Ii marry flat Stnaely againn
Mmy flat Stanleyy :3
Nightmare blows you up with his lazor beams
my crater
thats nightmare
MY HILL!!!!!!!!!!
Thats no reason to take the hill.
My hill.
Ii fling you into a lakee
Mmy hilll
I take the hill with me.
My hill and lake.
Ii take over the lake that has the hill in itt, mmy hill AND lakee :B
I bomb them both.
My nuclear waste land.
Ii'm blown away by the explosion into the ocean where I become a mermaidd, aand then I am eleceted as queen of the seaa
Mmy mermaid empiree
I freeze the entire sea.
My humongous ice ring!
I turn up the heat.
My drowned body!
Ii am still a mermaidd, aand I frown youu
Sstill my underwater empiree
I evaporate the water...
My basin.
Ii am a mermaidd, sso I throw a trident at your headd
No you don't you are dead again.
My basin and dead mermaid