Legendary Pokémon

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let's do it
I wanna be the very best
Like no-one ever was (ever was ever was)
To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause
My whole life has led to this
Time to test my skills
I know I just can't miss
Gonna show the world
Born to be a winner (JOHTO!)
Born to be a champion
Born to be a winner
Born be the very best (POKEMON JOHTO!)
Born to be a winner

Welcome to part three of my saga. To think this all started with a day dream, to lead to me having two hot threads(yay for me).
For those who don't already know, I will be having the pleasure of using two new characters made by LuXray and goldencharizard. I think I'll start off with a prologue for bith of their characters, Crystal and Gold

Prologue 1:Crystal (sorry dude, ladies first)
Five days after Jen's loss, a girl of 13 wakes up on her birthday, covering her eyes as the sun shines brightly off of the snow.
"Good morning mom." The girl says as she walks down the stairs.
"Morning birthday girl. Sleep well?" Her mom asks.
"Yeah, until I woke up to be nearly blinded by the sun. Who pulled up the curtains?" The girl said.
"Probably your brother as his way of saying to wake up soon. Don't upset over it too much Crystal." Her mom said.
"Dang it Keith! I'm going to get him." Crystal said.
"You and what army?" Said a sarcastic 10 year old coming down the stairs.
"You're asking the Sinnoh winner what army I have? Maybe I'll have Serafina(Luxray) teach you a lesson." Crystal said.
"Settle down, and come eat your cake." Mom said.
"Cake for breakfast?" Crystal said.
"Sure, why not?"
"Hurray! Thanks mom!" Keith said.
"Wait a minute, let Crystal blow out the candles first." Mom said. Crystal went over to the cake and blew out the candles in one go.
"What did you wish for?" Mom asked.
"I can't tell you, though you probably already know." Crystal said.
"I bet you wished mom wasn't making you take me around Sinnoh for my journey, huh?" Keith said.
"Yep." Crystal said.
"Crystal, it will be fun to travel with your brother, and I'm not changing my mind." Mom said sternly. Around noon, Crystal was in her room, gathering supplies, wrote a quick note, and ran down stairs shouting "I'm going to hang out with a friend for awhile. Be back whenever!" Then ran out the door after putting the note on the counter. A few hours later, Keith was reading the note while the mom was just coming in the room.
"Mom, look!" Keith said, handing the note over.
Dear mom,
I cannot stand the thought of travelling with my annoying little brother all over the region I already beat. I've decided to take Serafina, Leader(Empoleon), Shadow(blue Umbreon), and Furry(Furret) with me to Johto. I'll call when I can, so don't worry about me. I'll bring home another trophy
Love, Crystal
"Is she gone mom?" Keith asked.
"Yes Keith, so you'll have to go to Sinnoh by yourself." Mom said frustrated.
"Good, she's annoying." Keith said.
Your profile says you have a brother and he isn't exactly the best, so I hope this is to your liking.

Prologue 2: Gold
A boy of 12 was wandering around Lilycove, weighing his options.
"If I go to Sinnoh, I can catch a Buizel, but Johto is closer and has cool pokemon as well, so that might be my best bet." Gold said. He ran back to his house and gathered up his supplies, as well as his trusted partners Growlithe, Scyther, and Shuppet, then told his parents where he had decided to go.
"Good luck in Johto, and try to make a lot of friends in this region, okay?" Dad said.
"Geez, you say that like I have no friends at all." Gold said. He ran out to the port and got aboard the S.S Hoenn, and eagerly awaited his arriaval at Johto.
Sorry, but nothing big came to me for Gold, but don't worry, I have many plans for him in Johto, I promise
A very nice prologue!I look forward to the next episodes
yey!!finaly jhoto jen is here!the prologue was really good(it was good you looked my profile and thx i don't have to travel with my brother)I'M SHINOH's Champion!!!!!
btw,born to be a winner is my fav pokesong!!!
It's sad that Jen's Travels ended just as it became a hot thread, but oh well

Chapter 1: Jen walked into New Bark town when she heard the horn of a boat. She turned to the water to see two boats coming into view.
The S.S.Hoenn and the S.S.Sinnoh, huh? Jen said.
