Legendary Pokémon

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Hello everyone, my name is Jurgen Guntherswarchzhaffenstrassen und today, I bring you this story. This story belongs to zie klassik-Pokémon-fanfic-type, it is about a kid starting its journey and blah blah blah. It is supposed to be a funny story so I won't pay any attention on special tecniques and stuff used by writers, just dialogues and pics. Like a mix of a comic and a story. You'll find out what happens as we go on. Thanks to Nintendo, GameFreak and to all those guys who made Pokémon. More credit will be given per chapter. By the way, I won't write who speaks before every line, I hope you can understand. I may write it on some parts where more than two people talk, but rarely. (The story hasn't even started and I am already bored of it... Oh well, let's go...)

Chapter 1: In this post.
Chapter 2: Here.
Chapter 3: Here.
Chapter 4: Here.
Chapter 5: It's a trap!


Chapter 1: The beginning

- Umm... What time is it?
- 11.30...
- What in the world are you doing so late in my lab?!?
- ...in the morning.
- What in the world am I doing so early in my lab?!?
- Eeer, didn't you call me here to gimme my first Pokémon?
- Did I?
- JA! (Oh my God, what a retard... I hope other profs here aren't like him...)
- Sooo... Who are you?
- WHAAAAAAT?!? (Ok, I'm going back to Kanto. Now.)
- Now, what did you say your name was?

[Image: PIC1.png]

- So Gkoutis it is! Nice to meet you Gkoutis, I'm Professor Elm.
- ...We met yesterday...
- Oh. Ok then, bye.
- What bye?
- Bye as in goodbye.
- Tell me something prof, do you have Alzheimer or something?
- I don't think so...
- What's your job again?
- Ah, I'm a salesman!
- Riiiight... ANYBODY ELSE IN HERE?!?

[Image: PIC2.png]

- A Pokémon maybe? That's why I came here!
- Splendid! You may choose one of our balls...
- What do you mean?!?
- ...on the table over there.
- Oh... Hmm... let's see...
- May I suggest the one on the left? There's a Missingno. in it!
- What the...?

[Image: PIC3.png]

- I'll pass, I'm gettin' the middle one.
- Sure?
- Not really... You having a Missingno. in the first ball makes me think you are Kanto Pokémon smugglers...
- Why do you say that?
- Missingno. lives only in Kanto's Cinnabar Island, which happens to be pretty close to my hometown, Fuschia. Why do you have one here?
- I don't really know, I'm just an assistant. Ask the professor!

GKOUTIS: Hey, you! Yes you, Alzheimer guy! Where did you find the Pokémon in the left ball?
ELM: Ah! I caught it today, just before you came here!
G: But you were asleep in your lab when I came in!
E: Was I?
G: Dammit, I'm in this stupid region for just two days and I already miss Kanto...
E: What's Kanto?
G: Please, shut up. I'll take the ball in the middle.
E: I only have...
G: SHUT UP I said! Assistant guy, what's in the middle one?
ASSISTANT: A Totodile, monsieur.
G: I'll take it.
A: Good choice, it's a really energetic Pokémon!
G: I don't care, at least it's not brought illegally in Johto. Farewell, assistant guy!
A: Hey, take this too! It's a Pokédex, I guess you'll need one.
G: Meh, professor Oak from Kanto has already given me one. Give it to the Alzheimer guy over there, it may help him.
E: What will help me?
G: Nothing... Adios prof!
E: Where are you going? Aren't you going to get a Pokémon?
G: I swear, one more phrase and I'll bury you alive.
E: But...
A: S' il vous plaît, stop monsieur Elm.
G: Once more, bye guys, I hope I never come here again.

