don't have to stay on her you know. We've jumped off a bridge into a shallow lake Shadow said. Link looked down, and saw that he was only a few feet off the ground, but climbing fast. Link leapt off Lyra, to the surprise of everyone, and landed safely on the ground.
"Did you just jump off her? In the air?!?" Eragon asked, stupified.
"I've have many worse jumps. Here she comes again." Link said. Lyra swooped down and landed right in front of Link, truely not knowing what to do next.
"I can't believe that there is someone who doesn't want to be a dragon rider. If he resents flying so much that he would jump off his dragon in the air, I think Lyra's choice was poor." Arya said.
Arya, is it wise to speak to him so harshly? Saphira asked.
"Saphira, Link has clearly demonstrated his lack of interest in being a rider. I think that I'd better take Lyra instead. I'd be a better rider than him any day." Arya said.
"Oh is that right?" Link asked.
Don't fall for it Shadow warned.
"Yes. I think that you are unfit to be a rider, and demand you step aside to let someone who knows what they are doing and wants to be a rider take over." Arya said.
She's bluffing Shadow said.
"I don't think so. Besides, Lyra chose me and wouldn't let you be her rider." Link said.
There we go Link Shadow said.
Actually, if you really detest being a rider this much, perhaps i should choose Arya Lyra said. Link was at a loss for words, definetely not expecting that. After mulling it over, Link let out a heavy, reluctant sigh.
"Fine! Okay, if you really need me to learn this, then fine, I will." Link said.
And he fell for it Shadow said.
What do you mean fell for it? Link asked.
Lyra would never abandon you! I bet she and Arya had this planned out when Arya left to calm herself Shadow said. Realization hit Link like a ton of bricks, and he slapped his forehead hard.
I can't believe I fell for that Link said.
Me neither Link, me neither Shadow said.
I just realized this, and am a little ashamed of it. Thorn, red. Lyra, white. Saphira, blue. I'm american, should've seen that sooner. Oh what the heck, I have to now. Three cheers to the Thorn Lyra and Saphira! HA! My worst, count it, worst pun yet! YES! No one can do worse than that, no one!

Chapter 11: High in the sky
Link, having fallen right into Lyra and Arya's trap, reluctantly got on Lyra and braced himself as she took off quickly. Lyra rushed her take off because she thought Link may try to jump off again, and he was seriously considering it. Eragon and Saphira joined them in the air shortly afterwards, and the lesson was underway.
"Link, first off, you have to relax. Lyra won't let you fall off." Eragon instructed. Link wasn't too convinced, but loosened up nonetheless.
"Now, lets try and get you comfortable in the air by flying around for a bit." Eragon said. Saphira swerved and flew away, Lyra following her slowly. Link was gripping a spike on her neck to keep himself upright, but tried his best to relax for Lyra's sake. After a half hour of flying, Saphira stopped, as did Lyra.
"Now then, you'll have to learn how to avoid an opponent in the air. You'll need to get comfortable enough to stay up on Lyra when she is dodging attacks. Lets start off with something basic, then slowly move up." Eragon said. Lyra started flying again, then veared to her left sharply without warning. Link gripped harder on the spike, but was able to stay upright with little trouble. Lyra, happy with that result, tried something more complicated. She flew faster, building up speed, and Link was still holding on. Pleased, Lyra flew straight up. Link, not expecting that, nearly lost his grip, but kept a hold on her.
A little much, don't you think? Link asked.
I've seen your memories. You've been through so much more than a simple thing like this Lyra said. Link couldn't find an arguement, and simply agreed. Now, Lyra tried something a little advanced. She flew upside-down for just a brief second before finishing her loop. However, in that second, Link was shaken off and as falling fast to the ground.
The Deku Leaf! Shadow said quickly. Link pulled it out and extended it, and was immediately slowed as he glided back to the ground. (I wanted it in there, that's why). Upon landing, Lyra, Eragon and Saphira landed and rushed to him.
Are you alright? Lyra asked.
Alright? Yes. Happy? No Link said.
"Link, how did you do that?" Eragon asked.
"This is the Deku leaf, a gift from the Great Deku Tree. I'm able to use it to glide through the air for a set amount of time, as it doesn't keep me up in the air forever." Link said, showing them the leaf, now back to it's original shape.
Link, I'm so sorry that happened! I didn't know you'd fall off, I swear Lyra said.
I'm aware you didn't mean to hurt me, or I'd be furious. However, I think I'm done for the day Link said, then walked away.
"Where are you going?" Eragon asked.
"To eat. After that, I don't know." Link said. Before Eragon could stop him, Arya grabbed his arm and shook her head.