Yep. They bring trainers who want to try their hand here Jolteon said. Jen continued walking towards the center, just as the two ships docked.

A girl of 13, dark brown hair that came down to her shoulders, brown eyes, a blue jacket, blue pants, light blue gloves, and a silver heart necklace stepped off of the S.S.Sinnoh. She looked around and soon spotted a pink haired girl with a Jolteon and an Umbreon walking towards the center.
"Let me see how strong the trainers here are, starting with you." Crystal said to herself. She then followed Jen.

A boy of 12, short blonde hair, brown pants, gold shirt, brown jacket, green eyes, and a gold spotted bandana rapped around his head stepped off the S.S.Hoenn, holding a pokeball in his hands, hoping to attract a battle that way. His eyes combed the crowd of people, soon spotting a pink haired girl with two strong looking Eevee evolutions with her.
"This is going to be a thrill, win or lose." Gold said to himself. He then went after Jen as well.

Jen appraoched the entrance of the center when CRASH!
"Where's the fire?" Jen said, rubbing her head while on the ground.
"Wait, that voice. Jen?"
"Keshia?" Jen asked. She looked up to indeed see Keshia standing with her hand held out.
"Keshia! I thought you were going to travel the islands in Kanto." Jen said, taking her hand and pulling herself up.
"I was, but I got on the wrong boat and fell asleep. When I woke up, everyone was getting off here, so I figured I might as well enter the Johto league." Keshia explained.
"Well, you know what this means, right?" Jen asked.
"Yep. The Shining Star double battle team is back together." Keshia said, smiling.
"Excuse me." Jen and Keshia turned to see a dark brown haired girl.
"I'm Crystal, and you are?" Crystal asked.
"I'm Jen, and this is my best friend Keshia." Jen said.
"Okay Jen, I challenge you to a battle!" Crystal said.
"Wait for me! I want to challenge you too." A boy with a golden bandana said, just now entering the center.
"And you are?" Jen asked.
"I'm Gold, nice to meet you." Gold said.
"Well, I'd like to battle you both, but that would be unfair, unless my partner here would be willing to help?" Jen said.
"Sure, just like old times." Keshia said. The went to the back of the center and spread out.
"I want to test my strength against that Umbreon of yours." Crystal said.
"Umbreon? No, you don't want to fight this Umbreon. My dad trained him, and he isn't one to be taken lightly." Jen said.
"Neither am I. I'm the Sinnoh champ, so I think I can handle it." Crystal said.
"Oh, well if you two just want to fight Jolteon and Umbreon at the same time, then I don't need to be here." Keshia said. Jolteon and Umbreon took their place, awaiting their opponents.
"Go hard or go home Shuppet!" Gold said.
"Game on Shadow!" Crystal said. A shuppet and a shiny Umbreon (look at LuXray's avatar) popped out. Shadow started with an Iron tail, to collide with Umbreon's Iron tail. Neither gave an inch, though it looked like Shadow was giving more effort.
Okay, I got a good measure on his power. Pretty good, I must admit Umbreon said. Shuppet fired off a Shadow ball at Jolteon, only to be destroyed by Thunderbolt. Jolteon's attack still continued, zapping Shuppet.
"Shadow, Iron tail again!" Crystal said.
"Shuppet, Sucker puch!" Gold said. Shuppet never got the chance, for it was paralyzed from Thunderbolt, and then fainted from another. Shadow and Umbreon collided again, but this time Umbreon wasn't holding back and sent Shadow for a loop. Umbreon finished the job with a swift Shadow claw.
"Who is your father?" Crystal asked, returning Shadow.
"That isn't important." Jen said.
"No really, tell us!" Gold said, returning Shuppet.
"Well, he's the grand champion, Chris." Jen said. It took a moment for that to sink in, then they both put on faces of shock.
"No wonder they mopped the floor with us." Crystal said.
"No, really, you two have strong pokemon." Jen said.
"I know that, just not strong enough though." Gold said.
"I've decided! I'm going to travel with you, trying to get as strong as Umbreon. Besides, Maybe you two might learn something from me as well." Crystal said.
"Can I come too? I was told to make new friends in this region, and this might be the way. Plus, I want to battle those two again, when I get stronger that is." Gold said.
