Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: Has anyone created made-up Pokemon? Seriously!
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Post your Fake Pokemon here!
Here are the rules:
1. Give the Pokemon's name.
2. Give the element.
3. Give the Pokemon's type (Two Maximum)
4. Four moves max (You can make up moves if you want)

If you're going to make up moves here's how:
1. Give the name.
2. Give the element.
3. Explain what it does.
dull down tha rule and people will post fake pokemon
The Fighting Pokemon
Ability: Clear Body
Base stats:
HP: 61
Atk: 129
Def: 93
SpD: 93
Spe: 100

- Tackle
- Leer
- ThunderPunch
- Fire Punch
- Ice Punch
Lv 5: Leer
Lv 9: Mach Punch
Lv 13: Bite
Lv 19: Beat Up
Lv 28: Submission
Lv 36: Crunch
Lv 41: Agility
Lv 50: Close Combat
Lv 59: Swords Dance
Lv 71: Fire Blade [Fire Physical base power: 140 Accuracy: 90 effect: decreases the user's Atk by two stages when used.]
Lv 71: Freezing Blade [Ice Physical base power: 140 Accuracy: 90 effect: decreases the users Atk by two stages when used.]
Lv 71: Thunder Blade [Electric Physical base power: 140 Accuracy: 90 effect: decreases the users Atk by two stages when used.]

The genocide pokemon

Cylonion is a machine pokemon that was artificially made. It has many duplacites. They can also transform into any kind of creature. Cylonions have a horizonatal red line in place of their eys that lights up so they can see. They are able to turn that into a deadly horizontal lazer beam that destroys anything in its path. However the first Cylonion, Cylonion 1 is classified as a legendary pokemon. Cylonion 1's signature move is poison cannon, a move that spreads radioactive waste on everything in its path...

Type: Steel, Poison

Ability: Kill streak
Excellent! I was starting to worry that this thread would never be seen or answered. Thanks, guys!
I have tones of made up pokemon in my twisted brain of mine...
Well, let's have a look. I imagine you have good ideas in your "twisted mind" as you say.

The Pekingese Pokemon

Ability: Flame Body

Some Moves:
Hyper Voice
Fire Fang
I like it. But, what does it look like?
A pekingese on fire Toungue With fiery ears, fire on the legs and a fiery tail Big Grin

There is its Pokedex Entry:Peniky usually dig for Charcoal, in order to enhance their fire. They are very good diggers.
I think metroids should be pokemon. I have an evolutionary family and legendary for the metroids:

Miniroid: The pre evolutionary form of metroidon. A miniroid is only obtainable through the mystery gift item Gene-X Ticket. The Gene-X Ticket will be used to transport the player to metroid island. Once on the island the player will go into a cave. Then the player will see metroid prime's shadow and an egg will appear. The egg will hatch into a miniroid.

Metroidon: The evolution of miniroid. A miniroid will evolve into a metroidon once it has absorbed enough energy from other pokemon. This is represented by defeating 15 pokemon.
Metroidon and its family have the Parasite ability which allows them to replenish energy equivalent to the amount the opponent has been damaged by an attack. It will evolve into a Metroidogar after it has defeated 50 pokemon then evolved using the phazon stone.

Metroidogar: The final form of the metroid family. By the way all 3 of them are poison and psychic type. Thats about it...

After that we come to metroid prime which I will go over later.
Or even...


Queetroid (Queen+Metroid!)

The Queen Metroid Pokemon


Entry: A developed Virus that came from space ended as a fearful Dragon.
Ability: Gen Ice (It give immunity to Ice Type MovesToungue)
Nice! We could even base the evolution after the real life cycle of metroids:


Alpha metroid

Gamma metroid

Zeta metroid

Omega metroid

This is the real metroid life cycle. If an omega metroid's genes are right it can become a queen metroid. A metroid at any stage in its life exposed to high concentrations phazon for long periods of time will mutate into something like metroid prime.
Interesting! It makes me think about how Ridley could be a Pokemon evolving into Meta-Ridley.
no ridley's life cycle has 4 stages, all found in Metroid Other M.
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