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And Chapter Seven of GKA still won't be out.
Chapter 3:All that glitters...

Skorp: It's time to show you how to catch Pokemon. Follow me.
Leo: Dude,we already caught 2 Starlys.
Skorp: You need to learn the Champ's way!
Aaron: Sounds interesting!
Skorp,Leo and Aaron arrived on Route 202.
Skorp: Now,let's wait for a Pokemon to come.I've heard that today people found Pokemon from Unova here.
Suddenly,a shiny Deino appears.
Skorp: OH MY GOD! Go,Smeargle!
Skorp's Smeargle: Smear!Smeargle!
Skorp: You know what to do. Spore!
Deino is asleep.
Skorp: Now,the usual. False Swipe!
Smeargle hit Deino.
Skorp: Now,it's easier for me to catch it. Let's throw a... An Ultra Ball!
Skorp throws an Ultra Ball,but accidentally the Ultra Ball goes to a Bidoof which suddenly appeared.
Leo: Nice catch.
Skorp: Like you would do it better!
Leo: Give me an Ultra Ball. I only have one chance to catch it.
Skorp: Ok!
Skorp gives an Ultra Ball to Leo
Aaron: Leo,good luck!
Leo: Thanks,Aaron! Go,Vulpix!
Leo's Vulpix: Vulp,Vulp,Vulpix!
Leo: Vulpix,pay attention. You'll get a new friend now! Time for an Ultra Ball!
Leo throws the Ultra Ball to the Deino. 3,2,1 and Leo is the owner of a shiny Deino!
Aaron: Leo,we should better run now! Skorp looks angry.
The two kids ran and suddenly arrived in Jubilife City. They saw a crowd of people and the two kids got lost in the crowd.

Skorp lost their signs as soon as he arrived in Jubilife City.
Skorp: Leo,you're lucky! Let's call Prof.Herc via the Xtransciever.
Herc: Hey Skorp! How's it going?
Skorp: Well,I've found a shiny Deino and Leo caught it.He's a good trainer.
Herc: You know,in Jubilife City the Starly Showdown is held.
Skorp: What's this year's prize?
Herc: Well,it would be a shiny Eevee like every year,but my sister found a Shiny Turtwig while working on the Pokedex. And I know that Aaron likes Turtwig. So,the prize is a shiny Turtwig.
Skorp: Are you sure Aaron will win? Or even participate?
Herc: Well,I chose Aaron and Leo for a reason

Aaron: Hey! There's a Starly Showdown in Jubilife City!
Leo: Nice,I guess.
Aaron: The prizes are a Fedora for the runner-up and a shiny Turtwig for the winner.
Leo and Aaron: LET'S GO!
Suddenly,a mysterious woman appeared out of nowhere.
Mysterious woman: So,you'll participate in the Starly Showdown? You need to learn some things first.
Leo: Who are you?
Mysterious woman: My name is Sibyl. I always come to Jubilife City to see the Showdown. From all the participants,only 8 will actually participate. If you're lucky enough to be selected,you still have to follow one rule. Your Starly should NOT evolve in the battle. Is that clear?
Leo and Aaron: Yes!
Sibyl: Follow me.

About ten minutes later,they arrived in the Jubilife Stadium. They signed the papers needed for the participation.
Time to choose the 8 lucky participants.
Announcer A: The lucky 8 people are:
Announcer B: For the first game,Leo and Stevie!
Leo: Yeah!
Announcer A: For the second game,John and Arianna!
Announcer B: For the third game,James and Martin!
Announcer A: And for the fourth game,Aaron and Tobby!
Aaron: Leo,I'll see you in the final!

Announcer A: The first game starts now!
Leo: Go,Starly!
Stevie: Go,Starly!
Leo: Use Wing Attack!
Wing Attack hits!
Stevie: Starly,use Aerial Ace
Aerial Ace hits!
Stevie: Now,Fly!
Leo: Starly,time to use Peck!
Peck hits and Starly eats the opponent's Sitrus Berry.
Stevie: NOOOOOO! Now,attack!
Starly attacks from the sky,but Leo's Starly avoids it.
Leo: Good job! Now,use Aerial Ace!
Aerial Ace hits and Stevie's Starly faints.
Referee: The winner is Leo's Starly!

Meanwhile,on the other two games,John and Martin win.
Time for Aaron's match!
Announcer B: The last game of the first round begins now!
Aaron: Go,Starly!
Tobby: Go,Starlicious!
Aaron: Starlicious? lol
Aerial Ace hits Starly.
Aaron: Starly,use Wing Attack!
Wing Attack hits Starlicious.
Tobby: Use Wing Attack!
Aaron: Avoid it and use Aerial Ace. Then,use Quick Attack.
Starly evaded Wing attack! Both of Starly's attacks hit and Starlicious faints!
Referee: Aaron's Starly wins!
Aaron: YEAH!