"Keshia, what do you think?" Jen asked.
"It's up to you Jen." Keshia said.
"Okay, you two can come with us, but I warn you. I'm not always easy to get along with. I have my moments where I'm difficult." Jen said. After that, Crystal and Gold joined Jen and Keshia in getting registered.
"Now then, looking at the map in my new guide book, the next stop is most likely Cherygrove city, then to Violet city for the gym battle." Jen said.
"Maybe I can get some new pokemon on the way. I only brought Flareon with me." Keshia said.
"Well, I left Heracross to train with Gallade." Jen said.
"Meet my team. Serafina is the Luxray, Leader is the Empoleon, you already met Shadow, and Furry is my Furret." Crystal said after releasing all her pokemon.
"Meet Growlithe, Scyther and Shuppet." Gold said, also letting out his team.
"Wow. We have got a big addition to the team, huh?" Jen said.
yay yay yay!!!!i don't know why but i feel extremly happy that i take part in this fanfic!!i hope my pokemon will get stronger in order to beat jen's!!!yay!!!
Jen's, we'll see. Mine, neverBig Grin
Am I the only one with a fan fiction saga?

Chapter 2: "Oh yeah, Jen? I was wondering. In your battle, you used your dad's battle phrase, so what is going on with that?" Keshia asked.The group was on the road heading to Cherygrove city.
"I think I'll keep it for awhile, and see how it fits." Jen said.
"I've thought up of a new phrase as well. Its you and me." Keshia said.
"I like it." Jen said.
"Hey Jen, what is the champ like?" Crystal asked.
"Define like." Jen said.
"I mean, how does he get so many wins, how he got so strong." Crystal said.
"Oh, well that's an easy one. He trains." Jen said.
"Geez, I could've told you that." Gold said.
"You seem to expect some great and mysterious secret, but the truth of the matter is, he just trains." Jen said with annoyance.
"People ask her that a lot, so she's sick of it by now." Keshia said in an undertone to Crystal and Gold. By nightfall, they found themselves in a clear, open field.
"Great, good luck finding firewood out here." Jen said, looking everywhere.
"No problem, I have an idea. What if we just use a lot of grass?" Gold said.
"Oh. Yeah that could work." Jen said. After building the fire, the group cooked their food and let the pokemon out for supper along with the trainers. Flareon went over and greeted Jen's team while the food was still being prepared. Crystal and Gold's teams were unsure of what to do. Seeing this, their trainers encouraged them to go over to the others. Growlithe was the first. He went over to Ivysour, and bit him.
"Don't be angry, that's just how he says hello." Gold said.
Maybe I should say hello back Ivysour said angrily. The other pokemon seemed to get along better after that, thinking they couldn't make a worse first impression than Growlithe. When the food was passed out, the teams ate with a pokemon from another team, except for Furry, who, as usual, ate with Crystal.
"She likes eating with me, thats all." Crystal said when questioned.
"Are you sure she isn't a little shy?" Gold asked.
"Nope." Crystal responded simply. Later that night, Jen couldn't sleep, so she went for a walk. It wasn't long before she saw Umbreon sitting alone staring up at the moon.
Penny for your thoughts Jen said.
Now what would an Umbreon do with a penny? Umbreon replied.
Okay, then whats on your mind? Jen asked.
Nothing. I just like looking at the moon. I'm an Umbreon, so you know that I evolved at night, on the full moon to be exact. They say that an Umbreon that evolves on the full moon is destined to be gifted, more powerful than normal Umbreon Umbreon said.
I seem to recall that, even on the cloudiest of nights, neither rain nor sleet nor snow would keep you from slipping out at night and staring at the sky, wheather the moon was there or not Jen said.
It helps me think, some alone time, you know? Anything on your mind? Umbreon asked.
I'm just not used to having so many new faces yet, and it's exciting. A bigger party, a lot more fun we'll all have Jen said.
Well, that shouldn't stop you from sleeping, so try and go back to sleep, okay? Umbreon said. Jen nodded and left, leaving Umbreon to resume staring at the sky.
The next morning, there was a fight at breakfast.
