That made no sence whatsoever. I resurrect myself and my dragon, Orion, as zombies and beat you up, as well as my brother, none. Now I own two hills.
I like my dragon
the two hills you own turn out to be 2 volcanoes that erupt and kill you and I find a new hill that isnt volcanically actiave. MY HILL!!!
I volcanicly activate your hill and find a new one that isn't connected to the ground so no magma can go through it!
well then it falls to the ground and explodes and you die and I take the rubble my rubble!
You were arrested for knocking down the hill and thrown in jail for life.
I find new hill. MY HILL!!!!
You are thrown in jail too (you don't get $200)!!!!
I break out and kill you with my dragon. My hill
I use my ice type pokemon and kill you and your dragon.My hill
Zombies, remember? Orion and I kill you! OUR HILL!!!
I banish you to the afterlife!
My hill.
I banish you to the AFTER after life
my hill
Zombies, not ghosts. We eat your brains. Our hill
I use my fire pokemon and completely burn you so that you won't ressurect again.My hill
well while you 2 are sitting their arguing over some VIRTUAL hill I went hiking and found a REAL hill, put a REAL wall around it, and put a REAL flag on it. And since its a real life hill there is no chance you will ever find it.
Don't have to find the hill, just the wall. Orion and I fly over it, burn you to a crisp, burn the flag, burn you again to the heck of it, destroy the wall, burn you again, and claim the hill while Orion burns you. Our hill
p.s. I love my Orion