Legendary Pokémon

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umbreon Wrote:“Pluff!!”

Haha, when I make that sound my friends laugh. Funny sound. ;/
Wow, what happened? Did Infernape came and attacked Nidoking and Scizor? O.o
hey there! happy new year everybody!
Chapter XII
Some encouraging words

All plates were now empty. The meal was just perfect –Kirlia was an excellent cook. Everyone seemed satisfied and full.

At the head of the table was sitting Slowking. Next to him were sitting Kadabra and a Clefable –both of them deputy leaders of The Ally. Many more Pokemon were there as well, Kirlia, Machop, a Sandslash, a Jumpluff, a Quagsire, Clefairy, Eevee, Pikachu, Pichu, Hoothoot, Spoink and few more others. Kecleon and Ditto were absent. All these Pokemon were the members of The Ally –around 40 in total, however not all of them were there. Last but not least, the three Choseon-Ones, Vulpix, Togetic and Nidoking, were sitting at the other head of the table.

Nidoking wasn’t moody at all. The battle he had had with Scizor had ruined all his mood. As he had explained to the others, once he recovered in their tent, Scizor had pushed him too much with the training. And so, at the end, Nidoking released a very strong Fire Blast, which KO’d Scizor at once. This move had exhausted himself as well. But what had really made him this way, was the pushy way Scizor had made him use that move. Togetic then thought, that Spoink was actually right, this method really worked. However, it was hurting the user itself.

Once Kirlia, Pichu, Pikachu and some other Pokemon collected all the plates, Scizor with the help of a Cleffa came into the room. Everyone stopped talking immediately.

Especially Nidoking, he was feeling so uncomfortably. Scizor made it to the table and had a sit.

“How are your wounds?” Slowking broke the silence.

“Chansey said I am fine.”

He started eating, while no-one dared to speak a word. Nidoking was looking at the floor with a black look.

“It is not your fault.” He said after a while. “I caused you to do it, I made you release your hidden power. You are not to blame.”

“And who the hell told you I wanted it to be released?? Did you ever ask me if I wanted to do so???”

“It is needed, if you want to defeat Infernape.”

“And who said I wanted to do so??”

“You had said you liked being special.”

Scizor was so calm, he was eating his soup, he wasn’t even looking at Nidoking or anyone else in the room.

“Yes, but not show it this way.”

Nidoking was about to leave. Just before exiting the tent he added:

“You are hypocrites. You say you are aim at world with no fighting at all. And how will you achieve this? Through war.”

Nidoking left, leaving everyone think about what he was saying. Togetic actually got influenced. He was right. They had to fight against fighting. It didn’t really make sense.

Vulpix stood up and went after him.

“He is right. The only thing you care about is your goal. And I never believed we were special anyway. We don’t differ from any other Pokemon in this room. You just need to believe in something. And that something is us four.”

Togetic was left alone. The other two were already gone. He had no idea how to react. Should he go after the others, or stay? And everyone was looking at him, waiting for his reaction.

At this point Slowking said:

“You are free to follow the other two. You belong with them anyway. Nidoking was right. We don’t have the right to keep you here. You may go. We will manage to do it ourselves.”

He decided he would leave. But then his eyes met Eevee’s. And he suddenly froze on the spot. Many moments passed this way. Then, without realising it, he stood up and got out of the tent.

It was kind of chilly, and a full moon stood tall on the night sky. He headed for their tent. No-one was there. They must have been down to the lake. He flew until there. And there they were, Nidoking throwing stones into the water, while Vulpix was looking at the moon adoringly.

“Hi...” Togetic said and sat next to them. None of them replied. “Will you leave?” he asked after a while.

“Don’t know. I’m so confused.” Nidoking said. “At first I liked the idea of being the hero. I enjoyed it. But today I realised I would have to be harsh against opponents, to kill them. And I don’t care if they are evil. But are they?”

“I was kept in a dungeon for I don’t know how many days. You haven’t been through such something. I was alone for time, without eating much. I was afraid for my life. So was Pikachu. She was kept there for weeks. She was ill, weak, hungry, thirsty, alone. Are those good Pokemon?” Togetic’s words echoed.