Second round!
Announcer A: Now,time for Leo against John!
Leo: Go,Starly!
John: Go,Starly! Use Aerial Ace!
Aerial Ace hits!But John's Starly evolves!
Starly evolved into Staravia!
Referee: Leo wins because of the evolution clause!

Announcer B: Time for Aaron VS Martin!
Aaron: Go,Starly!
Martin: Go,Starly!
Aaron: Use Aerial Ace!
Aerial Ace hits
Martin: Use Wing Attack!
Aaron: Avoid it and use Aerial Ace again!
Starly avoids and then hits his opponent with Aerial Ace!
Martin's Starly faints!
Referee: Aaron's Starly won!
Aaron: YEAH!
Announcer B: In one hour,it's the big final! Leo VS Aaron!

5 minutes later.
Leo: We're both in the final!
Aaron: I can't believe it!
Then,Skorp and Sibyl appear.
Leo: Please don't hurt me!
Skorp: You owe me an Ultra Ball!
Sibyl: Skorp,stop trolling.
Skorp: He caught a shiny Deino with my Ultra Ball!
Sibyl: SERIOUSLY? Take an Ultra Ball!
Sibyl throws an Ultra Ball in Skorp's face.
Sibyl: You want more? He's a newbie in real Pokemon training!
Skorp: Sibyl,you know I'm trolling.
Aaron: Leo,we have to focus now. You want the Fedora and I want the shiny Turtwig.
Leo: So,whoever wins
Aaron: It doesn't matter because
Leo: We can swap our gifts!
Aaron: Good luck in the final!

Announcer A: Two newbie trainers are in the final!
Announcer B: Time for the big final!
Announcer A: It's Leo!
Announcer B: Against Aaron!
Leo: Time to battle!
Aaron: Do your best!

Who will win in the Starly Showdown? You'll find it out on the next chapter!
Yay! Chapter 3 is here!!!!!!!!!
I like it. Keep up the good work.
Like every time,I'll spoil you some of the chapter 4:
You should not open them,because they are spoilers (Click to View)
Sounds good! Any idea when Chapter 4 will be up?
As soon as I can.
It can even be uploaded tomorrow,if I get bored and have finished my homework!Toungue
I'm looking forward to it!
Chapter 4:Rivalry

The final of the Starly Showdown starts now! Leo against Aaron. Two newbie trainers who started an adventure together are facing each other on their first great battles.

Announcer A: Two newbie trainers are in the final!
Announcer B: Time for the big final!
Announcer A: It's Leo!
Announcer B: Against Aaron!
Leo: Time to battle!
Aaron: Do your best!
Referee: Time to choose clauses!
Leo and Aaron: Huh?
Referee: In the finals,the two finalists choose the clauses they will use. The clauses used in the previous games were Evolution,Item and Evasion.
Leo: Item? But every Starly was holding a Sitrus or an Oran Berry!
Referee: Berries don't count as items.
Aaron: I say Item and Evasion.
Leo: I agree. Who knows? We might have a Staravia VS Staravia battle!
Aaron: Indeed!
Referee: OK then! The battle shall start!
Leo: Go,Starly!
Aaron: Go,Starly!
Leo: Starly,use Aerial Ace!
Announcer A: Oh! What a hit!
Aaron: Not bad,Leo! Starly,Fury Attack!
Announcer B: Quite good! Four hits!
Leo: Unpredictable! Starly,use Foresight.
Announcer A: Weird! I can't remember anyone using this move in the Starly Showdown before!
Aaron: I wonder what you're planning now! Starly,use Wing Attack!
Announcer B: Leo's Starly evades! This must be a good battle!
Leo: Good job,Starly! Now,Astonish!
Aaron: What?! Astonish is a Ghost type move and Starly is half Normal!
Leo: You forgot Foresight!
Announcer A: Astonish hits!
Aaron: Nice hit,pal!
Announcer B: Aaron's Starly has flinched!
Leo: Now's our chance! Quick Attack!
Announcer A: What's this? Leo's Starly evolves!
Leo: Whoa! Starly evolves and attacks on the same time?
Announcer B: Quick Attack hits!
Announcer A: And Leo's Starly evolved into Staravia!
Aaron: Starly,Steel Wing!
Announcer B: Umm is it usual? Not only Starly's wings shine,but it's whole body!
Announcer A: It must be evolving!
Aaron: Yeah! An even battle!
Announcer B: Steel Wing hits and Starly evolves into Staravia!
Leo: Staravia,Aerial Ace!
Announcer A: Aerial Ace hits!
Aaron: This battle will end here! Staravia,use Brace Bird!
Announcer B: Brave Bird? Amazing! If it survives after it hits his opponent,then Aaron will be lucky!
Announcer A: Brave Bird is a very good choice for a final!
Leo: Oh my God! Everything is done here! Staravia,try to endure the hit!
Announcer B: Brave Bird hits! Aaron's Staravia is OK!
Announcer A: Leo's Staravia seems it has endured the hit!
Leo: Staravia,you did very well.
Leo's Staravia: Staar!Starrrravia!
Announcer B: Leo's Staravia fainted!
Referee: Leo's Staravia is unable to battle. Aaron's Staravia wins!
Aaron's Staravia: Starrrrravia!Star!Star!Starrrrrrrravia!
Announcer A: And now,Jubilife City's Nurse Joy will award the two trainers!
Nurse Joy: Leo,you're the runner-up. You managed to get to the final,which is a big step in your adventure. And that's why I award you with this fedora,which is a gift from Kalos' Lumiose City's boutique!
Leo: Thank you very much,Nuse!
Nurse Joy: Aaron,you managed to get to the final and win. You're the champion of the Starly Showdown. It's your first title. I award you with the special medal of the Starly Showdown and a shiny Turtwig,which is a gift by a well known trainer who wants to keep her identity secret.
Aaron: I'm so happy! Thank you,Nurse Joy!
Announcer A: And that was this year's Starly Showdown!
Announcer B: We'll see you next year!

