Legendary Pokémon

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Chapter V
The transformation expert

“Pikachu?” Kecleon repeated.

“Who is there?” a weak and trembling voice said.

“It’s me! Kecleon! Quickly, we‘ve come to rescue you!”

Very slowly Pikachu came out. She seemed very tired, she was thinner and must have been crying too.

Kecleon threw Cubone away and hugged Pikachu.

“Oh, I can’t believe it. I am so glad, Pikachu. Now, let’s get outta here...”

“Where do you think you are going?” Marowak said once he arrived with his troop. “You are not going anywhere.”

“Yes we are!”

Kecleon used another Psybeam, which Marowak evaded easily. Then he used Bonemerang. More Cubone threw them too.


Kecleon took Pikachu on his back and he started running away with Togetic flying over him. Pikachu –with her remaining powers- used Grass Knot. However, the Cubone and Marowak that were after them were better prepared, so most of them evaded the attack.

They finally reached the end of the corridor, where the passage split into two. So, they took one of the ways, and all the bones behind them crushed into the solid wall.

More Cubone appeared in front of them however. They were trapped. They stopped moving and all Cubone circled them. Togetic was too weak to beat them, Pikachu too tired and Kecleon not enough. They had to give up.

“Do you ever learn from your mistakes?” Marowak asked. “There is no way to escape from the castle. Your cheap tricks don’t work. And now you are going to pay.”

Marowak threw his large bone the three of them. But it suddenly got blocked by another bone. It was one of the Cubone who had done it!


As Marowak and Cubone were still thinking about what had happened, this specific Cubone jumped up high, turned into a Zubat and then used Confuse Ray on all Cubone! All of them got so confused, they started hitting each other with their bones or threw them into the air.


The three Pokemon and Zubat went past all the Cubone, and ran away.

“No.... Fools.... They escaped...” Marowak said, trying to get rid of his confusion, which he actually managed after a while, and ran after them.

“Thanks, Ditto! Good synchronisation!” Kecleon said. “Now, which way?”

“That one. Follow me.”

After a few moments, the Pokemon had found a staircase.

“Well, I did some checking around, this is a shorter way! It leads outside.” Ditto said.

They all went up the stairs, and then found themselves in a big corridor. This place was far different from the basement of the castle. Here everything was much more luxurious and of course it was much lighter! Large windows let all the daylight come in and lighten up every darkest corner of the rooms.

They headed to a window, which Kecleon broke with a Slash, and they jumped into the garden. Many colourful flowers and trees were here. It was about noon right now, and the weather was relatively warm. Togetic was glad to see the light of the sun again, however he didn’t know how much this would last. He might have trusted his fellow Pokemon, however could they stand against a whole castle?

Some Pokemon noticed them and started screaming around. More Cubone ran towards them.

“Ok, now, it will be easier, Ditto? Won’t it?”


Ditto now turned from a Zubat into a Kirlia. How did he do it without a prototype??

“Ok, now, take my hands.”

Togetic obeyed, he caught Ditto’s hand, and so did Kecleon and Pikachu. Then, all of them Teleported. It was such a weird feeling, Togetic felt as if he was being loosened, like there was no air around him, and just as he was getting used to it, he suddenly felt being squeezed really tightly. His ears were hurting him very much. However, what mattered was they had escaped from the castle.

When he opened his eyes again, he realised they were in a forest. Right next to them a shallow river was flowing, which then turned into a short waterfall. The trees around them were different from the ones in the Moving Forests, indicating they had moved to another region.

Ditto returned to its normal form again. It lay down, seeming exhausted. Kecleon and Pikachu were relieved as well.

“Wow, that was awesome, Ditto! In spite of the pressure, you managed to bring us so close to The Base!” Kecleon congratulated Ditto, who smiled proudly. “I guess next time you’ll make it in The Base?”

“I hope there won’t be next time.” Ditto said plainly.

“Thank you, guys for saving me...” Pikachu said. “I am so sorry, I caused you so much trouble... Not only to you, but the whole Ally...”

“It’s ok, what matters is that you are fine now. We will fix everything.”

“Yes but... Togetic, I owe especially you an apology... I am so truly sorry...”

Togetic didn’t know how to react. He could not understand anything at all. He looked at the three of them with his eyes full of wonder.

“Haha, well, we are not crazy. We will explain to you everything once we ensure you are safe.” said Kecleon. “So, let’s get rolling.”

They stood up and started walking along the river. After a few moments they reached the end of the river. There it met a small pond, at the end of which was another waterfall. This one was way taller. The Pokemon walked around the lake and made it to the waterfall. It must have been about four or five meters high.

Kecleon started walking up some stairs that lead to the waterfall. The others followed. It seemed as if they were going into the falling water, however, they went behind it. There was a hole and a passage behind the falling water.

The four of them got into the passage. It was big enough for a large Pokemon to go through, however also small enough not to be seen by others.

The sound of the falling water was very pleasant, as well as the moisture. The passage was not very long, and it must have been a way to pass through the big hills around.

