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A Mudkip. I herd u liek 'em.
hmmmm... Poliwag / Poliwhirl / Poliwrath

I really like this story!
I don´t care if it can´t be a fish... the last chosen one is a Magikarp! It can walk by splashing around! xD
hehe... good guesses all of you, but I have to tell you that this remains secret, until the 15th chapter... lol.... I hope you are not bored to read until that point Toungue anyway, here goes the next chapter: (non of anything fascinating but still...)

Chapter VIII
Let’s train a bit

Spoink bounced towards Togetic.

“Hi, I am Spoink! I am so happy to see you! I admire you so much!!”

Spoink was actually a kid. Togetic was feeling embarrassed somehow, but also kind of proud of himself.

Scizor tried to attack Nidoking with a Metal Claw, while Nidoking was trying to avoid it and used Peck. But it didn’t have much effect.

“Try harder!”

And then he tried to use Thrash. On the other hand, Vulpix stopped Clefairy from using Psychic by Roaring.

“Ok, show me what you can!” Spoink said looking at Togetic. He actually waited to see anything special, but he could only use Magical Leaf.

The colourful leaves were about to hit Spoink, however, he crushed them with a Psybeam. The beam now was about to hit Togetic as well.

“Quickly, avoid it!” he screamed.

Togetic tried to fly away, but the beam hit him. He fell on the ground.

“Oh, I am so sorry, Togetic! Are you okay?”

“Yes, I think so... It is itchy...” Togetic said and scratched his wound.

“Hey, Spoink, take it easy!” Clefairy said. “And...WHA!”

She couldn’t finish her word. While she was speaking with Spoink, Vulpix found the time to use Quick Attack successfully.

“It is not enough!” Scizor was shouting a few metres away. He kept avoiding Nidoking’s hits, simply by moving of flying around. “You have to try harder! Your opponents are going to be far harsher than I am!”

“Well, I am trying to!” Nidoking shouted, as he tried to use another Peck which also failed. “Damn!”

“Ok, try any non-offensive move! Don’t underestimate them!” Clefairy advised him, while using a Cosmic Power.

Now Scizor used another Metal Claw on Nidoking. He was really upset.

“Try any of the attacks I tried to teach you yesterday!” he yelled.

Nidoking really was trying, but he couldn’t.

“Scizor is pushing him too much...” Togetic told Spoink.

“Well, yes, but it actually works sometimes...”

Nidoking use a Poison Jab, which also failed.

“Poison moves don’t affect me!”

Scizor used another Metal Claw. Nidoking still couldn’t defend himself properly. This reminded Togetic of himself, when he was trying to use any attack. On the other hand again, Vulpix was doing pretty well. Her Embers had great effect on Clefairy’s SolarBeams, her Quick Attack was fast, her Roar effective as well, and her Energy Ball was just awesome. Clefairy was having a hard time.

“So, shall we go on?” Spoink asked after some time.

“Yes.” Togetic replied, feeling the pain of his wound fading away. He was not going to be hurt again.

He stood up and released many colourful leaves that were crushed again by the Psybeam. However this time, Togetic flew high enough to evade it, just like he had evaded Weavile’s Ice Beams. When he thought of that, it seemed like a piece of cake. Weavile was way tougher than Spoink.

So, next he tried to fly around, went near Spoink and scattered many leaves. However, a Psywave managed to destroy them. Then, Spoink tried another Psybeam. However, without realising it, Togetic glowed white-bluish and then released a Psybeam! The two beams crushed into each other.

“What did just happen?” Togetic asked puzzled and excited at the same time.

“Wow, it’s so cool! You used Mirror Move! You attacked me with my move!” Spoink was so proud, that this was kind of ironic actually.

Togetic was proud of himself as well. That was another move he had. Now he had to find out which other moves he knew...

“Ok, now, let’s try this!” Spoink said, releasing a Psywave.