10 minutes later:
Sibyl: You look hot with that black fedora,Leo!
Leo: Thank you,Sibyl! I appreciate it!
Skorp: Now,both of you have a shiny Pokemon.
Aaron: I will nickname my Pokemons,but I don't know what to choose!
Skorp: You have much time to think of it.
Sibyl: The name rater is in Eterna City.
Skorp: Now,I guess you'll go to Oreburgh City,right?
Leo: Yep!
Aaron: We want to get all the badges!
Leo: I also want to get stronger,so I can finally beat Aaron!
Aaron: In your dreams,Leo!
Sibyl: It seems that you found a rival in eachother's face.
Skorp: Indeed!
Sibyl: Let's take a bus for Oreburgh Cave!

15 minutes later:
Sibyl: This is the Oreburgh Cave.
Skorp: I'll leave you now. Goodbye! Go,Staraptor! Let's go somewhere else!
Leo: Goodbye,Skorp!
Sibyl: I'll see you in Eterna City,guys!
Aaron: Goodbye,Sibyl!
Leo: Let's cross the cave!
Mysterious man: So,you're going to Oreburgh City?
Aaron: Who are you?
Mysterious man: I'm Roark. Oreburgh City's Gym Leader.
Leo: Hi Roark!
Roark: Let's take the special wagon.

And less than 2 minutes later:
Roark: Now,you're in Oreburgh City! I'll see you in the Gym,guys!
Leo and Aaron: See ya,Roark!

The two young boys arrived in Oreburgh City. After some training,they will be ready for their first Gym Battle. Will they get their first Badge? You'll find out on the next chapter!
Nice. Very nice. I lol'ed when Sibyl said that Leo was hot.
(17-11-2013 02:15 AM)grassdragon Wrote: [ -> ]Nice. Very nice. I lol'ed when Sibyl said that Leo was hot.

I bet she will lol too when she will find out about it.Toungue
If I find her on the chatroom,I'll tell her to read the 4th chapter just for that.Toungue
Chapter 5:Bagde of Coal

The two kids arrived in Oreburgh City and met the Gym Leader earlier.
After the meeting,they practised more for the battle.

Wild Geodude: Geo!Geodude! (Geodude uses Rock Throw)
Leo's Vulpix: Vuuuulp! (Vulpix faints)
Leo: Darn! Vulpix and Staravia can't do anything against Roark!
Aaron: You still have Deino.
Leo: His best Fighting type attack is Rock Smash!
Aaron: Then use Ice Fang or Aqua Tail or teach him Superpower!
Leo: No! I don't want to teach him Superpower. He is too young for this. But I like the Ice Fang idea.
Aaron: At least I have Dionysus the Bulbasaur and Yggdrasil the Turtwig.
Leo: Yeah! Do you remember what Professor Ninjo told us?
Aaron: Yeah. He wanted us to meet his assistant. His name was Alcohol or something like that,right?
Leo: Nope! His name was Alcovich. Close enough.
Aaron: OK! Let's find him!
Leo: Can we go to the Oreburgh Museum first? I want to see if that giant coal really exists.
Aaron: Sure! Why not?

