Well this is a thread about advertising sites you have spotted and really liked.
Share it with us!
Notpron, The hardest riddle available on the internet!
Some of you might know this. Check it out! It's really addictive.
Some of you might know Jessica Alba..
Take a look at some of
these pics! Hot!!!
Eraleas Wrote:Some of you might know Jessica Alba...
Too hot for my tastes i would say...

Finally I made my blog

It is nothing special but for those who want to visit it here is the link:
Blue and Kratos' world
I expect your comments and suggestions.I will also do some interesting updates so stay tuned

Eraleas Wrote:Some of you might know Jessica Alba..
Take a look at some of these pics! Hot!!!
I was scared! Freaky, My heart boings very fast...
Pokemaster Wrote:http://www.freewebs.com/munclax/index.htm
Well that's more like advertsing your site that letting us know about a site you have seen around...
You can make a proper introduction of yours elsewhere.

It might attract way more ppl.