Legendary Pokémon

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everyone was. I dragged in 12 randomly picked members. I thought it would be funny. Don't worry, I will try and make it so you will survive till the near end.
Wait...I died? When? Where? Whyyyyyyyy?????
Don't worry, now you're with Dunsparce and LuXray. Also, and this is directed to you Giratina88, I'm usually a pleasant guy. I'm not easily provoked to lose my temper. However, if someone kills my Charizard TWICE, then it's go time. I have one last thing I can bring into this story to side with me, and NO ONE CAN BEAT IT!!!

Eniro hei
Ginyu tokusenkai!

Oshawott: I'd yell and curse, but I've just given up at this point
Snivy: Good to hear
Oshawott: However, I've not given up on hunting down that (whatsacomeandago) (I watch the late late show with Craig Furgeson, and that is one of the censored things that goes off when he curses, so I'm using it here) Vulpix who tried to-
Vulpix: I didn't do anything!
Oshawott: LIES!
Vulpix: No it's not Oshy, and you know it
Kalas Rey: Eh-hem! I have some vengence to reap on G88 here, so if you wouldn't mind getting this thing narated already, I'd appreciate it
Snivy: Fine, I'll do it...again
Kalas Rey: Thank you

Snivy: Okay, lets go...The battle has heated up incredibly as Giratina88 has not only wiped out Kalas Rey's reinforcements, he has also killed one of his most powerful allies, and boy is he mad about it!

Giratina88: Ha! Without your LuXray and Serafina, you're doomed to lose to me!
Kalas Rey: No, all you did was make me angry
Giratina88: And weaken your forces enough for me to nearly wipe you out completely! Finally, now I'll be the most popular fan fic writer ever!
Kalas Rey: I earned that title, and for good reasons. One of which is my variety
Giratina88: What do you mean variety? All you write is pokemon fan fiction. Sure, that whole exploration and rescue team fan fic was different, but I already took care of that
Kalas Rey: You have such a poor memory
Kalas Rey: Exactly. You should have thought of that before you killed two of my Charizard. Just remember, you had this coming

Snivy: What could he be planning? Why is Oshawott holding a gun? Wait, that's no mystery
Oshawott: Oh Vulpix, where are you? Come on, you've never ran away from me before, why now?
Snivy: While he does that, I have one last question; why is Kalas Rey stealing the Orcania of Time from Pikenoua?
Pikenoua: Hey, that's mine! Give it back now or suffer my rath!
Kalas Rey: I'm in no mood to deal with you
Out of nowhere, a blast of water shot Pikenoua, a fatale blow after the injury from Vulpix
Giratina88: Hey, where did that come from?
None was grinning from ear to ear, standing next to his Blastoise
None: I like my little friend here
Kalas Rey: In my story, he has a Blastoise. It makes him happy and helps me here, so why not
Giratina88: So what, that was the big weapon? Big deal, I'll just kill it when it's my turn to write the story
Kalas Rey: You wish that was it
Kalas Rey then played the Orcania of Time, playing the Saria's Song. A giant rip in the space-time contineum opened, and out of it came-

This episode brought to you by the inventors of copyright, who will come after me once this gets posted. Copyright, putting you in jail if you deserve it

Out of the rip came three huge, golden triangles stacked in a pyramid. Once they touched the ground, they disappeared to reveal not only Link, but Shadow, Lyra, and the entire Varden
Kalas Rey: Members of the Varden, you fight for justice, which is why I call for your help today. I face a dictator named Giratina88, and he must be overthrown. Lend me your power!
A giant roar of approval erupted, and the Varden charged Giratina88's forces, slicing through hundreds in mear minutes.
Kalas Rey: I think I'll end my turn here out of Mercy Rule, plus I'm nearly out of time
Snivy: Well, until next time, I'm alive, which is more than Vulpix can say if she gets found

No matter what you do, NO ONE can beat Link. It's just impossible. You can write that your forces beat the Varden, but Link NEVER looses, EVER! I didn't weant to do this, but you killing two of my Charizard pushed over the edge. Check and Mate
Vulpix: Did someone say mate?
Kalas Rey: Oops, wrong choice of words
Oshawott: Aha! There you are you little (cricky dingo)
Kalas Rey:...well then...Vulpix probably won't last long...I'll just wait and see
Oshawott: If their's a problem, yo I'll solve it! Take out my deck so my card games resolve it!