Togetic and Spoink continued their training, with some short breaks in between, until all Togetic’s moves were revealed. So far he knew Magical Leaf, Mirror Move, Growl and Metronome –which was used twice and turned into a Bide and a Splash.

Afterwards, all Pokemon except for Scizor were exhausted.

“Ok, I think we should call it a day.” Clefairy announced.

“We will have to teach you some moves tomorrow, Togetic.” Scizor said. “Don’t forget, we will meet early tomorrow morning. Don’t be late.”

And then he went away. The other five Pokemon went to rest. Nidoking, Vulpix and Togetic would go to the tent they would share. After saying goodnight to everyone –it was late actually- they withdrew.
nice part!!!!keep going!!!!!!!you write very good!
Really nice! I felt pity of Nidoking... but it´s hard for it to beat a Scizor anyway Toungue
hey there! next chapter! more interesting here! enjoy reading! and btw thx for all your replies Smile

Chapter IX
Three different but similar stories

It was a medium-sized tent, with four very soft and comfortable beds made of straw. Nidoking lay down onto his bed first.

“I am exhausted!” he said.

Vulpix lay on her bed too.

“Oh, com’ on, don’t look like this.” she told Togetic. “Lie down, you need some good rest. It will do you good.”

Togetic sat onto his bed as well. He was looking really sad and the others seemed to notice that. Togetic wondered if they had gone through the same at first too.

“How did you find out?” he finally asked.

“Well, I woke up one day.” Nidoking said. “I had an awful headache and couldn’t remember a thing. I was somewhere in a mountain or what. And there Kirlia found me. At first I didn’t believe I was in danger, I thought she was trying to fool me, but then some Sneasel attacked us. I must admit, she is really strong. That’s what also made me believe her. So, she brought me here. Vulpix was here too, so I wasn’t alone. I must admit, I don’t mind being that way. Although I don’t really feel that special. I hope my powers improve.”

“I woke up at a beach. I was buried in sand. I stood up and looked around. I went around but didn’t find anyone. I thought I was lost. I was getting so panicked. It got dark and I was still alone. And then I was afraid to move, so I stayed there. And in the middle of the night, a Sandslash came. I thought he wanted to harm me. He explained briefly what was going on. I don’t know why, but I trusted him. At first I couldn’t believe what everyone here told me. I was the first Chosen-One, I felt so alone, but you were lucky, you had someone here when you came. A Chosen-One I mean. But I didn’t. I tried to escape, however I failed. But then I just accepted the idea. I couldn’t change it anyway. So, I just compromised. You should do the same...” Vulpix said.

The words of them two made Togetic feel he wasn’t alone. They had felt exactly the same as he. However, they mentioned nothing about being human... Was he the only one to feel that way?

He described in brief his story as well. However, he didn’t mention anything about feeling human. The others were really shocked to hear he was chased by Weavile and caught in the castle.

“Wow, I can’t believe it! It must have been so cool!” Nidoking said excited. “I want to fight against some too! Last time they defeated me at once, but next time won’t be so easy!”

“So, about the fourth member, I guess, he or she will be a Water-type, right?” Vulpix asked.

“Yes, I wonder what kind of Pokemon it will be!” Nidoking said.

“I hope it’s a girl!” Vulpix said laughing.

So did the other two.

“No, I was just joking. I don’t mind being among males. I don’t feel lonely. Because I’ve got used to being alone. You can’t imagine how I felt the first day. I woke up with no memory, all alone. No-one was there to help me. I was feeling like crazy. I looked and looked for someone, but no-one. I even looked into myself for my identity, but still nothing. If Sandslash had not come that night I don’t know what would have happened.”

“I understand.” Nidoking said.

“No, you don’t! You had someone when you woke up! So did you Togetic! And so will the fourth one! But I didn’t! It’s all Pikachu’s fault!”

“Don’t blame her...” Togetic said sadly. “You don’t know what she had gone through. I experienced it myself...”

Vulpix didn’t reply.

“I am sorry Nidoking. You wanted to sympathise with me and I spoke to you like this.” She was now crying.