Thank the goddesses for the Deku Tree Shadow said.
Amen Link said.
I really think you should try to get out of any further flying after that Shadow said.
Believe me, I know. However, they'll no doubt try to force me into it again soon enough Link said. Link wandered around until he found the food tent. After he ate, Link decided to train, not wanting to be out of practice. He found the sparring field easily, and found Murtagh fighting a soldier. Murtagh lunged, parried, and deflected every blow the soldier could possibly try, until Murtagh apparently grew bored with him and pinned the soldier with his sword in a matter of seconds.
"Who's next?" Murtagh asked. Link stepped up to face him.
"Ah, just who I've been looking for. I want a rematch after that fight in the palace." Murtagh said.
"Bring it on." Link said, The two readied themselves, waiting for the other to make the first move. All the while, Thorn was watching them from the sidelines, waiting to see who will strike first. Link made the first move, leaping forward, Murtagh rose his sword just in time to block the attack, but was unprepared for Link's follow up attack. Link swung his sword upward and curved it so the tip was above Murtagh's head, then brought it down to a hair above his skull.
"Dead." Link said. Murtagh grunted in frustration.
"I can't believe I lost again!" Murtagh said.
"You just need practice." Link said.
"That's what I've been doing. Since I came back to the Varden, I've been here, training with the rest of the soldiers." Murtagh said.
"Okay, you need more practice." Link said.
"Yeah. Although, I bet I can beat you in the air. Come on, I'll get on Thorn and you get on...where is Lyra?" Murtagh asked.
"I tried flying today, fell off. Said I was done for the day then left." Link stated.
"Oh. Well, perhaps a brake is what is best after that." Murtagh said.
"My thoughts exactly." Link said. He left Murtagh then, letting him get back to training, and wandered around some more. He saw that the Gorons were still with the dwarves, and that the Zoras were still with the elves.
Seems like they are getting along quite well Link thought. He even saw Ilia in the healing tent working on some of the wounded, but deicded not to distract her. After a few more hours, the sun was nearly gone as night was setting quickly, so Link headed back to his tent. After a few minutes, he saw the outline of Lyra curling up next to his tent, but not a word was said from her.
I think this area is a little dry, don't you? I wonder when this place last had rain Shadow said. Link grinned at his suggestion, then, after having the memory of him falling flash through his mind again, pulled out the Orcania of Time. He put it up to his mouth and played the Song of Storms, and heard thunder rumble in the distance. He saw Lyra lift up her head, probably looking at the rain coming. He finished the song just as the first of many drops of rain fell.

Ugh! Not this again! Saphira said. She thrusted her head into Eragons tent to prevent it from getting wet, but wasn't able to keep the rest of her dry.
Hello to you too Eragon said.
That acursed storm is back, and I don't want to get completely soaked this time Saphira said. Eragon shrugged and said nothing more on the matter.
Do you think Link will fly Lyra again tomorrow? Eragon asked.
I severely doubt it. I flew with Lyra after Link left, and she said she didn't think he would either Saphira said.
He needs to learn this though. It could be a huge advantage for the Varden if he does Eragon said.
True, but isn't having him and his army here already an advantage? Eragon, we didn't have a choice in the matter, but something seems different about their case. It feels like they can actually choose Saphira said.
Maybe, maybe not. I'll talk to Arya tomorrow about it Eragon said.
Oh, and could you also ask her whay these storms keep appearing?!? Saphira asked.
Sure, but I doubt she knows why Eragon said.

The next morning, everything was soaked and drenched. Lyra fanned her wings to dry them and flew off for a while to dry the rest of her. Saphira was just plain not in a good mood, as her wings were freezing cold, and anning them did little to improved that. She flew off with Lyra once she had fanned her wings, and soon met up with Thorn, who was also drenched.
I have gone underwater, and I've still never been this wet Saphira grumbled.
I know what you mean. I wish Link didn't play that song Lyra said.
What? What do you mean? Did Link have something to do with those storms? Saphira asked.
Yes. He played the Song of Storms, which, as the name implies, summons up a powerful rain storm Lyra said.
You don't say. Well, it seems that I'll have to have a chat with Link later about these storms of his Saphira said.
Uh-oh. Don't be too hard, you never did tell him you hated storms, right? So, he didn't know you would be so angry Lyra said.
Of course, I'll be gentle as ever Saphira said.
That's what worries me Lyra thought to herself.
I take it you are enjoying this story then?

