La la la, blah blah blah! Poyrloy poyrloy! Wtf are all these

CombuskenEM Wrote:Gee thanks for spoiling it.
I'm "sorry" my "friend"...
Ok we get it, if you dont like me as a friend just stop freaking saying it, you're actually getting me angry... If u dont like me then just delete me from ur forums if u want and hell stop talking to me! wheh.
oh and for all the episodes go to and they have them there!
pokefan Wrote:
All I have to say is that I LAUGHED MY @$$ OFF!!!!!!!!
Btw, Birch and CombuskenEM stop arguing. You don't even have a good reason for doing so.
And yeah, HTF rulez!
if u like that kind of games u shoul rly check this site out 2 mill users worldwide 5k users in greek server

If you join Cyber Nations, Search for me (I'm Pr.Birch, and my country is Crete)