--- Later on that night, Gkoutis decided to go on a walk, mainly for learning his new town. ---

[Image: PIC4.png]

- (OH MY GOD! That guy with the red hair... Could he be... Bah, I don't think so... But just for being sure...) Hey, mister!
- What do you want kid?
- You done kid?
- Just some more, ok?
- Whatever kid.
- Great. Two things. One, the chick over there is lookin' at ya. Two, I'm not Dave Mustaine.
- One, I must admit this chick is kinda interesting. Two, you kiddin' me right?
- Actually..., yes.
- Phew... May I have an autograph?
- Actually..., no.
- Please?
- Say it again.
- Please, may I have an autograph?
- Say it like a princess.
- Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaseeee?! *<3*
- Princess Mononoke.
- C'mon! You know I can't do that voice!
- Then... no. (Ha, I just love it...)
- DAMN!™
- Gotta go kid, get outta my way.
- Ok... but were gonna meet again mister Mustaine. And next time... I'm getting that autograph no matter what!
- I like your spirit kid but you still haven't moved out of my way.
- Argh, ok. (F..k you mister Dave.)

--- And that's how Gkoutis' second day in Johto passed... New Bark town was not the best place for him to live and neither did he like his new home. However, he got a Pokémon and he was ready. Ready to become the champion. What champion? That, even he didn't know. But he would learn. Sooner or later, he would learn... ---

Notes: Typo in the second pic, monsier instead of monsieur, bored to correct it.
Credits for this chapter: Ron Simmons of WWE, Duck Dodgers of Looney Tunes and Dave Mustaine of Megadeth. All about the last part, the Gkoutis - Mustaine dialogue. And to those who made "Frets on Fire" for the name in the start. Yes, the huge one.
XAAXAXAXAX LOL LOL LOL LOL that's the spirit
XD great! (no greek if it's a not-greek fanfic Wink)
hahahaha! I loved it! xD You did well not picking up Missingno. as your starter or it would bug you fanfic Toungue
And who is Dave Mustane?
xD xD Great rofl
First of all, thanks everybody. And Aluado, when you get 10 free minutes, watch this. Mustaine is the red-hair guy. The great guy. Guitarist and lead singer of Megadeth, a thrash metal band.

Also, I forgot to say that my story may contain some of those not really appreciated words in some parts. You know, words that aren't that bad but people make them sound bad. Like "gay" for example. If you have any problem, there are two things to do. Either tell me, hoping to persuade me to take them out, which I won't do because I am bored of makin' new pics or just don't read the story. Once again, thank you!
xD lawl Outstanding

PS. Oh yeah, German, woohoo!!! Big Grin
-There's a missigno in it!
-What the.....?
xD,lol,laughs.Good job Nm!
You really are SUPER.
haha. it's actually pretty good. xD
keep up the great work !
Chapter 2: The Road to Cherrygrove

--- Well, Gkoutis had a nice and peaceful sleep that night, without any dreams that had to do with smuggling, Alzheimer or Mustaine. However the next days wouldn't be as peaceful as his sleep and he realised that when he talked to his mother when he woke up... ---

- Yo mom, morning.
- Good morning John, how you doin'?
- I'm your son dammit!
- But what did I say?!?
- Duh, just forget it... By the way, is my new PC here at last?
- Yes! They brought it yesterday, in the evening, while you were out.
- Please, don't remind me of that again mom...
- Eh, whatever. You should go check it. They told me they installed Windows Vista™ in it!
- I have a bad feeling about this...

[Image: PIC5.png]

- Oh my God! I had heard that Vista™ was gay but that much...?!?
- What did you say John?
- Nothing... Oh, by the way, where's the usual free Potion that comes with every new PC?
- It should be there, isn't it?
- Ok, it's official. Johto sucks. Bigtime.
- C'mon John, I'm sure you'll have a great time here!
- Let me doubt about it mom... Whatever, I'm leaving. Don't wait me for lunch mom, I don't think I'm coming back to this freakin' town soon.
- See ya John!

