Legendary Pokémon

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You made it better than I suggested. I'm blown away! Well done!
Chapter 17: Defeat
Link raised his sword above his head, and brought it down faster than Eragon could even blink. Shadow, however, already had his sword up to block it. With all the force Link put into the swipe, the Master Sword rebounded hard enough to cause Link to stagger a few steps, but he still kept his grip. Shadow took no mercy, and slashed at Link, leaving a long, shallow gash across his chest. Growling, Link tried once more to attack with his sword, but altered his angle. Link trapped the two blades between them, coming face to face with Shadow. The Master Sword struggled violently to bounce back, but Link forced it to press onward in the attack. While he was focused on keeping up the attack, Link still heard a faint cracking sound. He bounced back at will when he heard another, louder one. Link examined his sword, and was stunned to see a long crack running down the middle of the blade, from the tip to the bottom.
No...this isn't possible! Link thought in horror.
"Give it up Link. So long as you continue to use that sword, you will lose both the battle, and the Master Sword." Shadow said.
"Is that so? Well then, I guess I'll use a different blade." Link said. Sheathing the Master Sword, Link reached into his pack and pulled out another blade.
"I'm so glad I kept my Ordon Sword." Link said.
"Please! That metal tooth pick will do nothing against me!" Shadow sneered.
"Then let's just see!" Link yelled. He thrusted the sword forward, and Shadow swung his down to meet it. Instead of knocking it away, Shadow's sword smashed Link's into a hundred pieces.
"I told you. You may as well give it up now, and I might consider killing you quickly." Shadow said.
"If you had any memories of when you were my friend, you'd know I'm not one to give up. Besides, I always have another trick up my sleeve." Link said. He reached into his pack once more, and this time pulled out a diamond-carved short sword.
"The Kokiri Sword the original Hero of Time used. I'd love to see you try to break this one." Link said.
"Another tooth pick, but this time one actually tooth pick sized. I'll have no problem breaking this one." Shadow sneered. Link slashed Shadow on his face, leaving a small cut on his lip. Black blood poured out.
"Congratulations. Now, I'm angry." Shadow said. His cut stitched itself together, and in a single second, his cut was healed.
"Not fair." Link grumbled.
"Oh no, this isn't fair." Shadow said. He lashed out with a tremendous attack, and sliced straight through the Kokiri Sword.
"Alright, now I'm the angry one!" Link shouted. He reached behind him, and pulled out a huge ball and chain. He spun the ball faster and faster until it couldn't be seen, then threw it at Shadow. He leapt up and over Link, landing directly behind him, and slashed at his back. Link's shield took the hit, but was sliced into two pieces. Link dropped the ball and chain and ran forward a few steps. He then turned to face Shadow once more, and pulled out a huge hammer, bigger than the one Roran uses to fight with.
"Ah, the Megaton Hammer. A Goron artifact if I'm right." Shadow said.
"Yes, and I hope it will be helpful to me." Link said, griping the hammer harder.
"You're wasting your time. That thing is so fragile, I think I'll break it right now." Shadow said. He waved his sword quickly, and a wave of air hurled itself at Link. The force of it was enough to sever a weak point of the hammer, and it was, also, broken.
"So Link, what is your next trick?" Shadow mocked. Link only grinned in responce. Confused, Shadow quickly looked around. When he looked up, he saw a Bombchu bomb on top of a house directly next to them. As soon as he saw it, it exploded. The explosion caused tons of bricks to collapse on top of Shadow, and was burried.
"Eragon! I will need your help for this one. When Shadow breaks loose, you have to grab him and hold him in place for as long as you possibly can!" Link instructed, pulling oput his bow and arrows. Eragon nodded, and Link closed his eyes, then chanted softly. Shadow smashed through the rubble with ease, and it was at that point when Eragon pounced on him. Eragon rapped his arms around Shadow and held on for dear life as Shadow attempted to shake him off. All the while, Link's chanting caused the arrow to glow a dim gold, then steadily growing brighter and brighter, until it became a bright gold. When he was finished, Link took aim at Shadow's heart.
"Eragon, let go!" Link shouted, then fired. Eragon dove out of the way at the perfect moment, for he managed to hold onto Shadow long enough that he had no time to so much a move an inch to avoid the Light arrow. The arrow pierced his heart, but for some reason, didn't go in more than an inch. Nor did it seem that Shadow was in any pain.
