Who lives in Chinese food box on the see floor?
Spongebob Squarepants!
Who loves his brainwashing and always wants more!
Spongebob Squarepants!
If strong Chinese army be something you wish,
Spongebob Squarepants
Then stop asking questions and get back to work!
....... Daisukii <33
Mmy hilll
Iit's japeanease for I love youu
Mmy hilll, jjust beacuasee
It is? Thats so sweet.
My hill...because I said so.
:33 Ii throw a notebook at youu
Mmy hilll
Nem ezt a szart megint.
My hill
... Wwhat the hell does that even meann??
Ii claim the hilll, bbecuase you are speaking ina diffrent languagee
Its Hungarian. Use google translator.
Iit's gibberishh
Mmy hilll
Did you even try?
My hill
Tto translate itt?? Yyess, aand it saidd "This szart again and again" oor something like thatt, sstill didnt make any scense to mee >P
Mmy hill becuase I'm a retardd
It is supposed to say: Not this shit again
My hill because I am awesome
Bboot to the headd!!
Mmy hilll
Boot to the head! Except it's not a boot to the head, I just make you blow up.