--- And that was it. Gkoutis was leaving on his journey. But first, he should go visit the "professor". Laughing at him some more, would definitely make his day. ---

GKOUTIS: Hello, the supermarket's here right?
ELM: Of course, what would you like?
G: Hmm, I'll get that healing machine, those 23 books and the two PokéBalls on the table. How much is that?
E: That should be... 4000 PD.
G: Dammit, I have only 6000 PD.
E: Oh, too bad.
G: Anyway, thank you prof dude, I can go now. See ya, I'll come again when I want to amuse myself.
ASSISTANT: So, you're leaving monsieur Gkoutis?
G: Ah, the assistant guy. Yes, I'm leavin'.
A: Here's something to help you on your journey.
G: A Potion? And five of your... balls?
A: Call them PokéBalls, s' il vous plaît, it sounds better...
G: Anyway, bye assistant guy. (Yay, one step closer to leaving this town.)
A: Au revoir Gkoutis! Oh, and I suggest you start building a friendship with your Pokémon, the Totodile you got yesterday.

--- And he left. At last he was away. Out of New Bark. Maybe just one step out of the town, but out of the town. And then, Gkoutis decided to follow the assistant's advice. His way... ---

[Image: PIC6.png]

- I don't think I made myself quite clear... (Now, where was it...) Wait a minute, "my friend".
- Totod?
- Wait, wait, you'll see! (Ah, here it is! I was sure I got it from Fuschia!)
*Gkoutis used SpikeBall*

[Image: PIC7.png]

- Nice... See my little friend, everybody's happy when I use that item!
- Todile?
- Yup, usually two or three swings are enough. If they happen to insist, a hit will do.
- Dile! (Oh God, he ain't kiddin'... I'm doomed.)
- So, let's go fight some useless Pokémon while we're here. Cherrygrove isn't far but there's nothing important there anyway, so we don't need to hurry. Do you agree?
- Toto... (Well, not really...)
- You sure? *evil look*
- Dile! (Off we go!)

--- Sooo, after Totodile's harsh training on some of the wildest and most impressive Sentrets, Pidgeys and Rattatas, after it growing to level 9 and after Gkoutis had picked up a whole bunch of Berries (that makes five Berries), they were there, in Cherrygrove. ---

- Hello there little kid. You seem like a noob Pokémon trainer. Wanna learn some stuff?
- (Whaz ze deal with this old man?) Look, the fact that I'm in your stupid region for just 3 days doesn't make me a noob. But. I'm sure I'm gonna have a nice time with you, so ok.
- Excellent, noob..., eerrr, I mean young trainer!

[Image: PIC8.png] [Image: PIC9.png] [Image: PIC10.png] [Image: PIC11.png]

- So, what do you say?
- Great, old man! So many useful things I didn't know! Thanks a lot! Just a question. DO ALL IDIOTS HERE IN JOHTO NEED SOMEBODY TO TELL THEM WHAT THE SEA IS?!?
- Yes, what's weird?
- Oh, nothing, I was just wondering... (I hope the train station in Goldenrod that mom mentioned has a train directly to Kanto...)
- Ah, before I forget, here's a map card for your PokéGear young trainer!
- Already got one.
- Ok, then, uummm... bye I guess.
- Ok, die, eeeh, I mean bye.

--- Gkoutis was ready to move on, into Route 30 and straight to Violet but an unexpected meeting would slow him down. Who or what did he meet? To be continued... (probably) ---

1. John is not a different character, it's just the main character's name: "John Gkoutis". If anybody but his mother calls him John, they'll most probably meet a painful death.
2. PD is the currency, as in PokéDollars. The rate is 1 PD = 0.25 euros. Do your calcs for other currencies.
3. Personally, I don't think Vista™ is gay. I use Vista™. If anybody is a hardcore Windows Vista™ fan and get offended in some way, just tell me to replace it with something else.
4. No comment on Gkoutis' grip on the SpikeBall...
Chapter credits: Matt Le Blanc as in Joey Tribiani in "Friends", Microsoft, Spikes 'n' Nails S.A. for their awesome product, the SpikeBall.
dude.. it's just awesome.
cant wait for the next part.
xD spikes
You rap man!Um....i wanted to say rock...
Keep it that way.
XD an other awesome part
lol Nice chapter! xD
I wonder how you´ll make Whitney cry when she is defeated. Or if Jasmine will be emo xD
Big Grin lol
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