Legendary Pokémon

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Its about TIME I got around to making this! Anyways, the series mainly revolves around Oshawott, Snivy, and Vulpix, who have appeared in many specials and a few Samus and Pikachu episodes. There will also be other characters here as well, and while they may be totally different, they have ALL been mysteriously been transported to the miniature planet of Combine, where inter-dimensional portals appearing out of nowhere are part of everyday life. But for now, here's a skit titled A Touchy Conversation.

It is a rather average day on planet Combine, and all the known creatures of the planet are gathered round in a sort of conversation pit. They are: Snivy, Oshawott, Vulpix, Pikachu, Buneary, Patchiritsu, Magby, and Emolga. Snivy, Oshawott, Pikachu, and Magby are guys, and the others are female. But that's not terribly important. The important thing is that Patchiritsu's microwave broke and the others want to help her fix it.
Patchiritsu: ...and then when I turned it on, it EXPLODED!!! Isn't their already enough to fear from the outside world? Why must life give me things to be afraid of IN my comfort zone! ITS SO CRUEL!!! WAAAAAAAAAH!!!
Buneary: There there. You know, I could always come over to your house and help you fix it.
Patchiritsu: Thanks Buneary.
Pikachu: Buneary, you don't even OWN a microwave. How could you POSSIBLY know how to FIX one if you don't even have one in the first place!
Oshawott: Oh oh oh! I have a microwave! I could come over and fix yours!
Patchiritsu: Ew! I'm not letting a boy come in my house! That would be gross!
Snivy: Oh grow up. Seriously, WHY must we have the maturity of 8 year olds?
Oshawott: Probably because we ARE 8 year olds.
Vulpix: I'm not convinced of that.
Oshawott: Anyways, I forgot that Patchiritsu here was this touchy about the opposite gender.
Emolga: Erm...
Buneary: ...
Oshawott: What?
Patchiritsu: Did you just say what I THINK you just said? Did you say I like TOUCHING the OPPOSITE GENDER!!! HOW DARE YOU!!! That is like the GROSSEST thing EVER!!! Do you know how many FUNGI and DISEASES are on guys?
Oshawott: What! No! I never-
Vulpix: My god Oshawott. Even by MY standards, there might be something wrong with you.
Oshawott: But I didn't even-
Buneary: Hey, Oshawott.
Oshawott: Yeah?
Buneary: I will give you 1 million dollars if you stop talking for the rest of the day.
Patchiritsu: Actually, you can't talk until 6 AM of the next day!
Oshawott: And how will you find out if I talk between then?
Patchiritsu: Easy! I'll put cameras in your house!
Oshawott: ...eep...
Snivy: Thats just creepy Patchiritsu.
Magby: God, maybe you DO like touching people.
Patchiritsu: WHAT!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!
Buneary: Its been proven folks! Patchiritsu likes touching people!
Patchiritsu: NO NO NO NO NO!!!!
Emolga: Ah, I've FINALLY found a nice little prodigy!
Snivy: God, must we be so dramatic over the word "touchy"?
Oshawott: Oh great, now SNIVY likes touching people too!
Snivy: See what I mean?
Emolga: Its okay Snivy, you could touch ME any time...
Snivy: Shut up you underage prostitute!
Pikachu: I'm just gonna...you know...leave...
Vulpix: Perhaps we could put him and Patchiritsu in a box together, so they can get all their touchies out.
Magby: Great idea Vulpix! Hey Oshawott, could you find us a box?
Oshawott: Why do I always have to do the work?
Magby: Because you touch yourself at night.
Buneary: You touch yourself at night!?!
Magby: No, I was talking about Oshawott.
Buneary: You touch OSHAWOTT at night!?!?!?!
Magby: OH GOD DAMN IT!!!
Oshawott: So THIS is why I feel like I've been "used" every time I wake up!
Vulpix: No, thats actually me right there. And by the way, Oshawott's body is reserved for ME and ME alone!!!
Vulpix: And speaking of Oshawott's body...I'm gonna have it for a few seconds if you don't mind.
Vulpix leans in and starts kissing Oshawott, but he backs away leaving Vulpix kissing thin air.
Snivy: Wow, not only are you guys psychotic, you're also retarded!
GLaDOS: I think I feel the same way. This place has become to stupid for me. I'm ending the experiment.
Pikachu: And now for something completely different. The credits.