“Don’t know... I don’t even know who I am...”

“These Pokemon welcomed us, they provide us with food, friendliness and so on. We have to help these Pokemon, they are like fugitives in their own land!”

“I haven’t experienced it myself yet.”

“Well, I have. And how about you being attacked by Sneasel? Why would they be so harsh against you? They are afraid of you, because you are a threat to them. And I went through such harsh things. Even Eevee’s friend since early childhood betrayed us. Imagine what is going on here. We need to help.” He made a brief pause. It was as if he was waiting for Nidoking to memorise what he had just said. Then he went on. “You are right about what you said. They do want to fight. But they want to express all their disappointment against Infernape, they want to defeat Infernape once and for all, they want to fight and struggle for good and peace.”

“But this isn’t the way!”

“It’s true, but...”

“We were supposed to be the Ones ‘cause we had true courage and clear mind and heart, not because we were the best fighters.”

“We have clear mind and heart because we make the right decisions, and we have true courage to fight against opponents we can’t beat, because we know we aren’t the best fighters.”

“It doesn’t make sense.”

“Of course it doesn’t. Nothing makes sense. But I have made my mind. I am going to help them. I do trust them.”

Togetic had such a self-confident look for the first time actually. He was not thinking either, these words popped out of his mouth without being controlled. Maybe it was the reaction to what he had been through all the past days.

“I would think exactly in the same way as you. If I hadn’t been imprisoned. And betrayed. And chased after. I have my quiet here. And I want this whole world to be so.”

Nidoking was not speaking at all. He was still throwing some stones into the water.

“The moon is beautiful tonight.” Vulpix commended after a while.

A cool breeze hit them on their faces. Something was moving again somewhere in the water. Or was it just a blow of wind? Togetic couldn’t really tell, and he didn’t care at the moment.

“I will do whatever you guys do.” Nidoking announced after some time.

This was the first time he seemed so helpless.

“Well, I am staying.” Togetic said.

“I am curious to see what Pokemon the fourth one will be.” Vulpix said. “Plus, we can’t leave him alone.”

“Fine. The decision is taken.” Nidoking said.

“Don’t worry, we won’t let you down. We will always support you.” Togetic said.

“I hope so. Until now I thought I had nothing to be afraid of, because I believed in myself. But today I realised I can’t confide in me. Because I am afraid of myself...”

No-one commended this. Another cool breeze hit them. The falling water and the full moon as well were creating a perfect atmosphere. They could have stayed up all night.
Perfect! It's perfect! I have no words to explain! keep up not the good work but your perfect work! Oh, and I must say that your fanfic is one of the best I've ever read!
hi! new chapter! enjoyBig Grin
Chapter XIII
The fourth arrival

Togetic had the same dream again. But this time more was revealed about the beginning of the dream.

There he was, somewhere in the woods, and it must have been around dawn or dusk, he couldn’t tell. And he was looking for a path through the thick bushes and trees, he suddenly saw a flash. White-green light could be seen through some branches. This drew his attention. He pushed away the branches that were obstacle to his sight. He couldn’t believe his eyes. It was this Pokemon. He had never seen it before.

“Wow! I can’t believe it!” he said.

And then, the dream was already known to him.

Togetic woke up astonished once again. He couldn’t recollect the dream afterwards, however he knew it had something to do with him becoming a Pokemon. He now was sure he once was human. But he also was feeling this bitter sadness in his heart. He couldn’t really explain it.

He fell back into his straw and fell asleep again.

Next morning, he woke up by himself. Vulpix and Nidoking were not there. He stood up and got out of the tent.

It was early morning, however, Pokemon were running around in anxiety.

“Hey, good morning, Spoink!” Togetic said once he saw the boy. “What is going on?”

“Bad news! The fourth Chosen-One arrived last night!”

“And why is that bad news?”

“Because they were attacked by Weavile and his Sneasel! And they got seriously injured!”

“Where are they now?”

“In Chansey’s tent!”