“Oh, come one, don’t be sad! I will have to tickle you I remind you!” Nidoking said.

She smiled. Togetic touched her back, pretending he was going to tickle her and she screamed, and then burst into laughing.

They continued chatting until they decided they had to get some sleep as well. Togetic hadn’t spoken much. He wasn’t very moody at all, although he tried to seem so. Actually all of them did the same thing. He felt so badly... Many thoughts were crossing his mind, however, he was too tired to think about them much. His eyes couldn’t stay open...

“Wow! I can’t believe it!” he said.

He couldn’t see clearly in front of him, because there was too much light coming from the silhouette he was admiring. The Pokemon spoke to him using telepathy.

“We need you. It is important.”

“What do you mean? Who needs me? And why?”

“Our world, it is in danger. And only you can save us.”

“Me? What are you talking about?”

“Karl, you are special.”

“How do you know my name?”

“I know much more about you than you do about yourself.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Just trust me.”

“What? Why?”

And then he felt a terrible pain.

“I am sorry for this, but it is inevitable.”

Karl fell on the cold floor with heavy aches. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe. What was happening to him? The pain was so much his sight was fading away. Or was it the light coming from that Pokemon? The last thing he saw was his pinkish hand, with five fingers each stretching due to the pain.
So, Togetic is the only one who was a human before... Hey, sorry if I can´t ask this, but will Vulpix and Togetic evolve later? Your story is nice! Please, don´t stop, like I´m doing!Toungue
evolution? hm...let us see if it is in the future plans... Toungue lol (sorry, no spoilers) Toungue thx for reading and commenting btw Big Grin
Chapter X
A word with the Leader

Togetic woke up astonished. His breath was very fast and deep. He was covered in sweat. The first thing he did was to look at his hands mechanically. They were short and white. Ok, relax, it was just a dream, he tried to convince himself, although he couldn’t really remember what the dream was about.

After calming down, he took a look at the others. They were sleeping fast. He had to get some fresh air. He stood up and silently went out of the tent. It was late at night. Everyone was sleeping, there was no-one around. The air was cool, it was hitting his face.

Only the sound of the water was to hear, the falling water, it was so peaceful. Togetic headed for the small pond. There it was much colder. He went closer to the edge of the pond and then looked into it. The water had a dark blue colour, and the stars and the moon were like they were pinned on the water’s surface. He also saw his face. His sparkly eyes were looking at him wonderingly.

And suddenly he saw something like a shade, just under his reflection. Two dark blue eyes were looking at him. Weren’t they? Or was it just his imagination? As cold sweat had covered him, the shade disappeared, and something moved around the surface of the water. Suddenly he saw another face. Just over his shoulder, there was a pink one.


This time he really got scared.

“Hello, Togetic. Are you enjoying our Silent Lake?” the Pokemon said.

Togetic turned around. It was a Slowking. He seemed very calm. Eevee was right behind him too.

“The what?”

“Our lake is called the Silent Lake. Mostly because it is completely empty... No Pokemon have ever lived here, and the surface is always so calm... Rather relaxing, isn’t it? Anyway, I am Slowking, the leader of The Ally. And I guess you have already met Eevee, haven’t you?”

“Yes...” he replied shyly.

“Oh, Togetic, I can’t believe it!” Eevee said, running to hug him. “I am so sorry for what happened! You see, Bibarel let the authorities in Crimson Town know! He betrayed us! And also, he tricked me into going with him, so you would be left alone at home. I am so sorry... Slowking, I disappointed you as well. But, I didn’t expect this. Bibarel was my best friend, he was like a member of my family.”

“Well, Eevee, we are your family. It is Ok, you should be more careful next time. Fortunately everything is good now.”

“Where had you been, Eevee?” Togetic asked. How could he have been so fool to blame Eevee. She would never have done such something. It was all this stupid Bibarel’s fault.

“Trying to hide. And to come here without let anyone understand me. And luckily I did.”