Well, how was that folks? I'll make more later.
That was interesting and actually made me lol at some parts. Waiting for more...
Here are some opinions from some of my allies:

Solid Snake: WTF?
Sonic the Hedgehog: (Laughing hysterically)
The Dark Trainer: Wonderful!
Mewtwo: (slightly chuckling)
Lucario: Success!
Sub-Zero: (gives two thumbs up)
Link: What is Vulpix's problem!?
That was quite nice! I would like you to meet a friend. His name is Sandile and he is a Sandile. He is a CSI fan and he speaks with one-liners most of the time. Sandile,what did you think of this episode?
Sandile:Well this episode...*puts blackglasses on*...really touched my heart.
I've never seen CSI, so I wouldn't know anything about it...
You mean you have NEVER wathced CSI Miami? You don't knwo who Oratio is?

I know it's offtopic but it can't be helped Cool.

Oh, and one more IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! This fan fic is a cooperative fan fic, which means that other people can participate, and make their own cast of characters on the planet combine! The characters from my stories occupy only a small part of the planet, so their's a bunch of free space for other fan fic writers to place their stories. So you can take it from here, and I'll come in once in a while to make some big plot device for your stories to weave around!
Great! Okay, I just watched the original Nightmare on Elm Street (it's f***ing awesome!) so I thought of this:

Local Reporter of the Combine News Center: Early this morning, the police have discovered the site of yet ANOTHER murder. The only survivor, a man codenamed Solid Snake, had this to say:
Snake: I don't know who the freak is, but I got a good look at him. He wore a filthy red and green striped shirt and a beat-up old fedora. He also had this metal glove, which had long claws at the ends of the fingers. The craziest thing: his face looked like melted cheese. I tell ya, he's f***ing ugly and downright insane! Killed those poor civilians like nothing! Didn't even bother with me. Said he'd kill me when I wasn't armed. Like that's ever gonna happen!
Reporter: From what Snake said, we have reason to connect similar descriptions in the Earth location known as Elm Street.
T.V. shuts down.
King Bowser: That's ridiculous! I never heard of such a thing!
Dark Trainer: I wouldn't doubt them if I were you. I know who he is. I've even seen him.
Bowser: What are you saying?
Dark Trainer: This murderer is named Freddy Krueger. He is an enemy to the forces of both good and evil. Appearing in the dreams of his victims, he attacks without mercy with that clawed glove of his. Not only does he kill them in their dreams, as he does, he kills them in reality as well.
Bowser: Hmm. That IS bad. Lets summon the Councel of Darkness.
Dark Trainer: I'm already on it.
Dark Trainer takes out a cell phone and starts dialing.
Meanwhile, in another region of Combine, a Pokemon trainer named Eric is also watching the events on the news with his friend Charmeleon.
Eric: Sounds like Freddy Krueger.
Charmeleon: Impossible.
Eric: We need to call a meeting for the Forces of Light.
At the Councel.
Ganondorf: You can't be serious! I won't work with the Forces of Light if my life depended on it!
Dark Trainer: We don't have a choice, Ganon. There's a mass murderer on the loose and we can't defeat him alone. Several Dark Rebels might join him! Think about the Joker!
Deathstroke: Oh, don't even get me started! Trying to recruit that clown was a big mistake!
Shao Kahn: He appeared in one of my dreams once. I know what he can do. We must negotiate with the Forces of Light.
All: Huzzah!
Meeting of Light at about the same time.
Scorpion: We must negotiate with the Councel of Darkness.
All: Huzzah!
Eric: I know of a few Pokemon. They're kind of weird, but I think they'll help.
Link: Who?
Eric: Oshawott, Snivy, and Vulpix. They have friends too, but I've never met 'em. Maybe they'll help against Krueger as well.

Well, Eric's off to find G88's trio. It's up to you, G88. Will they help?
Great story m.55! While my characters I'm sure would love to help, they sadly have another problem on their hands...fighting off an alien invasion! Details coming labor day...
Oh, man! As if Freddy Krueger wasn't bad enough, now we've got aliens? What's going to happen?
You'll have to find out. All I can tell you is that soon, Freddy Kueger will be the LEAST of your worries.
Before I go on with my fan fic, I understand that some people may not understand the world of Zebes, or any of the characters. Therefore, I have created the following guide below, so at least when Samus and co enter Brinstar you can go "Oh, that jungle place!". The guide is as follows


Crateria is the surface of Zebes, a few of the caves below it, and the first Tourian. Compared to the most of the planet, Crateria is quite pleasant, but Brinstar has far more bioforms than Crateria could ever come up with. The surface itself is a rather unlivable place. It isn't that bad normally, but sometimes it gets drenched in super corrosive acid rain, which will pretty much kill anything on the surface that isn't super resilient. The caves below house geemers, small beetle-like creatures with spiky backs, skrees, which are these sorts of bat-like things that ram themselves at targets, and rippers, which are these little bug thingys that can be frozen, but can't be killed. The original Tourian is also located in Crateria, including the escape tower, Mother Brain's chamber, and an elevator that leads down into the original Brinstar. Every time Samus and friends are in Crateria's caves, just to add to the feel, play this music. When they are on the surface, play this.

