Вы педик! Я могу типа, что я чертовски хочу. Почему? Потому что вы лохи не можете прочитать это!
Get ready to face the ultimate Omega weapon!!!
kurva je tu zasranou věc?
Im actually speaking something else.
your avatar: This really IS stupid!
Oohh!!! Aa pennyy
THERE I changed my avatar once again
these sunglasses are too cool for this website!
real creative
My comb is too cool for this hair!
Yyeah I know rightt?
Tthe funny thing iss, yyou are getting his character perfectlyy, hhe is the cool onee
oh...thats a guy? I thought it was a girl!
Nnopee, yyou cant really tell gender in mspa anywayss, sso don't worry bout itt
"Yyou should really change mee, aand let me retiree, bbecuase jankat has a really hard time coming up for your avatarr"
Jankat can't come up with anything original
you know, my older brother says most people on sites like these are girls but I have found that isn't true. There aren't that many girls on this site. What is interesting is that we are both the same age...
Tthat is a true statmentt
"Ssuper Power Rangers Powers gooooooo"
Wwhat about itt??