"Hey Gold, wake up! Growlithe bit Ivysour again and they're really having at it!" Keshia said. Gold woke up and saw Jen trying to pull Ivysour off of Growlithe, and having little success at that.
"Growlithe, what are you doing?" Gold asked, helping Jen seperate them. Once they were apart, Jen sat Ivysour down, and Ivysour told her the story of what happened.
"Okay Gold, here is what happened. Ivysour says he was eating breakfast with Serafina when Growlithe snuck over and used Fire fang on his back. Ivysour, quite angry, fired a Solarbeam, sending Growlithe high, then was content on leaving it at that, but Growlithe came back for more. That is when he just lost it and he and Growlithe were really tearing at each other." Jen explained.
"How do you know that?" Gold asked.
"Jen has the ability to bond her soul with her pokemon and speak with them telepathicaly." Keshia said casually.
"Is that teachable?" Crystal asked eagerly.
"Um, I don't think so. I inherited the power from my dad." Jen said.
"Wow, so that must be his secret!" Crystal said.
"Look, we'll talk about it more over breakfast if you want, but for now, Gold could you please do something about Growlithe?" Jen said.
"Yeah, sure." Gold said. Gold carried Growlithe away, and talked to him. After breakfast, the group gathered everything up and set off again on the road. Around noon, they saw Cherygrove city.
"What say we get lunch there?" Jen asked.
"Lets go then." Gold said. At the pokemon center, Gold and Keshia went straight for the food, while Jen and Keshia went to use the phone first.
"Hey mom. Sorry about the whole 'I'm not taking my brother around Sinnoh' thing. You're not too mad, are you?" Crystal asked.
"I must admit, I'm frustrated, but Keith seemed happy with how things turned out. He started his journey with a Turtwig and is now on his way to his first gym match." Crystal's mom said.
"Oh yeah, I met some people and are now travelling with them. One of them is the champs daughter, can you believe it?" Crystal said.
"Wow, how did you meet someone like that?" They chatted for awhile and hung up to get lunch.
"I just talked to my dad. He said that the Violet city gym leader is Fawkner, and he specializes in flying types." Jen said.
"This should be fun." Keshia said.
"So, how are we going to do this? It would take way too long for each of us to fight alone." Crystal said.
"Oh, we thought of a solution for that a long time ago." Jen said.
"We pair up and fight the gym leader." Keshia said.
"Double battles? Sure, why not. I'll pair up with Jen." Crystal said. Jen stopped, while Keshia coughed loudly.
"We are already a team Crystal. Me and Keshia are a famous double battle team." Jen said.
"So? It's just one match, and who knows? We might make a better team than you and Keshia." Crystal said.
"Then I guess it's just me and you left Keshia." Gold said. Keshia did her best to hide her dissapointment.(That she isn't paired with Jen. Don't be affended). After lunch, they were soon on the road again, much to the amazement of Gold.
"So soon? We just got here after all." He had said.
"Hey Crystal, why did you want to pair up with Jen?" Keshia asked in an under tone.
"Why not?" She responded quietly, and she left it at that. At dusk, just before the fire was built, a Noctowl swooped in on them from above and attacked.
"Mine! Its you and me Flareon!" Keshia said. "Flamethrower!" The attack scorched it's left wing, forcing it to land rather harshly.
"Fire fang!" Keshia said. Flareon bit it's other wing, doing enough damage to faint it. Keshia tossed a pokeball at it, catching it.
"Yay for me, lets eat." Keshia said happily.
"You get used to it." Jen said when Gold and Crystal shot her confused looks.
wow!nice part!how did you know that Furry likes eating with me?
VERY lucky guessCool
After checking, I now have 5 reputation points for my fan fic series, all of which I appreaciate highly.

Chapter 3: The group was just outside Violet city when it started raining, and hard.
"Come on, we can take shelter in the center." Gold said. They ran as fast as they could towards the center, slipping on the wet floor when they arrived.
"Ouch. I'll be feeling that in the morning." Jen said.
"Hey guys, it's already half past six. How about we sleep here then go to the gym in the morning?" Crystal said. They ate their supper, keeping Growlithe and Ivysour far away from each other, then turned in for the night.
The next morning, Gold got up first and looked outside.
