Legendary Pokémon

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I'll have to do it tomorrow...so just wait.
Meanwhile, please enjoy 9 minutes of pikachu doing chinups!
Fine, all the fan fic creators can get in on the fun. But just remember, Golden Charizard and LuXray are my allies since I treat them nicely
I'm with my friend Giratina88!

BTW it's exploding pirancha plant on steroids wiith wings. That spits fire,electricity,poison,vomit,innuendos and big macs. Sometimes at the same time.
Alright, even though I haven't finished my movie just yet, I'm still going to take my turn after Giratina88 does the next chapter
*lound rumbling*
girantina88: sorry everyone i had some burritoes earlier and we all know what happens when white peopl eat mexican food.
????!?: revenge is mine! This war will soon be an apocalypse! That umble was a warning bomb! The next one hits in...
Screw it! Im droping it nao!!!!!
You all are died....
Oshawott: And now for something completely different.
Michael Palin: Its...

Erīto heishi
Gin'yū tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!

Ginyu: Why do I get the feeling that someone is taking my theme music...
Meanwhile back at the plot
Oshawott: Well, its on. The members of LP are now on the field and killing each other in a last-man-standing battle. So far, we have 12 people on 3 sides. The members sided with Giratina88 are Jankat9080, Terraplant, and Pekinoua.
Vulpix: On Kalas Rey's team are LuXray, Golden Charizard, and Staraptor.
Snivy: And fighting with Aluado are GeorgeSlayer, Skorp, and Giorgosss.
Oshawott: Its an intense stare down folks...now the question is...who will make the first-
Skorp fires poison stingers from his tail at LuXray, thus starting the battle and everyone charging into each other.
Snivy: Its already started! All 3 sides are putting in a tremendous effort to fight for their cause! Lets zoom in on...LuXray. Its a good thing she has wings.
LuXray is using the others' flying properties to her advantage by causing an electric storm in the air in which they are fighting in. Bolts fly out of the murky clouds, threatening to incinerate the combatants. Meanwhile, the 3 team leaders are firing trans-dimensional lasers at each other.
Oshawott: Good thing they isn't fighting down-LET GO OF ME GOD DAMN IT!!!
Vulpix: Aww...but Oshy-kins...you need more loooove from me!!! Weeeeee!
Oshawott: NO I DON'T!!! SNIVY!!! HELP!!!
Snivy: And ruin this moronic display?
Oshawott: I am SO defriending you on face book! ACK!!!
Ouch! It looks like part of the battle took to the ground, as Jankat has slashed Oshawott's chest by accident. Oshawott stumbles and falls to the ground, his wound bubbling.
Vulpix: You...
Jankat: Who...me?
Vulpix: You hurt OSHY-KINS!!! Why did you hurt him!?! Don't you know that our love is UNDYING!!!
Oshawott: No...it isn't...
Jankat: Um...I really don't know what-
Vulpix: Stop talking! Time to die PAINFULLY!!!
Upon finishing her sentence, Vulpix takes on a frightening transformation. Her body begins to waver in shape, as if its transforming into something...else. Her arms completely loose their Vulpix shape and reveal green, mechanical arms with razor sharp claws. Vulpix's voice also becomes more evil sounding.
Jankat: Holy @#$@%@*&@#$!!!
Oshawott: My...god...what the fu-
Vulpix: GARRROOGA!!!
Vulpix lounges for Jankat's throat. Fortunately, Jankat has good reflexes and throws what she thinks is Skorp in Vulpix's trajectory. Only, its not Skorp, its Pikachu. Vulpix ends up stabbing Pikachu in the chest. Don't worry thought, we'll probably bring him back to life.
Jankat: Woopsies.
Chilla: Crap...
Jankat leaves hurriedly while Vulpix goes back to tend Oshawott.
Vulpix: Oshy...are you okay?
Oshawott: A little...besides from the searing pain in my chest I don't feel that bad.
Vulpix: Well, I'll help make it feel better.
Oshawott: Sigh...okay.
Snivy: Well folks, as Vulpix heals Oshawott lets go-
Vulpix: But thats whats gonna heal you!!!
Snivy: My mistake. Vulpix's only "method" of healing Oshawott seems to be making out with him. And with that, we're gonna suddenly stop the episode.
Oshawott, I'm scared for you
Houndoom: And when do we eat? Hey,is that Terraplant?
Terraplant: You guys seem familliar......oh! You're from the unfinished fanfic I started!
Gallade: Yeah. Could you answer my questions now?
Houndoom: Mine too!
Terraplant: You are in.....I'm not sure where you are,but there's an epic battle here. Giratina88 and allies VS Kalas Rey and allies VS Aluado and allies. I'm in Giratina88's team. About the vulpix-osawatt question-OH MY ARCEUS SOMEONE PASS ME THE BRAIN BLEACH!
Giratina88: We're out of brain bleach. The last portion was used when I was searching for pokemon pics in deviantART. By the way, why are you not fighting?
Terraplant: I am playing Minecraft.....I mean recruiting.
Houndoom: Recruiting?
Terraplant: I was going to get to that in a minute. Since both sides are currently equal,we could use some help. Would you like to join us?
Gallade: Sure,why not? It sure is boring around here.
Houndoom: You didn't tell me when dinner time is!
Terraplant: Right now. Go out there and eat as many foes you can!
Gallade & Terraplant: Heh. That's what she said.
Gallade & Terraplant: ........
Gallade & Terraplant: HIGHFIVE!
It's getting more difficult to follow the story...

