it's great! thanks!Can i ask you something?How do you create these signatures?
Hello?... Have I been ignored?..
Can you make me a sig with dark lugia plz?
I am sorry bills..
Can you message me the link thing that i need to have to put them as my sig and avatar?....
Again I am sorry...
for the signature

For Avatar: One option is "Save as" and then upload and another option is right click on the picture hit "Properties" and copy paste the url
Thank you... Avi and sig updated...
Hey do you do scratch trainer sprites?
Hey guys i want a favor;i want to make me a singAture [and avatar of course] with sanji from one piece!
Sanji is the blonde right?... I could give it a shot...
yeah the blond one...

OK so... As I am busy making Elements and adding stuff to my fanfic (yay finally) I have to keep someone busy with my avy and siggy! ^_^
Who wants to make me a cool Eeveelution-themed Avatar and Signature?
Pwetty Pwease?
* Eraleas does the puppy eyes.
Mmm, I could try and make you an eeveetar this weekend. With emphasis on "Try", dunno if if it'll turn out cool in the end xD
Thankies Celesi ^_^ That would be cool. Arty2 managed to delete my old one! Meep!
I don't need it right away, so no rush. I supposed that people just weren't interesting in helping a friendly Admin!

Today is Friday so I have some free time so I saw a friendly admin "complaining"

. I gave it SHOT
![[Image: 2hi36f5.png]](