You simply have to watch this video!!!
It´s some guy (not me, unfortunately) playing the battle song of Red/Blue/Yellow. As a pianist, I must to say... I didn´t think it was possible to humans to play this song the way this guy played!!!
Actually,we had been making a big mistake all this time.The thread is called ''Check this SITE out'',not ''Check this VIDEO out''

Ok,some guys didn't make that mistake,and others like me got carried away and put vids in the thread.I think someone should made a thread where we can put vids for the world to see,and not spam here.
He gave a link which leads to a site, be it video, picture or text.
If the site contains a video, why not?
And i also thing there was created a similar thread (propably on the greek corner) which was supposed to only include Utube links for vids. (which was deleted)
that's why we post here
If you like One Piece (a really famous and nice japanese anime), I guess you're also going to like this video, where Luffy(the main hero) has an epic fight with Blueno(the door man):
Why so serious?
Dragar Wrote:
yOU muSt check this site!x0a0xa0xa0x0a0xa0xa00
No! this can't be happening! I had totally forgot about this annoying intro song of that stupid cartoon, little monsters, and you reminded me!!!
No! I hate you! You 'll pay for this! I'll get you!
btw, check the site's link. (Brian Brummond's Vegeta is awesome)
Holy Doodoo!