61. Steal their Yoshis that they bought at Worthington Yoshi.
63. Tape everyone to the ceiling.
64. Tape the floor to the ceiling
65. Hang everyone from their feet using your mind.
(07-07-2011 03:22 AM)jankat9080 Wrote: [ -> ] (07-07-2011 12:47 AM)Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]32. While walking in be sure have with you a radio playing Rebecca Black.
36. SING Friday every god damn friday
37. Have a LEMON party /shot
I didn't need to remember this. Oh well. I've seen worse.
66. Break the time-space continium.
67. Burn it down with combustible lemons.
68.Lock Cyrus in a room full of clefairis.Then order them to use sing.
69.Hack the game so the pokemon toiletpaper will apear and change all the toilet papers with it
70. Get GLaDOS to tell them:
The answer to life is *hgjfdagklfdljksahk*
and then have her hang up the phone. XD
72. Blast em' with a rickroll.
73. Accuse them of the haxxors
74. Yell
in there, and punch everyone in the face. c:
75. Let metal-eating termites run rampant in their HQ
76: show them what you can do with your feet! (Kick em to Timbuktu)