“Yes, we must admit, Eevee is one of our best members.” Slowking said proudly. “And by the way, I am sorry I didn’t welcome you today. But I had a lot of stuff in mind.”

“No, it is fine.”

“Togetic. The peace of our world lies in your hands. You and the three others.”

“Slowking, I don’t understand. How are we special? I am not that courageous person described by The Prophecy.”

“If a Draco Meteor was falling onto us right now, what would be the first thing you would do?”

Togetic reddened.

“Well... I would...”

He looked at Eevee embarrassed.

“I would protect her.”

Eevee expressed a mixture of having expected this answer and being surprised. Togetic never understood what she really felt at that time.

“You see? Most Pokemon answer: ‘I would jump away to evade it’, or ‘I would destroy it with my Hyper Beam’. But you chose to protect your friend. If this isn’t courage, then what is it?”

Togetic thought about Slowking’s answer. Could he be right? He looked at Eevee. She was smiling at him.

“Come on, Togetic. It’s Ok. Don’t rush things, one thing at a time. Just relax these days here, train, make friends. We still have some time, until the last member arrives. By the way, Slowking, how is Noctowl doing? Did you have any word from him?”

“No, he is still waiting... You know, Togetic, Noctowl is bound to find the last member. He is waiting at his post right now for the arrival...”

“What do you mean arrival?”

“Well, it is believed that the Chosen-Ones are not from this world.”

“Is this why I feel human?” Togetic asked plainly, however, Slowking got really shocked.

“Excuse me, what did you just say? Human?”

“Yes, why?”

“No-one has ever claimed to be human! It is unthinkable! Don’t tell anyone about it! And there is the Ninetales Legend as well, I don’t want to think about it!”

“What is this legend?”

“Well, it is not the time for this. You’d better go to sleep. You have to train tomorrow.”

“Ok...I will. Just a lat question. Eevee, you meeting me was not a co-incidence, was it?”

“It wasn’t” she said with a smile. “I was to protect you.”

“Ok, thanks... good night!”

“Good night, Chosen-One!”

“See you tomorrow!” Eevee said smiling and then she turned around and spoke to Slowking. They said something and they looked at him in perplexity and disbelief. However, he didn’t ask what they were talking about because he thought he knew the answer...
For a moment, I thought Slowking would be the last chosen one. But then, he said he was the leader, so... never mind. Toungue
"If a Draco Meteor was falling onto us right now, what would be the first thing you would do?"
I´d scream in panic xD
Your story is great.
gRe[a]T s/t0r.Y man
"If a Draco Meteor was falling onto us right now, what would be the first thing you would do?"
I would destroy it with my Hyper Beam.
hey there!!! chapter 11 already! and AT LEAST some battles!(although there are not many in general..) anyway, enjoy Big Grin
Chapter XI
Let’s train some more

“Hey, wake up!”

Togetic opened his eyes.

“Come on, we are late already!”

Vulpix seemed to be in hurry. Nidoking was not there.

“What happened?” he asked.

“We were supposed to train? Remember?”

“Oh, yeah...”

He stood up and the both of them headed to the place where they had trained yesterday. It was still dawn, and everyone must have been sleeping. Nidoking was there already, and so where Clefairy, Scizor and a Machop.

After greeting each other, they started training. They did some plain exercises and ran around a bit to warm up. Then, they each got a pair –Nidoking with Scizor, Vulpix with Clefairy and Machop with Togetic- and started their training.

Nidoking practised on his Double Kick and Peck and also tried to use his Leer to gain advantage over the foe. Vulpix continued using her Energy Balls and Ember on Clefairy’s Ice Beams and Solarbeam.

“Hey there, I am Machop! I will be your personal trainer for today!”


“So, first, show me your moves!”

Togetic started with a Magical Leaf. Machop easily crushed all leaves with a Karate Chop. Then, Togetic tried Mirror Move, using Karate Chop, which actually was blocked by Machop’s fists (Karate Chop again). Also, his Metronome turned into a Vacuum Wave, which didn’t harm Machop much.