Chapter 12: A rider's battle
Once Saphira, Lyra and Thorn were dry, Thorn went back to Murtagh while Saphira and Lyra went looking for Link, but for different reasons. They eventually found him back at the sparring yard, and everyone stopped when they saw Saphira and Lyra approach. Link turned, wondering why they were stopping, and nearly bumped into Saphira as she was so close to him.
I'd like to talk to you Saphira said in a forced calm tone.
"About what?" Link asked.
About you summoning those accursed storms! I hate getting drenched, and recommend you don't do it again Saphira said threateningly.
"Ah, that. Well, alright, I'll stop. I don't truely have any reason to play it again anyway." Link responded before returning his attention to his sparring partner. Saphira blinked, amazed at how easily that was taken care of.
Link? I'd like to talk to you as well Lyra said.
"About what?" Link asked. Lyra flinched at bit. Link had refraimed from speaking to Saphira mentally because it was considered rude to do so without the rider's permission. However, to refuse to speak mentally to her meant he was still mad.
I want you to know that I'm sorry for what happened, but you must know I didn't do it on purpose, so why are you still mad? Lyra asked.
"I'm very aware you didn't do it in purpose, and that is all that was keeping you alive." Link said.
What? Surely you don't think you could kill a dragon, let alone your own Saphira interrupted. Lyra, having seen all of Link's memories, sent Saphira the memory of Link killing the Twilight Dragon.
Oh. So you can kill a dragon. Still, you wouldn't have done it to your own Saphira said.
"If Lyra had tried to kill me, then yes, I would have, but that was not the case. I'm not angry, but I'm not happy either. I just can't feel comfortable in the air, that is all." Link said.
Then why won't you speak to me mentally? Lyra asked.
Better? Link asked.
A little Lyra said. Before Link or Lyra could continue talking, an alarm sounded throughout the Varden, bringing everyone to stop whatever they were doing and run to Nasuada. Once everyone was at attention, Nasuada, along with King Orrin, Patriarch, and Ralis, quieted the crowd quickly.
"People of the Varden, I have terrible news. A massive army of Galbatorix's has arrived to try to stop our movement, and I fear the numbers are huge. I have been told it was, at the bare minimum, 100,000, quite possibly much more than that." Nasuada said gravely. Paniced chatter erupted amongst the crowd, and it took another five minutes to quiet them down again.
"However, there is some good news, though it is slim. Galbatorix himself is not with that army, of that I'm sure." Nasuada said. That did little to reasure the Varden though, as frowns and fear were still quite visible.
"WWe have fought an army this size before and won, and now we have new and powerful allies to help us. With everyone fighting, I'm sure we can prevail once more!" Nasuada said. The Varden cheered at her enthusiasm, and started to prepare for the long fight that awaited them. Once the crowd dispersed, Eragon and Murtagh, along with Saphira and Thorn, walked over to the tent to discuss with Nasuada further. Inside waiting for them was Arya, Patriarch, Ralis, Orrin, and Orik.
Where are Link and Lyra? Saphira asked, voicing Eragon's thoughts.
"I'm not sure, but they need to be here. I've sent someone to fetch them just now." Arya said.
"We must wait for them then? At least tell me this; how long before the battle?" Murtagh asked.
"Dawn tomorrow." Nasuada said. Link was pushed through the tent, and Lyra's head managed to find it's way in with Saphira's and Thorn's.
"You wanted to talk to me?" Link asked.
"Yes. As a rider, you need to be here along with Eragon and Murtagh." Nasuada said.
"Okay, I'll remember that. Still though, what do you want from me?" Link asked.
"The members of your army maybe aliied with me, but they simply refuse to do as I command. I need you to lead your army of soldiers during the battle, seeing as they won't listen to me." Nasauda said.
"That can be arranged, though that is what Bane is for." Link said.
"Still, I think they'd rather be lead by you, and would fight much harder." Nasuada said.
"I will lead them." Link promised.
"Good. Now, I also need you to be linked to Eragon and Saphira, incase they need to call you in for battle." Nasauda said.
"That, however, is a little too far. Why must I be linked to them? Eragon has Murtagh for support incase things get too serious." Link said.
"This is strictly just precautionary, but I still need you to cooperate, please." Nasuada said.
"Alright, it will help in the battle. What of Lyra though?" Link asked.
"Well, I had assumed you'd be riding her in battle." Nasuada said.
"You'd be wrong. I'm a land fighter, and too inexperienced to fight in the air." Link said.
He refuses to practice, so what do you expect? Saphira commented.
"Link...do what you wish, but prepare immediately for a long fight." Nasuada said. Link nodded and warped out, though Lyra remained where she was.
"Aren't you going to go with him?" Arya asked.
I'm stuck Lyra said, struggling to get loose. Her scales scratched against Saphira's, though after enough wiggling, she managed to escape.
That reminds me when you were trapped in that tree in Ellesmera Eragon said with a grin.
Ofcourse you'd bring that up Saphira snorted.
"The rest of us must prepare as well." Arya said. They nodded in agreement, and departed.