After some time of walking, they finally made it to the exit. And Togetic couldn’t believe his eyes.
btw, thx for your critics. Well I will see what I can do for our friends, Jumpluff and Froslass Wink
good work umbreon!!!Big Grin
Wonderful work! keep up on writing!
Chapter VI
The Base

Right in front of them, Togetic could see something that to his eyes seemed like heaven. All around were tall rocky hills to see, they must have been in a canyon or something like that, and in the middle was a small pond, a tiny river many trees and bushes and many tents. It was like a small village and a lot of Pokemon seemed to be living there!

“This is The Base!” Kecleon announced proud. “Let’s quickly...”

But he didn’t manage to finish his word. A Hoothoot came flying at full speed –as much as it could at least- and a Pichu was running towards them too.


“Pichu, I can’t believe it!”

The two Pokemon hugged each other. Hoothoot joined them too. They were so glad to see Pikachu again. She must have been missing for a long time.

“Kecleon, Ditto, great work! But you should come quickly to the main tent! We must let the others know!!” Hoothoot announced after a while. “Oh, by the way, you found him?” he asked looking at Togetic.

He now felt really uncomfortable. Everyone looked at him. Why was he considered to be so special? Who was he anyway? Was he Arceus’s son or something? He was just a plain Togetic...

“Yeah... We were kind of lucky...” Ditto said.

They all moved through all the tents. They all were vivid-coloured. Some Pokemon were looking at them adoringly and curiously, and started whispering to each other.

After going past about seven tents, they stopped in front of a bigger one. It had a dark green colour and was way larger than the others. The leader of this small town must have been living there.

The Pokemon went into the tent. It was larger inside than Togetic would have thought. Some tables were around, and in the back of the tent was a big chair. That was the leader’s sit. But it was empty...

“Finally you arrived!” they heard a voice behind them.

A Kadabra was looking at them angrily. Pikachu now seemed embarrassed.

“I am so sorry... It was all my fault...”

“Well, of course it was!”

“Ok, enough, Kadabra...” a Kirlia said. “ We are all happy you are back, Pikachu. And also, we can profit from this incident...”

“Thank you...” Pikachu said sadly.

“And well done for finding the third Chosen-One, guys.” Kirlia added.

“The third one?” Togetic repeated.

“Ha, you look puzzled.” Kirlia said. “Well, we’ll give you some information. Soon. Firstly, you must be hungry, aren’t you?”

“Well... Yes actually...”

Although he had no clue for how much time he had eaten nothing, all Togetic knew was he was starving.

“I guess so, you all deserve a good meal after all.” she said with a smile.

They all went to the table, and so did Togetic as well.

“I have bigger fish to fry...” Kadabra said coldly and left.

“Don’t think badly of him. He is very kind and friendly in depth” Kirlia explained.

She gave everyone a wooden plate and then filled it –with Pichu’s help- with soup. It smelled delicious.

Pikachu and Togetic were really hungry, so started eating like crazy. After eating two full bowls, Togetic felt full. Now it was time for some explanations.

“Ok, enough. I demand some explanations...” he stated.

All of them looked at him surprised. They actually didn’t await such a reaction.

“You are right.” the cold voice said again.

“I thought you had left...” Kirlia said to Kadabra ironically. However, he didn’t reply to her.

“Well, Togetic, this world is ruled by Infernape. Infernape is an evil Pokemon, selfish, hot-tempered, absolute, indifferent. And an emperor should not be that way. But unfortunately, Infernape is the emperor of this world.
So, Infernape rules this world in a way that everyone hates. And everyone hates him. But no-one has the guts to revolve. Everyone has been obeying for years.
Infernape has a training programme. He takes young Pokemon and trains them into good spies or warriors. So, once he had two Slowpoke brothers, who were both really smart. However, one of them got too smart, and developed critical thinking. He wouldn’t obey. He revolved. His brother tried to convince him he was crazy to do so, but he wouldn’t listen. He was also to be killed for his disloyalty, however he escaped to a small village.
After some time, he had created a group of other revolutionary Pokemon who didn’t have the guts to revolve on their own. They created The Ally. The tried to convince more Pokemon to join them. They set up their Base in this small place, which is protected as much as possible in order to remain secret to Infernape.
We are the only Pokemon not to obey to Infernape’s word. And for this he wants to kill us all. What we want is to create a more peaceful place for Pokemon to live in.”

Kadabra stopped talking. In the meanwhile Togetic was trying to absorb and understand everything he had just heard. It seemed logical so far.

“And what do I have to do with all this?” he finally asked.