"Wait, why didn't that work?" Link asked, incredibly confused.
"You honestly thought I could be taken out by a Light arrow? That may have worked a bit on Gannondorf, but I am far more powerful than he ever was." Shadow said. He pulled out the arrow and hurled it into a nearby wall. Any damage the arrow had done was also healed instantly.
"So Link, what is next?" Shadow asked. Link was shocked to the core. He had been riding on the Light arrow to win him the fight. Every trick he had used so far had done nothing at all. He had little choice, but he knew he had to if he wanted a chance to win. Link drew his Master Sword once more, and held it up high for an attack.
"I do believe I've already shown you that won't work, but if you insist I break your coveted blade, then so be it." Shadow said. Link charged at Shadow, bringing the sword down with all of his might. Shadow only had to bring his swrod up to block, and the rest happened by itself. The two swords met once more, and the Master Sword had had enough. With a resounding crack, the blade split right down the middle. Link couldn't even move, for he was too stunned to do so. Shadow had just destroyed the Blade of Evil's Bane, an ancient sword made by the Hylian sages, possbly by the godesses themselves. To see it destroyed by evil, it was too much for Link to comprehend. In his stupor, Shadow lashed out a series of blows, leaving a mulitude of cuts, some deep, others deeper, all across his body. Link collapsed onto the ground, his head right next to the two pieces of the Master Sword.
"This is it Link. You were a temporary sorce of amusement, but now I think I'll end you for good!" Shadow said. He brought his sword up, aimed directly above Link's heart. As his life began to flash before his eyes, Link remembered an old tale he once heard. It was then that he had an idea. He might fail, but he had to try. Just as the blade was about to kill him, Link snapped his fingers, and was warped, along with the Master Sword. Shadow ended up embedding his sword into the ground.
"Like he said. Always another trick up his sleeve." Shadow growled. He turned to Eragon, and an idea formed in his head.
"Well now, we have a problem." Shadow said.
"We do, do we?" Eragon asked, his hand moving to Brasingr.
"Yes, we do. You see, I'll be taking Link's place in the Varden, but with you having seen all of that, I have to take care of you." Shadow said. The dark Lyra pounced, and pinned Eragon to the ground.
"You won't be going anywhere, trust me." Shadow said. He smacked Eragon across the head as hard as he could, and knocked him out cold.
"I'll tie him up, but you have to take his shape first." Shadow said. Dark Lyra nodded, then morphed again. It soon turned into Eragons exact copy, even in color. Shadow followed siut, taking on Link's exact form, right down to the color.
"Now then, time to have a little fun." Shadow said, his voice morphing to Link's as well.

In the Ordon spring, Link's unconscious body layed limp, with the occassional groan. The healing water of the srping slowly worked it's magic, but it still took a long time before Link woke up.

See? I can right defeat chapters as well. I like to mix it up, not always keep things one sided
Chapter 18: The Trial for Legacy
"Eragon, you seem to be very quiet. Are you okay?" Arya asked. The battle of Dras-Leona had been won, and the Varden were moving around the city, gathering supplies and killing any rogue soldiers who fled.
"No, I'm alright. Where is Saphira?" Spirit asked, it's voice a perfect imatation of Eragon's. Before Shadow and the spirit left Eragon tied up, Shadow had the spirit look at all of Eragon's memories to ensure a perfect imitation of him.
"I'm not sure, but I'm sure she is looking for you. You know how she gets when you are out of her sight. Speaking of which, what happened to you when you and Link left?" Arya asked.
"All will be explained in due time Arya, that I promise you." Spirit said. Arya nodded and left to carry out business of her own, leaving the spirit wandering the city by itself.

Standing in the center of Hyrule Field, Link positioned himself just right. When he was satisfied, he looked around him one last time. To his north, Death Mountain and the Gorons, living beings of power. To his southwest, Zoras Domain and the Zoras, living beings of wisdom. And to his southeast, Hyrule Castletown and the Hylians, living beings of courage. Link nodded, and raised his right hand to the sky. The triforce glowed fiercely, getting brighter and brighter, until Link finally shot them to the sky. The three small golden traingles raced up and disappeared into the clouds. After a flash of lightning, the triforce returned, much larger than before. When they hovered to a stop infront of Link, he stared at it hard, hesitant to continue. If he could think of another way, now would be the time, but no alternative solutions arose. Link stuck out his right hand and place it on the triforce of courage. Though it didn't matter where he touched it, he simply felt comfortable with the courage triforce. His mind raced as he considered the possibilities of the power he was about to awaken. He could make anything happen, but he knew he had to be careful, or he'd pay a great price for any greed. He made up his mind, and chose the correct words he thought he'd need to make his idea happen.
