Legendary Pokémon

Full Version: KR VS G88
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Oshawatt:Did I succe-
Oshawattt was cutt of by vulpix
Vulpix: Oshy! Its mating season
Oshawatt: Holy ****
None: Were sorry we can't go on with this episode due to need of privacy
Oshawatt: None keep going
None: I would but
Oshawatt: But what?
None: This part was only to torture you
Oshawatt: WHY!?!?!?!?!?!?
None: I don't know I just felt like it
Vulpix: Oshy! Shut up and cooperate
Oshawatt: Curse you none
None: Thank you
Oshawott: Fortunately, I have the ability to make it as though that last even NEVER HAPPENED!!!
None: ********
TradeForFun walks in as a dragonite with his friend garchomp
TradeForFun: Garchomp let's attack everyone we see
Garchomp: Ok!
While we were tearing everyone apart Vulpix came up and severely injured Garchomp when he was about to kill Oshawott
Vulpix: I'll save you Oshy!
Giratina88: Why do I get the strange feeling that someone is mocking me?
Kalas Rey: You're probably just imagining things...
Meanwhile, somewhere else
Vulpix: Wait a minute, WHY am I going through all this trouble JUST to save Oshawott? I have my limitations, you know.
Vulpix: A lot, as it seems.
Request time!

1. Do you know who GlaDOS and Phoenix Wright are?
2. Can we fit them in the story?
Funny thing you mentioned GLaDOS, because I was planning on bringing her in for Samus and Pikachu. That is...when I get the next season up. I'll get it up by next friday, so don't worry too much!
(30-04-2011 09:10 PM)Giratina88 Wrote: [ -> ]Funny thing you mentioned GLaDOS, because I was planning on bringing her in for Samus and Pikachu. That is...when I get the next season up. I'll get it up by next friday, so don't worry too much!

I guess great minds think alike....wait. NEXT SEASON BY NEXT FRIDAY? WHOOO!!!!!

Still waiting for season 2 of a new GAINAX anime....and for the next VG Cats update.
So, any new parts being published soon?
except for this one, no
The lack of updates made me want to fill the thread with neurotoxin,but I decided to wait untill Friday (not the terrible song by Rebecca Black) before filling the thread with neurotoxin. It is Friday and there is no update. You have 6 minutes before I feel the thread with neurotoxin.
I'm making it right now. Sorry about the delays.
well where is it?
KALAS REY comes out of nowhere after years of being away and, with his new awesomeness, destroys everything and everyone. I win
K Rey! How have you been? You should see my latest fanfics.
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