Legendary Pokémon

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vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrooooom. What thought i was gonna say vulpi like every other vulpix!?
why do I have wings and a rattle? Am I some kind of flying snake thingy?
medusa aint got nuthin on meh B)
if i continue dancing,i'll evolve!!! Toungue
Tastes like ice-cream
don't talk to me.....i'm a very shy preson......
I love licking lick, lick ,lick ,lick...............
my back! Damn it! I knew I shouldn't have taken up yoga!
were is samus and why am i just standing here?
Getting bored about supporting dunsparce...
a grrrrrrrrr....
I am cute,sweet and happy
[i can't think anything else especialy for this avatar]
is there somthing on my back?
Let's dance. Woooooooo
I am still dancing.Wooooooooo
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