Machop turned out to be strong, although it was obvious that he didn’t use even half of his power. His Flamethrower and Strength were still really strong, and so was his Dynamicpunch (most of which luckily either were intendedly weak or missed). The practice went on for a few more hours. The sun had rose high into the sky, and there, they were still training.

“Ok, one more time, this time try harder.” Machop encouraged Togetic.

“Ok, so, here it goes...”

Togetic opened his mouth again, and this time he tried to give it all. But even then, he didn’t manage to do it.

“I am sorry...” he said disappointed.

“No, it is fine. We will just need to do something else! Vulpix, could you attack our friend with an Ember?”

“Sure!” she said while releasing many hot flames from her mouth.

Instantaneously Togetic used Magical Leaf, however, the leaves were burnt by the flames. By flying fast around, he managed to evade the attack.

“Try again!” Machop said.

Ok, he had to try harder. As Vulpix fired a second Ember attack, he focused, closed his eyes and opened his mouth.

He couldn’t hear a thing. He waited and waited, until...


He opened his eyes. Yes! He had made it! He had finally learned Water Pulse!

“Haha, excellent!” Machop said.

Togetic was so proud of himself. He had learnt Sweet Kiss, and then over it he finally learned Water Pulse. Machop was a good tutor.

“Try to battle you two!” Clefairy told them. She seemed tired as well anyway. She and Machop got to watch them.

“Ok, let’s do it!” Vulpix said.

She launched a Quick Attack, which also hit. Togetic then used a Metronome. It turned into an Icy Wind, which Vulpix melted with an Ember. On top of it, another ball made of water created in Togetic’s mouth put out the flames.

“Wow, cool!” Spoink said. He had just arrived to watch the battle.

“Thanks, but I won’t take it easy on you, Togetic!” Vulpix said and launched another Quick Attack.

“Neither will I!”

Just when Vulpix was close, Togetic hit her with colourful leaves. However, it didn’t cause much damage. Then Vulpix used an Energy Ball. Togetic was hit again.

“Grass-type moves do not affect that much Flying- and Fire-type Pokemon!” Machop reminded them.

“Ok..” Togetic said while using Metronome.

This time it turned into a Magnitude. Togetic hit the ground with force, and it started shaking. This did some serious damage to Vulpix, who -once recovered- used an Ember.

The flames hit Togetic. He started to feel tired. He had already been hit by a Quick Attack, an Energy Ball and an Ember. But Vulpix didn’t seem that tired. He had to weaken her with Water Pulse. So, another ball of water was about to hit her, however, an Energy Ball blocked it.

“Ok, this is getting annoying!” Togetic said, as he used Metronome again.

What he liked about this move was that no-one knew what to expect. The only drawback was he didn’t know either. The move turned into Fake Tears. Togetic pretended to be crying, so as to make Vulpix feel sorry for him. It was a good move. Now he could profit from it.

Vulpix used another Ember. The flames were about to hit Togetic –and KO him- however, the Water Pulse put out the fire and hit Vulpix with great force.

“Ok, enough” Machop said. “You both are tired. This was enough training for today.”

“It is good that you understood you can block the foe’s moves with yours.” Clefairy commended. “Togetic, you should profit from your flying ability, and, Vulpix, you should profit from your agility. But it was a good start.”

And Spoink was Splashing around in excitement. Togetic and Vulpix congratulated each other for the good battle. It was also good that their trainers didn’t let them end their battle. Something like a draw was much better. They were friends after all.

“Hey, where are Nidoking and Scizor?” Togetic asked after a while.

And suddenly, a loud roaring was heard.

“What was that?” Spoink asked.

The roaring had come from some place behind some big rocks and bushes. They all ran to see what was happening. And they couldn’t believe their eyes.

Scizor was lying on the grass and mud, with his body burnt completely and smoke around. Nidoking was standing on the other side, exhausted. He fainted afterwards too.
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