This area is a huge underground jungle. The place is home to most of the planet's bioforms, as well as a few bosses. As well as containing skrees, geemer variants, and rippers, the place contains other enemies, such as kihunters, which are giant wasp creatures allied with Space Pirates, rios, which are large flying creatures that dive down in weird ways, and hoppers, which are these 2 legged creatures which like to spend their days hopping on whoever walks by. Its lower section, however, is a red soiled, watery cave. The soil is red due to heat from Norfair below, making it too hot for most plants, while the water is due to the underground sea of Maridia, which is and underground ocean right above the Brinstar depths. As for bosses, both Spore Spawn and Kraid call Brinstar home. When Samus and her friends are in upper Brinstar, play this music. If they are in the red soil area of Brinstar, play this instead.

Tune in next time for more walthroughyness!
Cartoons have never been this low
Causing confusion and chaos wherever they go
From holes in the plot its crap that they spew
Its the Awesome Planet Zebes Walthrough!

Oshawott: Hi guys! Welcome to the official Zebesian Walthrough!
Snivy: We realize you are here because many of you have little to no idea what is going on in the Samus and Pikachu universe. Therefore, MEWTINI (aka Giratina88) has produced a walkthrough so at least when they enter a new area you understand what the hell is going on. Today, we will go through Norfair and possibly Maridia, depending on whether or not we have time to do it.

Magby: Now this is my favorite place!
Snivy: I'm sure it is. Norfair is basically the opposite of Brinstar. It is hot, very inhospitable, and full of lava.
Buneary: Now some of you may be wondering, how could something survive in such a hellish environment? Well guess what ladies and genitalmen, there are living creatures in Norfair. Why do they live there? BECAUSE THEY CAN!!!
Snivy: ...genitalmen? I think you mean, "gentlemen".
Buneary: Woops!
Magby: Why don't I do this one for you Snivy.
Snivy: Sure.
Magby: I'll post the following description below:

Norfair is a volcanically-active and cavernous area on planet Zebes and is home to a large number of molten enemies. Samus is unable to access virtually any of Norfair's key points without the Varia Suit upgrade, which protects from this area's searing heat. The extreme heat in the pools of magma scattered throughout this region will still cause damage unless Samus possesses the Gravity Suit. Norfair is the lowest part of the Space Pirate fortress on Zebes. Besides Tourian, the lower part of Norfair is probably the most dangerous place on Zebes, and home to Ridley's Lair, in which Ridley resides.

Snivy: Thank you Magby. And now we go to Pachiritsu with the biology.
Pachiritsu: Thank you. Along with some skrees, geemer variants, and rippers, Norfair is also home to other creatures that somehow survive in the harsh environment. These include the waver, which are these weirdo flying thingys that swoop down in weird patterns, Funes and Nahims, which are worm creatures which come out of walls and fire stuff at people, and Dragons, which look a lot like the pokemon seadra, but red, and fire lava at living things.

Ridley: And now for soundtracks!
upper norfair
lower norfair

Snivy: Thats all I guess...
Really, thanks for the walkthroughs since I have never played this game and I didn't know anything about the place, enviroment and living creatures Samus&co had to face. Not much different than I imagined, though. Planet Zebes never seemed a friendly place to be.

(29-08-2011 11:23 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Oh, and one more IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT!!! This fan fic is a cooperative fan fic, which means that other people can participate, and make their own cast of characters on the planet combine! The characters from my stories occupy only a small part of the planet, so their's a bunch of free space for other fan fic writers to place their stories. So you can take it from here, and I'll come in once in a while to make some big plot device for your stories to weave around!

If you still would like it, I can write something and post it here, probably relevant to TF2 characters. I don't know how they are supposed to be connected with your chars but I guess the multi-dimensional portals on Combine can teleport there anyone from anywhere, right?
Right. The earth location is technically part of the Nexus, which is where everything NOT relevant to Combine or Genesis is.
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