The Varden was a buzz with movement as they all gathered supplies and everything else they needed. It was midnight before things finally settled down, but not completely as a few people were still about. Angela(some call her a whitch, she spescializes in potions and poisons, and fighting. She isn't right in the head though, but she is sane enough to be clever when she wants to. Solembun, the Werecat that accompanies her, (werecat-half human, half cat, duh) is just as intelligent, though prefers to keep to himself mostly) had snuck off to the enemy camp to poison their food, just like she had last time, and an hour after she got back, loud screams of pain and horror filled the air. Many of the enemy had died, though plenty were still alive. Finally, dawn broke, and the two armies lined up to face each other, both one league apart from the other. A horn sounded from the enemy, and the two armies charged into battle. A huge boulder fired up and into the air, hurtling straigh towards the Varden. Many ran to avoid it, but they needen't have worried. Link pulled out a Bomb Arrow, and fired, destroying the rock in seconds, leaving only a few harmless pebbles falling from the sky. The Hyrulian soldiers cheered loudly, but got back to fighting as they saw the enemy approaching rapidly. Soon, the two armies collided, and the sounds of swords clashing against each other rung throughout the area for miles. After an hour of endless fighting, neither side had given an inch, though the Varden didn't look like they could hold up much longer.
"Lord Link, what must we do?" Bane asked.
"Spread out and encircle them! Don't let them overwhelm you at all!" Link shouted. Bane relayed the orders, and the soldiers followed them perfectly. Soon, the rest of the Varden had picked up on Links strategy, and started to encircle the enemy, taking them out far easier. Things were going great, until multiple spears shot up into the sky. They didn't look very big, but once they got closer to earth, they were rapidly growing in size until it looked like one of them could take out fifty men.
"Lord Link, can you shoot them down?" Bane asked. Link was already on it, and was aiming his arrows as he spoke. He fired several arrows at once, each of them exploding violently on contact. Just when they thought they were done with them, several more spears rained down from where one had been destroyed.
"It was a trap! Everyone, shields up!" Link yelled. His soldiers lifted their shields above their heads, and were just in time too. The spears crached down on the shields, denting them to the point where they were nearly broken, but they managed to hold up. One spear, however, got deflected and was sent hurtling toward Link. He knew he didn't have time to get out his shield or to run away. Just when he was nearly hit, Bane leapt out in front of him and took the spear right in his rib cage.
"Bane!" Link yelled. Bane didn't respond, nor did he breath. The spear had gone clean through him, leaving blood pouring out.
"Bane, why?" Link said. Rage swirled inside of him, and located Lyra with a flick of his mind. He warped to her, just in time to slash a soldier. Link made quick work of the enemies that were surrounding her, astinishing Lyra at his speed and power.
Lyra! Lets go! Now! Link said.
Where? Lyra asked.
We are going to finish this fight here and now! Link said. Link then took off at a run, Lyra close behind him, charging towards the center of the enemy lines. Just when they opposing army was aiming at him, Link stopped and jumped backwards high enough that he landed on Lyra.
Get up high Lyra, this will be big Link said. Lyra complied, flying higher and higher until Link told her to stop. He pulled out his bow and a few bomb arrows, aimed, and let loose a shower of explosive arrows on them. Upon making contact with either the ground or a soldier, they exploded violently, taking out many more soldiers near them. When the last explosion happened, there were massive gaps in their army, and the Varden were quickly taking care of the remaining ones.
And you didn't do that before because... Lyra asked.
I wasn't sure if it would do any good, not knowing if they'd explode before they hit the ground or even get close enough to do any real damage. Plus, those were my last ones, and I wanted to save them for emergencies, but one arose faster than I thought Link responded.
Well, looks like you turned the tide in a big way. We are now winning easily Lyra said cheerfully.
Yeah, too bad Bane didn't make it Link said gravely. Lyra's cheer evaporated, leaving only simpathy for Link's lost friend. It took another hour, but at last, the Varden had forced a retreat and surrender of the other army, and won.
Link, I just realized. You were riding me in that battle without any hesitation Lyra said, some of her cheer coming back.
So I was Link said.
Maybe you'll fly with me more often now Lyra said.
Maybe Lyra, just maybe Link said.
This maybe off topic, but I know when the fourth book is coming out! Inheritance will hit USA on November 8th 2011.
FINALLY!!!!!!!Big GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig GrinBig Grin
Devoted fan of the Eragon series?
Chapter 13: Clean-up
Link, followed by Lura, surveyed the effects of the battle they had just fought. Link took a head count of his own men, and was relieved to see that no one had been killed. No one but Baine that is. Walking around, Link told every Hyrulian soldier he met to gather at his tent at sun down for Baine's funeral.
So much damage done to us, yet how much have we done to them? Link asked.
No matter who we are facing, the number we have beaten has no doubt put a large dent in their forces at the minimum Lyra said. Link nodded.

Back at Nasuada's tent, she, along with Arya and Eragon were discussing the damages done by the battle.
"I can't believe Galbatorix could get that many people to fight for him again!" Eragon said.
"I know what you mean Eragon, but we can add that to the list of things we have yet to know." Nasuada said.
"With so much damage, we need time to recover and to bury the dead. We won't be able to move the Varden for a while yet." Arya said.
"True, but cannot sit here for long." Nasuada said.
How many men did Link lose? Saphira asked. When Eragon repeated her question, Nasuada had Farica, her hand maid, fetch Link. After ten minutes, she returned empty-handed.
"Where is he?" Eragon asked.
"He said he refused to come with me, but did tell me how many he lost. He said he lost only one man, but he lost the captain of his army." Farica said.
"A bad loss indeed, but to only lose one man in a battle like that is truely incredible." Nasuada said.
"What shall we do now?" Eragon asked.
"For now, we must focus on healing our wounded and burrying our dead as soon as possible." Nasuada said. Eragon and Arya nodded, then left to get some well earned rest.
"Farica, remind me to ask Link what type of training his soldiers do. If we had that kind of power and luck, we'd be far stronger." Nasuada said.

After the funeral for Baine, Link and the other soldiers left to their tents, a solemn mood heavy on each of them.
I know Baine was a high price, but we should at least be grateful that he was the only one to die Shadow said.
I suppose so Link said. He was just about to sleep when, infront of his tent, his two guards stopped someone from entering.
"Who is it now?" Linka sked impatiently.
"It is Farica again sir."
"Why has she come here again? I have already given her the information she sought." Link said.
"She insists on seeing you once more."
"Alright, let her by." Link said. Farica entered the tent with a very hastled look, but immediately replaced it with a friendly demeanor.
"Greetings Link. I'm sorry to trouble you once more, but I was asked by Lady Nasuada to get your permission on a matter." Farica said.
"What is it?" Link asked.
"Well, Nasuada was impressed by the high lack of deaths on your side, yet you fought as fierce as us. She wants to know what kind of training your men do, and if you could share that training with the Varden." Farica said.
"I do not know what training they do myself, as I have not bothered myself with learning that. I do know, however, that if it would help further our cause, I'm sure that they'd train the Varden in the same way they train themselves." Link said.
"And if they refuse?" Farica asked.
"I'll ask them to. For some reason, they seem to trust me." Link said.
"Thank you." Farica said. She left, content at her accomplishment. After she was far enough away, Link let out Shadow.
Our soldiers and the Varden's don't train differently Shadow said.
I'm aware of that, but they aren't. I think they'll recognize the difference in our two armies is not the skills but the tools Link said.
Clever. Very clever Shadow said.