"Still raining?" Gold wondered. Jen got up, and immdeiatly rubbed her hip, wincing in pain.
"What do yah know, I was right." Jen said softly so as not to wake up the others. She went to get an early breakfast when she peered outside.
"Now how are we supposed to get to the gym in this weather?" Jen asked.
"Good question." Gold replied. Crystal and Keshia got up later and joined the others. On the TV, a state of emergency alert went out, warning citizens of a flash flood.
"Good morning, how are you? Oh yeah, flood, so becareful." Jen mocked bitterly.
"Calm down, we can go when the storm is over." Keshia said. Hours passed, and the storm finally stopped after lunch.
"Finally, I've dying to get out there." Jen said.
"We couldn't tell." Gold muttered. At the gym, the found an incredibly tall tower, and when they got to the top, a giant roof top stadium awaited them.
"Fawkner?" Jen shouted.
"Yes?" Avoice replied from the other side. Fawkner walked in, with a ref behind him.
"I take it you know why we're here." Jen said.
"And I know the terms of the battle. Go Pidgeot and Dodrio!"
"We fight as one Cinder!"
"Game on Serafina!"
"Pidgeot use Sky attack, and Dodrio use Drill peck!" Fawkner said.
"Cinder, block it with Dragon rage!" Jen said.
"Serafina, Thunder fang!" Crystal said. Dragon rage interrupted Sky attack, along with damaging Pidgeot, while Thunder fang bit Dodrio in it's side, fainting it quickly.
"Pick up the pace Jen, or I'll leave you behind me. Thunder fang again!" Crystal said. Serafina leapt into the air, surprising Cinder, and chomped on Pidgeot, taking it out easily.
"Dang it. Oh well, I lost. Hey, you two. I take it you guys want a match as well? If so, come on! I've got Noctowl and Fearow right here." Fawkner said, releasing the pokemon as he spoke.
"Ready Gold?" Keshia asked.
"Yep. Go hard or go home Growlithe!"
"Its you and me Flareon!"
"Noctowl, Confusion!" Fawkner said.
"Growlithe, use Fire fang on Flareon!" Gold said. Growlithe bit Flareon with a powerful Fire fang.
"Thanks Gold. Flareon, Flamethrower!" Keshia said. Flareon sent out a huge jet of flames that intercepted Confusion, and scorched Noctowl enough to faint it.
"Fearow isn't going down so easily. Brave bird!" Fearow dove down straight at them, lit up with an electric blue glow.
"Fire fang!" Gold and Keshia shouted in unison. Flareon and Growlithe each jumped up and chomped down as hard as they could on a wing. Fearow was forced out of the air, and crashed down hard on the stadium.
"I stand corrected. This is the first time I've been beaten by four people in the same day. I must be losing my touch." Fawkner said. The ref gave each of them a feather badge, and the left.
"So Jen, who do you prefer as your partner now?" Crystal asked.
"Honestly?" Jen asked.
"Yep. I want to know who you prefer as a partner: me or Keshia." Crystal said.
"Keshia." Jen said.
"What? Why?" Crystal asked, surprised.
"She works with me better. I mean, sure we won, and fast, but the team work just wasn't there. Maybe next time you and Gold should team up." Jen said.
"Fine, as long as we get there fast. Where are we headed anyway?" Crystal asked.
"Azalea town." Jen answered.
Chapter 4: In the wide open grassland field, Keshia could see an area of water ahead.
"Guess what my dad gave me?" Keshia said. She pulled out a fishing rod(in pieces. Some assembly required) from her pack.
"Good for you. Too bad I didn't bring mine." Jen said. Keshia ran over to the water and cast her line in, while the others got lunch set up. 15 minutes later, lunch had already been made, and Keshia was about to give up when the rod was nearly yanked from her grip.
"Hey guys, I got something!" Keshia yelled. The rod continued to jerk violently, and Keshia nearly lost it, until Cinder grabbed the rod. Together, they heaved and a Chinchou flew out of the water.
"So, this is the little fighter that took Cinder's strength to get out." Keshia said. The Chinchou's antenea sparked violently as it jumped up and down.
"Energetic, aren't we? I could use a water type like you." Keshia said.
"One problem. This one looks tough, and the two pokemon you have are weak against both it's traits." Gold said.