I wonder what will come next
Story? This is just an storyless epic battle! Just like Bleach! Oh wait this has a better plot.
Yeah, the term battle comic would fit better.

Anyway, it's constantly getting more chaotic and that makes it more interesting. Also, you should make Snivy get involved in action, too. But don't kill it, please.
Two can play that game Terraplant, always remember that.
LuXray: Serafina, what are you doing here?
Serafina: I don't know, but why are you familiar?
LuXray: I asked KALAS REY to create you, but under my own nickname for you
Serafina: Oh really? Thanks, I like it a lot
LuXray: Hey, we need help since our enemies got new allies. With Flash Armor, you'd be invinsible. Will you help me?
Serafina: It would be a pleasure

Told you, now you have a pokemon with an indestructable armor move to deal with. You have only yourself to blame
Indestructible armor huh? I can give my Gallade blades that destroys all armor,but this would cause a pardox. HELL YEAH LET'S DO THIS!
Oshawott: I think I got rid of that stupid music

Erīto heishi
Gin'yū tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!
Tokushu butai!

Oshawott: ****
Vulpix: Oshy, don't use such language
Oshawott: ****
Snivy: Okay, someone didn't get a nap today, so lets go back to the war before he gets really mad
Pikachu: Hold on, I want to narrate this one! I just got out of the hospital after being trampled, and I want to do it this time!
Snivy: Fine, just do it. We've got to finish healing Oshawott anyway after Jankat nearly killed him. Which reminds me, Vulpix took him out of the battle moments afterwards, so it seems to be a bad turn for their side
Pikachu: Hey! I'm narrating this one!

Kalas rey: Then do it already! I'm not waiting much longer
Pikachu: You keep quiet! You still owe me some bucks!
Another giant herd of Sawsbuck entered the studio and trampled Pikachu, again
Kalas rey: Aren't you glad it's not mating season?
Vulpix: It could be, if someone would comply
Kalas rey: Hey! We have to keep this apprpriate for the kids who come here to read this!
Vulpix: I have no regrets of my comments
Kalas rey: You will when I get a hold of you
Snivy: Anyway!!! The battle is heating up, and though Pikachu was supposed to be narrating, he was once more forced to return to the hospital, and Oshawott is still recovering from a terrible wound, but he isn't the only one.
LuXray: Serafina, use Thunderbolt!
A huge blast of electricity zapped many of the enemy's forces, leaving some dead and others paralyzed.
Serafina: This is fun!
LuXray: Glad you think so. Shall we go have some more fun?
Serafina: Yeah!

Snivy: As you can see, LuXray, after being united with her partner Serafina, who appeared here after Giratina88 let loose a Metroid in Kalas rey's fan fic, is nearly unstoppable in this war, and has placed herself at the head of the army
LuXray: No one can hurt us, so why not?
Snivy: Good point. Let's see how G88 is doing

Giratina88: OUCH! Vulpix, get off of me!
Vulpix: You hurt my Oshy again! You will now DIE!
Giratina88: I never hurt him! Why would I when I made him? And you!
Vulpix: Oh yeah, forgot about that. Who did hurt him again?
Giratina88: Umm...Kalas rey did it
Vulpix: Thanks, now he DIES!

Kalas rey: Giratina88, you are OFF my buddy list forever!!!
Vulpix: DIE!!!!
As Kalas rey and Vulpix fight, LuXray and Serafina are beating the living daylights out of Gallade and Houndoom, who terraplant has enlisted.
Gallade: Okay, I'm done playing around. Time for my secret weapon!
Gallade pulled out swords, and slashed through Serafina's Flash Armor.
LuXray: Hey, no fair cheaters!
Gallade: I'm not cheating, you are!
Kalas rey: Oh no, this is cheating. Oh None, come here please.
Kalas rey's younger brother and co-writer of Terraplant's forgotten fan fic entered.
None: Yes bro?
Kalas rey: Let's have some fun
None: Cheat?
Kalas rey: That's what makes it fun, duh. I need you to help me out with those two
None: Oh them, I didn't like them anyway. Lets see...
None went to a computer and wrote that they had been struck with cancer and had three seconds to live
Gallade: Oh dang it
Houndoom: I alwyas loved you dude
Gallade: WHAT?!?
They died at that time, leaving Terraplant heart broken at the death of his friends
Terraplant: I knew I should've wrote that alone
Kalas rey: But you didn't, and now not only is your side weaker, mine is stronger with my younger brother on my side

Snivy: I didn't see that coming. I thought those two hated each other
None: Oh we do, but when we work together, we never lose. When I fight him, I always lose
Oshawott: Good logic. Anyway, our budget is nearly out again, so we have to end the story here. Till G88's turn, good night!

I felt like I really captured Giratina88's style of writing there
Dodgy You cheeky little fellow.
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