The two Pokemon headed to Chansey’s tent. Many Pokemon were gathered around it. They all seemed nervous. Togetic tried to make it to the tent. Most Pokemon didn’t let him go, but once they realised it was the Chosen-One, they all stepped apart.

“Thank you” he said embarrassed and went into the tent followed by Spoink.

“You should stay out.” Quagsire –who was guarding the entrance told Spoink. “Togetic, please get in.”

“I am sorry” Togetic said and went in.

“It’s fine.” Spoink replied.

Nidoking, Vulpix, Slowking, Eevee, Ditto, Kecleon and Kadabra were there already. There were a few straw beds. None of them was occupied. In addition there were many counters with medicine and books around.

Noctowl –the one who was assigned to find the last Chosen-One- seemed to be ok, although kind of hurt.

“Good morning” Eevee said.

“Good morning. What happened?”

“Infernape knew.” said Noctowl with his old voice. “Once I found her, Weavile and his troop jumped out of the ground and trees. They were too many. Kecleon, Ditto and I tried to protect her, but we failed. They were many. Our power was not enough. How the hell did he know again?”

“This is serious” Slowking said. “First Pikachu being on her way to Vulpix is attacked. Nidoking and Kirlia get attacked too. Then Togetic and Eevee and now you. We have a betrayer among us!”

“What are you talking about??” Eevee said shocked. “That is impossible, isn’t it? There has to be another explanation!”

“Only a spy would provide him with such information.”

“How is she?” asked Vulpix, interrupting their conversation. It was obvious that she cared more for the harmed Pokemon.

“She is under treatment, in this room” Slowking said, pointing at another room in the tent.

“They changed their plan” Kecleon said. “Now they were aiming at killing us, not fainting us! We could endure some hits, however, she couldn’t. She was still too weak.”

“Why didn’t you send any Pokemon to know Teleport?” Nidoking shouted. He seemed self-confident again, his desperate look was lost. “It worked perfect for Kirlia and me! Or why don’t you send many Pokemon? One or two are not enough!”

“Well, you must know that the ones we sent were our best members, and most of our members are known already anyway. We tried to gain advantage from those who they don’t know. And our Psychic Pokemon are the ones who are most in danger, since Infernape knows how to counter them with Dark Pokemon. Besides, if many Pokemon go together, they are an easy target to be recognised. Pikachu was not known, so was Sandslash –the only one to succeed- and Noctowl. Well, the mistake was not which Pokemon we sent. Our mistake is that we can’t find the betrayer. He may still be among us.”

Nidoking still was not sure he had been convinced by Slowking’s answer. Kirlia had saved him on time. Well, the other Pokemon that were sent seemed also to be very strong. Maybe he was right. The Pokemon that were sent were not the problem. Someone should have betrayed them.

Just then Chansey got out of the other room.

“She is out of danger. She will have recovered by tomorrow.”

“Good. Just let me know if something else comes up.” Slowking said and was about to leave. “I am glad you stayed.” He told the Chosen-Ones before exiting the tent.

Kadabra went after him as well.

“This must be serious...” Eevee said. “I mean, how can they know our next moves? And we were lucky to be safe so far.”

“I don’t know! I am tired of being attacked unexpectedly!” Kecleon yelled. “Even the measures we took this time were not enough! Even though we were three –it was also hard to camouflage- we still got wiped out.”

“It’s Ok.” Noctowl said. “Well it may have been my mistake to go as well. Another Pokemon may have handled it better, I am too old for such.”

“Don’t be silly!” Eevee said. “You are one of the wisest Pokemon among us! And the strongest! And also, Infernape doesn’t know about you! You surely could handle it!”

“Well it seems he knew. And if he didn’t, he does now. Let’s hope he hasn’t discovered our Base as well...”
Nice chapter! I think it was the most exciting chapter you ever wrote! Aw, but you´re mean... who is the last chosen one anyways? T-T
I like the idea of the story, but it is a little scary.
I've only read Part One and it has a very eerie plot to it.
why did you only read part one. If i read a fan fic i read the whole thing before a post about it. Anyway i will read it in a few minute now i have to get to another thing
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