"Oh yeah, I forgot. This could be harder than I-"
"Ivysour, Razor leaf!" A flurry of leaves shot at Chinchou, taking it by surprise.
"Now, Solarbeam!" Jen said. Ivysour built up the energy he needed, then fired the beam at Chinchou, finishing it off.
"Okay Keshia, go ahead." Jen said.
"I don't know how many times I have to say this, but what would I do without you Jen?" Keshia asked after successfully catching Chinchou. After lunch, the group set off again for Azelea town, soon coming to the entrance of a cave.
"Um, Jen? Are you sure we're going the right way?" Crystal asked.
"I'm sure. This is Union cave. It links this area with Azalea town." Jen said. Once entering the cave, Jen pulled out her flashlight.
"Only proving my point." Keshia said. Smiling, Jen led the way through the cave.
"Wait, did you hear that?" Gold asked quietly. They all froze, straining their ears to try and listen.
"Oh, that. Don't worry, there are Gastly and Misdrevious here that like making roars from random locations in the cave to try and scare off trainers and travellers." Jen said.
"Sounds pretty real to me." Gold said. A few minutes later, light shown from the end of the cave. Jen put her flashlight away and when they were almost at the exit, ten Gastly and Mistrevious popped out of nowhere, laughing.
"Lovely." Crystal commented when a Gastly stuck it's tongue out at them.
"Are we going to have to force our way through, or can we do this peacefully?" Jen asked. The ghosts huddled together for a moment, then they all turned to them and yelled as loud as they could.
"I'm guessing that would be a no." Jen said.
"Game on Serafina!" Crystal said. "Use Spark!" Serafina charged at them, hitting three of them successfully. The pokemon retaliated by shooting a group Shadow ball.
"Dodge it!" Crystal said, shaken by the size of the attack. Serafina looked around frantically, not finding a clear path. The ghost pokemon laughed at her, still holding the Shadow ball.
"Protect!" Crystal said. The Shadow ball was fired, made useless by the Protect.
"Now Spark again!" Serafina charged each of them down, fainting each one she hit until they were all down.
"Nice job Crystal." Jen said.
"It was nothing." Crystal said with a small hint of pride. They exited the cave safely and saw Azalea town.
"Hey Jen, do you know what Azalea town is like?" Keshia asked.
"Yes, and whatever you do, don't insult Slowpoke." Jen said heavely.
"Why?" Gold asked.
"You'll see when we get there." Jen said. Around mid afternoon, they arrived in town seeing it crawling with Slowpoke.
"Are the inhabitants of this place all Slowpoke?" Crystal asked.
"No, that would be stupid. The people here worship Slowpoke because they make it rain." Jen said.
"Yeah, that isn't stupid at all." Gold said.
"Remember, never insult Slowpoke here, got it?" Jen warned.
"We got it." Gold and Keshia said.
"Crystal clear." Crystal said.

I know, bad pun. I couldn't stop myself, so deal with it
I've still yet to recieve an answer if I'm the only one with a fan fiction series here or not
Chapter 5: "There it is! The Azalea gym is...in need of a lawn mower." Keshia said upon entering.
"I've already told you it is a bug type gym, so naturally this place would be forest themed." Jen said.
"Creepy if you ask me." Crystal said.
"Good thing I didn't ask you." Someone said. Looking everywhere, Keshia spotted a boy in a tall tree.
"Hey there. I'm Bugsy, the gym leader." Bugsy said.
"And we aren't in a tree. Why are you?" Gold asked.
"I'm stuck." Bugsy responded. He pointed to a fallen ladder, and once helping him down, they got to business.
"I already now you guys. You have a pretty good reputation, you know." Bugsy said.
"We know." Jen and Keshia said together.
"Go Scizor and Beedrill!"
"Its you and me Noctowl!"
"We fight as one Cinder!"
"Nice Charizard, but I have defences for fire types. Iron defence Scizor!" Bugsy said. Scizor's body became harder than steel, and took up a defencive stance.
"That won't help much. Meteor wing!" Jen said. Cinder's wings burst into flames and, flapping hard once, shot giant fire balls at Scizor, fainting it.