"I wish...I wish that the three goddesses, Din, Nayru, and Farore would come down to meet me in person." Link said. By gathering the three triforce, anyone can make one wish by using them in the proper way. Link chose not to, for he was afraid he'd be tempted by greed, but now, he had no choice. He had no idea, however, that his wish would cause violent flashes of lightning and powerful winds to whip up. Things didn't settle down soon, as the winds stirred up a hurricane that tore through the field, but still Link didn't move. After ten minutes, the forces of nature calmed down, though the dark storm clouds didn't do away. Instead, a large golden portal opened up, and three figures floated down from inside it. One was entirely red, another blue, and the final one green. They all appeared to be female, and other than the color, they were exactly the same in appearance. They soon hovered down to where Link was, but surrounded him on three sides. They each had a different facial expression on their faces. The red one, Din, had an expression of high annoyance, and a hint of hatred. The blue one, Nayru, had a blank face, as if deciding if she what to make from him. The green one, Farore, however, had a friendly, warm smile. One that two lovers would share.
"Young Hero of Time, why, may I ask, have you summoned us from our haven?" Naryu asked, her voice echoing a bit.
"I have grave need of your assistance." Link said.
"Is this so? And why should we help you?" Din asked, her voice doing the same as Nayru's.
"Because I have no other choice. In the land of Alagaesia, my twilight wolf and friend Shadow has been transformed into my evil couterpart." Link said.
"So? If he is evil, use the Master Sword to take care of it and stop wasting our time!" Din snapped.
"That's just it. The Master Sword, has been destroyed." Link said gravely. That statement snapped even Nayru into a look of worry. Link then proceeded to tell them about how Shadow was transformed, how he fought with all he had, and of the Terror Sword, and how it destroyed the Master Sword.
"How could you let the Master Sword be destroyed?!?" Din yelled, absolutely furious.
"Din!" Farore snapped, finally speaking.
"What?!? You know as well as I do that the Master Sword was the only thing strong enough to keep any evil at bay, and now your chosen hero broke it!" Din yelled.
"And your chosen hero nearly destroyed the land we worked so hard to create. Don't tell me I made a mistake in choosing!" Farore snapped back.
"Enough!" Nayru yelled, silencing both of them.
"Look, now that you broke the ultimate weapon against evil, I bet you were hoping you'd get some simpathy from us, or have us fix the sword, right? Wrong!" Din said.
"Din, have a heart!" Farore pleaded.
"No! He destroyed the only sword-"
"Actually, Din, and forgive me for this, but you can drop the act right now." Link said. Din looked like he had just slapped her in the face.
"How DARE you accuse me of anything!" Din shouted.
"Sorry, but you are no better. I know about the Legacy Sword." Link said. This time, Din shocked Link. Instead of more yelling, she broke out into laughter.
"You actually think that you are able to weild that blade?" Din asked, recovering from her fit.
"No. I can only hope." Link said.
"Farore, you chose an arrogant fool. He may know of it's existence, from an old tale most likely, but he has no idea about anything else." Din said.
"For once, I am forced to agree with her Link. You know nothing of the sword." Nayru said.
"Then let's inform him." Farore said.
"Fine, but only because it will amuse me to see his reaction. Link, the Legacy Sword was made by our father. It is his blade, and it now rests in the Sacred Realm with us. You may have been chosen by Farore and the Master Sword, both big mistakes might I add, but the Legacy Sword doesn't choose or get chosen. It cannot be weilded, by man or god." Din said, a smirk on her face.
"It isn't impossible, though." Farore said.
"It might as well be Farore. I know you want to stick up for your chosen one, but this task may be too much. Not even we together could get to it. Link, to have a chance to weild that blade, you must pass a trial by our father himself." Nayru said.
"What's the trial?" Link asked.
"You have to take it from him. He will not use it, for no one, not even he who created it can use it, but he will not hand it over." Nayru said.
"And if I fail?" Link asked.
"You die." Din said, a hint of joy in that statement clear.
"Link, you can do it." Farore said.
"I can only hope so. Alright, I'll take the challenge." Link said.