The next morning, the soldiers and members of the Varden awoke early, though many looked very reluctant to get up. They each set out to their daily jobs, although Saphira and Lyra were nowhere in sight, no matter how hard Link and Shadow looked.
They must be out hunting Shadow finally said. Link nodded, then after merging with Shadow left to the food tent for breakfast. Once gathering his food, he sat down and was soon joined by Ilia and Eragon.
"Morning." Link said.
"Morning." They replied back. On Eragon's plate was nothing but fruit, same as Ilia's, but Link had plenty of meat on his plate. Noticing this, Eragon was slightly shocked.
"I thought elves were all against eating meat." Eragon said.
"I used to be, but after 'recieving' Shadow, I find it impossible to not eat meat." Link said.
"Link, how are you doing today? You didn't look too good yesterday." Ilia said.
"I'm fine, trust me. Where's Epona by the way?" Link asked.
"I keep her with me at all times. She's just outside if you want to see her." Ilia said.
"Perfect." Link said. He wolfed down his food, then left quickly, eager to see his horse once more.

Mid-afternoon the next day, Nasuada had already paid a visit to Link's soldiers and had observed their training. She was highly disappionted at the results, as their training methods were far from what she had imagined. Walking back to her tent, Nasuada was contemplating the ways she could obtain armor for the Varden similar to the Hyrulian armor, if not better, though nothing came to her mind. After several more minutes of thinking, she shook her head in frustration as no method had surfaced in her mind.
"Perhaps it is useless anyway. I doubt I could gather the resources to make the armor with the lack of money." Nasauda decided. Still, she could not just leave it there. She had to devise a way to strengthen her soldiers. And to do that, she knew that she had to come up with a strickter program.
"A task for another day, but not one to be ignored." Nasuada said.
I think I'm slipping. It's taking me so long to think of the next chapter not for just this, but for my other stories as well. Dang, must have caught Senior-itis, a symptom only High-School seniors who are about to graduate get that messes with their brain. I'll get through this though, and the next chapter will be much better than the previous one
You haven't forgotten Dark Link or the Fierce Deity, have you?
No, but I doubt I can work them in
Chapter 14: Another new trick
It was early morning five days after the huge fight, and things were very busy. The Varden was abuzz with activity in preparations to mobilize once more. Not having brought too many items, it didn't take Link or his men to get ready, so they spent their extra time helping the others.
Link, if you could help me out here I'd appreciate it! Lyra grunted. She and Link were attempting to lift several supply bags into an iron cart. The bags in question were filled with heavy armor.
I'm not exactly having a tea party over here you know! Link snapped back. With a huge effort, they managed to heave the armor into the cart, an excersize that left them panting heavely.
"Thanks a lot for your help Link and Lyra." The armor manager said.
"No problem, just get someone else to do it next time." Link said, still panting. Just as they were about to move on, a loud horn echoed throughout the Varden. Every single person froze in their spot, each hoping that didn't mean what they thought it would. Their fears were realized as the war drums began playing, their sound booming loud enough for all to hear. Everyone scrambled into possition, getting ready for another attack. The progress was slowed, due to them having to unpack all of their gear again.
Link, hop on. We have to get to the others Lyra said.
I can do you one better Link said. With a snap of his fingers, he and Lyra were warped to Nasuada's tent. Unfortunately, Lyra was transported inside the tent as well. Her massive size was far too much for the small tent to handle, and broke apart.
"Um...that is my bad." Link said, embarrassed at his mistake.
"That can wait. I can't believe we are being attacked so soon! Atleast the enemies are few in number." Eragon said.
"Yes, but they are most likely all protected by that spell Galbatorix made that obliterates pain." Arya noted.
"Maybe, but something bothered me about that. Those people are careless with their lives and would have made a roucous, not caring if we knew they were there or not. But these guys snuck up on us, and are approaching slowly. We cannot waste time thinking about it." Nasuada said.
"Agreed. We must go out to face them, but be cautious." Roran said. With that, they left quickly. They went to the head of their two forces and waited for a sign of the enemy. Using their hightened eyesight, the elves and Link were most likely to see them first, and it was only a minute later before an elf from Eragon's protection spotted them. Link turned to see them, and saw they were indeed few in number, around 200, but they were moving so slowly as if they couldn't move any quicker if they wanted to.
Turning to his right, Link gestured to a soldier to borrow his telescope. He attached one of the items he had obtained from Princess Zelda, The Eye of Truth, to the end, and took another look at them. It wasn't that they were moving slowly, but they were weighed down by a thick aura all around them.
That can't be good Link thought, giving the item back. Behind him, he heard one of the archers ready an arrow. Just before he fired, Link saw a bird swoop down at one of the opposing soldiers. They did not flinch, but merely grinned. The bird made contact with the thick aura and was propelled directly backwards almost too fast to see.
I was right. Wait, if the same happens with the arrows- Link's thought was interrupted by the sound of hundreds of arrows whistling by, stright towards the enemy.
