Legendary Pokémon

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I decided I will make a fanfic.
It's about 2 boys from Earth who come to the parallel universe where humans and Pokemon live together.
Many people from the forums will be featured,so keep tuned.Maybe you will appear.Big Grin
Well,enough spoiling.Let's post the 1st chapter!

Chapter One:The adventure begins

Sinnoh region.A region of adventures and mystery.
Some years ago,when Herc became a Pokemon Professor,he decided to build a Research Laboratory.He was thinking of the location.He decided that Twinleaf Town is the perfect place.Twinleaf is near Sandgem,where Prof.Rowan lives and studies about evolution.
But today is a special day.12 years have passed from the day he made the lab.
-I can't believe I'm a Professor for 12 years!said Prof.Herc.
Suddenly,a rock was thrown in the window.
-What was that,Professor?said one of the assistants.
-Hey!Professor!said a guy in a dark gray costume looking from the broken window.
-Who are you?said the Professor.
-I'm your worst nightmare.
-You're my worst nightmare?You're only one and we are 5.
-Well,OK Professor!GUYS!COME HERE!
Suddenly,a dozen of dark gray costumed guys came and completely broke the window.
-Hey!I have to pay for it!said the Professor.
-We don't care.We know you're from Kanto.So,go back to Kanto.You don't belong to Sinnoh.Every region must keep its people.It's a rule we,Silver Dusk,will set when we conquer all the regions.
-And what's your name,Silver Dusk grunt?
-I'm not a grunt!I'm a moderator!My name is Sonny.Never forget it.Now,we know you have 2 legendary Pokemon.Give them to us NOW!
-OK!Go Alakazam!Teleport them to where they came from!
Alakazam teleported Sonny and his grunts to Wayward Cave
-Time for Plan B,said the Professor.

Meanwhile,on Earth,time suddenly stopped.This caused every person to freeze,except of 2 young boys.Leo and Aaron.They lived miles away from each other and thus they didn't know each other.
-WTF happened?said Leo.
-What's going on?said Aaron.
Suddenly,those kids vanished.They weren't on Earth anymore.

Sinnoh.Lake Verity.
2 kids were lying on the ground.Those kids were Leo and Aaron.They woke up.
-Where am I?said Leo.
-Hey!Who are you?said Aaron.
-I'm Leo.Who are you?
-My name's Aaron.Nice to meet you!
Professor Herc came in the Lake
-Who are you?
-I'm Aaron and he's Leo.
-Who are you?
-My name is Hercules,but call me Herc.I'm a Pokemon Professor.
-But Pokemon are not real.They're only in the games.said Leo
-You know,most of the games they sell on Earth are based on parrarel universes.
-Cool!said Aaron.
-OK!Come to my Lab.I will give you a Pokemon each other.
After the meeting,Herc headed to the lab along with the young boys.
-Where are we,Professor?said Aaron
-We are in the Sinnoh region,Aaron.This is Lake Verity.Now,we're entering Route 201.We are going to my lab,as I told you.My lab is on Twinleaf Town.Today is a special day.It has been 12 years since this lab was built.I'm studying the habbits of legendary Pokemon.
-Do you own any legendaries,Professor?said Leo
-Umm..no I don't.But I've seen one.
-Which?said Aaron
-Mesprit.As you may know,it lives in Lake Verity.OK!Here we go!Twinleaf Town.It's a small town,but people come here because of the lab.
They headed to the lab,when a surprise was waiting for Herc.
-Hi Herc!said an unknown guy.The lab became 12 years old,right?
-Yes,Ninjo.Guys,this is Professor Ninjo.He studies about Mega Evolutions and forms along with Professor Sycamore.
-Cool!said the 2 boys.
-Herc,why the window is broken?
-Some dudes from a team called Silver Dusk thought I have legendary Pokemon and they threw a rock to the window,so they can enter from here.
-But..but..OK!I understand!This happened to me too,before Giovanni went to prison.
-Hey!Prof.Herc!We will catch them for you!We know the basics from the games.
-So,you're from Earth,right?said Ninjo.
-Yep!said Aaron.
-OK!Right now,I have 2 Pokemon my sister caught.I have a Vulpix and a Bulbasaur.
-Vulpix is one of my favourite Pokemon!said Leo.
-Darn!I forgot to bring those eggs from Kalos!I will tell my assistant to bring them.His name is Alcovich.He's very talented.He will become a Pokemon Professor in about a year.You know,before you become a Professor,you must work as an assistant for about 3 years.Then,you take a test.If you pass it with flying colours,you will stay as an assistant for 2 more years and then you become a Professor.He passed the test with an amazing 100%.He only needs a year to become a Professor!
-Nice!said Aaron.He must be a really useful assistant.
-Yeah.He will be here in a few days.You'll meet him on Oreburgh City,because he will come to learn a few things about fossils.I bet he can bring those eggs,since he will come to Sinnoh.
-Anyway.said Prof.Herc.You need to learn a few things about your Pokemon.Your Vulpix has the ability Drought and your Bulbasaur the ability Chlorophyll.So,you can make a good combo in a Double Battle.Your adventure begins now.Both of you take a Pokedex!
He gave 2 Pokedexes.One to Leo and one to Aaron.
-Good bye kids and take care of yourselves and your Pokemons.Also,take these Poke Balls!