"Perfect. I'll open the doorway for you right now." Farore said. She waved her hand, and a door-shaped portal opened. Link stepped inside, and was instantly shocked. What he faced was a huge golden god. He was over 100 feet tall, and had a hard face. A long golden beard was the only hair on his head, and he was clothed in heavy armor. Next to him, a bright blue pedestal with a long sword sticking out of it. The sword was gold and the handle was ivory. It was the same size as the Master Sword, but it radiated power.
"Who dares trespass upon the Sacred Realm?" He asked, his voice boomed.
"I, Link, the Hero of Time challenge you for the Legacy Sword." Link said.
"And what do you intent to do with it?" He asked.
"I intent to use it the same way I used the Master Sword. I intent to fight and slay all evil that threatens the innocent." Link said.
"Your intentions are noble indeed. Very well, I accept your challenge." He said. Link immediately dashed for the sword, but was stopped short by his monsterous hand. Link dashed out of the way to avoid the other one that was crashing down at him, barely escaping. Link jumped up on his hand, then ran with all of his speed, but was literally blown off.
"Give up, and you may leave with your life." He said.
"Not good enough! I don't care about my life, I care about other lives above my own!" Link said. Link once more dashed for the sword, but didn't stop when the giant plced his hand infront of him. Instead, Link ran faster and rolled under it, just barely making it. He then ran full speed up the pedestal and made a grab for the sword. When he was mear inches away, he was smacked away by the behemoth.
"Okay, now I see I'll need more speed." Link said. He sat down, and took off his boots. He shoock them, and out fell his Iron Boots with a heavy clang.
"Clever." He said.
"I thought so." Link said. He made another run for the sword, and this time was half way to the pedestal when the giant placed his hand infront of him. Link grinned, and ran under it, making it easily. His pulse racing, Link made one more grab for the sword. Leaping over the pedestal, Link threw a hand down and wrapped it around the handle, then pulled with all his might. When he landed, Link felt something in his hand. He looked at it, and was surprised to see the Legacy Sword in his grip.
"That worked?" Link said, shocked but pleased. He swiped it in the air a few times to test it, and was pleased with the feel of it. The sword then pulsed and vibrated. It glowed a bright gold, then Link's green tunic turned gold as well.
"You have passed the trial. Go, Hero of Time, and live up to your word to use that sword honorably." The giant said.
Chapter 19: Retribution
Stepping back through the doorway, Link grinned happily to Din, Nayru, and Farore as he held up the Legacy Sword. He couldn't help but grin wider when he saw Din's awestruck face.
"You...actually did it?!?" Din asked, stunned.
"I knew he would." Farore said happily.
"I'm impressed." Nayru admitted.
"I'm pleased myself, but I cannot waste time chatting. I go back and get Shadow." Link said. Farore's face changed then, turning from joy to regret.
"What?" Link asked, noticing the change.
"Link, we didn't tell you something. In teh Sacred Realm, time moves differently. To be honest, you should be thankful that such a short time has passed. I myself am surprised it's only been two days." Farore said.
"Two days?!?" Link said, alarmed.
"Yeah, two days. Who knows what could have happened in that time." Din said. Link snapped his fingers and warped, not wanting to waste anymore time.

"Lady Nasuada, do you think Eragon and Link are acting a bit strange lately?" Arya asked.
"Well, yes, a bit. Why do you ask?" Nasuada asked.
"Well, we only left Dras-Leona a few minutes ago, but they have been glancing back there quite frequently, as if they are worried something might pop out of the city to attack them." Arya said.
"We did just finish a fight, so I suppose it is of no true concern." Nasuada said. Behind her, Shadow and the spirit were looking around, making sure that neither Link nor Eragon was around. Unfortunately for them, Link was hiding in nearby bushes, studying them carefully.

Pulling out his Lens of Truth, Link looked at them once more. He saw Shadow, in his wolf form, being controlled by one powerful spirit, and he saw the other spirit as a small orb.
"Wait...I forgot Eragon!" Link said, berateing himself for forgetting Eragon. Snapping his fingers once more, Link warped back to the city of Dras-Leona, and soon found the tied up Eragon.