"No!" Link shouted, shooting one of his bomb arrows, having gotten more from the Gorons. His arrow was just in time to explode in the center of the others, preventing them from making contact.
"What are you doing?!?" Nasuada shouted.
"Saving your archers! They are protected by a mirror barrier of some sorts that would have sent those arrows back through them!" Link yelled back.
"Then how are we supposed to defeat them if our attacks will just be sent back at us?" Eragon asked.
"I might have an idea. If we can't attack them directly, we must halt their progress." Nasuada said.
"Have the terrain fight for us." Arya said, getting the message.
"Right. Link, your explosive arrows will be a key part in this fight as well. How many do you have left?" Nasuada asked.
"I have 59 left." Link answered.
"I would have prefered more, but we must work with what we have. Let us test the limits of the magic Galbatorix has placed on them shall we?" Nasuada said. Link immediately shot three bomb arrows simultaniously at the ground infront of the enemy soldiers. They exploded with tremendous force, enough to leave small craters in the ground, but the barriers around them protected the enemy soldiers from any damage. The only thing that was accomplished was that the craters slowed them down even further, though not by much.
"Well, that didn't work." Link said.
"Wait, why didn't we get hit by the shock wave from the blasts?" Eragon asked.
"Are you complaining?" Link asked.
"No, but if those barriers reflect everything, shouldn't the shockwaves from the blast have hit us by now?" Eragon asked.
"I shot the arrows at certain angles to make sure that the shockwaves would cancel each other out. I was well aware of the dangers and took precautions." Link said.
"Precautions won't help us much against enemies that can repel our every attack back at us." Roran said.
"Actually, I might have a solution. Murtagh, come with me!" Eragon said. Without waiting, he bounded forward, Brisingr raised in preparation for a powerful slash. Murtagh struggled to keep pace with him, but had Zar'roc ready. Eragon lashed out at the soldier at the front and, after a moment as struggle, sliced right through the enhanced ward and lopped off his head. Eragon sagged with unexpectated fatigue, but was pleased that he cut through.
That was a foolish thing to do Eragon! What if you were wrong and your sword bounced off and into you? You'd be dead! Saphira chasticed.
I know, but I had too good of a feeling to not try it Eragon replied. Looking up, Eragon was in time to see Murtagh do the exact same with another soldier, though he too had a minute of weariness after killing. Luckily for Eragon, he had remembered to store plenty of energy in the belt of Beloth the Wise (a gift from his old teacher Oromis, the belt can store nearly an infinite amount of energy, so long as Eragon stores some in it first). He took a small amount from it, just enough to get him back up. He loked at the belt again, and was displeased to note that the amount of energy left was very dismal.
I doubt Murtagh and I can beat the rest ourselves, but what other choice do we have? Eragon thought.
"Hey Eragon, maybe we should retreat. You and I cannot hope to defeat the rest when only one took that much out of us." Murtagh said.
"And then what? We can't run away yet. There must be another solution." Eragon said. He and Murtagh retreated backwards to a safe enough distance from the slow moving soldiers and thought hard and quickly. A dull thud brought Eragon back to the battle. He looked up to see another soldier's head seperated from their body, and the Master Sword blood-stained.
"That wasn't as hard as I thought." Link said.
"Link, get back! You can't beat them all by yourself!" Eragon yelled.
"This is nothing compared to what I went through before. I've beaten far worse odds before. The way I see it, they are just slow moving targets that I can easily chop through. Leave this one to me." Link said. With that, he charged at the remaining soldiers, slashing left and right. His sword slashed through the wards like a hot knife does with butter.
"What is that sword made of?!?" Eragon wondered. He shook a bit, not realizing he spoke out loud, but was reassured no one heard him over the cheering the Hyrulian soldiers were doing. During the battle, a soldier saw Link ahead and reached for his sword behind him. His ward, however, sent the sword bolting toward another soldier, who's ward sent it to another, and so on. Link stopped, seeing this, and was stunned.
That was poorly designed Shadow said. Link could only nod as he saw the rogue sword get caught between two soldiers, and was bouncing back and forth nearly too fast for him to see. Finally, the sword had too much power and smashed through the ward, killing the soldier.
"That gives me an idea." Link said. He pulled out his bow and arrows, aimed between two soldiers, and let it fly. Like the sword, the arrow got stuck between the two, and after bouncing between them, smashed through a ward and killed one of the soldiers. Taking his lead, the archers of the Varden aimed carefully, taking more time to aim due to their distance, and let their arrows loose.Not all of the arrows hit their mark and were sent bolting back, but the majority did. After that round, another swarm of arrows came, and the process repeated itself until there were only two left.
"Allow me." Link said. Brandishing his sword, he bolted forward and with one swipe, cut through both of them.
"Now then, can we get moving?" Link asked.
Chapter 15: Preparations for a seige
After the Varden had gathered their supplies in preparation to move, dusk had fallen on them, and they were forced to stay one more night in that area. In her tent, Nasuada was taking advantage of the extra time to look over the map of Alagaesia once more.
"Drat! I hadn't accounted for that." Nasuada muttered.