The boys left the lab and Twinleaf Town.
Now,they're in Route 201
-OK,Aaron!Maybe I will see you again!Maybe in a gym.
-WAIT!Won't we travel together?Like a team?
-If you beat me in a battle,yes!
-OK!Go Bulbasaur!
-Go Vulpix!
-You know,your sun makes me faster!Bulbasaur,use PoisonPowder!
-No!Vulpix!You're poisoned!Use Ember!
-Bulbasaur,evade.Use Tackle!
Vulpix fainted.
-It seems I won.So,you have to come with me.

The adventure has just started.They don't know what they will face.
Trainers,Gym Leaders,Pokemon and even the members of an evil team!
What they will face next time?Nobody knows!

-DARN!I forgot to give them some things!said Prof.Herc.
-Well,they will go to Sandgem Town first,I bet.said Prof.Ninjo.What do you want?
-Will you go to see Rowan?
-Yes.He wanted to give me a weird stone one of his assistants found.It might be a Mega Stone.
-Can you please give some things to Rowan,so he can give them to Leo an Aaron?I want to give them some trainer clothes and a bag for eachother.If they meet any Team Flare grunts,they will make fun of the kids,so we shouldn't allow this to happen.
-OK!Give me the stuff and I'm going with my Swellow!

How does it look?Tell me your comments about my fanfic!

You need spaces after commas and punctuation.

8hachi8 Wrote:except of 2 young boys.Leo and Aaron.
There should be a comma after boys.

Don't substitute numbers for words. If you say two, don't put 2.

It's an intriguing story line.
You have a vivid imagination.

I'll add more when I have more time to thoroughly examine it.

Will we get Sinnoh Staters?
(26-09-2013 08:51 PM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Negatives:

You need spaces after commas and punctuation.

8hachi8 Wrote:except of 2 young boys.Leo and Aaron.
There should be a comma after boys.

Don't substitute numbers for words. If you say two, don't put 2.

It's an intriguing story line.
You have a vivid imagination.

I'll add more when I have more time to thoroughly examine it.

Will we get Sinnoh Staters?

From the next chapter I will take care of the spaces,punctuation and numbers.

I promise you'll get a Turtwig soon.

Also,thanks for your comments, Grassdragon (both positive and negative)
Are we going to find out why time stopped on Earth? I'm curious about it.
It would make for a good flashback for Aaron and Leo.

Overall, I like it and can't wait to see what happens next.
(27-09-2013 05:56 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Are we going to find out why time stopped on Earth? I'm curious about it.
It would make for a good flashback for Aaron and Leo.

Overall, I like it and can't wait to see what happens next.

We will find out,but it won't be a flashback.
Someone will tell them what happened,but not soon.
It seems kind of Farfetch'd compared to our fanfictions, but I'd like to see how it tuns out.
I don't think it seems Farfetch'd. I really like it.
A fanfiction can be Farfetch'd and still be really good.
(27-09-2013 11:29 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]It seems kind of Farfetch'd compared to our fanfictions, but I'd like to see how it tuns out.

What do you mean?

As for your fanfics,I'm trying to do something different,so I don't copy you.Big Grin
My fanfiction seems pretty bland now, but in a few chapters it'll really pick up pace.
(28-09-2013 07:48 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]My fanfiction seems pretty bland now, but in a few chapters it'll really pick up pace.
You mean you'll get more than one chapter out a month? Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue

Any idea when we'll see Chapter 2?

In a few days.

Anyway,some Chapter 2 spoilers (Click to View)
(29-09-2013 05:20 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]
(28-09-2013 07:48 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]My fanfiction seems pretty bland now, but in a few chapters it'll really pick up pace.
You mean you'll get more than one chapter out a month? Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue

Yes! Exactly! Maybe it'll even be two chapters a month!

(29-09-2013 09:21 PM)Alcovich Wrote: [ -> ]

Clever aren't you! PORYGON IS THE MASTER OF YOUR STORY!!!! Toungue Toungue Toungue Toungue

Back to the topic.

I like the inclusion of Team Flare in the Sinnoh Region. I can't wait to see what happens when Team Flare meets Team Silver Dusk!
Edited a bit,so GD can read it without being confused.Big Grin

Chapter Two:The Fashion Police

Sonny and his grunts exited Wayward Cave.
Sonny:OK guys! I only need two of you. The rest of you go back to the HQ.
All 5 SD Grunts:OK Mod!
Sonny:Get out,Dragonite!
Sonny's Dragonite:Niiite!
Sonny:You two! Do you have any Flying Pokemon with you?
SD Grunt 1:Of course Mod! Go,Skarmory!
Grunt's Skarmory:Skarrrrm!
SD Grunt 2:Go,Sigilyph!
Grunt's Sigilyph:Lyyyyph!
Sonny:Ride your Pokemon,guys! We're going to Sandgem. I got a message from the Boss that Team Flare grunts were seen in Sandgem.