A moment later...
Unknown man: Hi kids!
Leo: Who the Magikarp are you?
Unknown man: Leo,there's no reason to shout at me now.
Aaron: How the Magikarp you know Leo's name?
Unknown man: Aaron,Professor Ninjo sent me. My name is Alcovich,but in less than a year I'll become a Professor.
Leo: Dude,you could just tell us your name from the start!
Alcovich: I just wanted to be creepy. lol
Leo: Anyway,we came here to see the giant coal.
Alcovich: Nice! Everyone comes to see the giant coal. But I don't understand why. Anyway,I'll give you two Eevee eggs.
Aaron: Thank you,Alcovich!
Alcovich: Don't thank me. Anyway,I'll be in Sinnoh for the next eleven months. Then,it will be the Spade League. I haven't participated since Fr3quency became champion. When you get three badges,I'll give you a fossil to each other.
Leo: OK! Let's see the coal!

5 minutes of pure coal later...
Leo: I'm so amazed now!
Aaron: Leo,it was just coal!
Alcovich: I have to go to Eterna City now. By the way,Leo,you remind me of someone I have met once,but I'm not sure.
Leo and Aaron: Bye bye,Alcovich!
Leo: Let's go to the gym now!

Leo and Aaron arrived to the gym.

Roark: Welcome to the Oreburgh City Gym!
Aaron: Leo,do you want to battle Roark first?
Leo: OK!
Referee: The rules of the battle are simple! Both of you will use two Pokemons. Leo can switch Pokemon if he wants.
Leo: OK! Go,Apollo!
Apollo (Vulpix): Vuuuulp!
Roark: Go,Geodude!
Roark's Geodude: Geo!Geo!
Leo: Apollo,use your ability!
Apollo used Drought and now the gym is sunny.
Roark: Nice thought!
Leo: Thanks! Time for Solar Beam!
Solar Beam hits.Geodude is nearly fainted.
Roark's Geodude: Geo!
Roark: Not bad,but you know,my Geodude is trained very well. Use Stone Edge!
Stone Edge is a critical hit and Apollo faints.
Leo: NOOOOOOOOOOO! OK! Go,Doomsday!
Doomsday (Deino): Dein!Dein!Deino!
Leo: Doomsday,use Rock Smash!
Rock Smash hits and Geodude faints.
Roark: Let's see if you can also beat my Cranidos!
Roark's Cranidos: Cran!Cranidos!
Roark: Use Hammer Arm!
Leo: Evade!
Aaron: I suggest Superpower,Leo!
Leo: Do what Aaron said!
Doomsday: Deinooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Superpower is a successful critical hit and Cranidos faints!
Roark: You're very strong! Take this Coal Badge! Aaron,you're next!
Aaron: Go,Dionysus!
Roark: Go,Onix!
Aaron: Use Leaf Storm!
Onix faints.
Roark: Aaron,you're amazing!But can you defeat this?Go,Shuckle!
Roark's Shuckle: Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!Shuckle!
Roark: Shuckle,use Power Trick!
Aaron: That was unpredictable,but thank you for your low defenses! Dionysus,use Power Whip!
Roark: Shuckle,use Double Team!
Power Whip misses!
Roark: Yeah! Shuckle,use Earthquake!
Earthquake hits and Dionysus faints!
Aaron: Wow! Time for Yggdrasil! Yggdrasil,use Earth Power!
Earth Power hits and Shuckle faints!
Roark: Congrats! Take a badge too!

A few minutes earlier...
Aaron: Where should we go next?
Leo: Floaroma Town. We will definitely see some Silver Dusk noobs to pwn! Also,we can go to Eterna Forest and then to Eterna Town.
Aaron: Let's go! We might meet Alcovich!

Meanwhile,somewhere else:
Unknown man: So,our plan has started.
Sonny: My Don,I failed.
Unknown man: Don't worry. I expected that. One does not simply take 12 grunts to defeat a Professor who researches legendary Pokemon. Drake! Ace! Blake! Come over here!
Drake: What's going on,Boss?
Unknown man: As the Boss of Team Silver Dusk,I have to tell you something,my beloved moderators.
Ace: Sure! Tell us,Vito!
Vito: Darko is going for a mission in Kalos,so don't call him even if it's an emergency.
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