The next morning, the Varden were up at dawn and wasted no time in moving. Their direction: South. Nasuada caught up to Eragon and Arya, who were running along side the horses, Eragon's guards close behind him.
"I need to speak with you, but not directly. Please reach into my mind so that we may talk privately." Nasuada said.
Why the secrecy? Eragon asked.
Last night, I was looking over the map and noticed something I wish I had seen before. When we were at Feinster, we went straight past the two towns we were set to hit. Nasuada said.
So? We should be blessing our good luck, not questoning it Eragon said.
No Eragon, you don't understand! Nasuada is saying that we went past Belatona and Dras-Leona to get to Tierm. The nearest is Dras-Leona, and Belatona isn't too far south of it. Our only choice is to take Dras-Leona quickly, then take Belatona, but the conflict is that both are heavely fortified cities, and if we take too long in our seige on Dras-Leona, reinforcements will arrive from Belatona and wipe us out Arya said. Eragon felt Saphira's conscience touch Nasuada's and Arya's.
Wait a minute. Didn't the elves take Gil'Lead a while back? Saphira asked.
Yes, so what? Eragon said.
Well, if my memory serves, Gil'Lead isn't too far from Dras'Leona, right? We could be beaten their by the elves, or meet them in the middle of their attack Saphira said.
Though it's a long shot, you might be right Saphira Nasuada said.
Let's hope she is. It's our only chance of winning besides taking the city in under two days Arya said.
Even with our Hylian allies Eragon said, looking at Link, who was riding the horse whom he guessed was Epona. Behind him, Ilia sat, her arms holding Link tight.

After dusk had set, the Varden stopped in a remote grassy area, with very few trees around to conceal the army.
"A poor spot, but it will have to do." Nasuada said. The tents were set up in the hour, and there was a mad rush to the cook tent. Eragon went as well, though for a different, rather unpleasant reason. He went to the back, where the cooks kept the livestock, and reached into the slaughtered animal's minds. Though they were dead, Eragon found that most of them still contained a moderate amount of energy, to which he took and stored in his belt until he could no longer bear the process without becoming ill. Loosign his appetite, he resigned to bed early. Saphira curled up next to his tent, casting a large shadow over it. A crack of thunder and a violent flash of lightning attracted Saphira's attention for a moment.
...he wouldn't dare...no, I doubt he'd be foolish enough to Saphira thought.

Later that night, as another round of thunder and lightning disrupted the sky, a sudden, huge downpour of rain damped the Varden. The torrent continued for the better part of the night, and it ended with only a few hour left until morning.
I ignored him the first time, I gave him a warning the second. The third time, however, is when I draw the line! Saphira said. She let loose a menacing roar, causing everyone near her to flinch and shift their attention. Any nearby horses went balistic, trying to get as far away from the angry dragon as they could. Saphira leapt into the air without any steps and made a bee-line for the Hylian tents. She spotted Lyra curled up, asleep, and made her way to her. She landed with a heavy thud, not caring about disturbing anyone's sleep. Lyra jerked awake, then snorted irritatingly that she was soaking wet.
Ugh! That was one nasty storm last night, huh Saphira? Lyra said.
A bit too nasty and a bit too familiar. I wish to talk with Link now Saphira said.
Why? Wait, don't tell me, I already know. Saphira, Link doesn't always make it rain. Storms can happen without him playing his Orcania you know. Plus, he didn't even play it last night, or I would have stopped him Lyra said.
Is that so? Well then, I'll take your word for it this time Saphira said. She flew off after that, shaking herself every now and then to try and dry herself.
A slight temper, that one Link said, coming out of the tent.
Maybe, but she had good reason to suspect you Lyra said.
Who's side are you on again? Link asked.

That day, while the Varden were moving, they were each doing what they could to prepare themselves for a gruesome fight. Soldiers could be spotted polishing their shields, cleaning their blades, and sparring while the army marched to Dras-Leona. Saphira, Thorn and Lyra were flying overhead, eager and impatient for the slow-moving Varden. Saphira was the most annoyed, as she was constantly forced to fly in circles over the Varden because she went too fast.
Patience Saphira. You'll be able to move as fast as you want soon enough. You'll need speed in Dras-Leona Eragon said.
You said you probably wouldn't be able to squeeze them in, but I can help you. The Fierce Deity could be an ally who appears at the climax of the story. Dark Link could appear in one chapter with the foul intention of killing Link. He could also have a partner in Dark Lyra for an aerial battle.
The decision is yours and yours alone.
No, that wouldn't work either. I'm not really...wait a minute. Is this... inspiration I'm feeling? Yes it is! I have an idea!

Chapter 16: Shadow falls, Dark Link rises
It was noon when the Varden managed to find a secluded spot large enough to conceal them all, yet close enough so that they could attack the city of Dras-Leona quickly.
"Okay, I don't think we've been seen yet." Nasuada murmured.
"We should be safe here until nightfall Nasuada." Eragon said.
"Perfect. Spread the word as quickly throughout the camp as you can that no one is to make any fires, and we will attack at midnight." Nasuada said. Eragon nodded, and dashed off to do so. Saphira, Thorn, and Lyra were hidden farther away. Due to their massive bulk, they would be far easier to see than the Varden. Saphira put up the usual fuss, very hesitant to leave Eragon. Every time she did, he got into deep trouble.