While Arya and Nasuada further conversed, Shadow and the spirit were slowly making there way closer to them. Shadow had his Terror Sword, disguised perfectly as the Master Sword, out. As he was a few paces behind her, he readied his sword for the kill, only to be stopped by a golden arrow to his arm. Nasuada and Arya whipped around, and the Nighthawks, Nasuada's appointed guards, closed around her, ready to protect her at all costs. Nasuada, however, was focusing on the golden arrow, while Arya was looking at the real Link and Eragon. Link had his bow out, and his pose suggested he had fired an arrow.
"How many times do I have to tell you, your arrows have no effect on me!" Shadow yelled.
"I'd say a few more." Link said.
"Nasuada, get away from them!" Eragon warned.
"Don't listen to them my lady!" Spirit said. Nasuada didn't know who to believe, atleast not until Saphira pounced on the fake Eragon, biting off his head. The false Eragon evaporated then, and the spirit it used to be was gone.
I'm surprised you were fooled for so long Eragon said.
Please! I knew that was a fake as soon as I saw it. I didn't do anything because I wanted to see if I could trick it to leading me to you Saphira said.
Really? That's not like you at all. Maybe you're a fake as well Eragon said.
Ha ha, very funny
"Shadow! You and me, right here, right now!" Link bellowed. Shadow sighed, then changed to his Dark Link form, getting a collective gasp from the hylian soldiers.
"If you are in such a rush to die, then I might as well grant your wish!" Shadow said.
"Things will be different this time." Link said.
"Just because you have new armor?" Shadow sneered.
"No, because I have a new sword." Link replied, unsheathing the Legacy Sword.
"A new sword won't scare me Link." Shadow said, pulling out his blade as well. Shadow lunged forward without warning, and swung his sword at Link with all his strength. Link lifted his sword in responce, and a true wonder occured. The instant the two swords met, the Terror Sword shattered into a million pieces. As soon as the sword broke, Shadow started to lurch violently. He fidgeted with agonzing pain, until he started to morph. His head grew longer, and his arms turned to paws, as did his legs. He no longer stood on two feet, but four. Soon, he was back to his normal wolf-self. When he had finished his tranformation, Shadow howled joyfully, then passed out. Link sighed in relief, then recalled Shadow back into him, enjoying the feeling of having him back.
"What was that?!?" Nasuada asked.
"Well, it's a bit complicated." Link said.
"I have time." Nasuada said stubbornly.

After Link told the story, Nasuada was silent, her head resting on her hands.
"You leave me in a tough position Link." Nasuada said.
"Why is that?" Link asked.
"You have comitted some terrible crimes by that little adventure. Cowardice, insubordination, both terrible things that cannot be over looked. Plus, you left Eragon alone with two beings, both stronger than he, a crime upon itself." Nasuada said. Eragon started to protest, but Arya silenced him.
"Wait, how did I commit these crimes that you accuse me of? I understand the last one, but what about the first two?" Link asked.
"You abandoned the fight when the rest of the Varden needed help. You also deifed m command. I issued an order to the entire Varden to take Dras-Leona, to fight as hard as they could to achieve that goal. You left, which defied my orders." Nasuada said.
"Truely, it was not wise to leave our only hope against Galbatorix to fend for himself." Arya said.
"Why is he the only one?" Link asked.
"Though you and Murtagh are both riders, Eragon is the only one who has had the proper training to defeat Galbatorix. If he had died, all of Alagaesia would have been doomed." Arya said. Link couldn't do anything but grit his teeth, realizing the truth of the statement.
"As tradition demands, I should have you hung for this, but I cannot for a multitude of reasons. Though you came back and corrected your mistake, that is not one of them. You are an embassador for Hyrule, and a direct subject of princess Zelda. If you were to be killed by me, she would no doubt be furious. Plus, you are considered the prince of Hyrule by all of your soldiers. You also have supreme loyalty that most people couldn't even dream of. If I killed you, they would be far beyond furious. I would be lucky if the only thing they did was attack the Varden." Nasuada said. Tapping her fingers on her leg, Nasuada continued to think.
"Arrgh! I though it was difficult when I had to punish Roran for insubordination! I'm just at a loss for what to do. I cannot kill you, nor can I banish you. Nor can I let you off the hook with a warning either. Wait a minute, I might have an idea." Nasuada said.
"And what is it?" Link asked.
"I'm afraid the only thing I can do is to remove you of your command of the hylain soldiers, and to take command of them myself." Nasuada said.
Oh, boy. Link is in a tight spot. I have a thought on the Legacy Sword. The Legacy Sword is also the Fierce Deity Sword, right?
