Legendary Pokémon

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Green Dragon: Huh?
Aarent I so origanall?!?!
Why imust sleep so early it's only midnight
Nepeta: Munch munch munch!
Arceus: Push-ups...are...hard...ow.
Why mum isn't understanding i want red T-shirts
Sshe likes green betterr
"Munch munch munch?"
Its a hat not a shirt...
"Wwheree... aamm.... Ii??"
Ii tried telling her thatt
"This stuff tastes bad"
She's doing it on purpose...
"Ii am Arceuss, hhear me rwarr"
"I have candy corns on my head"
I have had experience with that...
"*trys to eat Nepeta's hornss*"
"Wwhoopss, Ii guess these arent candy cornss"
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