Time passed quickly, for dusk was rapidly sneaking up on them. Midnight approached faster than anyone had hoped, and the warriors were already geared up for battle.
"Alright, the plan is simple. We get in, we fight, we take the city, we get out. I want everyone to follow those orders, am I understood?" Nasuada asked.
"Yes mam!" The warriors answered.
"Good, then lets move out!" Nasuada commanded. She lead the charge as the Varden rushed to Dras-Leona, swords ablaze. The gates to the city were shut tight, which temporarily halted the Varden's progress. The battering rams were brought in, but were useless against the gates.
"Move aside!" Eragon shouted. They did as he said, and Eragon made his way to the gates. He pulled out his sword, said it's name, Brasingr, which made the sword burst into flames. Eragon pulled back his arm, then swung with all his might. The gates put up resistance for a second, then snapped in two.
"That wasn't as hard as I thought." Eragon pleasantly noted. As the Varden charged, Dras-Leona's citizens were ready for them. Hundreds upon hundreds of arrows were let loose, whistling through the air at a rapid speed. The shields most carried served them well, but not all escaped the arrows onslaught, with dozens falling dead. This did nothing to deter the Varden, however, as they swarmed the city and killed any enemy who dared to stand in their way. There seemed to be a little contest between the three riders as well. Link, Murtagh and Eragon were killing four at a time, never seeming to run out of steam. Eragon with his speed, Murtagh with his strength, and Link with Shadow, they were evenly matched in their tally. Saphira, Thorn and Lyra were also doing their part and more, but it was obvious that Saphira was killing the most. She was always battle hungry, and today she was starving for a good fight. After a full hour of the fighting, the Varden seemed to be winning in some areas, while Dras-Leona was holding their own in others. After slaying another soldier, Eragon noticed three people in the middle of an ally, murmuring incredibly quickly. They were surrounding a middle-aged man, who seemd to be in great pain.
No! They mean to summon another Shade?!? Eragon thought, alarmed. He reached out with his mind and contacted Link, and told him what he saw. He then told Murtagh and Arya, and by that time Link was already with him.
"We have to stop them! I've seen some other spellcasters do the very same thing in Feinster, and we barely won there. It seems that each time a Shade is summoned, he is stronger than the last one. We must kill them, or we'll be destroyed!" Eragon said quickly. Link nodded, and went to the nearest caster. He slashed at him, but his sword was deflected by an invisible barrier.
"Keep going, we'll get through eventually." Eragon urged, helping him with Brasingr. After a few minutes, neither of their attacks were able to break through, and the spirits that were being summoned started to appear.
"No!" Eragon yelled. He slashed at a frenzied pace, desperate to kill the casters in time, but he knew it was futile. It was then that an idea struck Link. If they couldn't kill the casters, why not kill the man inside?
Allow me Shadow said. He ran up from behind Link, leapt over him, then charged at the man in the center. With one swipe, the man was killed, his heart ripped out of his chest. The concentration of the threee casters broke, and Eragon took that oppurtunity to kill all three of them with three quick jabs.
"Brilliant idea Link. Wait...why haven't the spirits gone away yet?" Eragon asked. The spirits, orb shaped beings that glowed every color of the rainbow while changing their size every second, hovered above the spot where their former recipient was. They suddenly glowed dark red, then charged at Link. Without hesitating, Shadow tackled him out of the way just in time, but not enough time was left for him to avoid the spirits. They disappeared inside him as he fell to the ground, not moving an inch.
"Sh-Shadow?" Link asked, fearing the worst. What he saw next made him wish Shadow was dead. His eyes turned blood red, and an evil grin took over his face as he stood up, then transformed. His new body was pitch black, except for the eyes, which remained blood red. He looked exactly the same as Link other than the color, and his grin stayed. Suddenly, his eyes went from red to grey, and his grin vanished, replaced by a scowl. A dark aura surrounded him as he crossed his arms, then expelled the spirits from his body by flinging his arms back out, sending the aura a fair distance. The aura knocked both Eragon and Link off balance, and they scrambled to get up as they saw Shadow simply stare at them, as if confused as to what they were. He pulled his sword, pitch black like the rest of him, and, without taking his eyes off Link and Eragon, moved his sword in a frenzy, slicing through all of the spirits in quick succession.
"Foolish insects. How dare they think they could have controlled me?" Shadow said, his voice a venemous version of Link's. He stuck his finger in his mouth, and scraped something off his teeth, to reveal another spirit, the last one he didn't kill. Shadow gripped it in his hand and was about to cruch it when a better idead= appealed to him.
"Actually, I might have a use for you." Shadow said. He transsformed the spirit into a pitch black orb, then gave it a gentle toss upward. The orb flew up, then grew. It quickly grew to atleast thrity feet high, and six feet wide. It then started to shape itself. A tale formed, then two massive wings, four powerful legs, and finally a head. It plopped down, and Link was even more stunned and repulsed. Shadow had turned the last sprirt into a dark Lyra.
"Your move Link. Ready?" Shadow asked, Raising his sword. Link swallowed and nodded, and raised his sword to meet his.
"What are you doing?" Eragon asked.
"Hylian custom. Before a duel between swordsmen, they clash swords once to represent the start of the duel." Link said, his voice heavy and grim. When his sord touched Shadow's, it bounced away with surprising force.
"You have the Master Sword, or the Blade of Evil's Bane as it is truely called. Now, meet your match. The Terror sword, or the Blade of Holy's Bane." Shadow said, grinning.
This is going to be a long fight Link thought.
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