"What power! No one has gotten past Scizor so easily! Beedrill, look out for these guys...Beedrill?" Bugsy said. He turned to see Noctowl turning his head side to side, perched on a fainted Beedrill.
"What? But how?" Bugsy exclaimed.
"We weren't standing here twiddling our thumbs, you know." Keshia said.
"What happened?" Bugsy asked.
"Noctowl hit Beedrill with a confusion, it flew into trees hurting itself further, and then was finished off with Air slash." Keshia said.
"Our turn!" Crystal said.
"Fine, I'm up for it. Go Ariados and Butterfree!"
"Go hard or go home Shuppet!"
"Game on Leader!"
"Butterfree Hyper beam!" Bugsy said. (side note: my brother went nuts when I tought my Butterfree Hyper Beam long ago, and still freaks out, so I just had to do thisBig Grin)
"Leader Iron defence!" Crystal said. Hyper beam was absorbs by Iron defence, and Leader was revealed unharmed at all.
"Solarbeam and Sludge bomb!" Bugsy said. Butterfree was locked on Shuppet, but couldn't get a clear shot, for Shuppet was phasing through the trees, laughing at Butterfree. Ariados hit Leader multiple times with Sludge bomb, each making direct hits, but if Leader was damaged at all, he hid it well.
"Shoot Butterfree! Don't let it get away! Why isn't Sludge bomb working?" Bugsy said.
"You seem to forget that Leader is part steel, and poison doesn't affect steel types." Crystal said. Butterfree finally snapped, furious at the laughter from Shuppet, and fired Solarbeam, smashing through a tree. Shuppet looked at the destroyed tree, then turned back to Butterfree and laughed again.
"As much as I hate to ruin his fun, use Shadow ball!" Gold said, chuckling a bit himself. Shadow ball was fired from point blank range, taking out Butterfree in one shot.
"Hydro pump!" Crystal said. A huge blast of water shot Ariados into the trees behind it.
"So we all get the forest badge, right?" Jen asked.
"...Yes. I lost fair and square." Bugsy said.
yay!now i have 2 badges!!
Chapter 6: "Hey Jen, do you know the way through the forest?" Crystal asked. The group had entered the forest outside Azalea town after a nights sleep, and were on their way to Goldenrod city.
"Um, do you want the truth?" Jen asked.
"Will I regret asking for it?" Crystal asked.
"Yeah pretty much." Jen asnwered. Crystal slapped her forehead.
"I knew we should have gone right." Keshia said.
"What? It was you who suggested we go right in the first place!" Gold said.
"Hey, here's an idea. Lets follow the pokemon. Its what my dad did whenever he got lost." Jen said. A Swablu and a Tropius flew overhead, heading north.
"Perfect timing. Lets go." Jen said. Running to keep up with them, they followed the Swablu and the Tropius for many minutes before coming to an exit. The group stopped to catch their breath, while the Swablu and Tropius flew down onto a patch of grass.
"Hey Crystal." Gold whispered.
"Yeah?" She whispered back.
"I call dibs on the Tropius." Gold said. Hearing this, Tropius took a battle stance, as did Swablu.
"Go hard or go home Growlithe!"
"Game on Serafina!" Swablu took to the sky, barely dodging a Thunder fang. Tropius moved its wings out of the way to avoid a hyperactive Fire fang, eventually catching it. Tropius flapped its wings harder, trying in a vain attempt to shake off Growlithe.
"Serafina, jump as high as you can and use Spark!" Crystal said. Serafina lept up into the air, only to miss due to Swablu flying higher. Looking around, Serafina had an idea. She ran at a tree, ran up it, and kicked off with tremendous force, Spark at the ready, striking Swablu, and dragging it down to the ground. Crystal saw her chance and threw a pokeball. Tropius collapsed from exhaustion, and Gold threw a pokeball. Both stopped shaking at the same time, and I await your nickname for your Swablu.
"Now that you two have new friends, can we please get going?" Jen asked.
"Yeah, I'm good. You Crystal?" Gold asked.
"Me too, lets go." Crystal said. They left the forest, finally, and covered their eyes from the rush of sunlight.
yay!i have a swablu!how should i call it......?i know!i'll call it Lucky(female)
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