Oshawott: Welcome back folks. As you know, Kalas Rey has decided to release Link on us. Lets see whats going on...
Vulpix: So anyways blah blah blah blah blah card games on motorcycles blah blah blah blah japan blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah littlekoriboh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah new episode blah blah blah blah blah no way blah blah blah-
Vulpix, being the annoying bitch that she is, has annoyed Link so much that he has stabbed himself with his sword.
Vulpix: HEY!!!
Shut up Vulpix.
Vulpix: Oh you can just go straight to hell!
Snivy: Anyways...lets go to the battle.
Meanwhile on Namak
Guru: Nail. Naaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil!
Nail: What is it lord Guru?
Guru: I'm on tv. That is all.
Meanwhile on Zebes
Oshawott: Way to **** things up for us Snivy. Anyways, at the battle, it looks like the remaining teams are...playing a card game?
Jankat: I put Sasuke in attack mode and end my turn.
George Slayer: You activated my trap card, the Log! This card is completely useless except when Sasuke is summoned. Because as everyone knows, the Log pwns Sasuke.
Aluado: Attack his life points, Clucky!
Oshawott: Okay...seems like our folks up their need to remember why they are here...I'll go and help.

One incredibly violent scene later

Vulpix: So...what happened?
Oshawott: I took care of them.
Snivy: God damn it Oshawott, can you get through ONE episode without hurting people?
Oshawott: Oh please, I didn't hurt them THAT bad.
Kalas Rey: My ARMS!!! They're not supposed to bend that way!!!
Snivy: Oh really? That sure doesn't sound like-
Snivy hits Oshawott over the head with a large steel bar because he is that annoying. Oshawott falls to the ground...and explodes...again...seriously, wtf?
Vulpix: Oh sweet jumping craAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Oshawott explodes at point blank on Snivy and Vulpix, sending them flying
Snivy: Meanwhile...at the battle...
The remaining team members are blasting each other with lasers, missiles, and frisbies.
Aluado: DIE DIE DIE!!!
Giratina88: Missed me!!! Eat my METAL STARU OF DOOOM!!!
Giratina88 throws his metal staru of doom, which hits Aluado in the back and makes him crash down to the ground.
Snivy: Commercial time!

Black and Decor's automated shut-off iron. Because even those with the best memories can forget.


In america


I was so impressed I bought the company


Oshawott: Did we just do that to make the episode longer?
Giratina88: Yep. Cheap tactics are my forte.
Pikachu: Speaking of cheap tactics. HEY KALAS REY!!!
Kalas Rey: Yeah, what?
Pikachu: I should probably tell you, the damages we owe to you are about 1,000,000 bucks!
Kalas Rey: I know that! Are you gonna pay me off?
Chilla: Oh...we're gonna pay you off alright...
A herd of around 1 billion Deoxys infected Sawsbuck fly in, knock Kalas Rey to the ground, and trample him, leaving him unconscious.
Kalas Rey: How...did you...
Pikachu: You thought THAT was big? You should see them during mating season!
Vulpix: Its mating season?!? YAY!!! I'm gonna find Oshawott!
Oshawott: NO!!! It is NOT mating season!!!
Vulpix: Pretty please Oshy?
Snivy: Okay...once again Vulpix is chasing Oshawott around. And with that, we're gonna suddenly stop the episode.

Dah duh dat di da bitch!
(07-04-2011 11:58 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]\Vulpix: So anyways blah blah blah blah blah card games on motorcycles blah blah blah blah japan blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah littlekoriboh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah new episode blah blah blah blah blah no way blah blah blah-
Vulpix, being the annoying bitch that she is, has annoyed Link so much that he has stabbed himself with his sword.

No, no no no. I planned for EVERYTHING! The Master Sword only kills those who are evil. Also, even if Link does die, the Triforce will just bring him back like it did with Ganon so many times. Nothing you can possibly throw at me can beat Link, cause I planned on anything you could possibly think of
Quote:Oshawott: If their's a problem, yo I'll solve it! Take out my deck so my card games resolve it!

Thumps up for the Vanilla Ice quote
(08-04-2011 03:15 PM)KALAS REY Wrote: [ -> ]
(07-04-2011 11:58 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]\Vulpix: So anyways blah blah blah blah blah card games on motorcycles blah blah blah blah japan blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah littlekoriboh blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah new episode blah blah blah blah blah no way blah blah blah-
Vulpix, being the annoying bitch that she is, has annoyed Link so much that he has stabbed himself with his sword.

No, no no no. I planned for EVERYTHING! The Master Sword only kills those who are evil. Also, even if Link does die, the Triforce will just bring him back like it did with Ganon so many times. Nothing you can possibly throw at me can beat Link, cause I planned on anything you could possibly think of

Ganon is never resurrected. It is just a different Ganon every time.
Oracnia of time to it's sequel Wind Waker
Well, this is the Metroid universe, where different rules apply to things. Link can be killed by the master sword, and things usually explode when they die. Why they do that I don't know. And btw, "good" and "evil" are all relative. Ganon could think that Link is evil, for example. So technically the master sword CAN kill him.
Everyone knows that I would much rather use Kakashi instead of Sasegay.
I needed you to use Sasuke for the joke to work.
I realised this after I posted that >.<
thats why you think before you post...which nobody ever does
Wait, wat happened to me? I had a blastoise then I'm never heard from again
oops...forgot about you...well...make your own part
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