Route 201.
Leo and Aaron take their first step in their adventure. They're going to Sandgem Town to meet Prof.Rowan.
Aaron:This is AWESOME!
Leo:Whatever. I only want to go to Kanto and catch Mewtwo.
Aaron:You might never catch Mewtwo.
Leo:Anyway,we should search for some Pokemon.
Two Starlys appeared.
Leo's Vulpix:Vuuuuulp!Vulpix!
Aaron's Bulbasaur:Bulb!Bulba!Saur!
Leo:Ok! Aaron,take the right Starly. I'm taking the left! Vulpix,use Quick Attack!
Starly was hit.
Aaron:Bulbasaur,I'm lucky you have Chlorophyll! Use Tackle!
Starly was hit.
Leo:Time to throw a Poke Ball!
Leo throws a Poke Ball. 1,2,3 aaand Leo caught a Starly.
Leo:I'll name it Rocket Bird.
Aaron:Go,Poke Ball!
Aaron throws a Poke Ball. 1,2,3 aaand Aaron caught a Starly.
Aaron:I can't decide! I'll think of a nickname later!
Leo and Aaron:Here's Sandgem Town!Who are those guys?
Unknown men with orange suits:Your clothes are ugly,kids! I'm sorry,but we have to arrest you.
A guy who was watching:Leave them alone,Flare grunts! You're not the fashion police!
Team Flare Grunts:Skorp! Leave us alone!
Skorp:Well,as a former champion of the Spade League,it's my duty to protect young trainers and to teach them how to become strong.
Leo:Skorp,you should battle them.
Skorp:Hey,kid! Why to battle those Team Flare grunts?They didn't attack me or you.
Sonny:Step off! *Sonny came out of nowhere*
Leo,Aaron,Skorp and the 2 Team Flare grunts:Who are you?
Sonny:My name is Sonny. I'm a Moderator of Team Silver Dusk. Every mod and admin has his reason to be in Silver Dusk. My goal is to take out all the other evil teams from Sinnoh,except Team Galactic,which is bankrupt,like Aqua and Magma.Every team must be on their region.When this happens,the same will happen to trainers. Why coming to Sinnoh or to any other region? Your region is fine too! When those Team Flare grunts go back to Kalos,I will go to a different region,
Flare grunts:We challenge you!
SD grunts:Ok!

Meanwhile,Prof.Ninjo had been on Lake Verity to take a sample of the water there.
Ninjo:Ok! I have to go to Sandgem Town now. Go,Lenny! (Swellow)
Ninjo:Ok! Let's fly!
While on the road...
Ninjo:Lenny,I'm bored. Would you mind if I sang a song?
Lenny:Swellow,Swel? (Why not)
Ninjo:Ok! Let's sing! I WANT TO GET AWAYYYYYYY! I want to flyyyy awayyyy!

Back to the battle now!
Flare grunt 1:Go Houndour!
Flare grunt 1Go Growlithe!
SD grunts:Time to show you,little Flare grunts!
SD grunt 1:Go Machoke!
SD grunt 2:Go Marill!
SD grunt 1:Machoke use DynamicPunch on Houndour!
DynamicPunch hit Houndour and it fainted.
SD grunt 2:Marill use Scald on Growlithe!
Scald hit and Growlithe fainted.
SD grunts:You're too weak for us.Now,go back to Kalos!
Flare grunts:Time to leave. I'll see you in Kalos. And I will beat you when you go to Kalos! You'll see!
The Team Flare grunts left.
Skorp:Ok now! Now,you have to leave,SD grunts!
Sonny:Since our job is done,we're going now. Farewell!
Sonny and the two grunts left.
Skorp:Ok kids! As I said,my name is Skorp.
Leo:What's that sound?
Aaron:What sound?
Leo:It sounds like someone sings Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz.
Ninjo:Ok! We arrived,Lenny! Leo! Aaron! Nice to see you! Prof.Herc gave me these clothes for you to wear,so Team Flare grunts don't judge you.
Skorp:You're late,Ninjo! We had a meeting with some Team Flare and Team Silver Dusk grunts.
Ninjo:Oh! You'll tell me later. Kids,go to the Pokemon Center to change outfit. You'll meet us on Prof.Rowan's lab.
Aaron:OK! Leo,let's go to the Pokemon Center!
10 minutes later,they changed outfits and they went to Prof.Rowan's lab.
Ninjo:Nice clothes,kids!
Leo and Aaron:Thanks,Professor!
Ninjo:Guys,this is Professor Rowan.
Rowan:Hi kids! Prof.Ninjo told me everything. Since you came from Earth and also played games related to our universe,then you know the basics. So,I will entrust you with the Pokedex! Take those coupons too! When you arrive in Jubilife City,you'll get a special Poketch,which also has the functions of an Xtransceiver.
Leo and Aaron:COOL!

Leo and Aaron have a tool which will be used many times in their adventure now.What will they meet next time?We'll see that next time!
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