The other Pokemon looked at him uncomfortably.
WOW!!!!!You are a very very good writer!!!!!!
hey it looks like Eragon:Infernape=Galbatorix(Bad Emperors)
and Ally=Varden (the revolved ones)

oh and both Infernape and Galdatorix are saying that yhey want to make the world peaceful
have youread Eragon;
but forget it your story is very good
You write very good.
really? well I don't remember that much, I had read half of the first Eragon but it was so boring I stopped Toungue anyway, thank you all for the critics Smile
I thought Empoleon of an emperor lol
When will you continue? I´m curious to see what happens now Big Grin
hey we want the seventh part!
Hey there! thx for all your critics Smile I really happy that you like my story! here goes the next chapter, and at least you all get some answers! Toungue

Chapter VII
The Chosen-Ones

“There had always been a legend. Since ancient times. The legend of the Chosen-Ones.” Kadabra went on talking. “The Chosen-Ones were four Pokemon. Four distinguished Pokemon. Not due to their appearance or power, but due to their courage, their clear heart and mind. They all represented one element, fire, water, ground and air.
So, these Pokemon would be the chosen-ones to help Pokemon in difficult times. They were supposed to free Pokemon and unit them. These difficult times have arrived. Infernape must be stopped. A lot of Pokemon are imprisoned, dying or being tortured. He even wants to expand the frontiers of the empire to other, unknown lands. He wants war. And Pokemon are not created to battle.
So, we, The Ally, were to protect you -especially from Infernape-, once you appeared. So, we knew when and where you were coming. And so, we sent four of our Pokemon to find you and bring you here. They didn’t have to be the strongest Pokemon we had. Because Infernape’s soldiers would find out immediately and easily. So we sent either sly or Pokemon no-one would recognise. Eevee was to find you specificly and bring you to us.”

“And what happened to her? Where is she now?”

“Well, don’t mind. She is one of our best members. She won’t be in trouble.”

“I was to find a Chosen-One too. I insisted on doing it. And I failed. They caught me.” Pikachu said. “And so I had to tell them who these Pokemon were. This made it easy to locate you and attack you. I am so sorry...”

“You don’t have to accuse yourself, Pikachu.” Kirlia said.

Pikachu looked at her with sparkling eyes, full of gratefulness.

“Three of you are now here. Since Pikachu failed, another Pokemon has started off to find the last member. Now, Togetic, we, The Ally are bound to train you and help you. Because we need to get rid of Infernape’s empire. According to The Prophecy that some wise Pokemon had done hundreds of years ago, you are the only ones who can. The Prophecy even said your names, however only few Pokemon knew. It was The Secret, that had to be protected in order to keep your identity and lives of course safe. So, The Plan of freedom would be fulfilled. And indeed you arrived.”

This part of the story, was far more illogical. Togetic? He had courage? Clear heart and mind? No, he wasn’t that way.

“Well, you must be mistaken. I am nothing special. I am just a plain Pokemon...”

“Well, even not admitting, proves it.”

“But it is the truth! I also don’t want to bear the freedom of all Pokemon on my own shoulders! I can’t do it!”

“Well, you are not alone. You have three more Pokemon to share same thoughts. And also, we don’t decide. It is your destiny to do so.”

“My destiny? Who do you think you are and you know my destiny?”

“It is not me who knows.”

“Then who? He must be mistaken!”

“She isn’t. She was never proven mistaken.”

“I am not the one...” Togetic said sadly.

He was feeling so sad. He couldn’t, he didn’t want to believe it. Was he bound to save all Pokemon? Was this his destiny? He would have felt it if he were special. Or at least he thought so...

Kirlia had collected all plates. All other Pokemon were listening to their discussion. Pikachu, Pichu, Kecleon, Ditto, Hoothoot and Kirlia.

“I thought so too.” another voice was heard from the other corner of the tent.

They all turned to see a Vulpix.

“I also couldn’t believe it at first, you know. I mean, being the Chosen-One, that was way too much for me. I mean, just look at me. Do I look special at all? I don’t think so.”

“You don’t have to seem strong in order to be. Besides, you will get better over time." Kadabra said.

"Come, you should come with us, newcomer. We have our training out there.” Vulpix proposed.

“You should go” Kirlia encouraged him. “If you need anything you will find someone here.”


Unwillingly Togetic stoop up and followed Vulpix out of the tent. She took him away from the tents, where many trees were. There were a few other Pokemon there. A Scizor, a Nidoking, a Clefairy and a Spoink.

“Hey, look whom we have here!” Vulpix said to the others.

“You are Togetic?? The third member??” Spoink said happily while he was bouncing around.

“Hi, I am Nidoking. The second member!” Nidoking said excited. He actually seemed to enjoy his role.

“And these are our trainers, Scizor, Clefairy and Spoink.” Vulpix explained.

Spoink and Clefairy seemed happy, while Scizor didn’t express any emotion.

“Ok, let’s get back to work” Scizor interrupted them. “You have to work on your moves. Spoink, take up Togetic. And, we shall continue.”
wow! it waas great! continue it!!!!!(it's order from the Infernape!lol!(Laugh Out Laudly))
At least a pokemon that looks strong... a Nidoking Toungue Joking!^^
The last chosen one is of the water element... Let´s start a guess game! Big Grin I think it´ll be a Squirtle or a Magikarp... if I´m right, may I win a prize? Toungue
haha...lol...thx a lot for your coms guys! Big Grin oh, I warn you the story is around 35-36 chapters. And I promise it gets more interesting after the last chosen-one arrives... and, good idea, Aluado. any other guesses for the last member? Toungue
oh, just a small hint: it can't be a fish. How is going to walk around in the base and so on? doesn't make any sense, does it? Toungue
I'll say that is one of the water statrers!
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