Chapter 20: Leadership
Link stood silent, wondering what to do next.
"How will you do that exactly?" Link asked.
"How? What do you mean?" Nasuada asked.
"I mean, how do you plan on taking the role of their leader?" Link asked.
"Well, I plan on stabding infront of them then explain the situation to them, then tell them that I am going to be their new leader." Nasuada said.
"I doubt that will work." Link said.
"Do you now? Why is that?" Nasuada asked.
"Because if anyone could just claim leadership over someone else, then this war would have been over long ago. It simply just doesn't work that way I'm afraid." Link said.
"True, but I've won over the loyalty of the Varden, and they are much larger in number than your soldiers. Still, I can see your point, it might not be that simple. I suppose there is only one way to see how things will turn out." Nasuada said. Nasuada stood, motioned for her guards to follow her, and had Link lead the way toward the hylian soldiers.

"Absolutely not!" The new captain, a man named Leon, said.
"I'm afraid this isn't up to you." Nasuada said.
"It most certainly is, as a matter of fact. I'm the captain of these soldiers since Bane died, and no one but princess Zelda and lord Link have the power to command these men but me!" Leon said.
"You and the other men of this army are part of the Varden because of princess Zelda, correct? I am the leader of the Varden, and therefore, your leader as well. I allowed Link to lead you and the other men because he was the right man for the job. But as of now, he must earn his right to lead you once more, for he commited cowardice in battle, insubordination of my orders, and left our only hope to fend for himself against two enemies, both stronger than he. Link is no longer fit to lead this group, so I shall take over." Nasuada declared.
"You may bark orders until your face turns blue, but we shall not obey tyrants." Leon said. The rest of the soldiers crossed their arms defiantly in agreement with him.
"A tyrant am I? How exactly am I a tyrant?" Nasuada challenged.
"Do not play coy with us. I've spoken with a few of your soldiers in an attempt to learn more about you and your leadership abilities. I came across a story that I found appalling. You had a man named Roran Stronghammer whipped for insubordination. I learned more, however. He wouldn't have come back at all, and neither would the rest of his group had he followed orders. Lord Link was in a similar position. Had he stayed, both he and Eragon would have been killed. Instead, lord Link fled to save his life, then went back and saved Eragon, then dispossed of the threat. Don't think no one saw what he did either. He saved your life before he took care of the imposter! And now you dare to punish him just to keep your authority?!? Sounds like a tyrant to me." Leon said coldly. Nasuada stared daggers at him.
"Shall we teach this one some manners?" A nighthawk asked, raising his weapon threateningly. Fearing that she'd say yes, Link stepped infront of Leon, his sword at the ready.
"You see? Lord Link is selfless, and yet you wish to punish him. Let's review what he did, shall we? He saved Eragon, saved you, and got rid of the danger, all single handed. I shudder what it would take to not be punished by you if these feets aren't worhty of your expectations." Leon said.
"Leon! Please, be silent!" Link said. Leon looked confused for a second, but obeyed.
"Look, you might not like it, but I am in charge of this group now. Believe me when I say that I am a great leader who would do anything for her friends and family. Give me a chance to prove myself, and I'll exceed expectations, but I must keep my authority, less the Varden would fall into chaos, and the war would be lost. I have to think of the big picture, as do you." Nasuada said. Just as Leon was about to reply, Link glared at him and shook his head, and Leon fell silent.
"Good. Trust me, you'll grow to trust me, and I know I'll earn it in due time. Now then, I need two soldiers who normally guard Link to join my nighthawks." Nasuada said.
"Why should they?" Leon asked.
"Because, if they do, then it will prove to be a promising start to build trust between your race and the others." Nasuada said. Two soldiers were incredibly reluctant, but upon Link asking them himself, they eventually agreed and stepped up.
"Good. Now then, I need the soldiers here to be apart of a raid mission bright and early tomorrow morning. You will be joined by an equal number of Varden members, and shall head south to intercept a supply run." Nasuada said, then left, her nighthawks behind her. Link stood at that spot for a minute longer, then left to his tent.
"I don't like this." A soldier said.
"Neither do I." Another said.
"I don't think she can actually do this."
"Surely there is something against taking over your allies in a war, right?"
"Enough! Lord Link is, though it saddens me just as much as you, no longer in command. It seems, though, that neither am I. We might as well wait and hope that lord Link will get back command soon." Leon said, then he too left.
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